Reception Blog

Reception - What's happening this half term (Autumn 1st half term)?

12th September 2024  |  Posted by Reception

Welcome to the first Reception blog of the school year! It has been a pleasure to welcome everyone in to our school, it has been a wonderful start!

Our questions this term will be:

Through exploring these questions, we will learn about each other, our school and the local community. 

Physical Development

In school we will be developing skills in holding and using a pencil, developing independence skills in self-care e.g. going to the toilet, putting on and finding own coat. We will also be developing our balance, co-ordination and movement skills through the use of our outdoor areas and our indoor climbing frame.

Children are engaged in physical activities everyday so please ensure children are not wearing jewellery (ear studs are acceptable) and have appropriate footwear on. 

Ways you can help at home:

Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to develop our attention by listening to stories, practising following simple instructions and sharing our own experiences with others.

Ways that you can help at home are: 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Our learning this term will be to say when we do or don’t need help, to form good relationships with adults and children in school. 

Ways that you can help at home are: 


This term our learning focus will be to give meaning to marks as we draw, write and paint. This will be extended so that children begin to form recognisable letters in order to write their name. We will be paying particular attention to the way that letters are formed so that children are able to form letters correctly. We will begin our journey into learning the sounds of letters and applying this knowledge to read simple words. 

Ways that you can help at home are: 


In school we will be using number names and number language appropriately. We will also be developing children’s knowledge of shape and space by playing with shapes and making arrangements with objects. 

Ways that you can help at home are: 

Understanding of the World

Activities we will be doing in school that you can do at home:

Expressive Art and Design

In school we will be experimenting with colour, texture and resources. Expressing our feelings through song and dance. 

Ways that you can help at home are: 


Please ensure that your child has a pair of wellies and a water bottle in school (don’t forget to label them).

Please do not bring rucksacks as these are too big to store in classrooms and damage our books.

Please can you also make sure that all belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.

Learning at Home

Reading at home: This half term each child will receive a reading diary, please ensure that it is brought to school every day in their book bag. Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

All units are on X (formerly Twitter) so please follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below. 

Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)!

Don’t forget to follow our units on X.  Click a button below to find your child's unit on X.

Class RB - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Barnett

So for our final term in Reception we have been learning all about traditional stories, Eid, holidays and getting ready for Year 1. We also had great fun dressing in our graduation clothes to celebrate all we have achieved with you at our graduation ceremony.

The children thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the repetitive phrases in the stories we have read and I have seen this reflected in the writing they have done. The children have been amazing at retelling the stories and acting them out. The confidence that they display doing this is wonderful to see.

In maths we have been practising all we have learnt this year. We have been naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes, using numbers to 20 (and beyond) to solve problems by adding, subtracting, halving and doubling. We have even been learning and exploring number bonds to 10. Phew! What a busy term.

We recently enjoyed our sports day, you were such great team players cheering everyone on. I was very impressed with everyone’s resilience and determination.

I can't believe that we are at the end of the school year RB. We have had so much fun over the past year and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to celebrate this in our graduation ceremony. I still remember your first day here at Yardley Primary when you astounded me with how well you came into school, it was as though you had been doing it for years. You have been a truly amazing class and I look forward to watching you grow as you progress through the school.

Thank you for a fabulous year, enjoy the summer and I will see you soon,

Miss Barnett

Class RMB - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Brown

We have had such a fantastic final half term RMB, you have grown so much and I am so proud of you!

 This term we have been focussing on so many wonderful new themes. The children have been focussing on lots of story-telling this half term.  We have read traditional tales such as, The Gingerbread Man and The Little Red Hen 

The children thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the repetitive phrases and acting out the stories. The children were amazing at retelling the story through their story maps and we had some amazing story-telling on Twitter. 

Our holiday topic was very exciting as there were lots of children who were able to talk about various holidays such as going to a hot country such as Turkey or visiting a colder country such as Iceland. The children loved talking about different holidays such as camping, going to the beach, going on a safari and visiting countries around the world. The children loved comparing and discussing what they would need for these holidays. 

During transition week, the children enjoyed meeting their Year 1 teacher. Mr Shah was so impressed with the children and is very excited to teach you next half term.

The children’s Graduation Day ceremony was a great celebration day. The children enjoyed singing for you all and stood proudly holding their certificates. Hope you enjoyed the ceremony. I think it was an emotional day for all of us!

Finally we had a week about what we are looking forward to, the children talked about their hopes, aspirations and goals for the future. We had to celebrate their success with a well-deserved ice lolly. 

Good luck in Year 1 children, I will miss you all very much and will look back on our time together with such joy. 

Have a very happy summer holiday everyone, stay safe and have fun.

Miss Brown, Mrs Erdinc and Miss Godsil.

Class RN - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Nahar

It’s been a long term in school and the children are ready for their Summer break. This term we have been focussing on so many wonderful new themes. The children have been focussing on lots of story-telling this half term. 

Here are the stories that we focussed on:

The children thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the repetitive phrases and acting out the stories. The children were amazing at retelling the story through their story maps and we had some amazing story-telling on Twitter. 

We then enjoyed learning about Eid Al-Adha and the children enjoyed sharing their Eid celebration experiences with their friends in class. 

Our holiday topic was very exciting as there were lots of children who were able to talk about various holidays such as going to a hot country such as Pakistan or visiting a colder country such as Iceland. The children loved talking about different holidays such as camping, going to the beach, going on a safari and visiting countries around the world. The children loved comparing and discussing what they would need for these holidays. 

During transition week, the children enjoyed meeting their Year 1 teacher. We also had a Graduation Day ceremony which was a great celebration day. The children enjoyed singing for you all. Hope you enjoyed the ceremony. I think it was an emotional day for all of us!

Finally we had a week about what we are looking forward to, the children talked about their hopes, aspirations and goals for the future. We had to celebrate their success with a well-deserved ice lolly. 

Good luck in Year 1. I will miss you all very much. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. 

Have a very happy Summer holiday everyone.

Class RW - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Williams

Well done to all the children for their first year at school! This term has been especially action packed!

It’s been a busy term in school and the children are ready for their Summer break. This term we have been focussing on so many wonderful new themes. The children have been focussing on lots of story-telling this half term.  We  enjoyed the stories of The Little Red Hen and The Gingerbread Man in particular.

The children thoroughly enjoyed joining in with the repetitive phrases and acting out the stories. The children were amazing at retelling the story through their role play and writing. 

We then enjoyed learning about Eid Al-Adha and the children enjoyed sharing their Eid celebration experiences with their friends in class.  

Our holiday topic was very exciting as there were lots of children who were able to talk about various holidays such as going to a hot country such as Pakistan or visiting a colder country such as Iceland. The children loved talking about different holidays such as camping, going to the beach, going on a safari and visiting countries around the world. The children loved comparing and discussing what they would need for these holidays.  

During transition week, the children enjoyed meeting their Year 1 teacher. We also had a Graduation Day ceremony which was a great celebration day. The children enjoyed singing for you all. Hope you enjoyed the ceremony. I think it was an emotional day for all of us! 

Finally we had a week about what we are looking forward to, the children talked about their hopes, aspirations and goals for the future. We had to celebrate their success with a well-deserved ice lolly.  

Good luck in Year 1. I will miss you all very much. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. 

Have a very happy Summer holiday everyone.

Reception - What's happening this half term (Summer 2nd half term)?

5th June 2024  |  Posted by Reception

Can you believe we are about to start our final term in Reception! Here is our planned learning for the Summer term in Reception:


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Physical Development

In school / At home 

Children have access to climbing and balancing apparatus, sports games and the outside area on a daily basis, so sensible footwear is necessary each day.


In school we will be learning to:

At home you can:



In school we will be learning to:

At home you can: 


Understanding of the World

In school/At home:


Expressive Art and Design

In school we will be learning to:

At home you can:


Learning at Home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

All classes are on Twitter so please follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download this week using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below. 

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class RB - Summer 1st Half Term

22nd May 2024  |  Posted by Miss Barnett

Oh no, RB we only have one more term together before you move on to Year 1! We have had such an eventful and busy half term, time is flying.

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language, which I have heard you use during conversations. I really enjoyed reading The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. In our new continuous provision area the children retold the stories using props, role play and small world toys, it was lovely to see how well you listened to the stories and used great teamwork to retell them to your friends. 

We have been looking at all the signs of Spring and sharing the changes that we have noticed. We have planted our own beans and you will be able to watch them grow. I wonder how big they are now? 

In Literacy this term, we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have been so impressed with the sentences you have written using your phonics and some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’. 

In Maths we have been working hard exploring numbers. We have also been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10. Some of our lessons this term have involved the ducklings, they were particularly helpful when we were learning our number bonds to 5. 

We were very lucky to have some duck eggs in school which we were able to watch hatch. We loved having the opportunity to hold the ducklings and watch them swim around in our water tray. The ducklings even joined in with us during our phonic lessons.

We had the most amazing time at the farm when we went to visit. The children’s behaviour was impeccable, I was very proud. We listened carefully to what we were told about the different animals and enjoyed the opportunity to feed them and stroke them. It was a very busy day and we were exhausted by the end of it, but it was worth it.

