Year 2 Blog

Class 2CM - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Marshall

Well done 2CM , it has been a fantastic year. 

I want to start by saying how proud I am of ever single one of you. You have been so mature, resilient and lovely the whole year. 

In Maths we have focused on applying our knowledge to solve two step problems. We began this half-term by recapping telling the time and intervals of time. Our skills have improved so much since the last time we had practised time and lots of you are able to tell me the time throughout the school day.  We then spent some time recapping our knowledge of fractions and money and loved our practical lessons.  We have also revisited the four operations and challenged ourselves by answering some tricky arithmetic problems with speed. We were very resilient! 

In English this half-term we really enjoyed reading our class text. Plant Omar. Lots of us found this book hilarious! It was a great focus text for our character descriptions of Omar and Daniel which were packed full of interesting vocabulary and adjectives. We all wrote a detailed and exciting news report about the school trip that went wrong in London. 

Geography has also been lots of fun this half-term. We have focused on the key question ""What is life like by the coast"" and developed our Geographical skills. During our lessons we identified features of a coast, what it would be like to live by the coast and explored Weymouth. We now know lots about continents, oceans and our local area and are looking forward to applying this knowledge in real life! 

We loved our trip to Warwick Castle, the bird show was amazing. We created some lovely memories that we will never forget. 

This half-term we have also had Sports Day. We all worked very hard as part of a team and played fairly. Well done to all the children in 2CM for competing and thank you to all the parents and carers who supported us. 

Finally, I want to say a massive well done. I really have loved teaching you all and you have made me so proud throughout the year. Thank you for being the best!

Please enjoy your well deserved rest and i wish you all a wonderful time in Year 3.

Miss Marshall

Class 2DH - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

Welcome to our blog. We’ve very nearly come to the end of our time in Year 2. Pupils have made such a lot of progress and we’re proud of every one of them.

During lesson time, pupils have continued to produce excellent writing in English, develop their love for books in Reading sessions and improving their understanding of Maths. In Geography, we’ve been exploring the English Coast, from sand dunes to the white cliffs of Dover. In Music, the class have been diving into soundscapes and reproducing sounds from the countryside, seaside and city. In P.E., pupils have enjoyed plenty of outdoor sports such as hockey and cricket. Get your child outdoors and have them show you what they’ve learned!  

Pupil reports went out last week. If you’ve not done so already, we’d be very grateful for any feedback on them that can be passed on to your child’s teacher.  

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Do look out for 2DH’s new teacher, Miss Bousyf, on X/Twitter soon for continued updates from the new classroom. (Due to X/Twitter’s recent update to terms it seems you now need a Twitter account to view the updates, so it’s advised to go ahead and do that if you’ve been avoiding signing up before.) 

Please remember that this Friday is a £1 donation non-uniform day and this is the last day of term. 

Enjoy your Summer break and we’ll see you again in the next academic year. 

Meanwhile, here are some activities to keep you all busy:

All the best, 

Mr Hodgkinson

Class 2H - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H - we have completed Year 2! 

Firstly, I just want to say how proud you should be of yourselves. You have been so mature and resilient this year, and have really taken Year 2 in your stride.

In Maths we have focussed on refining and mastering our skills. We began this half-term by recapping telling the time and intervals of time. Our skills had improved so much since the last time we had practised time and lots of us have been able to tell Miss Hanif the time on daily basis! We then spent some time recapping our knowledge of fractions and money. Our secure understanding of both of these topics allowed us to solve worded problems. We have also revisited the four operations and challenged ourselves with very challenging two step worded problems. We were very resilient! 

In English this half-term we focussed on a new class text, Planet Omar. Lots of us found this book hilarious! It was a great focus text for our character descriptions of Omar and Mrs Rogers which were packed full of interesting vocabulary and adjectives.

In Foundation we have learnt about the coasts. We recapped our learning from Year 1 revised the four countries of the UK. We learnt about lots of new places by the coast such as Weymouth and the Jurassic Coast. 

This half-term we have done our SATs. We completed booklets for Maths, Reading and SPaG. I am so extremely proud of you for your hard work and how you approached these. You should all be very proud of yourselves. 

This half-term we have had Sports Day. We all worked very hard as part of a team and played fairly. Well done to all the children in 2H for competing and thank you to all the parents and carers who supported us. 

Finally, I want to say a massive well done. I really have loved teaching you all and you have made me so proud throughout the year. Thank you for being superstars! 

I hope you enjoy your well-earned rest and you have a wonderful time in Year 3.

Miss Hanif xxx

Class 2M - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Miller

It’s come to the end 2M- Well done! 

First of all, I want to say how proud you have made me this year. You have shown maturity and resilience and I have loved being your teacher this year. 

In Maths we have focussed on refining and mastering our skills in all areas of the Maths curriculum. We have enjoyed really getting to grips with worded problems and using our knowledge to unpick them. We began this half-term by completing out Maths units on Statistics and Position and direction. We can no create pictograms, tally charts and block diagrams as well as recognise half turns/ quarter turns and if something is turning clockwise or anti-clockwise. 

In English this half-term we focussed on a new class text, Planet Omar. Lots of us found this book hilarious! It was a great focus text for our character descriptions of the members of Omar’s family, which were packed full of interesting vocabulary and adjectives. We also enjoyed writing a news report about their school trip and had to be factual and informative with our writing. 

This half-term we have also had Sports Day. We all worked very hard as part of a team and played fairly. Well done to all the children in 2M for competing and thank you to all the parents and carers who supported us.

Finally, I want to say a massive well done. I really have loved teaching you all and you have made me so proud throughout the year. 

I hope you enjoy your well-earned rest and you have a wonderful time in Year 3.

Miss Miller

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Summer 2nd half term)?

4th June 2024  |  Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on our Virtual Library.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.


In our English lessons, we will be using a range of texts to help support our learning. The main books we will use are Planet Omar and we will be writing a recount of our trip to Warwick castle. 

For our reading, we will be developing our:

For our writing, we will be working on


In our Maths lessons we will be completing out statistics and position and direction topics. We will spend the final weeks revisiting areas we have already learnt about and further develop our understanding of them. During this topic, we will learn about:


During this half-term we will be continuing working scientifically and then we will be recapping our learning about Living Things and Their Habitats. In this topic, we will:


We will also complete our Geography topic where we will investigate what is it like to live by the coast? During this topic they will:


This term we will begin by learning about stop motion animation. We will learn how stop motion animation works and create some of our own stop motion animations. We will learn how to capture pictures and edit and delete frames. To further enhance our stop motion animation, we will add sound, titles and text. 


On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


In R.E, we will be learning about how to use our imagination and appreciating beauty. We will develop our ability to use our imagination and use this skill to be creative. We will also learn how beauty can be in different forms and we will understand how people can appreciate beauty in different ways like in nature.

Dates for the diary

Learning at Home

We really do appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download this week using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below, as well as websites such as  Times Table Rockstars.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library.

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 2DH - Summer 1st Half Term

23rd May 2024  |  Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

Welcome to our blog. We’ve had an excellent start to the Summer term and the pupils are continuing to make a lot of progress and show a super attitude towards their work.

In English, pupils have enjoyed a number of creative writing projects. Pupils really enjoyed writing an imaginative adventure story all about a girl who finds a magical bottle of bubbles. You may have heard pupils discussing the work of Benjamin Zephaniah and being inspired to join in with a class poetry competition (see Twitter for more). Recently, pupils have explored the Royal Family and have written excellent reports. The class are really starting to see the potential in their creative writing skills and have fun with words. 

Most recently in Maths, pupils have been learning to tell the time. We all know that this is a difficult skill for children to grasp and they have certainly tried hard. Parents: please do as much as possible at home with analogue clocks, reading and writing times. Particularly, o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times. 

In Science, the class have loved designing and conducting experiments around plants. Please get your children involved with the gardening and exploring the structure of plants during any weeding you may do.

Also this half-term, the class have been absorbed and enthralled by our recent History topic on our country’s monarchs including William the Conqueror and the castles he was pivotal in having built all over the United Kingdom. Pupils really loved using using clay in Art to produce decorative tiles, too. We had some fantastic discussion around the conceptual sculpture of Rachel Whiteread.    

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. See the school website for our most recent P.E. uniform policy. Outdoor Learning days are every other Wednesday and an e-mail goes out to remind you of dates.

Secure velcro shoes also help with forest school days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. At this point in the year we encourage pupils to learn to tie their own shoes too and it’s always positive to see some pupils trying and saying they’ve been working on it at home. 

Enjoy your break and we’ll see you again next half-term.

Class 2CM - Summer 1st Half Term

22nd May 2024  |  Posted by Miss Marshall

What a fantastic half-term yet again. Well done 2CM. 

In our English lessons we have used a variety of texts to help support our writing. We have really enjoyed exploring different poems and writing our very own animal poem.  We had to include rhyming couplets and some of us created some funny poems! We have also written a non-chronological report about the Royal Family, linked to our History topic. We enjoyed using our History knowledge in English. 

In our Maths lessons we have been learning how to tell the time. This has included reading and drawing the times - o'clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past and 5 minute intervals. We remained resilient when we found some lessons tricky but we enjoyed using the mini clocks to make different times. 

Science has been very fun this half-term! Our topic Plants has allowed us to plant our own sunflower seeds. We have also put some plants in different environments to see how they will grow. We have completed our own plant diaries to observe their growth along the way.

In History we learnt about the Monarchs. We have all learnt so much! We learnt all about William the Conqueror and Castles, before moving onto learning about our Royal Family.

Linking to our History topic we created thrones in D.T! We are so excited for our upcoming trip to Warwick Castle in Summer 2.

Have a lovely break and enjoy your week off. I can not wait to see you all back for the last term of Year 2. 

Class 2H - Summer 1st Half Term

22nd May 2024  |  Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, what a brilliant half-term yet again! 

In our English lessons we have used a variety of texts to help support our writing. We particularly enjoyed writing Poetry around animals. We had to include rhyming couplets and some of us created some funny poems! We have also written non-chronological reports about the Royal Family, linked to our History topic. We loved showing off how much we have learnt in History, in our English writing! 

In our Maths lessons we have been very resilient. We have been learning how to tell the time. This has included reading and drawing the times - o'clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past and 5 minute intervals. Some of us found this tricky but we enjoyed using the mini clocks to make times and support our friends along the way. Keep practicing reading the time at home!  

Science has been very fun this half-term! Our topic Plants has allowed us to plant our own sunflower seeds. We are hoping they grow big and strong because we have been watering them and keeping them in the sunlight. We have completed our own plant diaries to observe their growth along the way. 

In History we learnt about the Monarchs. We have all learnt so much! We learnt all about William the Conqueror and Castles, before moving onto learning about our Royal Family. We even made thrones suitable for a King in D&T! We are so excited for our upcoming trip to Warwick Castle in Summer 2. 

Have a lovely, well deserved rest 2H. See you after half-term for one final push!

Class 2M - Summer 1st Half Term

22nd May 2024  |  Posted by Miss Miller

What a brilliant term it has been 2M! We have been so busy and have learnt so much.

In English we have explored a wide range of texts. We really enjoyed learning about the Royal Family and writing a non-chronological report. This also allowed us to show off our work form History. We also enjoyed creating some animal poems. It was quite tricky at first to do but with our resilience we did it! We have also been working hard to improve our handwriting and presentation- which looks beautiful. 

We have had to show lots of determination in Maths. This half term we have been learning to tell and draw the times o'clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past and even 5 minute intervals. We also enjoyed our work on fractions, we can now identify halves, quarters and thirds! 

Science has been really enjoyable. We have been learning about plants and we even got to plant our own sunflower seed which we cannot wait to take home. We had to learn about how to take care of the seed to help it germinate. 

History has been very fun this half term- we learnt lots about Monarchs. We really enjoyed learning about the Battle of Hastings and William the Conqueror. We also learnt about how castle were built and what features they have to keep the people safe. We can’t wait to go and see a real-life castle next term!  

You have all worked so hard 2M and I am so proud of the progress you have made. Keep it up! Only 1 term left.

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Summer 1st half term)?

11th April 2024  |  Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also available to listen to on our Virtual Library.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts to help support our learning. We will be writing a persuasive letter focused on the story of The Day the Crayons Quit and a narrative focus on the Bubble story.

For our reading, we will be developing our:


In our Maths lessons we will be focusing on Mass, capacity and temperature, fractions and statistics. Skills we will cover are:


To begin the half-term we will continue with plants and then we will be learning about working scientifically. In this topic we will be:


We will being this half-term with our Art topic – Clay Houses. Children will learn how to:


We will then move onto our topic What is it like to live by the Coast? Children will learn how to:


This term we will be learning how to use the software Lego Story Starter and Zu3D. This software will allow the children to develop their understanding of how to use a webcam to take images. We will also look at how we can import these onto the programmes and manipulate them to create a story. 


On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



In R.E, we will be learning about positive relationships with friends and family. We will also learn about the importance of being quiet and how we can use this time to be reflective. We will make links to how people use quiet spaces and times to worship. 

Learning at Home

We really do appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below, as well as websites such as  Times Table Rockstars.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 2CM - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024 Posted by Miss Marshall

What an amazing half-term we have had! We have learnt so many new things, well done 2CM. 

We have focused on multiplication and division in Maths this term. Using arrays to help solve multiplication questions. Sharing and grouping to solve division questions and worded problems. We have also been learning to measure different objects using cm or m. 

In English, we have enjoyed reading the ‘Man on the Moon’.  This text helped us write some brilliant persuasive letters to apply for a job on the moon. We continued to use powerful adjectives in coherent sentences throughout this term. We have also looked at questions when writing an interview with Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. Linked to our History topic about the first ever flight. 

In History, we have been learning about, how we learnt to fly. We were true historians when learning facts about significant figures such as the Wright Brothers, Bessie Coleman and Amelia Earhart. We have been very enthusiastic actors when re-enacting the first flight and interviewing some of the amazing people we have learnt about. 

In science we have been learning all about animals including humans. We focused the importance of a healthy lifestyle including diet, exercise and the different food groups. We are looking forward to starting our new topic all about plants. 

In PE we have learnt racket control, hand eye coordination and practised our catching when playing tennis. 

Thank you all for another successful half term. Please have a wonderful Easter break and I will look forward to seeing you all back at school very soon. 

Class 2DH - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

Thank you for joining us again and welcome to our blog. Pupils are continuing to have a lot of fun, learning and playing. There’s a buzz about the Summer arriving but there’s a lot to be said first about the recent Spring half-term. 

In English and Phonics, pupils have been developing their writing abilities to explore persuasive techniques and even write up imagined interviews with famous people from history. Pupils have also been enjoying our class story ‘The Boy Who Grew a Tree’. It’s lovely to share stories at the end of the day. We call it ‘Yardley Loves Reading’ time! 

In Maths, pupils have been enjoying working on their skills of multiplication and division. Thank you to all the parents who attended our Year 2 Maths workshop. We hope you left with an understanding of what your child is taught at school and we hope you enjoyed learning with them. 

In other subjects, pupils have enjoyed getting outside to play football and tennis during better weather. Do take your child to the park in the Easter holiday for them to show you what they’ve learned. In History pupils have learned about the significant moments in the history of flight. In Science, we’ve enjoyed beginning to learn about plants. 

We also hope you enjoyed our Spring-themed class assembly. It was really lovely to see so many parents there being supportive of their children. The class had worked very hard and felt so proud of themselves for standing up and delivering their lines as well as displaying their beautiful singing voices. 

