Parents In School
Celebration Assemblies
We hold a celebration assembly for each year group every half term. This is in addition to the weekly celebration of pupil achievements via newsletters and our social media.
These assemblies are an opportunity for parents to attend the school and celebrate the pupils many individual achievements as well as celebrating the achievements and attendance of each class.
In every assembly we celebrate the achievement of all pupils based on the school values.
The dates and times of the assemblies can be found in the calendar, right here on our website.
Please note that due to other events taking place in school, occasionally the timings/days of our celebration assemblies may change. Please check the calendar on our website, with the office or a member of staff before making the journey to come and join us.
Helping In School
Parents, grandparents and members of the community are all invited to volunteer to help in the classroom, or to help in school generally (subject to a DBS check if this support is regular).
This is invaluable to both the staff and children and also a chance for parents and others to be involved in the life and work of the school.
When helping in school, all of our visitors must sign in via the office at the main reception area.
Please contact us if you would like to get involved.
Meet The Teacher Sessions
At the start of each academic year, we hold our 'Meet the Teacher' sessions for Years 1-6. This is an opportunity for you to meet your child's class teacher and other staff from the year group. You will also find out about things that will be taking place during the school year, such as trips, events in school and special visitors.
Reception parents will have already met their teachers at our induction evenings and transition sessions.
Our 'Meet the Teacher' sessions for this academic year took place in September 2024. You can access the presentations below:
Parent Workshops
Parent Workshops will be held throughout the year. Information and resources from our workshops that have taken place will usually be available below after the workshop has taken place. If you wish to discuss any of the information further or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.