RB you are all amazing and I can’t wait for all the fun we have planned next term. Enjoy your half term and I will see you all soon.

Miss Barnett

Class RN - Summer 1st Half Term

22nd May 2024  |  Posted by Miss Nahar

We have had a fabulous start to the Summer Term. Here’s what we have been up to in RN.

This half term, we really enjoyed learning all about Eid and I enjoyed hearing all the wonderful celebrations some of our class had. We enjoyed tasting Eid food and having a class party.

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. It has been so much fun watching you use the LEGO, Numicon and bricks to explore making new numbers. You have also been using, very grown up resources, like a 10s frame. We have also been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10 and I enjoyed when we sang the Farmer Pete song.  We have also started to explore how some numbers are odd and some are even, the children are now able to sort out these numbers and explain their answers.

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have been so impressed with the sentences you have written, using your phonics and even adding some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in your work.

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language, which I have heard you use during conversations. I really enjoyed reading The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. In our new continuous provision area the children retold the stories using props, role play and small world toys, it was lovely to see how well you listened to the stories and used great teamwork to retell them to your friends.

Now we are in spring we were interested in looking at all the signs of the season changing all around us. We have planted our own seeds and watched them start to grow. We planted a beanstalk and are hoping that there are no giants at the top! The children have looked after them so carefully and were excited to take them home so they can continue to grow. Don’t forget to water them!

Towards the end of the half term we have been learning all about life on the farm. We had the best time at Mount Pleasant Farm and I was so impressed how sensible you were!

Enjoy your half term and stay safe RN! See you soon.

Best wishes

Miss Nahar

Class RMB - Summer 1st Half Term

20th May 2024  |  Posted by Miss Brown

What a busy half term we have had RMB.

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have been so impressed with the sentences you have written, using your phonics and even adding some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in your work.

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language, which I have heard you use during conversations. I really enjoyed reading The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. In our new continuous provision area the children retold the stories using props, role play and small world toys, it was lovely to see how well you listened to the stories and used great teamwork to retell them to your friends.

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. It has been so much fun watching you use the LEGO, Numicon and bricks to explore making new numbers. You have also been using, very grown up resources, like a 10s frame. We have also been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10 and I enjoyed when we sang the Farmer Pete song.  We have also started to explore how some numbers are odd and some are even, the children are now able to sort out these numbers and explain their answers.

This half term, we really enjoyed learning all about Eid and I enjoyed hearing all the wonderful celebrations some of our class had. We enjoyed tasting Eid food and having a class party.

Now we are in spring we were interested in looking at all the signs of the season changing all around us. We have planted our own seeds and watched them start to grow. We planted a beanstalk and are hoping that there are no giants at the top! The children have looked after them so carefully and were excited to take them home so they can continue to grow. Don’t forget to water them!

Towards the end of the half term we have been learning all about life on the farm. We had the best time at Mount Pleasant Farm and I was so impressed how sensible you were!

RMB you are continuously growing into brilliant little learners and I am excited to watch you grow during your last half term in Reception.

Enjoy your half term and stay safe!

Miss Brown, Mrs Erdinc and Miss Godsil

Class RW - Summer 1st Half Term

20th May 2024  |  Posted by Miss Williams

Summer is coming and we have had some lovely sunny days this term! 

We have enjoyed getting outside in our outdoor learning areas and planting lots of seeds and plants. We have been noticing all the changes around us as the weather gets warmer. We have been spotting minibeasts and we have loved watching our caterpillars change into beautiful butterflies. Another treat was watching our eggs hatch into ducklings. We loved having the ducklings in Reception, especially watching them, splashing in the water tray!

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. It has been so much fun watching you use the LEGO, Numicon and bricks to explore making new numbers. You have also been using, very grown up resources, like a 10s frame. We have also been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10 and I enjoyed when we sang the Farmer Pete song.  We have also started to explore how some numbers are odd and some are even, the children are now able to sort out these numbers and explain their answers.

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have been so impressed with the sentences you have written, using your phonics and even adding some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in your work.

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language, which I have heard you use during conversations. I really enjoyed reading The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. In our new continuous provision area the children retold the stories using props, role play and small world toys, it was lovely to see how well you listened to the stories and used great teamwork to retell them to your friends.

This half term, we really enjoyed learning all about Eid and I enjoyed hearing all the wonderful celebrations some of our class had. We enjoyed tasting Eid food and having a class party.

Towards the end of the half term we have been learning all about life on the farm. We had the best time at Mount Pleasant Farm and I was so impressed how sensible you were!

RW you are continuously growing into brilliant little learners and I am excited to watch you grow during your last half term in Reception.

Enjoy your half term and stay safe!

Miss Williams and Miss Lewis.

Reception - What's happening this half term (Summer 1st half term)?

11th April 2024  |  Posted by Reception

This half term Reception are learning about Spring, life cycles and fairy tales.

Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 

Physical Development

In school / At home:

This term, Physical Development will be taught differently in Reception. Therefore, there will not be a dedicated P.E. day, so your child will not need to wear P.E. kit to school. However, children have access climbing and balancing apparatus, sports games and the outside area, so sensible footwear is necessary each day. 



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can:



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Understanding of the World

In school / At home:


Expressive Art and Design 

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 



Learning at Home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

All classes are on Twitter so please follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below. 

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class RB - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024  |  Posted by Miss Barnett

Wow I can’t believe that we have completed another term in Reception already. This year is flying by. We have had so much fun this term and I can see the children are using and applying all that they have learnt so far this year. 

We started the term off with our Superhero topic. This is always great fun and the children got to hear lots of stories from the ‘Supertato’ collection. These books really captured our imaginations and we even had the ‘Evil Pea’ hiding in our classroom! Luckily, RB are fantastic at finding any intruders in our class and were able to find him most mornings before he could cause any mischief. 

We celebrated World Book Day. It was amazing to see all the characters from various stories come alive in our class. We love listening to and talking about stories which is fantastic. A love of reading is so important to our learning and development and RB certainly enjoy sharing books. It has been wonderful watching how well the children apply their knowledge of sound to read words and sentences independently.

The children also enjoyed learning about Space. They learnt so many facts about our solar system and the planets. I wonder if we have any future astronauts in RB.

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. We have been looking at compositions of numbers up to 8 (this is where we need to find different pairs of numbers to make the total). We have also been looking at subitising up to 8 (this is where the children have to identify the total number of objects without counting). We looked at Time, Length and Height in class. Continue to practice these skills at home.

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been applying our phonics and even using some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in our work. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing.

Throughout the term, the children have enjoyed PE, Forest School, Music, RE and dancing in RB. 

To finish the half term the children enjoyed learning about Easter and took part in an Easter Bonnet competition. 

Thank you for all your support this half term. Enjoy the break and I will see you all soon.

Take Care Miss Barnett 😊

Class RMB - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024  |  Posted by Miss Brown

Wow RMB, another term done! I am so proud of the resilience you have shown, you are accessing all our areas of learning independently and made such fantastic progress. 

We have explored two interesting topic’s this half term. We started off, learning all about Superheroes! The children were able to link their prior knowledge about real superheroes such as people who help us in the community e.g police officers, doctors and firefighters. We read the story ‘Supertato’ and used our phonics knowledge to write speech bubbles, I loved your imagination within this activity and you produced some fantastic work. Following that, the children thought about what superhero powers they would have if they were a superhero, I think my power would be flying! You could ask your family members what power they would have. The children loved superhero dress up day and enjoyed using their Art and Design skills to make shields, wrist bands and masks. 

The children also enjoyed learning about Space. They learnt so many facts about our solar system and we looked at influential space travellers such as Neil Armstrong and Captain Tim Peake. The children enjoyed writing facts for Literacy and reading Non-Fiction books during world book day all about our galaxy. The children were very creative and my classroom is full of different planets that the children have designed. 

In Maths for those topics, the children enjoyed counting 1-1 and finding 1 more and 1 less up to 8. We also found compositions and continued with subitising numbers within number 8. We also revisited learning on height, length and capacity. Please continue to practise counting and finding composition of numbers within 8.

We celebrated World Book Day as a whole school. It was amazing to see all the characters from various stories come alive in RMB. Books are appreciated and loved in Reception. Please continue to support your child to read every day. Reading every day will embed an excitement and love for reading. When children see adults excited about reading, they want to replicate the enthusiasm. So, let’s work as a team to get your children reading and writing. If you need any support, please just ask a member of staff.

Throughout the term, the children have enjoyed continuing our Gymnastics Topic in PE. The children were able to demonstrate different rolls, jumps and balances throughout the topic. During Outdoor Learning RMB haven been thinking about the environment, we have been making bird feeders and noticing the changes of the Season. We have also enjoyed learning about Ramadan, the children have been speaking about what is happening at home and how excited they are for Eid.

RMB also enjoyed learning about Comic Relief and were proud to be part of a community where supporting charities such as Comic relief is an integral part of teamwork and kindness.

To finish the half term the children enjoyed learning about Easter and took part in an Easter Bonnet competition and hot cross bun tasting in Maths. They followed instruction to make their hot cross bun and taste this delicious custom for Easter.

Thank you for all your support this half term, enjoy your Easter Break and we will see you after the holiday.