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. 

Secure velcro shoes also help with outdoor learning days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. 

At this point in the year we encourage pupils to learn to tie their own shoes too and it’s always positive to see some pupils trying and saying they’ve been working on it at home. 

Have a very lovely break and we’ll see you again soon.

Class 2H - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, we have had another fantastic half-term. 

In English, we have focussed on the text of 'Man on the Moon' to support our learning. This has inspired some fantastic writing. We have learnt how to be persuasive and used this to produce letters to apply for a job on the moon. We have continued to focus on building coherent sentences with thoughtful vocabulary choices. Linking to our History topic about the first flight, we produced interviews with Neil Armstrong. 

In Maths, our focus has been on multiplication and division. We have learnt to identify how many groups and how many items in each group, using arrays and solving word problems. We have also been learning to measure objects using cm and m. 

Science has been fun and interesting this half-term. We started by learning about animals including humans. We learnt about the human life cycle. We also focused on healthy lifestyles including healthy diet and the different food groups. We have started to learn about Plants and what they need to survive.  

In History, we were historians and learnt about how we learnt to fly. We learnt lots about the first flight and many significant people such as The Wright Brothers, Bessie Coleman, Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong. 

I am so impressed with your hard work, 2H! You have continued to make me proud. Have a well-deserved Easter break and I will see you when we return to school!

Class 2M - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024 Posted by Miss Miller

What a short but brilliant half term is has been! It is safe to say we are all ready for the Easter Holidays.

In English we have enjoyed using Man on the Moon as our writing stimulus. We wrote a persuasive letter to apply for a job on the moon, a postcard about our adventure there and we have finished the half term with an interview. 

In Maths we have been focusing on Multiplication and Division and have really enjoyed learning all of the methods to help us. Thank you to the parents who attended the workshop. We finished out Half term learning about length and height.

In science we have been learning about plants. We can’ wait to start our investigation into what plants need to grow. 

In our History topic we have been focused on our How Did We Learn to Fly? Topic. It has been so interesting learning about significant people who impacted flight such as The Wright Brothers, Neil Armstrong and Bessie Colman. 

We have enjoyed our football lessons in P.E and have learnt how to dribble and pass the ball very well. 

We have worked so hard this half term and our Easter break is well deserved!

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Spring 2nd half term)?

23rd February 2024 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on our Virtual Library.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts, including The Man on the Moon and The Tunnel, to help support our learning.

For our reading, we will be developing our:

For our writing, we will be working on:


In our Maths lessons we will be learning about multiplication and division.  During this topic we will learn about:


Our Science topic this half-term will be Plants. In this topic we will:


During this half-term, we will continue our topic on 'Colour Magic'. We will be experimenting with different mediums in order to complete a collage. We will: 


We will begin the half-term by looking at significant people and the role they had in how we learnt to fly. We will learn about: 



This term we will be learning how to use the software Lego Story Starter. Lego story starter will allow the children to develop their understanding of how to use a webcam to take images. We will also look at how we can import these onto the programmes and manipulate them to create a story. 

PE/Sports - Football and Tennis

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

Dates for the diary

Parents Evening

If you haven't booked an appointment already, we would like to invite you to attend our Parents Evenings, taking place on the following dates:

Click here for further information and to book.

Learning at Home

We really do appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below, as well as websites such as  Times Table Rockstars.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 2DH - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

We’ve had a great start to the Spring term here in 2DH. Pupils are really enjoying their learning journey and are making a lot of progress all round.

In English and Phonics we’ve been enjoying many different books together and using the creative ideas within to inspire our own reading and writing adventures. A recent class favourite was ‘Baby Aliens Got My Teacher’ which get plenty of laughs! During writing, the pupils continue to cover a range of genres including learning to write recounts as diary entries. The class have enjoyed using Oliver Jeffer’s ‘Lost and Found’ as a hook for their work!  

In Maths, pupils have really been applying their basic number skills in new ways; we’ve really been diving deep into the topic of Money. Pupils are feeling confident with recognising coins and adding values together. This is something you can continue exploring at home too, parents. 

We have been exploring the needs of animals including looking further at food groups in Science. We have also been getting very creative to produce some excellent abstract compositions based on maps in Art. We’ve also recently finished our Geography topic exploring landmarks around our planet. In P.E. the class have enjoyed activity skills and basketball. With the weather getting better, now would be a great time to continue working on those throwing and catching skills. Ask your child about words they know in Spanish, too. They have been learning about numbers, colours, shapes and fruits. 

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday and earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. 

Secure velcro shoes also help with Outdoor Learning days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. 

Have a very lovely break and we’ll see you again soon.

Class 2CM - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Miss Marshall

Well done 2CM, it has been another fantastic half term. 

In English we have been diving into Lost and Found, a brilliant book written by Oliver Jeffers. The pupils have had a blast acting out this story and creating out of this world diary entries.  We have also focused on improving our spelling, punctuation and grammar. 

In Maths pupils have been applying their addition, subtraction and place value skills when exploring the world of money.  Recognising and adding coins is a skill you can practice at home. 

How many global landmarks do you know? Ask your child how many they can remember from our recent Geography lessons. Exploring the five oceans and seven continents is something we have all enjoyed. We have been really creative in Art, making 3D relief maps, stained glass work and even a mosaic. 

In Science we have been focusing on animals including humans. We have explored food chains,habitats and food groups. Can your child remember the five different food groups? 

In P.E we have been practicing our catching and throwing, on our own and with a partner. We have concentrated during our balancing lessons and enjoyed using tennis rackets.

Have a lovely half term, see you all very soon. 

Class 2H - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, what a brilliant and busy half term we have had!

In Maths, we have been focusing on Money. Your mathematical knowledge impressed me very much! We learnt about the different coins and notes and made amounts in different ways, as well as calculating change and solving word problems. This was a challenge at times but we were very resilient and used our addition skills to support us. 

In English, we have focussed on 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. We enjoyed this book a lot! During this topic we focussed on writing a diary entry from the viewpoints of the little boy. We included lots of emotional language, first person and a range of past tense verbs. 

In Science our topic was animals, including humans. We learnt about the basic needs for humans and animals and how they change as they grow. Healthy eating was also a great topic this half-term. We studied the different food groups and learnt about the benefits exercise has on our bodies!

P.E has been lots of fun. We have completed activity skills and practiced our throwing and catching skills.

I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you again this half-term, 2H. I am so proud of all the hard work you have completed and you should be very proud of yourselves too! Roll on Spring 2!

Miss Hanif

Class 2M - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Miss Miller

What a super half term we have had! We have all started Spring term with excellent maturity and confidence. 

In English we have had lots of practice writing a diary entry about the adventure form the boy in the story Lost and Found. We spent lots of time focusing on past tense, emotions, first person and all the other skills to make our diaries brilliant. Miss Miller was very proud of us. We have finished the half term by writing a book review of our favourite books. We included our favourite part, characters and thought about who we would recommend the book to.

In Maths we have been very busy. We have been learning all about Money and have just started learning about Multiplication and Division. Money has been such good fun too. We have explored making amounts, finding change and finding total. 

In Science we have been learning all about animals including humans. We have learnt all about what animals need to survive. Can you remember what FAWS stands for? We looked at how humans grow from babies to adults and compared their similarities and differences. 

We matched animals to their offspring, learning some of their names along the way. During this topic we have also learnt about the different food groups. We thought about healthy eating and what makes a healthy meal.

We finished off our Geography topic, Why is our world wonderful? We have enjoyed being able to locate and name the 5 oceans and identify human and physical features from around the world.

We have been very energetic in P.E. We practised out throwing and catching in Activity skills which lead us onto Basketball. WE have really enjoyed learning how to dribble and perform a bounce pass.

In computing we have just started to used Purple Mash to learn about email. We are learning how to send an email, attach a picture and learnt where emails are stored and how to reply.

Well done for your brilliant work 2M,

Have a lovely half term!

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Spring 1st half term)?

11th January 2024 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on our Virtual Library.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts, including The Man on the Moon, Lost and Found and The Tunnel, to help support our learning.

For our reading, we will be developing our:

For our writing, we will be working on:


In our Maths lessons we will be learning about money and multiplication and division

For money we will be learning:

For multiplication and division we will be learning: 


Our Science topic this half-term will be Animals including Humans. In this topic we will:

Foundation Curriculum

We will be starting our new topics 'Map It Out' and 'Our World.' 

Our World - This topic will include looking at:

Map it Out - This topic will include looking at: 


This term we will begin by learning about emails. We will discover how emails have changed how people communicate and how to send an email. We will also look at the importance of opening emails that are from people we trust and being kind when we send messages online. 

PE/Sports - Activity Skills and Basketball

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

Dates for the diary

Keep an eye on your emails for any additional dates!

Learning at Home

We really do appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below, as well as websites such as  Times Table Rockstars.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 2CM - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Miss Marshall

What an amazing half-term we have had in 2CM!

In English, we have been developing our sentence building skills by using exciting adjectives and noun phrases to describe a winters setting. We really enjoyed creating a set of instructions for a prank to play on Mr Twit. 

In Maths, we have been working hard to learn the two different operations. We used base-10 to help us to add and subtract. We then used these new skills to also help us solve worded problems. We have also enjoyed learning about lots of different shapes and their vertices, including how many lines of symmetry they have.

In P.E we have being practising our Tri-Golf skills, using both a putter and a chipper. I was very impressed with everybody’s concentration during our P.E lessons. 

We have learnt all about 'Living Things and Their Habitats' in Science. We started by learning about what makes something living. Then, we moved onto sorting things into living, dead or has never been alive. We also learnt about many different habitats animals live in and how they have adapted to that environment. 

In History, we really enjoyed learning all about how schools were different in the past. We had so much fun on our trip to Hartlebury Castle where we had the chance to experience a real Victorian lesson in a Victorian classroom, which is very different to ours.  We have also been exploring different textures and mark marking in Art, building up various different artistic skills to create our very own story. 

Well done, 2CM! You have all worked really hard and I am very proud of you all. Enjoy a well-deserved holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Class 2DH - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

It has been a fantastic term in 2DH and the pupils continue to enjoy learning and playing each day.

It has been a delight to see pupils transition so nicely from Year 1 into Year 2 and make so much progress already. 

It is wonderful to see pupils beginning to enjoy reading books independently, especially those moving on to choosing their own chapter books. Recently, the class have really been showing off their confidence in their own Maths abilities and arithmetic recall. 

In English and Phonics we’ve been enjoying many different books together and using the creative ideas within to inspire our own reading and writing adventures. The class have loved reading books aloud together and, in writing sessions, we’ve produced some lovely work around ‘The Twits’ and our exciting trip to Hartlebury Castle. 

In Maths, we have been recently building upon our understanding of place value, addition and subtraction and shapes both 2-D and 3-D.   

In other subjects, we have been exploring animals and other living creatures in Science. We have also been busy learning about schools in the past during History. Did your child come home asking about schools in the 80’s and 90’s? Mrs Sankey recalled the schools of the 60’s and our Hartlebury Castle trip introduced us to the schools of the Victorian era. We have also begun to learn lots of mark-making and drawing techniques in Art. See if you and your child can sit and sketch a favourite toy together. In P.E. the class have enjoyed gymnastics and tri-golf skills. 

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. PE kit consists of black trainers/pumps, black joggers and a white t-shirt. Please wear your regular school jumper for warmth.  

Secure velcro shoes also help with outdoor learning days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. 

Have a very lovely break and we’ll see you again in the New Year.

Class 2H - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, what a fantastic half-term we have had! 

In Maths, we have been focussing on the four operations. We have been working really hard to use different apparatus to support addition and subtraction. Shape was a fun topic too, where we learnt about how many sides and vertices shapes have. We also learnt about lines of symmetry and challenged ourselves to draw the missing side of a given shape. We were very resilient in our Maths lessons and used our teamwork skills to help us support each other.

In English, we loved completing our work around The Twits. We looked at the silly pranks they pull on each other and wrote a set of instructions for our own revolting prank. We have also learnt about lots of GPS skills such as using possessive apostrophes and using commas in a list. 

We have loved P.E this half term and have become mini experts in Golf. We have learnt how to use the putter and the chipper to control the ball and aim for a target. 

Our Art lessons have been really fun. We have been focussing on sketching and using different textures. We loved sketching our favourite toys and adding lots of detail. 

A highlight of our half-term was the trip to Hartlebury Castle. We learnt so much about schools in the past and had a great day. 

Enjoy a well-earned break children, you have worked so hard! 

Merry Christmas and I will see you in 2024,

Miss Hanif

Class 2M - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Miss Miller

What a fantastic half-term we have had in 2M!  

In Maths, we have been working hard learning all about addition and subtraction. We have used many different things to help us such as base 10 and 100 squares. Some of us have been practicing addition and subtraction too!

In English, we really enjoyed creating a set of instructions for a prank to play on Mr Twit. We have enjoyed lots of creative writing about characters and settings. During this half term we have even written a recount about our brilliant trip to Hartlebury Castle. 

In Geography, it has been great fun learning all about Our World. We really enjoyed discovering the different continents that make up the planet and learning a song to help us remember them. We have also enjoyed our Art topic, my toy story, which has allowed us to explore using different materials such as charcoal and pastels to create outlines and textures. We learnt so much about school in the past too! 

We have learnt all about 'Living Things and Their Habitats' in Science. We learnt about different habitats and what you might find in them. We also learnt about the different habitats animals live in and why they are suited to them.  

Well done, 2M! You have all worked really hard and I am very proud of you all. Enjoy a well-deserved holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Autumn 2nd half term)?

9th November 2023 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on our Virtual Library website.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts to base our learning from, such as: The Twits. We will also be looking at non-fiction texts too. We will be working on writing:


In our Maths lessons we will be learning about addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. 



Our Science topic this half-term will be Living Things and Their Habitats. In this topic we will:

Foundation Curriculum

We will be starting a new topic, ‘How was school different in the past’, this half-term, with a focus on History. This topic will include looking at:


This half-term we will be learning about how to use PowerPoint. The children will develop their understanding of how to create different slides and add text. They will also add pictures and text from the internet using the copy and paste function. Towards the end of the half-term the children will get creative on a program called Paint. They will learn how to use a range of different tools to create a picture. 

PE/Sports: Gymnastics and Tri-golf

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

Dates for the diary

Learning at Home

We really do appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below, as well as websites such as  Times Table Rockstars.

Christmas Fayre

Yardley Fundraisers (our PTFA) are pleased to announce that our Christmas Fayre will return this year!  It will take place on Friday 8th December 2023, 4.30pm-7.00pm.

Year 2 will be there with a stall, we hope to see you there too!

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 2CM - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Miss Marshall

What a brilliant first half term we have had in 2CM. 

We have made a great start to Year 2, we have had eight weeks full of new and exciting learning. 

In English we have been focusing on how to from a sentence, we have learnt how to use nouns and adjectives in our writing. We enjoyed showcasing this new knowledge when we wrote a detailed character description about a Crocodile and a Wolf. We really enjoyed retelling the story of Little Red Riding Hood. 

In Maths, we began by looking at place value, we were introduced to base-10 and feel very confident when we are using it. We have also been using our tens and ones to count on a number line. We have enjoyed singing, dancing and playing games to practice our 2, 5 and 10 timetables. 

We really enjoyed attaching an axel and wheels to our very own toy cars that we created in Design Technology. 

