Governing Body
Governor Details
Shahanaz Akhtar
Type of governor: Parent
Original appointment date: 11/07/23
Term of office: 11/07/23 – 10/07/27
Appointed by: Parents
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Committee(s): Curriculum and Learning
Lita Cobham
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 13/07/23
Term of office: 13/07/23 – 12/07/27
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Committee(s): Finance and Staffing
Dan Giles
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 17/07/18
Term of office: 17/07/22 - 16/07/26
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Yardley Primary School (Assistant Headteacher)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Committee(s): Curriculum and Learning
Joanne Harris
Chair details: Vice chair of governors, Chair of Curriculum and Learning Committee
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 07/10/17
Term of office: 07/10/21 - 06/10/25
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Audley Primary School (Headteacher)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Audley Primary School (Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher)
Committee(s): Curriculum and Learning, Finance and Staffing
David Hill
Chair details: Chair of governors
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 26/04/16
Term of office: 17/07/22 – 16/07/26
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Pupil and School Support (Access to Education), South Yardley Forum (Chair)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Bloomsbury Nursery School (Vice chair)
Committee(s): Finance and Staffing
Cath Keast
Chair details: Chair of Finance and Staffing Committee
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 11/09/24
Term of office: 11/09/24 – 10/09/28
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Birmingham Education Partnership (school improvement)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Committee(s): Finance and Staffing
Gaynor Lawson-Mills
Type of governor: Headteacher
Original appointment date: 24/02/14
Term of office: Continuous (until end of Headteacher role)
Appointed by: Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Stechford Primary School (Vice chair)
Committee(s): Curriculum and Learning, Finance and Staffing
Adam Lloyd
Type of governor: Staff
Original appointment date: 04/05/21
Term of office: 04/05/21 - 03/05/25
Appointed by: School staff
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Yardley Primary School (Teacher)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Committee(s): Curriculum and Learning
Melisa Louca
Type of governor: Associate
Original appointment date: 24/02/2014
Term of office: 16/07/23 – 15/07/27
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Yardley Primary School (Deputy Headteacher), Bzz Education (owner and creator)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Gilbertstone Primary School (co-opted governor)
Committee(s): Curriculum and Learning, Finance and Staffing
Voting rights on committees (associate members only): None
Sharon McMahon
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 28/11/2024
Term of office: 28/11/2024 – 27/11/2028
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Severne Primary School (Headteacher)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Severne Primary School (Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher)
Committee(s): TBC
Karen O'Reilly
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 19/07/24
Term of office: 19/07/24 – 18/07/28
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Gilbertstone Primary School (Headteacher)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Gilbertstone Primary School (Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher)
Committee(s): Finance and Staffing
Nadia Rahman
Type of governor: Parent
Original appointment date: 25/05/21
Term of office: 25/05/21 - 24/05/25
Appointed by: Parents
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Committee(s): Curriculum and Learning
Alex Walmsley
Type of governor: Associate
Original appointment date: 01/09/2018
Term of office: 16/07/23 – 15/07/27
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Yardley Primary School (Deputy Headteacher), East Birmingham Schools Football Association (chair)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Peterbrook Primary School (co-opted governor)
Committee(s): Curriculum and Learning, Finance and Staffing
Voting rights on committees (associate members only): None
Jackie McCorriston
Type of governor: Clerk to governing body
Governor Attendance
Attendance at committee meetings and Full Governing Body meetings for the current academic year:
Attendance at committee meetings and Full Governing Body meetings for the previous academic year:
Governing Body Diversity Data
As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:
target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity.
develop and adapt governing body practices to ensure full participation.
prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas.
address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks.
However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable.
Former Governors
Below you will find details of governors who have served over the last 12 months who no longer serve:
Greg Miller
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 13/07/23
Term of office: 13/07/23 – 12/07/27
Date stepped down: 01/10/24
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: Churchtown Primary School (Assistant Headteacher)
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Committees: Curriculum and Learning
Janis Moss
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 16/07/15
Term of office: 16/07/23 - 15/07/27
Date stepped down: 11/07/24
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Committees: Curriculum and Learning, Finance and Staffing
Graham Daly
Chair details: Vice-chair of governors, chair of Finance and Staffing Committee
Type of governor: Co-opted
Original appointment date: 16/08/08
Term of office: 20/05/20 - 19/05/24
Date stepped down: 19/05/24
Appointed by: Governing body
Relevant business/pecuniary interests: None declared
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Summerfield Primary School (chair of governing body)
Committees: Finance and Staffing