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RN - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024  |  Posted by Miss Nahar

This half term we started our Superhero topic which the children were so excited about. This topic is always popular in Reception. In Literacy we read the story ‘Supertato’ and used our phonics knowledge to write speech bubbles. Following that, the children thought about what superhero powers they would have if they were a superhero. The children were able to link their prior knowledge about real superheroes such as people who help us in the community e.g police officers, doctors and firefighters. The children loved superhero dress up day.  Then we revisited our topic on healthy living, and we focused on oral health. We are beginning to understand why looking after our teeth is very important. The children are making healthier choices which is great to see. The children can talk about why they need to look after their teeth and why they should be making sensible food choices. The children also enjoyed learning about Space. They learnt so many facts about our solar system and we looked at influential space travellers such as Neil Armstrong and Captain Tim Peake. The children enjoyed writing facts for Literacy and enjoyed making planets and rockets for their classroom. 

In Maths for those topics, the children enjoyed counting 1-1 and finding 1 more and 1 less up to 8. We also found compositions and continued with subitising numbers within number 8. We also revisited learning on height, length and capacity. Please continue to practise counting and finding composition of numbers within 8. 

We celebrated World Book Day as a whole school. It was amazing to see all the characters from various stories come alive in RN. Books are appreciated and loved in Reception. Please continue to support your child to read every day. Reading every day will embed an excitement and love for reading. When children see adults excited about reading, they want to replicate the enthusiasm. So, let’s work as a team to get your children reading and writing. If you need any support, please just ask a member of staff. 

Throughout the term, the children have enjoyed PE, Outdoor Learning and RE in RN. We enjoyed learning about Ramadan. 

RN also enjoyed learning about Comic Relief and were proud to be part of a community where supporting charities such as Comic relief is an integral part of teamwork and kindness. They also enjoyed taking part in a class assembly for Year, Reception pupils and their parents. They were all amazing and so confident. It was amazing to receive so many compliments from pupils, staff and parents. 

To finish the half term the children enjoyed learning about Easter and took part in an Easter Bonnet competition and hot cross bun tasting in Maths. They followed instruction to make their hot cross bun and taste this delicious custom for Easter. 

Thank you for all your support this half term. Enjoy the break and I will see you all soon. Can’t believe we are coming to the end of the academic year soon. 

Thank you

Miss Nahar 😊

Class RW - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024  |  Posted by Miss Williams

What a busy term! 

This half term we started our Superhero topic which the children were so excited about. This topic is always popular in Reception. In Literacy we read the story ‘Supertato’ and used our phonics knowledge to write speech bubbles. Following that, the children thought about what superhero powers they would have if they were a superhero. The children were able to link their prior knowledge about real superheroes such as people who help us in the community e.g. police officers, doctors and firefighters. The children loved superhero dress up day. Then we revisited our topic on healthy living, and we focused on oral health. We are beginning to understand why looking after our teeth is very important. The children are making healthier choices which is great to see. We also really enjoyed our space topic. We learnt about the planets in our solar system and space travel. Some of us are dreaming of becoming astronauts!

We celebrated World Book Day as a whole school. It was amazing to see all the characters from various stories come alive in RW. Books are appreciated and loved in Reception. Please continue to support your child to read every day. Reading every day will embed an excitement and love for reading. When children see adults excited about reading, they want to replicate the enthusiasm. So, let’s work as a team to get your children reading and writing. If you need any support, please just ask a member of staff.

Throughout the term, the children have enjoyed PE, Outdoor Learning and RE in RW. We enjoyed learning about Ramadan.

In Maths for those topics, the children enjoyed counting 1-1 and finding 1 more and 1 less up to 8. We also found compositions and continued with subitising numbers within number 8. We also revisited learning on height, length and capacity. Please continue to practise counting and finding composition of numbers within 8.

RW also enjoyed learning about Comic Relief and were proud to be part of a community where supporting charities such as Comic relief is an integral part of teamwork and kindness. They also enjoyed taking part in a class assembly for Year, Reception pupils and their parents. They were all amazing and so confident. It was amazing to receive so many compliments from pupils, staff and parents.

To finish the half term the children enjoyed learning about Easter and took part in an Easter Bonnet competition and hot cross bun tasting in Maths. They followed instruction to make their hot cross bun and taste this delicious food for Easter.

Thank you for all your support this half term. Enjoy the break and I will see you all soon. Can’t believe we are coming to the last term of the academic year soon.

Thank you!

Miss Williams

Reception - What's happening this half term (Spring 2nd half term)?

23rd February 2024 Posted by Reception

This half term Reception are learning about Superheroes, Space and Easter


Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Physical Development

In school / At home

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here.  Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can:



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Understanding of the World

In school/At home:


Expressive Art and Design 

In school we will be learning: 

At home you can: 

Please remember…

Parents Evening

If you haven't booked an appointment already, we would like to invite you to attend our Parents Evenings, taking place on the following dates:

Click here for further information and to book.

Learning at Home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

All classes are on Twitter so please follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below. 

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class RB - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Miss Barnett

This has been an incredibly busy term, Christmas seems like a long time ago now. The children have all worked really hard this term and I have seen lots of improvement in all areas of learning. Keep up the hard work RB.

This term our topic has been ‘Under the Sea’. The children have loved learning about different sea creatures and we have learnt some amazing facts. Did you know that a great white shark can grow as long as our classroom? Or that jellyfish don’t have a heart? RB have demonstrated how creative they are and have turned our classroom into an under the sea adventure. It looks wonderful but I must remember to duck or I find myself tangled in jellyfish!

Our maths lessons have focused on us really understanding the composition of numbers. We are able to recall different ways to make numbers and recognise number patterns in our environment. A number party is always a popular activity in RB so we regularly have these to practise applying our mathematical knowledge in a fun way.

In PE this term we have been doing gymnastics. We have been really brave and jumped off the boxes, ensuring that we land on our feet with our knees bent. We can now do different types of jumps from a standing position and off equipment.

In phonics we have now finished all the phase 3 sounds. We will keep practising these next term so that we are able to use them in our reading and writing. Please keep practising all the sounds and words at home so that the children are really confident in this area of learning. Our focus is to be able to use all the sounds we have learnt to write and read words and sentences independently.

Have a wonderful week off and I will see you again next term when we will be learning all about superheroes.

Class RMB - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Miss Brown

This half term has been so much fun! The children have all worked really hard and I have seen lots of improvement in all areas of learning. I am so proud, well done RMB.

This half term our topic has been ‘Under the Sea’. The children have become marine biologists. They have learnt some incredible facts about sea animals and have even taught me a thing or two! Did you know that coral is a living creature? Or that bottle nosed dolphins use their noses to dig for fish? 

The children have also been learning about the impact we have on the environment. They have discovered the litter around our community gets blown into the rivers and travel out to sea. The children created posters about how it is effecting the marine life and what we can do to stop it. The children have been captivated by the ‘Under the Sea’ topic and I have been so impressed with their work this half term. 

Our maths lessons have been focused on understanding the composition of numbers. We are now able to make numbers using smaller numbers and can find one more or one less than a given number.

In P.E. we have been doing gymnastics. The children have been rolling, balancing and travelling in different ways around the hall. Towards the end of our topic the children have been climbing on and off equipment, I have been so impressed with the children’s resilience. 

In phonics we have now finished all the phase 3 sounds. We will keep practising these next term so that we are able to use them in our reading and writing. Please keep practising all the sounds and words at home so that the children are really confident in this area of learning. Our focus is to be able to use all the sounds we have learnt to write and read words and sentences independently.

Have a great week off, enjoy your rest and we will be excited to see you again in Spring 2. 

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RN - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Miss Nahar

A fantastic start to Sprint term RN. The children have all worked really hard this term and all the teachers have seen lots of improvement in all areas of learning. Keep up the hard work RN.

This term our topic has been ‘Under the Sea’. The children have loved learning about different sea creatures and we have learnt some amazing facts. Did you know that jellyfish are mainly made of water? Or that jellyfish don’t have a heart? Did you know that an octopus has 3 hearts? Did you know that turtles lay their eggs in the sand and the baby turtles are guided by the light back into the sea?  RN have demonstrated how creative they are and have turned our classroom into an under the sea adventure. Please filter through RN X (Twitter page) to see the amazing Science, DT and Artwork related to Under the Sea. 

Our maths lessons have focused on us really understanding the composition of numbers. We are able to recall different ways to make numbers and recognise number patterns in our environment. We have learnt so many other skills such as subitising, ordering and making compositions of numbers using our fingers. 

In phonics we have now finished all the phase 3 sounds. We will keep practising these next term so that we are able to use them in our reading and writing. Please keep practising all the sounds and words at home so that the children are really confident in this area of learning. Our focus is to be able to use all the sounds we have learnt to write and read words and sentences independently.

In PE this term we have been doing gymnastics. We have been really brave and jumped off the boxes, ensuring that we land on our feet with our knees bent. We can now do different types of jumps from a standing position and off equipment.

We have also enjoyed our Outdoor learning experiences. We have explored the Outdoor Area, enjoyed mud painting and found lovely treasure to bring back to class. 

Have a wonderful week off and I will see you again next term when we will be learning all about superheroes. If you have any Superhero or Space toys that you would like to donate to RN, please bring them in first week back. 