In geography we have learnt about the seven continents and what it might be like if we lived in a hot or cold country. Our favourite bit about Geography was learning the continent song and exploring the countries close to the equator. 

Our Science lessons have been full of exciting experiments this half term! We have been learning all about different Materials.  We have investigated the suitability of many different Materials by testing if it is transparent or waterproof. 

At the beginning of half term in P.E. we were learning all about working in a team. We then moved on to Bhangra dancing, where we really enjoyed learning and creating our own dance moves. 

A huge thank you to all of the amazing children for the hard work that they put into learning not only the words to our Harvest song but the actions too. Thank you so much to all the generous adults that donated food to our collection. 

Enjoy your well-deserved break, please stay safe and have fun. 

Class 2DH - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

It has been a fantastic half-term in 2DH and the pupils have made a wonderful start to their time in Year 2.

It has been a delight to see pupils transition so nicely from Year 1 into Year 2 and begin to make so much progress already. 

Pupils have made a flying start enjoying reading books independently, showing confidence in their Maths abilities and respecting each and every one of our Yardley School Values. 

In English and Phonics we’ve been enjoying many different books together and using the creative ideas within to inspire our own reading and writing adventures. The class have particularly enjoyed retelling the Little Red Riding Hood story and hearing the exciting tale of the Enormous Crocodile in Roald Dahl’s famous book.

In Maths, we have been recently building upon our understanding of two-digit numbers and growing in confidence with addition and subtraction. 

In other subjects, we have been exploring materials in Science. We’ve done some fantastic investigations such as ‘What material is best to plug a hole in a bucket?’ 

In D.T., pupils have loved designing and creating toy cars. They really enjoyed building them and playing with them, too. In Geography, we have been learning about the continents (ask your child to sing the song!), the equator and the differences between England and Kenya.   

In P.E. the class have enjoyed learning teamwork and dancing skills. Get those Bhangra moves on show at your next party!

Thank you again to all the parents that attended either the Meet the Teacher, Harvest Festival or Parents’ Evening events. The pupils certainly appreciated it and it was lovely to speak to you all and get to know you a little better. 

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. Pupils should be wearing a white tee (with their usual school jumper), black shorts or joggers and plain black pumps/trainers.  

Secure velcro shoes also help with forest school days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. Forest School is every other Wednesday – check your e-mails.

Have a very lovely break and we’ll see you again in the half-term.

Class 2H - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done children, we have completed our first half term as 2H! I have been so impressed with your maturity and attitude towards school this past few weeks.  

In English, we have covered sentence types such as questions, exclamations, commands and statements. We have also been enjoying our class text: Little Red Riding Hood and completing some fantastic work around retelling the story. It has been brilliant to read your interesting writing that have included adjectives and expanded noun phrases. 

In Maths, our focus has been on number and place value. We have been learning all about the value of digits and practicing our partitioning and number line work. We have used lots of apparatus to support our learning and have really enjoyed using Base 10, Numicon, 100 squares, cubes and counters. We have also been practicing ordering numbers, comparing numbers and learning our times tables through lots of fun songs! 

We have had lots of fun in foundation topics. We learnt about axles and wheels and how they make our transport move. Through our D&T lessons we designed and made our own products. Our Geography lessons have been very fun. We have learnt about the seven continents and the hot and cold places on our Earth. 

In Science we have been investigating different materials. We now know lots about the properties, suitability and features of different materials. We enjoyed planning an investigation to see which materials are the most waterproof. 

We have also been very busy in our Phonics and spelling sessions, recapping our sounds and practicing writing them in a word, in a sentence and finding them in a text.

Thank you so much to the parents who attended parents evening. It was fantastic to chat to you about your child’s achievements so far this year. 

A big well done to the children for their Harvest assembly. You all sang so loudly and clearly! 

I am very much looking forward to the rest of the year. We have lots of exciting topics coming up next term! Have a lovely, well deserved break and I will see you in Autumn 2! 

Miss Hanif x

Class 2M - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Miss Miller

How quickly a whole half term has flown! 

It has been such a lovely start to our time in 2M and it sure is true that time flies when you are having fun. 

In Maths we have been looking at all things place value and exploring numbers in a lot of depth. We have been learning how to use part-whole models to partition numbers, counting and representing the 10s and 1s in a number and using number lines. We have also had lots of fun counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and we will keep practicing this throughout the year.

In English we have been very busy. We enjoyed our retells of Little Red Riding Hood and adapting the story to add in a different character. We used this story to learn about sentence types such as statements, questions and commands. We have spent some time looking at using because to extend our sentences. 

We have been practicing retrieval in our Reading sessions and have enjoyed learning lots of new vocabulary which we have enjoyed including these words in our writing.

In P.E we have been learning all about working in a team, we have transferred these skills into our Bhangra dance topic and created lots of lovely performances in teams. 

Our Science topic has been about materials and it was so lovely to see so many parents at our workshop. We have enjoyed conducting a range of experiments and investigating the suitability of materials for different things.

We have been extra busy with our other topics. We loved our wheels and axels topic. We had so much fun creating our toy cars and attaching axel to make them move. We then moved on to Geography and started to look at hot and cold places, it has been fun learning about the hot and cold places and locating them on a world map. 

We hope you all have a wonderful and well deserved half term break! 

See you on Tuesday 7th November!  (Monday is a teacher training day)

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Autumn 1st half term)?

15th September 2023 Posted by Year 2

We are really pleased to welcome back our pupils after the summer break and hope you have all had a lovely and restful holiday. 

This half-term we will be learning about: 


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas: 



We will begin by looking at number and place value. We will be learning about: 


Our first Science topic is Materials. We will be learning about: 

Foundation Curriculum  

Transport (D&T) -  

Hot and cold places (Geography):  


This half-term we will be learning about Basic Skills and how to navigate a computer. Children will learn how to independently log on and access various programs. They will understand how to use the computing equipment correctly and will learn about how to stay safe online.  

PE/Sports: Team Building and Dance 

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about why we need rules in society and how they keep people safe and help us work together. We will develop this understanding in the classroom and practise these skills on a daily basis.  

Dates for the diary 

 Learning at Home

We really do appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.  

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 2M - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Miss Miller

It’s come to the end 2M- Well done! 

First of all, I want to say how proud you have made me this year. You have shown maturity and resilience and I have loved being your teacher this year. 

In Maths we have focussed on refining and mastering our skills. We began this half-term by recapping telling the time and intervals of time. Our skills had improved so much since the last time we had practised time and lots of us have been able to tell Miss Miller the time on daily basis! We then spent some time recapping our knowledge of fractions and money. Our secure understanding of both of these topics allowed us to solve worded problems. We have also revisited the four operations and challenged ourselves with very challenging two step worded problems. We were very resilient!

In English this half-term we focussed on a new class text, Dinosaur Pox. Lots of us found this book hilarious! It was a great focus text for our character descriptions of Jodie and Mr Pinkerton-Snark which were packed full of interesting vocabulary and adjectives. 

Geography has also been lots of fun this half-term. We have focussed on the key question 'Why is our world wonderful?' and developed our Geographical skills. During our lessons, we:

We now know lots about continents, oceans and our local area and are looking forward to applying this knowledge in real life!

This half-term we have also had Sports Day. We all worked very hard as part of a team and played fairly. Well done to all the children in 2H for competing and thank you to all the parents and carers who supported us.

Finally, I want to say a massive well done. I really have loved teaching you all and you have made me so proud throughout the year. 

I hope you enjoy your well-earned rest and you have a wonderful time in Year 3.

Miss Miller 

Class 2DH - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

Welcome to our blog. We’ve very nearly come to the end of our time in Year 2. Pupils have made such a lot of progress and we’re proud of every one of them.

During lesson time, pupils have continued to produce excellent writing in English, develop their love for books in Reading sessions and improving their understanding of Maths. In Geography, we’ve been revisiting the countries that make up the United Kingdom and the continents that make up our world. In Music, the class have explored motifs and listened to several of the suites from Holst’s ‘The Planets’. In P.E., pupils have enjoyed plenty of outdoor sports such as hockey and cricket. Get your child outdoors and have them show you what they’ve learned!  

Pupil reports went out last week. If you’ve not done so already, we’d be very grateful for any feedback on them that can be passed on to your child’s teacher.  

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Go ahead and follow 2DH’s new teacher @miss_chaudary for continued updates from the new classroom. (Due to Twitter’s new terms it seems you now need a Twitter account to view the updates so it’s advised to go ahead and do that I’ve you’ve been avoiding signing up before.) 

Please remember that school is open for pupils on Monday 24th and this is the last day of term. 

Enjoy your Summer break and we’ll see you again in the next academic year. 

Meanwhile, here are some activities to keep you all busy:

Class 2H - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H - we have completed Year 2! 

Firstly, I just want to say how proud you should be of yourselves. You have been so mature and resilient this year, and have really taken Year 2 in your stride.

In Maths we have focussed on refining and mastering our skills. We began this half-term by recapping telling the time and intervals of time. Our skills had improved so much since the last time we had practised time and lots of us have been able to tell Miss Hanif the time on daily basis! We then spent some time recapping our knowledge of fractions and money. Our secure understanding of both of these topics allowed us to solve worded problems. We have also revisited the four operations and challenged ourselves with very challenging two step worded problems. We were very resilient! 

In English this half-term we focussed on a new class text, Dinosaur Pox. Lots of us found this book hilarious! It was a great focus text for our character descriptions of Jodie and Mr Pinkerton-Snark which were packed full of interesting vocabulary and adjectives.

Geography has also been lots of fun this half-term. We have focussed on the key question 'Why is our world wonderful?' and developed our Geographical skills. During our lessons, we:

We now know lots about continents, oceans and our local area and are looking forward to applying this knowledge in real life! 

This half-term we have also had Sports Day. We all worked very hard as part of a team and played fairly. Well done to all the children in 2H for competing and thank you to all the parents and carers who supported us. 

Finally, I want to say a massive well done. I really have loved teaching you all and you have made me so proud throughout the year. Thank you for being superstars! 

I hope you enjoy your well-earned rest and you have a wonderful time in Year 3.

Miss Hanif xxx

Class 2W - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Mrs Wilson

What a busy half term we have had to finish our year together.

In English we have been busying writing a setting description and diary entry for The Great Fire of London. We have continued to focus on taking pride in the presentation of our work and ensuring that we spell common exception words correctly. We have enjoyed reading Dinosaur Pox by Jeremey Strong. We have compared the characters Jodie and Mr Pinkerton-Snark focusing on their appearance, personality and likes and dislikes.  

In Maths using our knowledge of the four operations to solve word problems involving mass, capacity and length. We have also revisited money to gain a further understanding of the values of both notes and coins to enable us to compare amounts, calculate amounts and find change. We showed resilience and determination to ensure we were successful.

In Art, we have competed work on ‘Colour Magic’ and recalled our year one work on primary and secondary colours. We have used this knowledge to mix colours in order to explore textures using a range of materials including sponges, foil, pine cones and cotton reels.

In Geography we have found out why our world is wonderful through identifying characteristics of the four countries of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas. We were able to recall our previous learning of the seven continents and identify and sort human and physical features then locate them on a map. We studied our local area, Yardley and sketched our own map using symbols to represent human and physical features. We used our Forest School area to carry out simple fieldwork and observational skills.

In P.E we have been fortunate to have Mr Jassi, the sports coach join us for cricket.  We have developed our underarm and overarm throwing to aim at a target ensuring we stand in the correct position whilst throwing using our more dominant arm. We have also developed our ‘v’ grip when holding the cricket bat and how to move whilst holding the cricket bat. We have learnt the different roles within cricket including wicket keeper, bowler, batter and fielder and implemented these into a class cricket match.

In Music, we have been learning about dynamics, timbre, tempo and motifs using a space theme. We have used our voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes to represent stars twinkling, shooting stars, UFO’s beeping and aliens communicating. We have listened with concentration and understanding to a range of recorded music before creating a motif consisting of a small group of notes played in a particular order.

In Computing we have worked collaboratively with our friends using Lego to compile a short animation using Lego figures and the web cam. The children impressed me with their capabilities when editing their work and adding in titles and credits to complete their animations. Well done everyone! 

You have had such an amazing year and crammed so much in. I couldn’t be prouder of what you have achieved this year and how you have dealt with the different challenges that have faced you. I hope that you have the most wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces again in September when you become 3D. I shall miss you!

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Summer 2nd half term)?

9th June 2023 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on our Virtual Library.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.


In our English lessons, we will be using a range of texts to help support our learning. The main books we will use are Toby and the Great Fire of London and Dinosaur Pox. 

For our reading, we will be developing our:

For our writing, we will be working on


In our Maths lessons we will be revisiting areas we have already learnt about and further develop our understanding of them. During this topic, we will learn about:


During this half-term we will be continuing working scientifically and then we will be recapping our learning about Living Things and Their Habitats. In this topic, we will:


During this half-term, we will continue our topic on 'Colour Magic'. We will be experimenting with different mediums in order to complete a collage. We will: 


We will also complete our Geography topic where we will investigate why our world is wonderful. We will: 


This term we will begin by learning about stop motion animation. We will learn how stop motion animation works and create some of our own. We will learn how to capture pictures and edit and delete frames. To further enhance our stop motion animation, we will add sound, titles and text. 


On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


In R.E, we will be learning about how to use our imagination and appreciating beauty. We will develop our ability to use our imagination and use this skill to be creative. We will also learn how beauty can be in different forms and we will understand how people can appreciate beauty in different ways like in nature.

Dates for the diary

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Summer 2 Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as Times Table Rockstars.

Class 2DH - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

Welcome to our blog. We’ve had an excellent start to the Summer term and the pupils are continuing to make a lot of progress and show a super attitude towards their work.

In English, pupils have enjoyed a number of creative writing projects including writing instructions for growing their own sunflower, an interview with Neil Armstrong and a story about a magical bubble world. The class are really starting to see the potential in their creative writing skills and have fun with words. In Maths, we have largely been revisiting important areas of the curriculum with pupils particularly enjoying lessons on multiplication and division. In Science, the class have loved designing and conducting experiments on bubbles. Asking questions such as ‘Does the shape of a bubble wand change the shape of the bubble blown?’ What a great thing to explore outdoors!

Also this half-term, the class have been absorbed and enthralled by our recent History topic on the history of flight and the significant people involved such as the Wright Brothers, Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong. 

Everyone involved with the Year 2 team warmly congratulates our pupils on reaching the end of their SATs tests. We know that pupils have worked so hard in the lead up to these statutory tests and parents have been encouraging and supportive throughout. The SATs results go towards secure assessment for your child setting them up for a great start in KS2.

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. Forest School days have now been changed to every other Tuesday. 

Secure velcro shoes also help with forest school days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. 

At this point in the year we encourage pupils to learn to tie their own shoes too and it’s always positive to see some pupils trying and saying they’ve been working on it at home. 

Enjoy your break and we’ll see you again next half-term. 

Class 2H - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, what a brilliant half-term yet again! 

In our English lessons we have used a variety of texts to help support our writing. We used a short video clip called ‘Bubbles’ to centre a narrative around. We had to make sure we included appropriate vocabulary choices.

In our Maths lessons we have been revisiting areas we have already learnt about and further developing our understanding of them. These included:

We have also worked really hard on our reasoning and problem solving skills. We had to tackle some really difficult two-step problems including multiplication and division, but we were resilient and used the methods we have previously learnt to help us!

