Year 2 Learning Hub
Visit Purple Mash to access activities for all areas of the curriculum.
To access Purple Mash, you will need to log in. Remember, your login details for Purple Mash are the same as your school login details.
Please contact us if you have forgotten your login information.
Advice if you're upset by the news
If you are upset by the news, it's important to know that you are not the only one and it's OK to have those feelings. You can rely on Newsround to tell you the important facts about a story - but some things you hear might be scary or make you feel worried.
Visit the Newsround website here to get some tips about what to do if you are feeling sad about what you've seen, heard or read.
Stay Safe Online
Visit our 'Stay Safe Online' page for help and advice on how you can keep yourself safe online.
Head over to your Stay Safe Online page to check out three great digital books - Chicken Clicking, Troll Stinks and Old Macdonald Had a Phone, written by author Jeanne Willis and illustrated by Tony Ross.
You can download the books for free below along with a fun activity sheet.
To access Times Tables Rock Stars, you will need to log in.
Please contact the school office if you have forgotten your login information:
Geography & History
Digimap for Schools is an award winning online mapping service for use by teachers and pupils. The service is designed for use by children as young as 5, and up to 16 years. Children can customise maps to tell a story - by adding pictures, graphs or climate information to support creative, engaging and interactive teaching and learning.
Explore Digimap and create your own maps or use the activities provided below. Click the logo to go to Digimap.
NEW! Digimap Activities
Check out these awesome activities that accompany Digimaps:
Spring Watch - Find signs of spring in your garden, then add them to a map.
Scavenger Hunt - A quick idea for you to do at home.
Name the City - A quick quiz to identify UK cities from maps in Digimap for Schools.
Map your walk - Add and measure walking routes. Add images, lines and measurement labels.
Map symbols crossword - A crossword on map symbols, with picture clues.
Map Quiz - A quiz to identify map features and symbols.
Finding the grid reference - A guide to finding 4 figure grid references in Digimap for Schools.
Colouring Land Use - Create a map key and colouring in your map.
To access Digimap, you will need to log in.
Please contact the school office if you have forgotten your login information:
Maddie Moate
Maddie's online videos offer up a curiosity box full of family content! Packed with films about science, wildlife, travel and engineering, she takes her audience on educational adventures and inspires them to #staycurious.
Click on the buttons to watch Maddie's themed playlists on YouTube.
BBC Bring the Noise offers a range of free, fun and simple online music resources. There are lots of interactive and inclusive activities for EYFS, KS1 and SEND pupils.
Click on the button to access the site or click here.
The Voices Foundation offer virtual singing assemblies. All sessions are available on their YouTube channel. Click here to visit their channel.
Durham Music's YouTube channel has lots of activities to try at home. Click here to visit their channel. Why not join in with the 'Rockin' Rhythm' lesson above?
An online interactive language resource for you to practise your Spanish skills.
To access Linguascope, you will need to log in.
Please contact the school office if you have forgotten your login information:
Join Mr Jassi and Miss Ward for some virtual P.E. sessions!
You can find lots more P.E. and Sports videos on our YouTube channel.
Click here to access the Year 1 and 2 playlist for our other scheme of virtual P.E. videos.
Miss Ward's 'Go Bright' Exercise Activity
As part of our 'Go Bright for Muscular Dystrophy' charity week, join Miss Ward for an inclusive exercise activity. Suitable for able bodied and wheelchair users alike.
Meditation with Mrs Grange
A calming meditation session recorded by Mrs Grange. This guided meditation recording will lead you through breathing and movement exercises to help you feel calm and relaxed.