See you soon. 

Miss Nahar

Class RW - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Miss Williams

This has been an incredibly busy term, Christmas seems like a long time ago now. The children have all worked really hard this term and I have seen lots of improvement in all areas of learning. Keep up the hard work RW.

This term our topic has been ‘Under the Sea’. The children have loved learning about different sea creatures and we have learnt about some amazing animals. RW have demonstrated how creative they are and have turned our classroom into an under the sea adventure. We have also been learning about how to look after our planet and make sure we try and reduce our waste to help the environment.

Our maths lessons have focused on us really understanding the composition of numbers. We are able to recall different ways to make numbers and recognise number patterns in our environment. We are getting really good at subitising!

 In PE this term we have been doing gymnastics. We have been really brave and jumped off the boxes, ensuring that we land on our feet with our knees bent. We can now do different types of jumps from a standing position and off equipment. We have also been balancing and rolling, then putting them into a sequence!

In phonics we have now finished all the phase 3 sounds. We will keep practising these next term so that we are able to use them in our reading and writing. Please keep practising all the sounds and words at home so that the children are really confident in this area of learning. Our focus is to be able to use all the sounds we have learnt to write and read words and sentences independently.

Have a wonderful week off and I will see you again next term when we will be learning all about superheroes.

Reception - What's happening this half term (Spring 1st half term)?

11th January 2024 Posted by Reception


In School: 

At Home:

C and L (Communication and Language) 

In School: 

At Home: 

PD (Physical Development) 

In School / At Home:

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here.  Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional development) 

In School: 

At Home: 


In School:  0 5 how to make up numbers, capacity and weight

At Home: 

Understanding of the World

In School/At Home:

Expressive Art and Design 

In School: 

At Home: 

Please remember…

Learning at Home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

All classes are on Twitter so please follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class RB - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Miss Barnett

RB I can’t believe that we are at the end of another term. What an amazing time we have had since starting school. You have all worked so hard and settled into school life happily. Well done.

We started this terms topic with ‘People who help us at home’. The children enjoyed talking about their family members and how they support them at home. In Literacy, we continued to practise our name writing. Remembering to hold our pencils with a crocodile snap! In Maths, the children enjoyed learning to use mathematical language for capacity such as full and empty.  

We continued with our topic by introducing the children to ‘People who help us in school’. We invited members of Senior Leadership Team to come and talk to the children and explain how they help children and their families. 

In Literacy we started using our phonics to write CVC words such as bag, hat, top and pen. In Maths, the children started counting 1-1 up to the number 3. We then began to subitise numbers to 3. This is where we have to know the amount without counting. In that week, we raised money for Children in Need and talked about community spirit and support. This linked in very well with our School values #TEAMWORK. 

Then we continued to learn about ‘People who help us in the community’. We were very lucky to have a policeman visit us with his two dogs and his police car. We enjoyed writing short sentences about the emergency services, such as the paramedics, firefighters, doctors and nurses. 

Not only did we get to meet two dogs this term, we also met a rabbit called Joey. We talked about pets that we own and the importance of keeping them healthy. We learnt all about how vets can help us do this. 

Towards the end of term we started talking about Hanukkah and Christmas. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about both celebrations. The children continued to practise their maths skills and learn to count, subitise and represent numbers to 5. 

The children were amazing at the Christmas performance! They all did a fantastic job with the acting and singing. Thank you for attending and supporting your child. We hope you enjoyed the show. 

Have a fantastic Christmas holiday everyone and we will see you in the New Year.

Miss Barnett

Class RMB - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Miss Brown

What a fantastic Autumn Term we have had in Reception. The children have grown up so much!

In Literacy we have been encouraging children to use their phonic knowledge to write words independently. The children have used their sound mats and completed some beautiful work which they are very proud of. RMB have also been learning some digraphs, where two letters make one sound, for example ‘ai’ ‘ee’ and trigraphs such as ‘igh’. The children have worked so hard remembering the rhymes and trying to spot them in their reading. Well Done RMB!

During maths the children have been learning about numbers to five. The children can subitise, count and make lots of different numbers. I have been so proud of the enthusiasm shown in maths.

This term our Topic has been all about ‘People Who Help Us’. We started our topic with people who help us at home. The children enjoyed talking about their family members and how they support them at home. 

We then continued with our topic and introduced people who help the children at school. We invited members of the Senior Leadership Team to an assembly where the children had the opportunity to find out more about their jobs and how they help children and their families. We had some very interesting questions!

Then we continued to learn about people who help us in the community. We were very lucky to have the Police visit us with his two dogs and his police car! We enjoyed writing short sentences about the emergency services such as the paramedics, firefighters, doctors and nurses.

We enjoyed having a visit with Mrs Godsil’s rabbit called Joey. The children enjoyed learning about having a pet and how to look after it. We linked this to the Vets and how they help animals and their human families.

Towards the end of term we started talking about Hannukah. The children learnt all about how families celebrate.

We finished off the term learning all about Christmas! The children listened to the Nativity Story and re-enacted it during independent activities.  

The children were amazing at the Christmas performance! They all did a good job with the acting and singing. Thank you for attending and supporting your child. We hope you enjoyed the show.

RMB, we have been so proud of your resilience and enthusiasm for learning! I am looking forward to watching you grow in the Spring Term. Have fun and stay safe!

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc 

Class RN - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Miss Nahar

What a great Autumn term we have had in Reception. The children have worked very hard and have enjoyed our Topic on People who help us and are very much looking forward to the Christmas holiday. 

We started our topic with people who help us at home. The children enjoyed talking about their family members and how they support them at home. In Literacy, we continued to practise our name writing. Remembering to hold our pencils with a crocodile snap! In Maths, the children enjoyed learning to use mathematical language for capacity such as full and empty.  We also took part in whole school Day of the Dead where we remembered and celebrated the loss of our loved ones. 

We then continued with our topic and introduced people who help the children at school. We invited members of Senior Leadership Team where the children had the opportunity to find out more about their jobs and how they help children and their families. We had some very interesting questions. In Literacy we started using our phonics to write CVC words such as bag, hat, top and pen. In Maths, the children started counting 1-1 up to the number 3. We then began to subitise numbers to 3. This is where we have to know the amount without counting. In that week, we raised money for Children in Need and talked about community spirit and support. This linked in very well with our School values #TEAMWORK. 

Then we continued to learn about people who help us in the community. We were very lucky to have the Police visit us with his two dogs and his police car! We enjoyed writing short sentences about the emergency services such as the paramedics, firefighters, doctors and nurses. 

We enjoyed having a visit with Miss Godsil’s rabbit called Joey. The children enjoyed learning about having a pet and how to look after it. We linked this to the Vets and how they help animals and their human families. 

Towards the end of term we started talking about Hannukah and Christmas. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about both celebrations. The children continued to practise their maths skills and learn to count, subitise and represent numbers to 5. In Literacy the children enjoyed writing cards to their friends and family. 

The children were amazing at the Christmas performance! They all did a good job with the acting and singing. Thank you for attending and supporting your child. We hope you enjoyed the show. 

Have a fantastic Christmas holiday everyone. 


Miss Nahar

Class RW - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Miss Williams

What a great Autumn term we have had in Reception. The children have worked very hard and have enjoyed our Topic on People who help us and are very much looking forward to the Christmas holiday.

We started our topic with people who help us at home. The children enjoyed talking about their family members and how they support them at home. In Literacy, we continued to practise our name writing. Remembering to hold our pencils with a crocodile snap! In Maths, the children enjoyed learning to use mathematical language for capacity such as full and empty. We also took part in whole school Day of the Dead where we remembered and celebrated the loss of our loved ones.

We then continued with our topic and introduced people who help the children at school. We invited members of Senior Leadership Team where the children had the opportunity to find out more about their jobs and how they help children and their families. We had some very interesting questions. In Literacy we started using our phonics to write CVC words such as bag, hat, top and pen. In Maths, the children started counting 1-1 up to the number 3. We then began to subitise numbers to 3. This is where we have to know the amount without counting. In that week, we raised money for Children in Need and talked about community spirit and support. This linked in very well with our School values #TEAMWORK.

Then we continued to learn about people who help us in the community. We were very lucky to have the Police visit us with his two dogs and his police car! We enjoyed writing short sentences about the emergency services such as the paramedics, firefighters, doctors and nurses.

We enjoyed having a visit with Mrs Godsil’s rabbit called Joey. The children enjoyed learning about having a pet and how to look after it. We linked this to the Vets and how they help animals and their human families.

Towards the end of term we started talking about Hannukah and Christmas. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about both celebrations. The children c0ntinued to practise their maths skills and learn to count, subitise and represent numbers to 5. In Literacy the children enjoyed writing cards to their friends and family.

The children were amazing at the Christmas performance! They all did a good job with the acting and singing. Thank you for attending and supporting your child. We hope you enjoyed the show.

Have a fantastic Christmas holiday everyone.

Reception - What's happening this half term (Autumn 2nd half term)?

6th November 2023 Posted by Reception

This half term Reception are learning about 'Celebrations and People who help us'. Read about what we will be learning in school and what you can do at home to support this.