Science has been very fun this half-term! We have focussed on bubbles, linked to our English topic. We have planned and carried out a series of fair investigations, changing factors such as: the size of the wand, the shape of the wand, and the material of the wand. We were able to use observations and record our data to draw conclusions! 

In History we have loved our topic about how we learnt to fly. We have learnt about many significant pioneers such as the Wright Brothers, Bessie Coleman, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. It was great to understand the timeline of events that lead us to how we fly nowadays. We started our Art topic, life in colour, and are really excited to continue this after the half-term.

This half-term we completed our SATs papers. I am so proud of each and every one of you for your resilience and determination when completing your papers. 

Have a lovely, well deserved rest 2H. See you after half-term for one final push! 

Class 2M - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Miss Miller

What an amazing half-term we have had! You have all worked very hard and I’m so proud of you all. 

In English, we read have been really busy. We started off writing a recount of a trip to the library. Miss Miller was impressed with how much we had remembered. It was really good to write about out fantastic day. We also linked our writing with Science and wrote our own set of instructions on how to plant a seed. We tried hard to include time conjunctions and imperative verbs. We finished the with our bubbles narratives! This gave us chance to really show off our skills. We thought carefully about including lots of detail, using conjunctions and expanded noun phrases. 

In Maths, we have developed a range of different skills throughout this half-term and we really enjoyed developing our understanding of how to partition numbers in different ways. We also looked at the four operations and used this skill to solve different problem solving questions. We have also got much quicker at answering arithmetic questions based on the different operations. We can now quickly choose the correct method for the operation and use this to solve questions. 

In History we learnt have learnt all about flight. We learnt about significant people to do with flying. We really enjoyed learning about Bessie Coleman, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake.  

We have been developing our understanding of scientific enquiry in Science. We have carried out a range of investigations based on bubbles. During this topic we have made predictions, planned investigations, carried them out and explained our findings. We really enjoyed creating a prediction and then waiting to see if we were correct. 

I hope you all have a great break and we have one last half-term together in Year 2 so let’s make it the best half-term. 

Class 2W - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Mrs Wilson

It has been a busy half term and I have been so impressed by your maturity and resilience whilst faced with a change of teacher. Well done 2W!

Our Maths work has led to working on fractions, place value, money, time and so much more. You have shown me your mathematical capabilities and I have been suitable impressed by your knowledge and determination to calculate and solve a variety of mathematical questions. We were able to apply all of our wonderful maths knowledge during a visit from the Maths Problem Solving Company. 

In English, we have created our own non-chronological reports all about foxes, written a recount of our wonderful visit to South Yardley library, an interview with Neil Armstrong and compiled a set of instructions for planting our sunflower seeds. We have paid close attention to our letter formation ensuring our presentation is at its best! The children will be bringing home their sunflowers so please don’t forget to tweet a picture of its progress.

In History we have been travelling back in time and learning how to fly. Our research has led us to finding out about many significant people who helped shape the world of flight including the Wright brothers, Bessie Coleman, Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong. All of whom shaped the world that we live in today and the way in which we travel.

In P.E we have been fortunate to have Mr Jassi, the sports coach join us for athletics. He has shown us many techniques including running, the triple jump and the shot put. With the warmer, drier weather heading our way, the children can enjoy the outdoors whilst refining these techniques. We have also been learning all about tennis including the importance of the three C’s – cup, catch and chest whilst learning how to hold a tennis racquet correctly and using an underarm throw. 

In Computing we have worked collaboratively with our friends using ZU3D to compile a short animation using Lego figures and the web cam. The children impressed me with their capabilities when editing their work and adding in titles and credits to complete their animations. Well done everyone! 

This half term we have celebrated Eid. It was lovely to hear how you all celebrated, the delicious food you shared and the many wonderful outfits that were worn. We also joined Yardley Primary School and the nation in celebrating the Kings coronation. Our school was filled with a sea of red, white, and blue whilst we enjoyed creating many wonderful craft activities to honour this occasion.

I hope you all have a great break and we have one last half-term together in Year 2 so let’s make it the best half-term. 

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Summer 1st half term)?

21st April 2023 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also available to listen to on Virtual Library on the school website.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts to help support our learning. The main book we will use is called Toby and the Great Fire of London. 

For our reading, we will be developing our:

For our writing, we will be working on:


In our Maths lessons we will be revisiting areas we have already learnt about and further develop our understanding of them. During this topic we will learn about:


To begin the half-term we will continue with plants and then we will be learning about working scientifically. In this topic we will be:


We will begin the half-term by looking at significant people and the role they had in how we learnt to fly. We will learn about: 



This term we will be learning how to use the softwares Lego Story Starter and Zu3D. These softwares will allow the children to develop their understanding of how to use a webcam to take images. We will also look at how we can import these onto the programmes and manipulate them to create a story. 


On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



In R.E, we will be learning about positive relationships with friends and family. We will also learn about the importance of being quiet and how we can use this time to be reflective. We will make links to how people use quiet spaces and times to worship. 

Dates for the diary

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Summer 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as Times Table Rockstars.

Class 2DH - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

Thank you for joining us again and welcome to our blog. Pupils are continuing to have a lot of fun, learning and playing. There’s a buzz about the Summer arriving but there’s a lot to be said first about the recent Spring half-term. 

In English and Phonics, pupils have been developing their writing abilities to create poetry (Art, but with words!) and design engaging stories. The class have been enthralled with the wonderful adventure of Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox – a must read! It’s been excellent to see so many pupils confidently demonstrate their reading abilities to read aloud and enjoy this great book. Some pupils have also found a new favourite poet in the form of local legend Benjamin Zephaniah. ‘Talking Turkeys’ was the poem that really resonated with them. 

In Maths, pupils have been enjoying working on their skills of telling the time. Most pupils are becoming confident to tell the time to the nearest minute. Please go ahead and keep working on this at home where you can. 

The Kenilworth Castle trip was a huge success and all pupils had a great time. This was further consolidated by the response from our History parent workshop and we thank all parents who attended to support their child and our school. In addition to our History work, the class worked very hard on a D.T. project designing and making a throne for a King or Queen. Be sure to ask them how they did it and whether it held up.

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. 

Secure velcro shoes also help with forest school days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. Be aware that Forest School days are likely to change for each class in the near future too. 

At this point in the year we encourage pupils to learn to tie their own shoes too and it’s always positive to see some pupils trying and saying they’ve been working on it at home. 

Have a very lovely break and we’ll see you again soon.

Class 2H - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, we have had another fantastic half-term. 

In English, we have focussed on Fantastic Mr Fox to support our learning. This has inspired some fantastic writing such as character descriptions and creating new characters for the story. We have continued to focus on building coherent sentences with thoughtful vocabulary choices. 

In Maths, our focus has been on measure. We have been learning to measure mass and capacity and have been able to use this to solve problems. 

Science has been fun and interesting this half-term. We have been learning about Plants and what they need to survive. We have also been planning an investigation to complete next half-term, using what we know about how to keep a plant healthy to support our predictions. 

In YPC, we were historians and also focussed on our design and technology skills. We learnt lots about castles, including where they were built and their features. We used our understanding of castles to label the parts and why they are important. During our topic, we also built our own thrones. We had to make sure our structure was strong. We worked as a team to help our friends and as a result we have made some brilliant thrones fit for royalty! 

I am so impressed with your hard work, 2H! You have continued to make me proud. Have a well-deserved Easter break and I will see you when we return to school!

Class 2M - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Miss Miller

What an amazing half term we have had! We are all very ready for the Easter holiday.

In English we have been enjoyed our topic on poetry. We created our own noises poems, thinking about the sounds in the classroom. We have really enjoyed our work on Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. We have been using expanded noun phrases to describe the farmers and had fun creating our own farmer. 

In Maths we have gone measure mad! We have looked at temperature, mass and capacity. Our favourite has been learning about time. We can now tell the time to o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. 

In science we have been learning about plants. We can’ wait to start our investigation into what plants need to grow. 

Our History topic took us to Kenilworth castle, where we had fun exploring the ruins. We have learnt about jobs people do in a castle. This led us to our D&T topic where we built our own thrones fit for a king. We then explored gargoyles in Art and used clay to sculpt our own gargoyles.

We have enjoyed our football lessons in P.E and have learnt how to dribble and pass the ball very well. 

We have worked so hard this half term and our Easter break is well deserved!

Class 2W - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Mr Wearing

What an amazing half-term we have had! We have learnt so much and enjoyed our two trips as well to Kenilworth Castle and the library.  

We have been looking at Measure and developing our understanding of the 4 operations in Maths. We really enjoyed learning about volume, mass, length and temperature. We discovered how important it is to understand when to use the different measurements. It was great fun solving word problems based on measure and it was important for us to look for the buzz words which gave us the clues for which operation to use. 

In English, we have looked at poetry and we created our own poem in the style of one we read. Our poem was all about the different noises in the classroom and the playground. It was great fun performing them to the class. We have also been reading the story Fantastic Mr Fox which we thoroughly enjoyed. Using the text, we created character descriptions of the different farmers and it was important to use powerful adjectives. 

We have been learning about castles and we have thoroughly enjoyed it. We started the topic by visiting Kenilworth Castle which was an excellent educational visit. Then, we looked at the different features and learnt about their purpose. We were also challenged to create a throne for a King or Queen. We looked at different methods of how to create it like using lolly pop sticks or cardboard tubes. We were then challenged to design, build and evaluate it. 

We have been learning about plants in Science and looking at how they grow. To begin with, we thought about what plants need to grow and then using this knowledge we created an experiment. The children are excited to carry out this experiment after the Easter break. 

It has been fantastic getting to know you all and I have really enjoyed our time together.

Enjoy your last term in Year 2 and I know you will all impress Mrs Wilson. I hope you all have a great break and I look forward to hearing about how you are all wowing Mrs Wilson. 

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Spring 2nd half term)?

3rd March 2023 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on Virtual Library on the school website.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts, including Fantastic Mr Fox and Noises which is a poem to help support our learning.

For our reading, we will be developing our:

 For our writing, we will be working on:


In our Maths lessons we will be learning about measure, time and statistics.  During this topic we will learn about:


Our Science topic this half-term will be Plants. In this topic we will:

Foundation Curriculum

 Our next topic is all about Castles and we will develop our History, Design and Technology and Art skills throughout this topic. We will learn about: 



This term we will continue to learn about databases. We will be using Excel to learn how we can find information quickly by using the program.  We will also look at Lego Story Starter. This software will allow the children to develop their understanding of how to use a webcam to take images and we will also look at how we can import these onto the programme and manipulate them to create a story. 


On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


Dates for the diary

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Spring 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as Times Table Rockstars.

Parents Evening

If you haven't booked an appointment already, we would like to invite you to attend our Parents Evenings, taking place on the following dates:

Click here for further information and to book.

Class 2DH - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

We’ve had a great start to the Spring term here in 2DH. Pupils are really enjoying their learning journeys and are making a lot of progress all round.

In English and Phonics we’ve been enjoying many different books together and using the creative ideas within to inspire our own reading and writing adventures. A recent class favourite was ‘To Wee or not to Wee?’ – a light-hearted take on Shakespeare’s best tales. During writing, the pupils continue to cover a range of genres including learning to write persuasively to apply for jobs on the moon and to bring the furniture back to our classroom!  

In Maths, pupils have really been applying their basic number skills in new ways; we’ve covered topics such as money and measurement. These are topics that can freely be explored at home so please get creative with this one, parents.   

We have been exploring the needs of animals including looking further at food groups in Science. We have also been getting very thoughtful to produce some careful still life in Art. We’ve also recently begun our Castles History topic. The class are very excited about their trip to Kenilworth Castle. In P.E. the class have enjoyed basketball – especially now that it’s sometimes less cold outside!

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. 

Secure velcro shoes also help with forest school days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. 

Have a very lovely break and we’ll see you again soon.

Class 2H - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, what a brilliant and busy half term we have had!

In Maths, we have been focusing on Shape and Money. We identified 2-D and 3-D shapes and worked really hard to find 2-D shapes on the surface of 3-D shapes. We now know lots of vocabulary linked to shapes and can identify the sides, vertices, edges and faces on shapes. We then moved onto our Money topic, where your mathematical knowledge impressed me very much! We learnt about the different coins and notes and made amounts in different ways, as well as calculating change and solving word problems. 

In English, we focussed on a range of texts, including The Tunnel, Man on the Moon and Click, Clack, Moo. We wrote a postcard from the perspective of Bob and wrote a persuasive letter applying for a job. We also retold the story of The Tunnel by Anthony Browne and had great fun adapting the ending. Lots of us enjoyed the story 'Click, Clack, Moo' and were able to write a persuasive letter to Farmer Brown. We have focussed on our handwriting and presentation in our writing lessons, and lots of us are very proud of our new handwriting style. 

In Art, we created some fantastic art work for our ‘Still life and shadow’ topic. We had to learn how to use a pencil to create shapes, line and shadow and lots of us enjoyed making our objects look 3D. We are looking forward to our new history topic on Castles, and I know you are all very excited for our upcoming trip to Kenilworth Castle. 

In Science our topic was animals, including humans. We learnt about the basic needs for humans and animals and how they change as they grow. Healthy eating was also a great topic this half-term. We studied the different food groups and learnt about the benefits exercise has on our bodies!

I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you again this half-term, 2H. I am so proud of all the hard work you have completed and you should be very proud of yourselves too! Roll on Spring 2!

Miss Hanif.

Class 2M - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Miss Miller

What a super half term we have had! We have all started Spring term with excellent maturity and confidence. 

In English we have had lots of practice writing letters for lots of different purposes. In one of our letters we wrote a letter to Bob to apply for a job on the moon. This has given us lots of time to practice our presentation, punctuation, spelling and grammar and this is defiantly improving, making Miss Miller very proud. We also retold part of The Tunnel by Anthony Browne and adapted the story too! 

In Maths we have been very busy. We have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes, Money and measurement. It has been lots of fun learning about the shapes we see and learning about their properties. Money has been such good fun too. We have explored making amounts, finding change and finding total. We have ended the half term with measure, we have been learning about length and height, using a ruler to measure and draw certain lengths and objects around us. We even looked at ordering and comparing length and height. It was fun ordering everybody in the class. 

In Science we have been learning all about animals including humans. We have learnt all about what animals need to survive. Can you remember what FAWS stands for? We looked at how humans grow from babies to adults and compared their similarities and differences. 

We matched animals to their offspring, learning some of their names along the way. During this topic we have also learnt about the different food groups. We thought about healthy eating and what makes a healthy meal.

We finished off our Geography topic, Our World, by learning about human and physical features. We compared our area to contrasting places such as Brazil and Blackpool. 

We learning about still life drawings in Art. We had fun learning about form and texture creating some excellent pieces of art using light and shadow too.

We have just begun our History topic, castles. We are so excited to learn about what life was like in a castle. We have looked at the features of a castle and people who lived there. We can't wait to visit Kenilworth Castle!

We have been very energetic in P.E. We practised out throwing and catching in Activity skills which lead us onto Basketball. WE have really enjoyed learning how to dribble, perform and chest pass and bounce pass and apply these skills into a game.

In computing we have used Purple Mash to learn about email. We learnt how to send an email, attach a picture and learnt where emails are stored and how to reply. We have started our new topic all about Databases and will be using Excel to input data. 

Some dates for your diary: 

Have a lovely half term!

Class 2W - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Mr Wearing

What an amazing start to 2023 we have had!