C and L (Communication and Language)

In School:

At Home:

PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development)

In School:

At Home:


In School:

At Home:


In School:

At Home:

Understanding of the World

In School/At Home:

At Home:

Talk about different people in our community.

Go to the library to find books about people who help us.

Talk about the changes happening all around us with the change of seasons.

Expressive Art and Design

In School:

At Home:

PD (Physical Development)

In School/At Home:

Our P.E. days are:

If your child wears earrings there are three options on P.E. days:

We advise parents to take earrings out if possible as plasters need to be managed independently by the children – teacher‘s cannot put plasters on or take them off. We have found that Reception children are unable to do this independently.

Forest School

Forest school starts this term. On the days of Forest School sessions, normal school uniform should be worn but children will need:

*Children will be provided with appropriate forest school clothing to cover their uniform.*

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

Thank you.

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class RB - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Miss Barnett

Well RB we have finished our first half term at school and you have been amazing. I am so proud of how well all have you have settled into the school routine and begun your learning journey. It has been a very busy half term getting to know each other and exploring all the resources and activities that are provided each day. I think we all need a week to recharge our batteries ready for the next part of our learning adventure.

So far in school we have been learning all about each other. We have been asking questions and listening to everyone’s experiences and ideas. We have also been learning all about Autumn. We have been observing the leaves changing colour and the animals preparing for the winter. We made hedgehogs out of clay and then made a home for them to hibernate in.

We have begun learning the sounds of the alphabet and I am so impressed with how eager you all are to learn the sounds and apply them to help you read words. RB you are all superstars! We are also learning how to write each letter. This is tricky, but I can see improvements in children’s writing already so don’t give up, continue to show me your enthusiasm and determination.

During Maths we have been exploring pattern, we have been matching patterns as well as creating repeating patterns. At home I wonder if you could create a repeating pattern, for example leaf, stick, leaf, stick.  

This half term we have had our first couple of P.E. sessions, I have been so impressed with how the children have got themselves changed and embraced P.E.  Keep on practising those dressing and undressing skills RB.

Some children are still finding putting on their own coat tricky. Please practise this at home and help your child learn to do up their coat independently. This would save us a lot of time in class.

Next term we will begin our Forest school sessions, please remember to bring in a pair of wellies as it does get very muddy over there. We have waterproof suits that children wear to protect their clothing so a change of clothes is not required.

Have a restful half term RB. I can’t wait for more fun with you next term.

Class RMB - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Miss Brown

Well done RMB, you have finished your first half term and what a busy half term it has been! 

In Literacy you have started to use your name cards to write your name. I have been so impressed with your determination to make sure your letters are the right way round and the right size. 

During Phonics we have learnt sixteen sounds, lots of Harder to Read and Spell Words and started to write words! The children have listened so well and during activity time started to access some of their phonics work independently. The children have also had an opportunity to choose a book to take home from our class Library and have been given a book to match their Phonics knowledge. Please ensure you are reading with the children every day to give them a chance to impress you with their phonics skills. 

During Maths we have been exploring pattern, we have been matching patterns as well as creating repeating patterns. At home I wonder if you could create a repeating pattern, for example leaf, stick, leaf, stick. 

This half term we have been learning all about autumn. We have been observing the leaves changing colour and the animals preparing for the winter. I really enjoyed going on an autumn walk collecting all the leaves ready to make our Autumnal Wreath! 

This half term we have had our first couple of P.E. sessions, I have been so impressed with how the children have got themselves changed and embraced P.E. 

I hope you have a wonderful half term break! Stay safe, have fun and enjoy having a rest. 

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RN - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Miss Nahar

Wow! A great start to Reception in RN. I am very pleased with how you have settled into school. Thank you for your support this half term. 

The children have been learning to become independent in RN and I am so pleased to say that all of the children are now beginning to put their coats on independently and doing their early morning jobs independently. Please continue to encourage children to be as independent as possible at home and continue to allow them to practise doing buttons and zips. Allow your child to get dressed and undressed at home. This will help speed up changing time in class and we will have more time in the hall to do PE. 

In Literacy, the children have been learning to identify their name and beginning to write their name. The children are aware that they need a capital letter at the start and rest of the letters are lower case. Continue to practise name writing at home. 

In phonics, the children have been learning their sounds and harder to read and spell words. 

Please help your child to find these sounds and words in their books. 

Vocabulary words are related to our school values (Inspire/Aspire/Teamwork)

In Maths, the children have been practising to count orally every day and experience lots of hands on practical Maths. Please continue to practise counting, singing number songs and identify numerals in the environment. You could also go on a shape hunt and look for shapes in the environment. 

It was lovely to see many parents at our Harvest assembly. The children were amazing! Thank you for all your food donations too. It is nice that we can work as a team #TEAMWORK to support our families in our community. 

After half term holiday, we will be starting Forest School which is located on site in our school field. Please bring wellington boots -labelled with their name into school. 

Hope you all have a nice break and I will see you soon. 

Miss Nahar

Class RW - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Miss Williams

Well done RW, you have finished your first half term and what a busy half term it has been!  

In Literacy you have started to use your name cards to write your name. I have been so impressed with your determination to make sure your letters are the right way round and the right size.  

During Phonics we have learnt sixteen sounds, lots of Harder to Read and Spell Words and started to write words! The children have listened so well and during activity time started to access some of their phonics work independently. The children have also had an opportunity to choose a book to take home from our class library and have been given a book to match their phonics knowledge. Please ensure you are reading with the children every day to give them a chance to impress you with their phonics skills.  

During Maths we have been exploring pattern, we have been matching patterns as well as creating repeating patterns. We have also been comparing things by size and exploring capacity.

This half term we have been learning all about autumn. We have been observing the leaves changing colour and the animals preparing for the winter. I was really impressed by all of the autumn items you found on your autumn walks. 

This half term we have had our first couple of P.E. sessions, I have been so impressed with how the children have got themselves changed and embraced P.E.  

I hope you have a wonderful half term break! Stay safe, have fun and enjoy having a rest. 

Reception - What's happening this half term (Autumn 1st half term)?

15th September 2023 Posted by Reception

This half term our topics in Reception we will be ‘Starting school’, ‘All about me’ and ‘Autumn’.

Physical Development

In school we will be developing skills in holding and using a pencil, developing independence skills in self-care eg going to the toilet, putting on own coat. Our PE lessons will also begin this term during the week beginning 9th October. Children will change for PE in school so please ensure children have PE kits in school.

Ways that you can help at home are: 

If your child wears earrings there are three options on P.E. days:

We advise parents to take earrings out if possible as plasters need to be managed independently by the children – teacher‘s cannot put plasters on or take them off.

Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to develop our attention by listening to stories, practising following simple instructions and sharing our own experiences with others.

Ways that you can help at home are: 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Our learning this term will be to say when we do or don’t need help, to form good relationships with adults and children in school. 

Ways that you can help at home are: 


This term our learning focus will be to give meaning to marks as we draw, write and paint. This will be extended so that children begin to form recognisable letters in order to write their name. We will be paying particular attention to the way that letters are formed so that children are able to form letters cursively. Children who are already writing their names will be learning to write their surname, use capital letters and finger spaces correctly and keep the height and size of letters correct.

Ways that you can help at home are: 


In school we will be using number names and number language appropriately. We will also be developing children’s knowledge of shape and space by playing with shapes and making arrangements with objects. 

Ways that you can help at home are: 

Understanding of the World

Activities we will be doing in school that you can do at home:

Expressive Art and Design

In school we will be experimenting with colour, texture and resources. Expressing our feelings through song and dance. 

Ways that you can help at home are: 

Please ensure that your child has a pair of wellies and a water bottle in school (don’t forget to label them).

Reading at home: This half term each child will receive a reading diary, please ensure that it is used and brought to school every day in their book bag. Please do not bring rucksacks as these do not fit in drawers and damage our books. 

Please can you also make sure that all belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. 

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class RB - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Miss Barnett

So for our final term in Reception we have been learning all about pirates, summer and getting ready for Year 1. We had great fun dressing up as pirates and taking part in our own treasure hunt. We got creative by making telescopes and parrots. We even had a virtual visit from a real author, who shared her pirate story with us.

In maths we have been practising all we have learnt this year. We have been naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes, using numbers to 20 (and beyond) to solve problems by adding, subtracting, halving and doubling. We have even been learning and exploring number bonds to 10. Phew! What a busy term.

We recently enjoyed our sports day you were such great team players cheering everyone on. I was very impressed with everyone’s resilience and determination and a special well done to those parents who joined in with the races too.

Towards the end of our term we had some special visitors. The caterpillars came to stay! We studied them as they formed their chrysalis and watched as they turned into beautiful butterflies. You were so caring and inquisitive towards our caterpillars, it was quite sad when we had to say goodbye.

I can't believe that we are at the end of the school year RB. We have had so much fun over the past year and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to celebrate this in our graduation ceremony. I still remember your first day here at Yardley Primary when you astounded me with how well you came into school, it was as though you had been doing it for years. You have been a truly amazing class and I look forward to watching you grow as you progress through the school.

Thank you for a fabulous year, enjoy the summer and I will see you soon,

Miss Barnett

Class RG - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Mrs Geary

RG, what a fantastic final half term you have had in reception. I can’t believe the year that it has been, you have all grown so much and we are incredibly proud of you :) 

We have focused on many new and exciting topics this half term. We started off reading ‘Never Mess With A Pirate Princess’, we went on treasure hunts and had a fun Pirate Dress Up Day. We then learnt all about how people celebrate Eid, we decorated the classrooms, made cards and read books about Eid Al-Fitr. The children who celebrated relished in the opportunity to share the fun they had.  

We then explored the world in our holiday topic, we looked at different modes of transport and talked about the holidays that we have been on and where we would love to go. We also spent time exploring different countries such as, Africa, India and Australia. The children enjoyed looking at our maps and globes during activity time.  

In Phonics we have been preparing for Year One by encouraging the children to write independently. The children have worked hard using their finger spaces, capital letters and full stops within their writing. The children have also been learning split diagraphs, this is where two letters make one sound even when they are split up. I was very impressed with the children’s determination.  

The Summer Term has been full of Maths, we have explored odd and even numbers, doubling and remembering our number bonds to 10. We have also been extending the children’s learning by reading and solving number sentences. The children are beginning to add and take away different quantities from each other!  

This half term we participated in Sports Day! I was very impressed with the children, and participating parent’s, determination and teamwork. In the end it was the Green Team who won. We finished off this year with a Beach Party! We played in the sand, ate ice-lollies and had a water fight. A perfect way to finish the year.  

Have a brilliant summer holiday and we will see you all when you return in September :)

Class RMB - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Miss Brown

Well RMB what a fantastic final half term you have had in reception. I can’t believe the year that it has been, you have all grown so much and we are incredibly proud of you. 

We have focused on many new and exciting topics this half term. We started off reading ‘Never Mess With A Pirate Princess’, we went on treasure hunts and had a fun Pirate Dress Up Day. 

We then learnt all about how people celebrate Eid, we decorated the classrooms, made cards and read books about Eid Al-Fitr. The children who celebrated relished in the opportunity to share the fun they had. 

We then explored the world in our holiday topic, we looked at different modes of transport and talked about the holidays that we have been on and where we would love to go. We also spent time exploring different countries such as, Africa, India and Australia. The children enjoyed looking at our maps and globes during activity time. 

In Phonics we have been preparing for Year One by encouraging the children to write independently. The children have worked hard using their finger spaces, capital letters and full stops within their writing. The children have also been learning split diagraphs, this is where two letters make one sound even when they are split up. I was very impressed with the children’s determination. 

The Summer Term has been full of Maths, we have explored odd and even numbers, doubling and remembering our number bonds to 10. We have also been extending the children’s learning by reading and solving number sentences. The children are beginning to add and take away different quantities from each other!

This half term we participated in Sports Day! I was very impressed with the children, and participating parent’s, determination and teamwork. In the end it was the Green Team who won. 

We finished off this year with a Beach Party! We played in the sand, ate ice-lollies and had a water fight. A perfect way to finish the year. 

I am incredibly proud of each and every one of you. You have had such a fantastic year and I know how brilliant you will be in Year One with your new teacher!

Have a safe and happy summer- make sure you come back and see us!


Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RN - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Miss Nahar

It’s been a long term in school and the children are ready for their Summer break. This term we have been focussing on so many wonderful new themes. These themes were selected carefully to meet the children’s needs and interests.

We enjoyed learning about Pirates. We made telescopes to find treasures and look out for other pirate ships. We continued to consolidate our Subtraction skills in Maths and started to learn more about doubling and looking at odd and even numbers. We made Father’s day cards for our loved ones at home.  

After three weeks of learning about Pirates, we started to talk about Transition to Year 1. The children were very excited to talk about the things they would like to do in Year 1.The children also had the opportunity to go and visit their new Year 1 class teacher. They had a lot of fun meeting their new teachers.

We had a Graduation Day ceremony. The children enjoyed singing for you all. Hope you enjoyed the ceremony. I think it was an emotional day for all of us!

Finally we had a week about holidays. We loved creating our own beach and enjoying the beach holiday in the playground. We loved the ice lollies too! 

We said goodbye to Mrs Cartwright. She has worked at Yardley Primary School for 30 years. We wished Mrs Geary all the best for her new arrival as she is going to have a baby. 

I hope this blog has informed you about what the children have been learning and doing in school. Please use this information to help your child at home and consolidate these skills and concepts. Hope you all have a great Summer holiday. Good luck in Year 1. I will miss you all very much. Do come and say hello to me. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. 

Have a very happy Summer holiday.

Miss Nahar and Mrs Cartwright

Reception - What's happening this half term (Summer 2nd half term)?

9th June 2023 Posted by Reception

Can you believe we are about to start our final term in Reception! Here is our planned learning for the Summer term in Reception 


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Physical Development 

In school / At home 


Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

1. Children do not wear their earrings on the day that they have a P.E. lesson.  This is the safest option.

2. Children have plasters put on at home so that their earrings are already covered for their P.E lesson.

3. Send plasters in so that their earrings can be covered.  Children will need to do this themselves, staff are not able to.


In school we will be learning to:

At home you can:



In school we will be learning to:

At home you can: 


Understanding of the World

In school/At home:


Expressive Art and Design

In school we will be learning to:

At home you can:

Learning at home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow your child’s class on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class RB - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Miss Barnett

Oh no, RB we only have one more term together before you move on to Year 1! We have had such an eventful and busy half term. Our learning has all been linked to the topic of farm animals. We were very lucky to have 5 duck eggs in school. We loved having the opportunity to hold them and watch them swim around in our water tray.

We had the most amazing time at the farm when we went to visit. The children’s behaviour was impeccable, I was very proud. We listened carefully to what we were told about the different animals and enjoyed the opportunity to feed them and stroke them. It was a very busy day and we were exhausted by the end of it, but it was worth it.

In Literacy this term, we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have been so impressed with the sentences you have written using your phonics and some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’. 

In Maths we have been working hard exploring numbers. We have also been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10. Some of our lessons this term have involved the ducklings, they were particularly helpful when we were learning our number bonds to 5. 

We have been looking at all the signs of Spring and sharing the changes that we have noticed. We have planted our own seeds and you will be able to watch them start to grow into a Sunflower, we have looked after them so carefully and I am excited to send them home so they can continue to grow. Don’t forget to water them!

We really enjoyed learning all about Eid and I enjoyed hearing all the wonderful celebration some of our class had. 

RB you are all amazing and I can’t wait for all the fun we have planned next term. Enjoy your half term and I will see you all soon.

Miss Barnett

Class RG - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Mrs Geary

RG, what a fantastic start to the summer term we have had. 

It has been full of fun and celebration! 

We started off the term learning all about Eid, the children read stories, made decorations and some shared how they celebrate with their families. RG really enjoyed celebrating, King Charles Coronation, we learnt new facts decorated our classroom and had a very special dress up day. We then finished off our half term learning about the farm. We learnt why we have farms, what we can find on them and how to look after the animals and plants. 

We also enjoyed looking at the ducklings. We gave them a bath and got to hold and stroke them. 

In Literacy we have been using our Phonics to write longer sentences, we have been trying hard to show independence and use the resources in the classroom to help us. We have written information about King Charles, and some facts about farm animals. We have also been encouraging independent reading. 

In Maths we have been learning about Number bonds to 10, the children have been exploring different ways to make 10 with counters, objects and even writing number sentences! What is your favourite way to make the number 10? The children have also been learning about repeating patterns. 

During P.E. we have started preparing for Sports Day! The children have been put into teams and we have practised different events, such as javelin, throwing.

We are so proud of the children this term, they have grown up so much and are becoming great ambassadors for the school. 

I am looking forward to our last term together and the fun things we will get up too. 

Have a great half term :) 

Class RMB - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Miss Brown

Well RMB, what a fantastic start to the summer term we have had. It has been full of fun and celebration! We started off the term learning all about Eid, the children read stories, made decorations and some shared how they celebrate with their families.  

We celebrated King Charles' Coronation, we learnt new facts decorated our classroom and had a very special dress up day. I thought you all looked fantastic. 

We then finished off our half term learning about the farm. We learnt why we have farms, what we can find on them and how to look after the animals and plants. To support our learning RMB went to Mount Pleasant Farm, we fed different animals and learnt all about how to milk the cows and how the milk gets into the shops. I was so proud of the maturity and curiosity shown by RMB on our farm trip – Well Done.  

We have also had the very important job of looking after our Ducklings! The eggs were kept in an incubator and we didn’t know what was inside them. The children researched animals that hatched out of eggs and we had some fantastic predictions. When the ducklings hatched, the children showed great care by looking after them. We loved it when the ducklings went for a swim in our tuff spot – even though they did splash us!  

In Literacy we have been using our Phonics to write longer sentences, we have been trying hard to show independence and use the resources in the classroom to help us. We have written information about King Charles, and some facts about farm animals. We have also been encouraging independent reading, I am so proud of the children that have completed their 50 or even 100 nights of reading! Don’t forget every time you read at home to write in your reading diary and you might get a prize. 

In Maths we have been learning about Number bonds to 10, the children have been exploring different ways to make 10 with counters, objects and even writing number sentences! What is your favourite way to make the number 10? The children have also been learning about repeating patterns, we enjoyed lining up in boy, girl, boy, girl order and singing our ‘banana, banana, meatball’ song. 