In English we have been developing a range of different skills to make our writing more exciting and interesting such as using contractions and homophones. We really enjoyed pretending to apply for a job on the Moon and we needed to use persuasive language. It was also great fun writing a retell based on the story 'The Tunnel'. 

In Maths, we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. It was great fun learning about the different vocabulary we need to use when describing different shapes. We really enjoyed looking for 3D shapes in everyday objects. For example, we discovered a cardboard box is a cube and some water bottles are cylinders. 

It was great fun learning all about the Still Life drawing and creating our own. It was important we kept looking back at the objects we were drawing. We needed to look closely at the different shapes we could see to make it look realistic. 

In Science, we really enjoyed learning about what humans and animals need to survive. During the topic we also learnt about different animals and their offspring. We learnt about their different needs and how they change as they grow up. 

Have a great break, 2W! I look forward to seeing you all when you return to school!

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (Spring 1st half term)?

5th January 2023 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on our Virtual Library.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts, including The Man on the Moon and The Tunnel, to help support our learning.

For our reading, we will be developing our:

For our writing, we will be working on:


In our Maths lessons we will be learning about time and shape.


Our Science topic this half-term will be Animals including Humans. In this topic we will:

Foundation Curriculum

We will be continuing with our topic, ‘Our World’, this half-term. This topic will include looking at:

We will be looking at Still Life and Shadow.

 Then, we will move on to an Art topic which is called Still Life and Shadow we will learn about:


This term we will begin by learning about emails. We will discover how emails have changed how people communicate and how to send an email. We will also look at the importance of opening emails that are from people we trust and being kind when we send messages online. 


On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

Dates for the diary

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Spring 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as Times Table Rockstars.

Class 2DH - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

It has been a fantastic term in 2DH and the pupils continue to enjoy learning and playing each day.

It has been a delight to see pupils transition so nicely from Year 1 into Year 2 and make so much progress already. 

It is wonderful to see pupils beginning to enjoy reading books independently, especially those moving on to choosing their own chapter books. Recently, the class have really been showing off their confidence in their own Maths abilities. 

In English and Phonics we’ve been enjoying many different books together and using the creative ideas within to inspire our own reading and writing adventures. The class have loved reading books aloud together with the class and, in writing sessions, we’ve produced some lovely work around ‘The Twits’ and Oliver Jeffers’ ‘Lost and Found’. 

In Maths, we have been recently building upon our understanding of the four operations and growing in confidence with fractions.  

In other subjects, we have been exploring animals and other living creatures in Science. We have also been busy making bread in D.T. Did your child come home and want to make some more bread for themselves? We have also begun to learn lots about the planet, including its continents and oceans in Geography. Ask your child to sing the continents song – they will love it! In P.E. the class have enjoyed gymnastics and tri-golf skills. 

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. 

Secure velcro shoes also help with forest school days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. 

Have a very lovely break and we’ll see you again in the New Year.

Class 2H - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, what a fantastic half-term we have had! 

In Maths, we have been focussing on the four operations. We have been working really hard to use different apparatus to support addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations. Lots of us enjoyed drawing the Base-10 to support us! We tried really hard with multiplication and focused on using our 2s, 5s and 10s to solve problems. We also learnt how to share and group to solve division problems. We were very resilient in our Maths lessons and used our teamwork skills to help us support each other.

In English, we loved completing our work around The Twits. We looked at the silly pranks they pull on each other and wrote a set of instructions for our own revolting prank. Once we had finished reading the book, we produced our own book reviews to give our positive or negative opinion. We then moved onto ‘Lost and Found’ which we really enjoyed. We did lots of acting and speaking and listening to understand both the boy and the penguin’s feelings, and then wrote a fantastic recount and diary entry. 

Our D&T lessons were really fun. Our learning on The Great Fire of London lead us to designing and making bread and we pretended we were bakers in 1666. We learnt about different types of bread from all around the world, then designed and made our own bread. We had to practice different skills such as mixing and kneading. We got to take our bread home to taste and it was very tasty! 

We have also had a really busy half-term with other activities. One memorable day for us was our class assembly on Children in Need. All of us had a part to play, whether it was as a gymnast, singer, comedian, bhangra dancer or speaker. We all tried our hardest and really enjoyed working together as a team to produce something special. Thank you to all parents who came to watch our performance. A special thank you to Naji and his family for allowing us to share a special cause for your family. 

Enjoy a well-earned break children, you have worked so hard! 

Merry Christmas and I will see you in 2023,

Miss Hanif

Class 2M - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Miss Miller

What a fantastic half-term we have had in 2M!  

In Maths, we have been working hard to learn the 4 different operations. We used the base-10 to help us to add and subtract. We learned how to create an array to solve multiplication problems and we grouped and shared amounts to divide.  

In English, we really enjoyed creating a set of instructions for a prank to play on Mr Twit. We even planned and played one on Mr Wearing. In our English sessions we also read the story 'Lost and Found'. It was great fun pretending to be the penguin from the book to create a diary entry.  

In Geography, it has been great fun learning all about Our World. We really enjoyed discovering the different continents that make up the planet and learning a song to help us remember them.  

We have learnt all about 'Living Things and Their Habitats' in Science. We learnt about different habitats and what you might find in them. We also learnt about the different habitats animals live in and why they are suited to them.  

Well done, 2M! You have all worked really hard and I am very proud of you all. Enjoy a well-deserved holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Class 2W - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Mr Wearing

What an amazing half-term we have had in 2W! 

In English, we have been developing our sentence building skills and understanding how to pick exciting adjectives. We really enjoyed creating a set of instructions for a prank to play on Mr Twit. In our English lessons we also read the story 'Lost and Found'. It was great fun pretending to be the penguin from the book to create a diary entry. 

In Maths, we have been working hard to learn the 4 different operations. We used the base-10 to help us to add and subtract. We learnt how to create an array to solve multiplication problems and we grouped and shared amounts to divide. We used these new skills to also help us solve word problems and other challenging problems. 

We have learnt all about 'Living Things and Their Habitats' in Science. We started by learning about what makes something living. Then, we moved onto sorting things into living, dead or has never been alive. We also learnt about the different habitats animals live in and why they are suited to them. 

In History, we really enjoyed learning all about the Great Fire of London. We also looked at making bread in Design and Technology. We started by looking at different types of bread from around the world. We created our own bread and we really enjoyed kneading the dough and shaping it. 

Well done, 2W! You have all worked really hard and I am very proud of you all. Enjoy a well-deserved holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (autumn second half term)?

7th November 2022 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on Virtual Library on the school website.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts to base our learning from, such as: The Twits and Lost and Found. We will be working on writing:


In our Maths lessons we will be learning about addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. 



Our Science topic this half-term will be Living Things and Their Habitats. In this topic we will:

Foundation Curriculum

We will be starting a new topic, ‘Our World’, this half-term. This topic will include looking at:


This half-term we will be learning about how to use PowerPoint. The children will develop their understanding of how to create different slides and add text. They will also add pictures and text from the internet using the copy and paste function. Towards the end of the half-term the children will get creative on a program called Paint. They will learn how to use a range of different tools to create a picture. 

PE/Sports: Gymnastics and Tri-golf

On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so school sweatshirts/cardigans should be worn over P.E. t-shirts. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

  If your child wears earrings there are three options on P.E. days:

1) Children do not wear their earrings on the day that they have a P.E. lesson.  This is the safest option.

2) Children have plasters put on at home so that their earrings are already covered for their P.E lesson.

3) Send plasters in so that their earrings can be covered.  Children will need to do this themselves, teachers are not able to.


P.E. Kit reminder

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils in Years 1-6 should come to school in their P.E. kit.

Indoor and outdoor P.E. lessons (during warm weather):

Outdoor P.E. lessons (during cold weather):

The following items are not appropriate:


Dates for the diary

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Autumn 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as Times Table Rockstars.

Christmas Fayre

Yardley Fundraisers (our PTFA) are pleased to announce that our Christmas Fayre will return this year!  It will take place on Friday 2nd December 2022, 4.30pm-7.00pm.

Please visit our Christmas Fayre page here for full details of the event, including:

Details of what to expect at our fayre

Details of our ‘Bring a Donation’ non-uniform day

Raffle and tombola donations

Information for people interested in having a stall

Year 2 will be there with a stall, we hope to see you there too!

Class 2DH - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Mr Hodgkinson

It has been a fantastic half-term in 2DH and the pupils have made a wonderful start to their time in Year 2.

It has been a delight to see pupils transition so nicely from Year 1 into Year 2 and begin to make so much progress already. 

Pupils have made a flying start enjoying reading books independently, showing confidence in their Maths abilities and respecting each and every one of our Yardley School Values. 

In English and Phonics we’ve been enjoying many different books together and using the creative ideas within to inspire our own reading and writing adventures. The class have particularly enjoyed retelling the Little Red Riding Hood story and hearing the gruesome interactions between Mr and Mrs Twit in Roald Dahl’s famous book.

In Maths, we have been recently building upon our understanding of two-digit numbers and growing in confidence with addition and subtraction. 

In other subjects, we have been exploring materials in Science. We’ve done some fantastic investigations such as ‘What material is best to plug a hole in a bucket?’ 

In Art, pupils have been studying the work of Kandinsky and then we’ve recently completed a D.T. project building wheel and axel mechanisms for toy cars. 

In P.E. the class have enjoyed learning teamwork and dancing skills. Make sure to ask to see their Bhangra moves! 

Thank you again to all the parents that attended either the Science parent workshop or parents’ evening. The pupils certainly appreciated it and it was lovely to speak to you all and get to know you a little better. 

Remember to follow us on Twitter to see each week what the class are up to in their classroom and to receive any other useful updates. Also, please remember PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and earrings should be taken out or covered and hair tied up. 

Secure velcro shoes also help with forest school days too as pupils are responsible for putting their shoes on and off several times during the morning. Forest School is every other Thursday.

Have a very lovely break and we’ll see you again in the half-term.

Class 2H - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, what a fantastic start to the year we have had! We have had a busy few weeks and we have really enjoyed our learning so far. 

In our English lessons we have been focussing on sentence structure and using basic punctuation. We have covered a few popular texts so far, such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Enormous Crocodile and The Twits. We have really impressed Miss Hanif with our fantastic writing, especially our retell and adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood. Our class also loved describing Mr Twit and using lots of powerful adjectives to describe how disgusting he is! 

In our Maths lessons we began by looking at number and place value. We have been working really hard in our lessons and using lots of manipulatives, such as Base 10 and counters, to help us. We have really enjoyed counting forwards and backwards in 1s, 2s, 5 and 10s, ordering and comparing numbers, finding one more and one less of a given number and also finding ten more and ten less of a given number.

Our science lessons have been really fun this half term! We focussed on Materials. We have been learning to recognise different materials and finding out about some of their properties. We have also compared the uses of different materials. We have planned and carried out many investigations this half term to help Dr Zorf! Thank you to all the parents who attended the parent workshop – it was fantastic to see you all and work alongside you and your children! 

In our foundation curriculum, our first topic was Kandinsky and we created some fantastic pieces of artwork in his style. We had to think about the lines and the colours we were using. We then moved onto Design and Technology and we looked at wheels. We adapted our Kandinsky style paintings to reflect what we had learnt. Once we had learnt about different types of wheels, we designed and made our own toy car with an axle! It was really important that we thought about who we were making it for and whether it would be suitable.

We also had our harvest assembly this half term. A huge well done to the wonderful children for all their hard work with learning the songs and their speaking parts! Thank you so much to the extremely generous parents who donated food for our harvest collections.

Enjoy a well-deserved break and I will see you after the holiday! 

Miss Hanif. 

Class 2M - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Miss Miller

How quickly a whole half term has flown! 

It has been such a lovely start to our time in 2M and it sure is true that time flies when you are having fun. 

In Maths we have been looking at all things place value and exploring numbers in a lot of depth. We have been learning how to use part-whole models to partition numbers, counting and representing the 10s and 1s in a number and using number lines. We have also had lots of fun counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and we will keep practicing this throughout the year.

In English we have been very busy. We enjoyed our retells of Little Red Riding Hood and adapting the story to add in a different character. We used this story to learn about sentence types such as statements, questions and commands. After this we moved onto The Twits and have enjoyed writing some super character descriptions and even creating some poetry. 

We have been practicing retrieval in our Reading sessions and have enjoyed learning lots of new vocabulary which we have enjoyed including these words in our writing.

In P.E we have been learning all about working in a team, we have transferred these skills into our Bhangra dance topic and created lots of lovely performances in teams. 

Our Science topic has been about materials and it was so lovely to see so many parents at our workshop. We have enjoyed conducting a range of experiments and investigating the suitability of materials for different things.

We have been extra busy with our other topics and have already completed some beautiful art work focused around Kandinsky and then linked this with our wheels and axels topic. We had so much fun creating our toy cars and attaching axel to make them move.

We hope you all have a wonderful and well deserved half term break! 

See you on Monday 31st October 

Class 2W - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Mr Wearing

What a fantastic first half-term we have had in 2W! 

In English, we have had a big focus on how to form a sentence and improving our handwriting. We have been developing our understanding of different sentence types and we are starting to use them within our writing. It is important for us to remember the different punctuation to use. We have started to learn how to write in some different styles of writing. An activity we really enjoyed was adapting the story Red Riding Hood and it was great fun sharing these with the class.  

In Maths, we started by developing our understanding of place value by using the base-10. We now have a great understanding of tens and ones and can partition an amount in different ways. We also looked at comparing and ordering numbers. We really enjoyed creating them and comparing the different sizes. In recent weeks we have been learning about addition and subtraction. We found it great fun learning all about our number bonds to 10 and 20. 

In Science, we have been learning about Materials. We really enjoyed matching objects to the material they are made out of but our favourite lesson was when we investigated how suitable a material is for a purpose. One of our favourite lessons was when we discussed why a car can’t be made out of paper and why a t-shirt can’t be made from metal. 

We have been learning about Kandinsky in our Art topic. We started by creating art in the style of Kandinsky. We really enjoyed using the watercolours to create a picture which looked similar to his work. Then in Design and Technology, we moved on to designing, making and evaluating a toy car. We started by exploring the different ways we could make an axle work for our toy car. We really enjoyed building our final product. 

Keep up the great work 2W and have a great break! 

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (autumn first half term)?

16th September 2022 Posted by Year 2

We are really pleased to welcome back our pupils after the summer break. We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. 

This half-term we will be learning about:



In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:



We will begin by looking at number and place value. We will be learning about:


Our first Science topic is Materials. We will be learning about:


Foundation Curriculum

Our first topic is Kandinsky and then we will move on to Transport. We will be learning about:




This half-term we will be learning about Basic Skills and how to navigate a computer. Children will learn how to independently log on and access various programs. They will understand how to use the computing equipment correctly and will learn about how to stay safe online. 

PE/Sports: Team Building and Dance

On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so school sweatshirts/cardigans should be worn over P.E. t-shirts. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

  If your child wears earrings there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about why we need rules in society and how they keep people safe and help us work together. We will develop this understanding in the classroom and practise these skills on a daily basis. 


Dates for the diary

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Autumn 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Class 2M - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Miss Murphy

What a brilliant final half-term, 2M!

During our Maths lessons we have had lots of fun recapping the four operations and using those skills to solve tricky problems. We have also spent time developing our use of mathematical vocabulary and ensuring that we use this when explaining our reasoning behind our answers. When we looked at fractions we were able to discuss the different fractions and what they mean, then apply this knowledge to find fractions of shapes and amounts. We enjoyed looking at time and learnt how to read and show the time. We were able to develop skills such as remembering the difference between the minute and hour hand, counting in 5 minute intervals and using mathematical language related to time. Time was also spent exploring the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes.

In English, we have really enjoyed reading Jeremy Strong’s Dinosaur Pox. We have really enjoyed exploring how the author has used a variety of sentence starters, adjectives and adverbs to make the story more exciting and we applied this knowledge when writing our own retell of Jodie’s escape. Also, we were able to link our learning in History to our English. We have been exploring the life of Rosa Parks and used our knowledge to write a biography about her and we carried out an interview. 

We had so much fun recreating the work of various artists in Art. We have explored Frida Kahlo and Georgia O’Keeffe, looking carefully at their art and exploring their techniques which we later used when creating our own paintings. In History, we have been looking at the role of lots of significant women throughout history, including Rosa Parks and Grace Darling. We learned about the significant impact that Rosa Parks had on society and the bravery of Grace Darling as she rescued people in a storm. 

In Science, we have been exploring the different minibeasts that can be found in Forest School. After we looked at their features we were able to use this knowledge to create and interpret data based on our findings. Also, we recapped our knowledge of living, dead or never been alive by discussing what is needed for something to survive. We explored if a flame was alive using this knowledge. 

Well done, 2M. It has been a busy year in which you had had to show lots of resilience and determination but you have been incredibly mature and positive throughout. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you all and I am sure you will continue to be just as successful in Year 3. Have a lovely break and I look forward to seeing you around school next year.

Class 2U - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Mr Ulhaq

We’ve had an amazing year, 2U – you should all be proud of your achievements this final half term.

For Maths, we spent our time revisiting key learning aims such as the 4 operations, basic number skills, estimating on a number line and money recognition. We enjoyed a Money Week, where we learnt about the importance of saving money, uses for money and how to use a bank account.  2U also explored an open ended investigation, where we used a familiar playground rhyme to seek patterns and find possibilities.

In English, 2U have used our Foundation topic on Significant People to interview Rosa Parks. We discussed key questions and answers. We also wrote a biography and discussed key features of a diary entry. Finally, we spent some time looking back at some of our favourite pieces that we have written, editing and improving our previous pieces and redrafting them with neat presentation. 

In our Science lessons, 2U worked on developing scientific investigative skills by continuing with our special mini-topic, Bubbles. Additionally, we revisited living things, looking through Forest School to see what is living and what has never been alive. On Science Day, we created our own investigation based on our materials topic to discover which material would be most suitable for a bed!

During Foundation lessons, we looked at significant people from the past. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Grace Darling, Georgia O’Keefe and Frida Kahlo were some of the key people who we focussed on.  We used painting techniques in Art lessons with water colours and oil paintings to blend colours, explore shade and intensity.

I am delighted to have seen you all grow and develop, working hard and making progress through a wonderful year. I hope you enjoy your well-deserved Summer holidays and I wish you all good luck for Year 3 in September!

Mr. Ulhaq.

Class 2W - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Mr Wearing

What an amazing end to the year we have had in 2W! 

In English, we have been developing our understanding of how to use interesting sentence openers and conjunctions to make our writing more interesting. We really enjoyed reading Dinosaur Pox and we found it really funny. We carried out a range of activities based on the book and one of our favourites was retelling the story. 

In Maths, we have developed a range of different skills and we have focused on problem solving and reasoning questions. We further developed our understanding of 2-D and 3-D shapes and we really enjoyed solving a range of challenging problems. We also developed our understanding of fractions and we investigated equivalent fractions. During the topic we also learnt about fractions of a shape and fractions of an amount. 

In Y.P.C., we have been learning about significant people.  We really enjoyed finding out about how people have had such an impact on society.  It was really interesting learning all about Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Victoria. We enjoyed comparing their lives and explaining which reign we would prefer and why. We also created some fantastic art work based on Grace Darling. We learnt about how brave she was and the impact she had on society. 

We really enjoyed doing Athletics and Team Building in P.E this half-term. In Team Building we learnt how to work as a team. This included listening to each other, sharing ideas, and solving problems together. It was also important that we supported and encouraged our teammates. One of our highlights of the half-term was Sports Day and it was great to have spectators back again. 

Well done, 2W! I have thoroughly enjoyed the year with you all and I hope you all have a well-deserved break. Thank you for all being so amazing!

Class 2H - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H - you have completed Year 2! 

Firstly, I just want to say how proud you should be of yourselves. You have been so mature and resilient this year, and have really taken Year 2 in your stride.

In Maths we have focussed on refining and mastering our skills. We begun this half-term by recapping telling the time and intervals of time. Our skills had improved so much since the last time we had practiced time! We then spent some time recapping our knowledge of 2-D and 3-D shapes. We have also revisited the four operations and challenged ourselves with worded problems. We were very resilient! 

In English this half-term we wrote a biography about Rosa Parks, who we have really enjoyed learning about in YPC. We had to make sure we included subheadings and key facts about her life. We also really enjoyed writing an interview with Rosa Parks. We role played and pretended to be an interviewer and Rosa Parks, which was great fun and really helped us to understand her inner thoughts and feelings during key points of her life. We have also focussed on a new class text, Dinosaur Pox. Lots of us found this book hilarious! It was a great focus text for our retell, which was packed full of interesting vocabulary, adverbs and adjectives. 

YPC has also been lots of fun this half-term. We have learnt about lots of significant people including Grace Darling, Rosa Parks, Georgia O'Keeffe and Frida Kahlo. We enjoyed learning about their lives and what they did to become so important to society. 2H have produced some excellent artwork in the styles of Grace Darling, Georgia O'Keeffe and Frida Kahlo. You can see them on our class twitter! 

This half-term we have also had Sports Day. We all worked very hard as part of a team and played fairly. Well done to all the children in 2H for competing and thank you to all the parents and carers who supported us. 

Finally, I want to say a massive well done. I really have loved teaching you all and you have made me so proud throughout the year. Thank you for being superstars! 

I hope you enjoy your well-earned rest and you have a wonderful time in Year 3.

Miss Hanif.

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (summer second half term)?

9th June 2022 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on our Virtual Library.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.



In our English lessons, we will be using a range of texts to help support our learning. The main book we will use is called Dinosaur Pox. 

For our reading, we will be developing our:

 For our writing, we will be working on:


In our Maths lessons we will be revisiting areas we have already learnt about and further develop our understanding of them. During this topic, we will learn about:


 During this half-term we will be continuing working scientifically and then we will be recapping our learning about Living Things and Their Habitats. In this topic, we will:


During this half-term, we will continue to learn about Significant People and our main focus will be History. We will learn about: 



 This term we will begin by learning about stop motion animation. We will learn how stop motion animation works and create some of our own. We will learn how to capture pictures and edit and delete frames. To further enhance our stop motion animation, we will add sound, titles and text.  


On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit or clothing appropriate for P.E. instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so a hoodie/jacket and joggers are recommended. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

2H - Tuesday and Friday

2M - Tuesday and Thursday        

2U - Thursday and Friday

2W - Tuesday and Friday

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



 In R.E, we will be learning about how to use our imagination and appreciating beauty. We will develop our ability to use our imagination and use this skill to be creative. We will also learn how beauty can be in different forms and we will understand how people can appreciate beauty in different ways like in nature.

Dates for the diary:

Monday 13th June - 2W Book Fair slot to purchase

Tuesday 14th June - 2W Book Fair slot to purchase

Thursday 16th June – 2M and 2U Book Fair slot to purchase

Wednesday 20th July – Non-uniform day (£1 donation requested)

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Summer 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Class 2H - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, what a brilliant half-term yet again! 

In our English lessons we have used a variety of texts to help support our writing. We used a short video clip called ‘Bubbles’ to centre a narrative around. We had to make sure we included appropriate vocabulary choices. We also really enjoyed reading ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’. We produced some brilliant pieces of writing, including a diary entry and a setting description using our five senses.

In our Maths lessons we have been revisiting areas we have already learnt about and further developing our understanding of them. These included:

We have also worked really hard on our reasoning and problem solving skills. We had to tackle some really difficult two-step problems including multiplication and division, but we were resilient and used the methods we have previously learnt to help us!

Science has been very fun this half-term! We have focussed on bubbles, linked to our English topic. We have planned and carried out a series of fair investigations, changing factors such as: the size of the wand, the shape of the wand, and the material of the wand. We were able to use observations and record our data to draw conclusions! 

In YPC we were bakers on Pudding Lane! In Design and Technology we made our own bread. We had to design our own product, thinking about the ingredients, equipment and the method we would need to follow. We then worked as a team to make our bread. At the end of the day we all really enjoyed tasting our delicious baking! We have now moved onto learning all about Famous People and our main focus is History and Art. We are looking forward to continuing our topic after the half-term.

Have a lovely, well deserved rest 2H. I am so proud of you, as always! 

Class 2M - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Miss Murphy

Well done, 2M! Another fantastic half-term in Year 2 is now completed. 

In English, we have been using our experiences in school and writing about them. After making our bread in Y.P.C. we wrote our own set of instructions on how someone else can make the bread. Also, we wrote a diary entry about the exciting adventures we have in Forest School. We have really improved on our use of powerful language and our understanding of writing for a variety of purposes. In Reading, we have been looking at lots of alternative graphemes and improving our inference and prediction skills. 

During our Maths lessons we have revisited lots of areas of our learning, including reading and writing numbers in numerals and words, number bonds to 10 and 20 and using them to solve problems and using the four operations to solve reasoning problems. 

We have really enjoyed our Science lessons where we have been learning how to work scientifically. We have planned, carried out and evaluated lots of experiments throughout the term using bubbles. We have investigated if we can change the shape, size and colour of them. 

Our YPC lessons have been extremely enjoyable because we were able to plan and make some bread! We loved being able to get really stuck in to our learning and having an enjoyable treat at the end! Also, we have started our of topic about Significant People, so far we have looked at and compared the lives of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. 

What a wonderful half-term we have had! I hope you have a restful and enjoyable break and I will see you soon for our final half-term in Year 2! 

Class 2U - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Mr Ulhaq

2U have had an amazing start to our final term! 

During Maths lessons, 2U have been revisiting prior learning to embed our skills in number, money and the four operations. In particular, we focussed on how to solve word problems that involve many steps. We also studied patterns and relationships between different number facts that would help solve some challenging calculations, deepening our understanding. 

In English, 2U read Toby and the Great Fire of London! This linked well with our previous topic work on the Great Fire of London, allowing us to then write settings descriptions and diary entries based on the key events. We made a link to our bread topic by writing a set of instructions in a recipe. We also looked at a range of alternate sounds and a variety of graphemes, supporting our spelling. 

For Science, we started a mini-topic on bubbles! We have planned for and carried out a variety of simple tests for key questions. Can we change the colour of bubbles? Can we change the shape of bubbles? Can we change the size of bubbles? We have made predictions based on our own knowledge and experience, considering our results and then planning future tests.

2U have had fun with the Y.P.C topic on bread. We explored a range of types from around the world, such as Polish bagels, Turkish flat breads, Greek pita bread, Italian focaccia and croissants. Next, we designed our own bread that we would like to create. We got to put on our aprons and use our bakery skills, working as a team to mix ingredients together, create a dough, and roll it into shape. Finally, we baked and ate our bread, using our evaluation skills to consider appeal, taste and future changes.

I am extremely proud of our achievement this half-term, and look forward to our final half-term together before Year 3. Well done 2U!

Mr. Ulhaq.

Class 2W - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Mr Wearing

What an amazing half-term we have had! You have all worked very hard and I’m so proud of you all. 

In English, we read a story called Toby and the Great Fire of London. We created a setting description based on it and it was important that we used powerful adjectives when describing the fire and the devastation. Using this text we also created a diary entry and we needed to make sure we included a range of feelings when describing what had happened. We really enjoyed creating a set of instructions on how to make bread. 

In Maths, we have developed a range of different skills throughout this half-term and we really enjoyed developing our understanding of how to partition numbers in different ways. We also looked at number bonds and used this skill to solve different problem solving questions. We have also got much quicker at answering arithmetic questions based on the different operations. We can now quickly choose the correct method for the operation and use this to solve questions. 

In Y.P.C, we learnt how to create bread. We started by learning about different bread and then we designed our own bread. After, we created it and evaluated it. When we evaluated it we could highlight what was good about our bread and we could recognise how we could make our bread even better next time. We also created gargoyles using clay. We developed our understanding of some of the different techniques we can use to mould clay and then used these to create our gargoyles. 

We have been developing our understanding of scientific enquiry in Science. We have carried out a range of investigations based on bubbles. During this topic we have made predictions, planned investigations, carried them out and explained our findings. We really enjoyed creating a prediction and then waiting to see if we were correct. 

In P.E, we learnt about cricket. We started by developing our ball control and then we moved on to how to field and how to bat. We then used all of these skills in a game. We really enjoyed working as a team and we encouraged each other to perform to their best. 

I hope you all have a great break and we have one last half-term together in Year 2 so let’s make it the best half-term. 

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (summer first half term)?

29th April 2022 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on Virtual Library on the school website.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts to help support our learning. The main book we will use is called Toby and the Great Fire of London. 

For our reading, we will be developing our:

For our writing, we will be working on:


In our Maths lessons we will be revisiting areas we have already learnt about and further develop our understanding of them. During this topic we will learn about:


To begin the half-term we will continue with plants and then we will be learning about working scientifically. In this topic we will be:


We will begin the half-term by looking at Art and Design and Technology. In Design and Technology we will be looking at making bread. We will then move onto learning all about Famous People and our main focus will be History. We will learn about: 



This term we will begin by learning how to use the software Lego Story Starter. This software will allow the children to develop their understanding of how to use a webcam to take images and we will also look at how we can import these onto the programme and manipulate them to create a story. 


On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit or clothing appropriate for P.E. instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so a hoodie/jacket and joggers are recommended. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



In R.E, we will be learning about how to reflective and self-critical. We will also learn about the importance of being quiet and how we can use this time to be reflective. We will make links to how people use quiet spaces and times to worship. 

Dates for the diary

Friday 27th May: Non-school uniform Day - £1 donation 

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Summer 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Class 2H - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, we have had another brilliant half-term. 

In English, we have focussed on Fantastic Mr Fox to support our learning. This has inspired some fantastic writing such as character descriptions, a newspaper report and a non-chronological report about foxes. We have continued to focus on building coherent sentences with thoughtful vocabulary choices. 

In Maths, our focus has been on money and measure. We have been learning to recognise coins and to add and subtract amounts of money. We now also understand how to give change and make amounts using different combinations of coins. Well done 2H, I am sure you can now use your money knowledge to help your parents and carers in the shop! 

Science has been fun and interesting this half-term. We have been learning about Plants and what they need to survive. We have also been growing our own plants in the classroom using what we know about how to keep a plant healthy. They are very tall and healthy! 

In YPC, we were historians and also focussed on our design and technology skills. We learnt lots about castles, including where they were built and their features. We used our understanding of castles to label the parts and why they are important. During our topic, we also built our own thrones. We had to make sure our structure was strong. We worked as a team to help our friends and as a result we have made some brilliant thrones fit for royalty! 

I am so impressed with your hard work, 2H! You have continued to make me proud. Have a well-deserved break and I will see you when we return to school! 

Class 2M - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Miss Miss Murphy

Well done, 2M! Another fantastic term in Year 2 is now completed. 