During P.E. we have started preparing for Sports Day! The children have been put into teams and we have practised different events, such as javelin, throwing and our favourite… the running races!  

We are so proud of the children this term, they have grown up so much and are becoming great ambassadors for the school. I am looking forward to our last term together and the fun things we will get up too. 

Have a great half term and stay safe. 

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RN - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Miss Nahar

I can’t believe, how quickly we have come to the end of this half term. 

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. We have also been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10. This is when we find all the number pairs to make the target number. We have also recapped on our odd and even numbers and Subitising where the children have to identify the total number of objects without counting. We have also been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Please continue to practice these skills at home. 

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have been so impressed with the sentences you have written using your phonics and even adding some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in your work. 

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about the coronation of King Charles. It was a very enjoyable event. 

We have explored lots of different topics this half term. We really enjoyed learning all about Eid. The children thoroughly enjoyed talking about what they did for Eid and we talked about the similarities and differences between Eid and other festivals such as Christmas, Diwali and Easter. 

Now we are in spring we were interested in looking at all the signs of the season changing all around us. We have planted our own broad beans and herbs. We have looked after them so carefully and the children are excited to take them home. Don’t forget to water them and look after them. You can always show me how tall they have grown on Twitter and if you get any beans I would love to see that too!

Towards the end of the half term we have been learning all about life on the farm. We had the best time at Mount Pleasant Farm and the children enjoyed seeing farm animals in real life. 

In P.E. we have had a wonderful time learning new sports. We have been doing some Olympics in P.E.

It has been another successful half term in RN and the children have continuously worked hard and made so much progress. Thank you for supporting them at home too. Continue to read, write and practice your Maths skills RN. I will see you all for the final term in RN. 

Reception - What's happening this half term (Summer 1st half term)?

21st April 2023 Posted by Reception

This half term Reception are learning about Spring, animals and their habitats

Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Personal, Social and Emotional development

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 

Physical Development

In school / At home:


Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

1. Children do not wear their earrings on the day that they have a P.E. lesson.  This is the safest option.

2. Children have plasters put on at home so that their earrings are already covered for their P.E lesson.

3. Send plasters in so that their earrings can be covered.  Children will need to do this themselves, staff are not able to.



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can:



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Understanding of the World

In school / At home:


Expressive Art and Design 

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Remember …

Work at home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

The ‘Summer 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon and you can also visit our Learning Hub.

Don’t forget to follow your child’s class on Twitter and read class blogs on the school website.

Class RB - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Miss Barnett

Wow I can’t believe that we have completed another term in Reception already. This year is flying by. We have had so much fun this term and I can see the children are using and applying all that they have learnt so far this year. 

We started the term off with World Book Day. It was amazing to see all the characters from various stories come alive in our class. We love listening to and talking about stories which is fantastic. A love of reading is so important to our learning and development and RB certainly enjoy sharing books. It has been wonderful watching how well the children apply their knowledge of sound to read words and sentences independently. 

Next, we started our Superhero topic. This is always great fun and the children got to hear lots of stories from the ‘Supertato’ collection. These books really captured our imaginations and we even had the ‘Evil Pea’ hiding in our classroom! Luckily, RB are fantastic at finding any intruders in our class and were able to find him most mornings before he could cause any mischief. 

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. We have been looking at compositions of numbers up to 8 (this is where we need to find different pairs of numbers to make the total). We have also been looking at subitising up to 8 (this is where the children have to identify the total number of objects without counting). We looked at Time, Length and Height in class. Continue to practice these skills at home.

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been applying our phonics and even using some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in our work. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing.

Throughout the term, the children have enjoyed PE, Forest School, Music, RE and dancing in RB. 

To finish the half term the children enjoyed learning about Easter and took part in an Easter Bonnet competition. 

Thank you for all your support this half term. Enjoy the break and I will see you all soon. Can’t believe we are coming to the end of the academic year soon. 

Take Care Miss Barnett 😊

Class RG - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Mrs Geary

Another great term in RG! You have all worked extremely hard. 

This is what we have been up to in Spring 2:

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. We have been looking at compositions of numbers up to 8 (this is where we need to find different pairs of numbers to make the total). We have also been looking at Subitising up to 8 (this is where the children have to identify the total number of objects without counting). We looked at Time, Length and Heights in class. Continue to practice these skills at home.

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been applying our phonics and even using some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in our work. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing.

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language. We have really enjoyed reading all the Supertato collection books as well as Aliens Love Underpants and Easter related stories. 

We really enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and sharing some of our favourite stories. 

It was great to celebrate Comic Relief Day at school and raise money for a very well deserved charity. Well done to everyone who took part #TEAMWORK.

In P.E. we have had a wonderful time learning new Dance. We practised dancing using a range of styles such as Ballet, Rock and Roll, Ballroom and Bhangra. We also incorporated a variety of emotions in our performances such as happy, sad, angry and excited. We thoroughly enjoyed this topic in P.E.

Now we are in spring we were interested in looking at all the signs of the season changing all around us. We made Mother’s Day cards and incorporated a daffodil which is sign of spring to our cards. We hope all the mums at Yardley Primary School had a lovely day.

Hope you all have a great Easter break :)  

Mrs Geary

Class RMB - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Miss Brown

Well Done RMB, we have had another great term. We have grown so much and I am so pleased with all the new things you have learnt over the Spring Term. 

Now we have learnt all our Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been applying our phonics and even using some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in our work. RMB have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have also been so impressed with the children’s reading! I can see you have also been practising at home, well done! 

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language. We have really enjoyed reading all the Supertato collection books as well as Aliens Love Underpants and Easter related stories. We really enjoyed World Book Day, National Poetry Day and Superhero Dress up Day at school.

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. We have also been looking at Subitising up to 8 (this is where the children have to identify the total number of objects without counting). To help us learn we have played lots of board games where we have used our subitising skills with the dice, if you have that game at home you can continue your learning by challenging your family.  We have also explored the topic ‘Time’, we challenged our friends to one minute activities. Then we focused on Length and Heights and had fun comparing different objects and even ourselves! 

In P.E. we have had a wonderful time learning a new dance style ‘Bhangra.’ I was so impressed with your dance moves! Towards the end of our topic we put all our moves together and made a routine. You could put on some Bhangra music at home and preform this routine to your family and friends. We thoroughly enjoyed this topic in P.E.

Now we are in spring we were interested in looking at all the signs of the season changing all around us. We spoke about all the animals being born, the flowers coming out and the celebration of ‘Mothers Day’. We created our Mother’s Day cards using our hand prints and cutting skills. I hope all the mums at Yardley Primary School had a lovely day. 

We enjoyed Forest School this term and I think our highlight of the sessions was climbing on our new climbing tree. I was so impressed with everyone’s balancing! 

It was great to celebrate Comic Relief Day at school and raise money for a very well deserved charity. Well done to everyone who took part, your money will help families in need. 

We hope you have a wonderful break RMB, give those brains a rest and have lots of fun. If you do anything during the break that you would like to share with the class please bring in some photos and you can share all the fun you had. 

Have fun and stay safe

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RN - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Miss Nahar

Another great term in RN! This is what we have been doing in class. 

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. We have been looking at compositions of numbers up to 8 (this is where we need to find different pairs of numbers to make the total). We have also been looking at Subitising up to 8 (this is where the children have to identify the total number of objects without counting). We looked at Time, Length and Heights in class. Continue to practice these skills at home. 

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been applying our phonics and even using some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in our work. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. 

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language. We have really enjoyed reading all the Supertato collection books as well as Aliens Love Underpants and Easter related stories. We really enjoyed World Book Day, National Poetry Day  and Superhero Dress up Day at school. 

It was great to celebrate Comic Relief Day at school and raise money for a very well deserved charity. Well done to everyone who took part #TEAMWORK. 

In P.E. we have had a wonderful time learning new Dance. We practised dancing using a range of styles such as Ballet, Rock and Roll and Bhangra. We also incorporated a variety of emotions in our performances such as happy, sad, angry and excited. We thoroughly enjoyed this topic in P.E.

Now we are in spring we were interested in looking at all the signs of the season changing all around us. We made Mother’s Day cards and incorporated a daffodil which is sign of spring to our cards. We hope all the mums at Yardley Primary School had a lovely day. 

Hope you all have a great Easter break. Thank you for all your support. See you soon. 

Miss Nahar

Reception - What's happening this half term (Spring 2nd half term)?

3rd March 2023 Posted by Reception

This half term Reception are learning about Oral health, Superheroes and Aliens.

 Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Physical Development

In school / At home

Please remember to come to school dressed for PE on the appropriate day.

 Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can:



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Understanding of the World

In school/At home:



Expressive Art and Design 

In school we will be learning: 

At home you can: 


Remember …

all belongings should be labelled with your child’s name.

book bags need to be brought to school every day.

Work at home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

The ‘Spring 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon and you can also visit our Learning Hub.

Don’t forget to follow your child’s class on Twitter and read class blogs on the school website.

Parents Evening

If you haven't booked an appointment already, we would like to invite you to attend our Parents Evenings, taking place on the following dates:

Click here for further information and to book.