In English, we have been using a range of texts to help support our writing. After we read Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox, we wrote a character description of Farmer Bean and a newspaper report about the shooting of Mr Fox’s tail. We were able to use a wide range of vocabulary and sentence types to extend our writing. Our reading has also improved! We have got really stuck in with our phonics lessons to recap the graphemes we know and introduce some new, alternative sounds.

During our Maths lessons we have learnt about money, measure and statistics. We developed our understanding of coins and applied this knowledge to add coins and calculate change in our own shop. In measure, we have been reading scales to find length, mass, capacity and temperature. For statistics, we have created and interpreted our own tally chart. 

We have absolutely loved learning all about plants in Science. We started the topic by planting our own seeds and we have been monitoring their growth all term in our plant diaries. We have been able to watch them germinate and this has supported our understanding of the life cycle of a plant. 

Our YPC lessons have also been super exciting because we have been learning all about castles! We have explored the features of a castle, the people who live in a castle and we even built our own castles!

What a wonderful half-term we have had! I hope you have a restful and enjoyable break and I will see you in Summer term! 

Class 2W - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Mr Wearing

What an amazing half-term we have had! We have learnt so much and had lots of fun at the same time!

In English, we have looked at poetry and we created our own poem in the style of one we read. Our poem was all about the different noises in the classroom and the playground. It was great fun performing them at the end to the class. We have also been reading the story Fantastic Mr Fox which we thoroughly enjoyed. Using the text, we created character descriptions of the different farmers and it was important to use powerful adjectives. 

We have been looking at Money and Statistics in Maths this half-term. It was fantastic fun learning about the different coins and using them to create the same amount in different ways. It was very challenging when we had to solve change problems, but we really enjoyed using a pretend toy shop to help us. We also looked at creating tally charts and pictograms and it was great fun using the data to help us solve problems like which is the most and least popular. 

In Y.P.C., we learnt all about castles.  We started the topic by visiting Tamworth Castle which was an excellent educational visit. Then, we looked at the different features and we designed our own castle which was great fun. We were also challenged to create a throne for a King or Queen. We looked at different methods of how to create it like using lolly pop sticks or cardboard tubes. We were then challenged to design, build and evaluate it. 

We have been learning about plants in Science and looking at how they grow. To begin with, we thought about what plants need to grow and then using this knowledge we created an experiment. We planted some seeds and we observed them over time to see what happened to them. We really enjoyed watching them grow and highlighting this in our plant diary. 

I hope you all have a great break and we have one last term together in Year 2 so let’s make it the best term. 

Class 2U - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Mr Ulhaq

I am really pleased with everyone’s progress this half term. What a super six weeks of learning!

In Maths, 2U have learned about money, measure and statistics. We are able to recognise a range of coins, combine them to make an amount and also work out change. We explored temperature, length, mass and capacity, showcasing excellent skills when using a ruler! As always, we have also revisited previous learning on number skills and the four operations.

For English, 2U read the famous Fantastic Mr. Fox! With this, 2U wrote a range of texts such as a book review, a non-chronological report, a character description and a newspaper report. We explored the varying layouts for each text type and also discussed the purpose behind them. On top of this, 2U have recapped some common homophones, such as there, they’re and their. We also have looked at suffixes –ing, -ed, -er and –est.

In Science, 2U have started a new topic on plants. We had to consider what a seed needs to grow, and then had a go at planted sunflower seeds! Every week, we drew our observations over time and discussed the stages of plant growth. 

Our Y.P.C. topic has been Castles. We began with the key question: “What was life like in a castle?” Having visited Tamworth Castle, 2U were curious about who lived in a castle and what the main features of a castle were. We learned about jesters, knights, stewards and chambermaids, as well as exploring features such as dungeons, kitchens, the bailey and the drawbridge. 

Well done this term – you all have earned yourselves a nice 2 week break. I look forward to seeing you all for our final term of the year!

Mr. Ulhaq.

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (spring second half term)?

4th March 2022 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.  Texts are also now available to listen to in our Virtual Library.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term.



In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts, including Fantastic Mr Fox and Noises which is a poem to help support our learning.

For our reading, we will be developing our:

For our writing, we will be working on:


In our Maths lessons we will be learning about money, measure and position and direction.  During this topic we will learn about:


Our Science topic this half-term will be Plants. In this topic we will:


Our next topic is all about castles and we will develop our History, Design and Technology and Art skills throughout this topic. We will learn about: 



This term we will begin by learning about emails.  We will discover how emails have changed how people communicate and how to send an email.  We will also look at the importance of opening emails that are from people we trust and being kind when we send messages online.  We will also look at databases and how we can collect information using Excel. 


On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit or clothing appropriate for P.E. instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so a hoodie/jacket and joggers are recommended. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

Please come to school in appropriate sportswear on your PE days. 



In R.E, we will be learning about the importance for caring for others, animals and the environment and in PSHE we will be discovering why we need to be healthy and how we can be healthy. 

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Spring 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Video Parents Evening

If you haven't booked an appointment already, we would like to invite you to attend our Video Parents Evenings, taking place on the following dates:

Visit our Video Parents Evening page here to find out more and to book. 

If you have already booked an appointment, please test that your device will work for your appointment.  Click here to see how to test your appointment.

Class 2H - Spring 1

18th February 2022 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done 2H, what a brilliant and busy half term we have had! 

In Maths, we have been focusing on Fractions and Shape. We have learnt how to find fractions of shapes and amounts. We even used our reasoning skills to solve fraction problems! We also identified 2-D and 3-D shapes and worked really hard to find 2-D shapes on the surface of 3-D shapes.

In English, we focussed on a range of texts, including The Tunnel and Man on the Moon. We wrote a postcard from the perspective of Bob and wrote a persuasive letter applying for a job. We also retold the story of The Tunnel and adapted it! 

In YPC, we created some fantastic art work for our ‘Still life and shadow’ topic. We had to learn how to use a pencil to create shapes, line and shadow. Aston Hall was an amazing trip and it set us up fantastically for our new topic of The Great Fire of London. During this topic we investigated the cause of the fire and how it spread so quickly. We learnt so much during the topic through looking at sources and acting out the tragedy. 

In Science our topic was animals, including humans. We learnt about the basic needs for humans and animals and how they change as they grow. Healthy eating was also a great topic this half-term. We studied the different food groups and learnt about the benefits exercise has on our bodies!

I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching you again this half-term, 2H. We have had two lovely trips and you represented yourselves wonderfully. I am so proud of all the hard work you have completed and you should be very proud of yourselves too! Roll on Spring 2!

Miss Hanif.

Class 2M - Spring 1

18th February 2022 Posted by Miss Murphy

What a fantastic half-term we have had, 2M! Well done for continuing to be such wonderful learners.

In English, we have developed our writing for purpose. We have used a variety of different texts to support when writing postcards, job applications and persuasive letters. We have also focused on developing our vocabulary when reading and applying it to our writing. 

During our Maths lessons we have been learning lots of valuable skills. We started by developing our time skills including reading and writing the time to 5 minute intervals. We moved on to fractions where we were able to use this knowledge to find a fraction of an amount. It was also lots of fun to explore and learn all about 2-D and 3-D shapes.

We started our term by recapping our topic of ‘Living things and their habitats’ to demonstrate our understanding of the learning. Then, we moved on to the ‘Animals including humans’ topic where we learned about animals and their offspring, how humans can stay healthy and the importance of exercise. 

Our YPC lessons we have been learning all about ‘Still Life and Shadow’ and exploring the use of form, texture and shadow. We have also learned about The Great Fire of London which allowed us to visit Aston Hall for our school trip.

Well done for all of your hard work and achievements this half-term. I hope you have a lovely break and continue to be just as fantastic next half-term. 

Class 2W - Spring 1

18th February 2022 Posted by Mr Wearing

What an amazing start to 2022 we have had!

In English we have been developing a range of different skills to make our writing more exciting and interesting such as using contractions and homophones. We really enjoyed pretending to apply for a job on the Moon and we needed to use persuasive language. It was also great fun writing a retell based on the story 'The Tunnel'. 

In Maths, we have been learning about fractions of a shape and of an amount. We really enjoyed learning the names of the different parts of a fraction and what they mean and also how to tell the time correctly. We were also challenged to create some times by drawing them on a clock and it was important we created the hands the correct length. 

It was great fun learning all about the Great Fire of London in YPC. We really enjoyed our trip to Aston Hall where we learned all about how people lived in the past. We also learned about Still Life drawing and created our own. It was important we kept looking back at the objects we were drawing. 

In Science, we really enjoyed learning about what humans and animals need to survive. It was great fun creating a leaflet to help somebody who might be stranded on a desert island. We needed to make sure it was clear and it had the important information on it.

Have a great break, 2W! I look forward to seeing you all when you return to school!

Class 2U - Spring 1

18th February 2022 Posted by Mr Ulhaq

2U have worked extremely hard this half term!  We have covered a lot of work with new topics all around!

During Maths lessons, 2U have learned about fractions and shape. We found fractions of a range of shapes, shading in fractions as parts of a whole. Further, we found the fraction of an amount, linking it with our division work. Next, we explored the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes, finding shapes all around us and looking for patterns.  Throughout this term, we have also continued to refine skills in basic number and the 4 operations.

In English, 2U have continued to write a variety of genres, with more focus on letter writing. We have discussed the differences between formal and informal language, and explored the writing of persuasive letters for a range of reasons. We have read a range of texts, including Man on the Moon, The Tunnel and Into The Forest. In addition, 2U have learned about contractions, homophones and spelling rules such as ‘ge/dge.’

During Science lessons, we have learned about humans and animals. Lessons included learning about the basic needs of life, animals and their offspring, as well as stages of life in humans. 

In YPC, we have covered a few smaller topics. Our first topic was called “Still Life” and we refined our sketching skills, learning about form, texture, light and shadow. In our next topic, we asked the question: “What happened in London in 1666?” 2U have developed historical skills by studying sources to gain an insight into a past event. We discussed key moments and reasoned with the causes of the Great Fire spreading across London. In addition, we learned about key figures such as Samuel Pepys and Thomas Farriner. This topic linked in nicely with our much-loved trip to Aston Hall. 

We hope you all have a grand half-term break and look forward to seeing you in the second half of our academic year!

Mr. Ulhaq and 2U.

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (spring first half term)?

7th January 2022 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on Virtual Library on the school website.

Here is an overview of what we will be learning about during this half-term. 


In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts, including The Man on the Moon and The Tunnel, to help support our learning.

For our reading, we will be developing our:

 For our writing, we will be working on:


In our Maths lessons we will be learning about money, measure, shape, position and direction and statistics.


Our Science topic this half-term will be Animals including Humans. In this topic we will:


We will be looking at Still Life and Shadow and we will learn about The Great Fire of London. 

 In Still Life and Shadow we will learn about:

In The Great Fire of London topic we will learn about:


This term we will be learning about Control and Movement. We will carry this out by using Beebots which we will programme to make them do things we want them to do. We will begin by making them move around a course and further develop this skill by making the Beebots create shapes and letters. 


On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit or clothing appropriate for P.E. instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so a hoodie/jacket and joggers are recommended. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

 Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



We will be learning about about creating unity and harmony and also developing our understanding of participating and being willing to lead.

Dates for the diary:

Learning at Home: 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Spring 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Class 2H - Autumn 2

14th December 2021 Posted by Miss Hanif

What a super half-term we have had, 2H! 

In English, we have been learning how to construct sentences with appropriate and interesting vocabulary. We really enjoyed writing a set of instructions for a prank to play on Mr. Twit - we found it really funny and it was fun to write! We have also covered a range of other genres such as diary entries and non-chronological reports. 

In Maths, we have been developing our understanding of the four operations. We have been using the apparatus such as Base 10, Numicon and cubes to help our learning. We have been working really hard on our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

In Science, our focus has been 'Living Things and Their Habitats'. We have learnt about lots of world habitats such as rainforests and oceans and what might live there. It was really interesting to learn how these animals are adapted to their environment.

YPC has also been really interesting this half-term. We were trying to answer the question, 'How is our world pieced together?' We started with our local area, Yardley, and followed a map around our school. We studied different weather zones around the world and compared places such as Thailand, Blackpool and Brazil. We particularly enjoyed using the Atlas to find the 7 continents and 5 oceans. We have learnt a very catchy song to help us remember them! 

Well done 2H. I am so incredibly proud of all of you for your work this half-term. Have a wonderful Christmas and I will see you in 2022.

Miss Hanif. 

Class 2M - Autumn 2

14th December 2021 Posted by Miss Murphy

Well done, 2M. You have made such a fantastic start to Year 2 throughout the first term and I am so proud of the maturity you have shown during these tricky times.

Our Maths lessons have been jam-packed with lots of mathematical skills. Our knowledge of the four operations has really supported us to solve a variety of problems. We have even been looking at how some number problems can be commutative and used this knowledge to help us solve those tricky problems.

In English we have been doing lots of amazing writing including: retelling stories, writing instructions for our own pranks and writing a diary entry. We have also been working on our sentence structure and letter formation, which has really improved since September!

Science has been very exciting too! We have learnt all about living things and their habitats and focused on areas including: animals in different microhabitats, living, dead or never alive and how animals are adapted to their habitat. We have also been able to lucky enough to explore different animals and their habitats during our Forest School sessions.

During our YPC lessons we have been learning all about ‘Our World’ and explored the 7 continents. We really have been on our own adventure all over the world, looking at various landmarks, capital cities, animals and weather. It’s been lots of fun!

Gymnastics was a great way to start this half-term were we have learnt skills including jumps, balances and rolls. We have since moved on to Tri-Golf where we are learning how to hold a putter and chipper correctly to effectively hit the ball, and develop a putting and chipping technique.

I have certainly enjoyed my first term in 2M and I hope you have too! Have a wonderful break and make sure you come back well rested for lots more exciting learning. Stay safe and I will see you soon!

Class 2W - Autumn 2

14th December 2021 Posted by Mr Wearing

What an amazing half-term we have had in 2W! 

In English, we have been developing our sentence building skills and understanding how to pick exciting adjectives. We really enjoyed creating a set of instructions for a prank to play on Mr Twit. In our English sessions we also read the story 'Lost and Found'. It was great fun pretending to be the penguin from the book to create a diary entry. 

In Maths, we have been working hard to learn the 4 different operations. We used the base-10 to help us to add and subtract. We learned how to create an array to solve multiplication problems and we grouped and shared amounts to divide. We used these new skills to also help us solve word problems and other challenging problems. 

We have learned all about 'Living Things and Their Habitats' in Science. It was great fun going to the forest school area to investigate what is living, dead or has never been alive. We also learned about the different habitats animals live in and why they are suited to them. 

In YPC, it has been great fun learning all about Our World. We really enjoyed discovering the different continents that make up the planet. We also really enjoyed comparing different locations around the world and learning how they are similar and different. 

Well done, 2W! You have all worked really hard and I am very proud of you all. Enjoy a well-deserved holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Class 2U - Autumn 2

14th December 2021 Posted by Mr Ulhaq

What a splendid half term we have had, 2U! I am really proud of your hard work and I am impressed with the knowledge you have acquired this term.

In Maths, we have revisited basic skills in number, using pictures and concrete apparatus such as Base-10, cubes, counters, and Numicon to support our learning.  We have also worked on the 4 operations, solving written calculations and word problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

For English, we have written a range of genres including instructional writing, character descriptions, diary entries to convey feelings and recounts of short stories. We loved reading ‘Lost and Found’ and ‘The Twits’ –we found it hilarious! Work included using punctuation, 1st and 3rd person writing, adverbials for time and past tense verbs. 

Our Science topic has been ‘Living Things and Their Habitats.’ We learnt about habitats that are local and those that are around the world. We discussed the living things that we may find there, as well as learning about the 7 life processes. 

For YPC, we have asked the question: “How is our world pieced together?” We began by looking at our local area, Yardley, and followed a route on a map of our school. We studied weather zones around the world, comparing places such Thailand, Brazil and the U.K. Also, we explored human and physical features. We enjoyed using the Atlas and Google Earth to develop our Geography skills.  In particular, we loved learning about Blackpool and it’s landmarks. 

We hope you all have a lovely, well-deserved Christmas break. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mr. Ulhaq and 2U.

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (autumn second half term)?

4th November 2021 Posted by Year 2

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. Texts are also now available to listen to on Virtual Library on the school website.

This half-term we will be learning about:



 In our English lessons we will be using a range of texts to base our learning from, such as: The Twits and Lost and Found. We will be working on writing:

-a book review and sharing our opinion on a book we have read.

-a recount based on the story book Lost and Found. 

-a diary entry focused on Lost and Found. The children will need to pretend to be the penguin and share their thoughts and feelings. 

-a set of instructions about creating a trick which will be based on The Twits. 


 In our Maths lessons we will be learning about addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. 

-In addition, we will look at adding ones and tens to a number, adding two 2-digit numbers together and adding three 1-digit numbers together. 

-In subtraction, we will learn how to subtract ones and tens and how to subtract two 2-digit numbers.     

-In division, we will learn about grouping and sharing an amount and how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s to solve a division problem. 

-In multiplication, we will look at creating arrays, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to solve multiplication problems. 



 Our Science topic this half-term will be Living Things and Their Habitats. In this topic we will:

-explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive.

-identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats.

-know that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants.

-how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food. 


 We will be starting a new topic, ‘Our World’, this half-term. This topic will include looking at:

 - our local area and creating maps of what we can see.

-following a map to complete a route. 

-how the world is made up and learning about the different continents. 

-how the weather is different around the world depending on the position to the equator. 

-comparing different places around the world to our local area. 

-key vocabulary which is used to describe human and physical features.  


 This term we will be learning about digital safety and how to use the internet safely and correctly. We will also learn about making good choices and who we can trust with our personal information. 

PE/Sports: Gymnastics and Tri-golf

On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit or clothing appropriate for P.E. instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so a hoodie/jacket and joggers are recommended. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



 We will be learning about how about how to share and be generous. We will also learn about Christmas and Diwali. 

Dates for the diary:

Pupil Individual & Sibling Photos-Thursday 18th November

Work at home:

The ‘Autumn 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.

Please let us know if a paper copy is required. We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Class 2H - Autumn 1

18th October 2021 Posted by Miss Hanif

Well done children, we have completed our first half term as 2H! I have been so impressed with your maturity and attitude towards school this past few weeks. You have been so kind towards each other and settled in wonderfully. 

In English, we have covered sentence types such as questions, exclamations, commands and statements. We have also been enjoying our class text: Little Red Riding Hood and completing some fantastic work around retelling the story. It has been brilliant to read your interesting writing that have included adjectives and expanded noun phrases. 

In Maths, our focus has been on number and place value. We have been learning all about the value of digits and practicing our partitioning and number line work. We have used lots of apparatus to support our learning and have really enjoyed using Base 10, Numicon, 100 squares, cubes and counters. We have also been practicing ordering numbers, comparing numbers and learning our times tables through lots of fun songs! 

We have had lots of fun in YPC. We kicked off the year learning about Kandinsky and we even recreated his work using paints! We then moved onto learning about transport which was very interesting. We compared transport from the past and transport that we used now and through our D&T lessons we designed and made our own products. 

In Science we have been investigating different materials. We now know lots about the properties, suitability and features of different materials. We enjoyed planning an investigation to see which materials are the most waterproof. 

We have also been very busy in our Phonics sessions, recapping our sounds and practicing writing them in a word, in a sentence and finding them in a text. We are loving having Geraldine the giraffe help us to remember our Phonics sounds! 

I am very much looking forward to the rest of the year. We have lots of exciting topics coming up next term! Have a lovely, well deserved break and I will see you in Autumn 2! 

Miss Hanif x

Class 2M - Autumn 1

14th October 2021 Posted by Miss Murphy

Well done, 2M. You have made such a fantastic start to Year 2 throughout the first half-term and I am so proud of the maturity you have shown.

Our Maths lessons have been jam-packed with lots of mathematical skills. We have been largely focusing on our understanding of place value which will help us later on in the year. We have used this knowledge to partition numbers into tens and ones, represent numbers in different ways and find one/ten more than and one/ten less than a number. We have also become even more confident in our ability to count in steps of 1, 2, 5 and 10!

In English we have been doing lots of amazing writing while focusing on our key skills. We are very aware that sentences require capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces and they must make sense. We have made our sentences very exciting by adding lots of nouns, adjectives and even expanded noun phrases. Our vocabulary has also expanded by looking at the meaning of exciting new words. We have also been working on our letter formation which is really beginning to improve.

Science has been very exciting too! We have learnt all about different materials and focused on areas such as: suitability, everyday uses and properties. Luckily, we were able to look at some of the materials within the classroom and this really helped to secure our understanding. We have carried out investigations and discussed how to create a fair test. 

During our YPC lessons we started off by learning all about the abstract artist, Kandinsky. We focused on how his art always included lines, shapes and colours and used this knowledge to recreate our own version of his famous ‘Concentric Circles’ piece. Then, we moved on to Transport where we looked at different modes of transport with a particular focus on wheels. We explored how wheels move and applied this learning when making our own toy car with a chassis, axle and wheels. It’s been lots of fun!

Football was a great way to start P.E. this half term. We were able to learning lots about the rules of the game and how to use different parts of our feet for different skills. We focused on dribbling, passing, shooting and game-playing.

I have certainly enjoyed my first half-term in 2M and I hope you have too! Have a wonderful break and make sure you come back well rested for lots more exciting learning. Stay safe and I will see you soon!

Class 2W - Autumn 1

12th October 2021 Posted by Mr Wearing

What an amazing first half-term we have had in 2W! 

In Maths, we started by developing our understanding of place value by using the Numicon and the base-10. We now have a great understanding of tens and ones and can partition an amount in different ways. We also looked at comparing and ordering numbers. We had great fun creating them and comparing the different sizes. 

In English, we have had a big focus on how to form a sentence and improving our handwriting. We have been developing our understanding of different sentence types and we are starting to use them within our writing. It is important for us to remember the different punctuation to use. We have started to learn how to write in some different styles of writing. An activity we really enjoyed was adapting the story Red Riding Hood and it was great fun sharing these with the class.  

We have been learning about Kandinsky and Transport in our YPC lessons. We started by creating art in the style of Kandinsky. We really enjoyed using the watercolours to create a picture which looked similar to his work. Then, we moved on to designing, making and evaluating a toy car. It was great fun creating the chassis and the axles for our car. 

In Science, we have been learning about Materials. We really enjoyed matching objects to the material they are made out of but our favourite lesson was when we investigated how suitable a material is for a purpose. It was great fun discussing why a car can’t be made out of paper and why a t-shirt can’t be made from metal. 

Keep up the great work 2W and have a great holiday! 

Class 2U - Autumn 1

12th October 2021 Posted by Mr Ulhaq

I am really impressed with the start made by 2U this year.

In Maths, we have been working on basic number skills. We have used Numicon, Base 10, number lines and hundred squares to support our understanding of numbers. Topics covered include: place value, partitioning, estimation, comparing numbers, counting on and calculating one or ten more/ less.

For English, 2U started with the wonderful Roald Dahl’s The Enormous Crocodile. Our work focussed on creating adjectives and noun phrases. We then moved onto the 4 sentences types: statements, commands, exclamations and questions. Our reading work has pushed our retrieval skills from well-known traditional tales, while our Phonics has been recapping some Phase 3 and 4 sounds to ensure we begin this year confidently.

In Y.P.C. lessons, we completed a very short Art topic on Kandinsky. Our class painted to classical music, seeking for inspiration for our concentric circles paintings. We also began our new topic on Transport, exploring the various ways we transport goods and people around the world. We developed some Design and Technology skills when designing a vehicle and using wooden axles to understand how wheels work. 

During Science this half term, 2U have explored materials, in particular, focussing on what objects are made out of and comparing the properties of materials. We discussed suitability of products and linked this with our Transport topic, identifying materials in a car.

Our P.E lessons have covered key skills in football, such as passing, shooting, dribbling and tackling. We have also covered Dance, focussing on the Haka dance performed by the New Zealand rugby team. We worked on timing, rhythm, creating our own moves, working in unison and cannon.

I am looking forward to our next half term, and hope you all have a brilliant half-term break.

Mr. Ulhaq.

Year 2 - What's happening this half term (autumn first half term)?

8th September 2021 Posted by Year 2

We are really pleased to welcome back our pupils this week. If you have any questions related to the reopening of school, please see the ‘Key information’ on the school website. We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. 

This half term we will be learning about:



In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:


We will begin by looking at number and place value. We will be learning about:


Our first Science topic is Materials. We will be learning about:



Our first YPC topic is Kandinsky and then we will move on to Transport. We will be learning about:




This term we will be learning about Basic Skills and how to navigate a computer.


PE/Sports: Football and Dance

On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit or clothing appropriate for P.E instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so a hoodie/jacket and joggers are recommended. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

If your child wears earrings there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about why we need rules in society and how they keep people safe and help us work together.


Dates for the diary

Roald Dahl Day-Monday 13th September 

Work at Home

 The ‘Autumn 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download from the school website soon. Please let us know if a paper copy is required. We also encourage the use of the learning hubs as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Class 2W - Summer 2

14th July 2021 Posted by Mr Wearing

What a fantastic final half-term we have had!

 In English we really enjoyed reading Fantastic Mr Fox. We thought it had some great characters in it and we enjoyed writing a character description about Farmer Bean. We also created a book review based on the book. We really enjoyed sharing our opinion and giving our recommendations on the book.

 In Maths, we had lots of fun learning about money. We looked at recognising the different coins, adding them together and solving change problems. We really enjoyed creating a pretend toy shop to develop these skills. We also looked at time and learnt how to read the time and create a time. It was important we remembered the difference between the minute and hour hand.

 It was great fun creating a clown car in YPC for our Circus topic. We started by looking at different toy cars and then we designed our own with moving axles. Then, we built it using cardboard and wooden dowels for the axles. To finish the topic, we learnt some circus tricks with Mr Jones which was lots of fun!

 In Science, we have been carrying out Scientific experiments. The topic has been all about bubbles and we were challenged to try and make different shaped bubbles, different sized bubbles and change the colour of them. We also grew some strawberry and tomato plants. It was important that we gave them enough water, light and heat.

 Well done class for working so hard during this year! It has not been a normal year but you have risen to the challenge and I have been so impressed with how hard you have all worked! I wish you all the best of luck in Year 3 and I look forward to seeing you around school.

Class 2M - Summer 2

14th July 2021 Posted by Miss Murphy

What a brilliant final half-term, 2M!

During our Maths lessons we have had lots of fun learning about money. We looked at recognising the different coins, adding them together and solving problems to find change. Using these skills, we were able to create our own pretend toy shop where we could buy and sell lots of different things. We also enjoyed looking at time and learnt how to read and show the time. We were able to develop skills such as remembering the difference between the minute and hour hand, counting in 5 minute intervals and using mathematical language related to time.

In English, we have really enjoyed reading Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox. We really enjoyed seeing how the author had used positive and negative language to describe the characters and applied this knowledge when writing our own character description of Farmer Bean. After we read the book, we also created a book review based on the book. It was lots of fun to share our own opinions.

We had so much fun making our own clown car for our Circus topic in YPC. We started by exploring different toys cars to identify the features before designing our own with moving axles. After designing, we built our cars using cardboard and wooden dowels for the axles. As a special treat to finish the topic, we had lots of fun learning some circus tricks with Mr Jones.

In Science, we have been carrying out lots of Scientific experiments. Our topic of ‘Bubbles’ has allowed us to develop our investigative skills when we were challenged to try and make different shaped bubbles, different sized bubbles and change the colour of them. We learnt a lot about creating a fair test and making sensible predictions. We also spent some time recapping our knowledge of Seasonal Change.

Well done, 2M. It has been a very difficult year but you have been incredibly mature and positive throughout. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you all and I am sure you will continue to be just as successful in Year 3. Have a lovely break and I look forward to seeing you around school next year.​ 

Class 2L - Summer 2

13th July 2021 Posted by Mr Lloyd

Although we are ending the year in the way none of us wanted - being back to remote learning - it is important to reflect on what a great half term we have had in 2L prior to now.

In English, we have written a recount and a diary entry based on the Great Fire of London, reading several stories based on these events. We also read ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ by Roald Dahl and wrote a character description and a book review.

In Maths we have looked at measure, including: length, capacity, mass and temperature. We looked at the different apparatus needed to measure these different things and applied our learning to real-world problems. We then moved on to Money and learned how to make values using different coins and the skill of finding change.

We have continued to learn about Seasonal Change in our Science topic, looking at the changes between spring and summer. We also looked at ‘Bubbles’, working scientifically to conduct our own investigations into what makes the biggest bubbles. We changed variables such as the amount of washing up liquid, the size of the bubble wand.

In our YPC topic we have learned all about the Great Fire of London, examining what primary and secondary sources can tell us about these events. We have also looked at the lives of famous women in history, such as Grace Darling and Rosa Parks, creating art work and profiles. Our final topic this year was ‘Circus’. We had the opportunity to design, make and evaluate a clown car, considering how we can make it appealing to children, through use of eye-catching designs and appropriate size.

I have really enjoyed teaching you all this year and you should be very proud of the achievements you have all made. Wishing you all the best for when you start Year 3 in September. I know you will have a fantastic time with your new teacher, Mr Shah!

Have a wonderful summer, 2L.

Class 2U - Summer 2

12th July 2021 Posted by Mr Ulhaq

We’ve had an amazing year 2U – you should all be proud of your achievements this final half term.

For Maths, we covered Measure, learning about capacity, length, temperature and mass. We also have learned about money, combining coins and calculating change. Finally, we looked at telling time on an analogue clock.  

In English, we have used our Y.P.C topic to read texts on the Great Fire of London, writing a recount and a diary entry. We focussed on writing in 1st person, conveying feelings and looking at their impact, physically. Also, we have looked at redrafting some of our favourite pieces, editing and improving our previous pieces of writing.

In our Science lessons, 2U completed work on Seasonal Change, in learning about the wonderful changes that Summer brings. We also developed our scientific inquiry skills by completing a special mini-topic, Bubbles.

During Y.P.C lessons, we had a special visitor show some weapons, armour and artefacts from the Middle Ages that knights or kings might have used, completing our Castles topic. We then moved on to Famous Events and People, using our historical skills to study the key moments of the Great Fire of London. In addition, we studied historical sources to find out more about significant individuals, such as Grace Darling.  Finally, we used Design and Technology skills in our Circus topic to design, create and evaluate a toy clown car.

I am really proud of all of the hard work and achievement 2U. I hope you enjoy your well-deserved Summer holidays and I wish you all good luck for Year 3 in September!

Mr. Ulhaq.