Class RB - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Miss Barnett

This has been an incredibly busy term, Christmas seems like a long time ago now. The children have all worked really hard this term and I have seen lots of improvement in all areas of learning. Keep up the hard work RB.

This term our topic has been ‘Under the Sea’. The children have loved learning about different sea creatures and we have learnt some amazing facts. Did you know that a great white shark can grow as long as our classroom? Or that jellyfish don’t have a heart? RB have demonstrated how creative they are and have turned our classroom into an under the sea adventure. It looks wonderful but I must remember to duck or I find myself tangled in jellyfish!

Our maths lessons have focused on us really understanding the composition of numbers. We are able to recall different ways to make numbers and recognise number patterns in our environment. A number party is always a popular activity in RB so we regularly have these to practise applying our mathematical knowledge in a fun way.

Each reception class went on a visit to our local library this term. RB I was so proud of you all. Your behaviour was excellent throughout the whole visit. Mrs Louca and Mr Walmsley couldn’t believe how sensible you all were, they want to come on our next trip to the farm. 

In PE this term we have been doing gymnastics. We have been really brave and jumped off the boxes, ensuring that we land on our feet with our knees bent. We can now do different types of jumps from a standing position and off equipment.

In phonics we have now finished all the phase 3 sounds. We will keep practising these next term so that we are able to use them in our reading and writing. Please keep practising all the sounds and words at home so that the children are really confident in this area of learning. Our focus is to be able to use all the sounds we have learnt to write and read words and sentences independently.

Have a wonderful week off and I will see you again next term when we will be learning all about superheroes.

Miss Barnett

Class RG - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Mrs Geary

What a great start to our Spring term RG. Miss Lewis and I are very proud of all your hard work and achievements. You have all worked extremely hard. Keep it up!

In Literacy we have looked at sentence writing and are beginning to write your own sentences, using your phonic knowledge to support. RG have been working hard in their phonics lessons. We have learnt some new sounds and harder to read and spell words. Please keep checking your child’s dairy for these. We enjoyed our trip to the Library where we got to share some of our favourite stories with our friends. 

In Maths we have been focusing on numbers 0,4,5,6,7 and 8. We have made these numbers using different apparatus and finding all the different combination pairs. We have had the opportunity to explore weight. We weighed different items from around the classroom and compared them. We have also began to look at capacity and learnt the vocabulary involved. We enjoyed making pairs and played a ‘find the sea creature pair’ game.

 In Forest School, we enjoyed painting using conkers and exploring the Forest School grounds, with our friends. 

During this half-term, we have learnt all about Chinese New Year and how this is celebrated. We have also enjoyed our topic ‘Under the Sea’, looking at sea creature names and the oceans. 

Well done for all your effort and hard work. Enjoy your holiday!

Mrs Geary 

Class RMB - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Miss Brown

What a great start to the New Year RMB. Mrs Erdinc and I are very proud of all your hard work and achievements. You have worked so hard and are becoming independent learners! Well Done.

In Literacy this half term we have used your previous Phonics knowledge to make a sentence and are beginning to write your own sentences independently. RMB have been working hard in their phonics lessons. We have learnt some new sounds and harder to read and spell words. Please keep checking your child’s dairy for these and practise them at home.

We were so grown up and went on our first school trip this half term. We walked to Yardley Library where we got to share some of our favourite stories with our friends, my favourite was ‘The Kitchen Disco’. What was yours?

In Maths we have been learning new numbers and can now recognise numbers to 8. We have made these numbers using different apparatus and finding all the different combination pairs. We have had the opportunity to explore weight. We weighed different items from around the classroom and compared them. We have also began to look at capacity and learnt the vocabulary involved. We enjoyed making pairs and played a ‘find the sea creature pair’ game.

In Forest School, we enjoyed painting using conkers, balancing on different equipment and exploring the Forest School grounds, with our friends.  

During this half-term, we have learnt all about Chinese New Year and how this is celebrated, we did a dragon dance outside and copied some Chinese symbols. We have enjoyed our topic ‘Under the Sea’, looking at sea creature names and the oceans.  We also explored how important it is to look after our environment by recycling and not littering, we made posters so others can understand the importance. 

In P.E. we have been doing gymnastics. The children have balanced, rolled and climbed all half term and have really improved their balance and strength.

Well done for all your effort and hard work. Enjoy your holiday and stay safe, we are looking forward to continuing your learning journey next half term.    

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RN - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Miss Nahar

What a great start to our Spring term RN. You have worked so hard and you have all made progress in class.  Thank you for your excellent teamwork in class. 

In Maths we have been focusing on counting, comparing, subitising and finding compositions of numbers 0,4,5,6,7 and 8. We have made these numbers using different apparatus and finding all the different combination pairs. We have had the opportunity to explore weight and use language such as ‘heavy and light’. We weighed different items from around the classroom and compared them. We have also began to look at capacity and learnt vocabulary words such as full and empty. We enjoyed making pairs and played a ‘find the sea creature pair’ game. 

In Literacy we have looked at sentence writing and are beginning to write your own sentences, using your phonic knowledge to support. RN have been working hard in their phonics lessons. We have learnt some new sounds and harder to read and spell words. Please keep checking your child’s dairy for these. Thank you for attending our ELS (phonics workshop). We hope you found it useful and were able to pick up some tips and techniques for Reading and Writing. 

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the Library where we got to share some of our favourite stories with our friends. 

 In Forest School, we enjoyed painting using conkers and exploring the Forest School grounds, with our friends.  

 During this half-term, we have learnt all about Chinese New Year and how this is celebrated. We have also enjoyed our topic ‘Under the Sea’, looking at sea creature names and the oceans.  We learnt so many facts about these amazing sea creatures. 

In PE, we have been doing Gymnastics where we learnt to balance, jump and perform many rolls such as the pencil, dish, egg and teddy bear rolls. 

Well done for all your effort and hard work. Enjoy your holiday!

Reception - What's happening this half term (Spring 1st half term)?

5th January 2023 Posted by Reception


In School: 

At Home:

C and L (Communication and Language) 

In School: 

At Home: 

PD (Physical Development) 

In School / At Home:

Please remember to come to school dressed for PE on the appropriate day.

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional development) 

In School: 

At Home: 


In School: 0 5 how to make up numbers, capacity and weight

At Home: 

Understanding of the World

In School/At Home:

Expressive Art and Design 

In School: 

At Home: 

Remember …

Work at home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

The ‘Spring 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon and you can also visit our Learning Hub.

Don’t forget to follow your child’s class on Twitter and read class blogs on the school website.

Class RB - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Miss Barnett

Well RB that is your very first Autumn term completed at Yardley Primary School. What a wonderful term we have had together, you really are fantastic. 

During our Autumn topic we explored all the different weather we have had, we certainly have had a lot of different weather conditions this term. We enjoy collecting leaves when outside and making leaf rubbing pictures. It has also been great fun starting our Forest school sessions. We have had so much fun exploring the outdoor area, getting muddy, making stickman and even having our own campfire. 

In Phonics, we are making great progress. We know all the sounds of the alphabet and are learning some digraphs now. We are practising using this knowledge to help us read and write. Next term we will be holding a workshop where you can come and see how we teach this in school – look out for the email.  

In Maths, we have been focusing on careful counting. We have had fun counting fruit, pompoms and even teeth! We especially enjoy having a number party in class and finding numbers that are all around our classroom

We have celebrated friendship week this term. RB are so polite so it was really nice to explore how complimenting each other makes you feel. We discussed what we could do to help people who are feeling sad. There was a lot of laughs when we were telling jokes to make us feel happy! 

This half term we have had a lot of celebrations to learn about. We made Diva lights and Rangoli patterns for Diwali, looked how to stay safe at Bonfire night and explored lots of spooky language for Halloween. We have also been learning about Christmas and how it’s celebrated around the world. Did you know that in Germany, Santa puts sweets in children’s shoes – I hope they don’t smell!

I have thoroughly enjoyed this term with you RB and I hope you have had as much fun as I have. I am amazed at how much you have learnt already since starting school. I have lots more to teach you so enjoy the Christmas break, whatever you do and I look forward to welcoming you all back in the new year.

Stay safe and have lots of fun.

Miss Barnett

Class RMB - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Miss Brown

Well RMB that is your very first term completed at Yardley Primary School. What a wonderful term we have had together, we are so proud of how well you have settled in.  

In Phonics, we are making great progress. We know all the sounds of the alphabet and are learning some digraphs now, where two letters make one sound. We are practising using this knowledge to help us read and write. Next term we will be holding a workshop where you can come and see how we teach this in school – look out for the email.  

In Maths, we have been focusing on careful counting. We have had fun counting conkers, LEGO and pompoms! We have also discovered circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. We enjoyed going on a shape hunt around school.

This half term we have been learning about lots of different celebrations. We made Rangoli patterns for Diwali, made beautiful Bonfire Night pictures and explored spooky language for Halloween. Towards the end of this half term we have learnt about Christmas. We learnt the Nativity story and how people celebrate Christmas all around the world. 

During P.E. we have learnt lots of different ball skills, we have thrown, rolled and caught balls of all shapes and sizes. You have shown such independence when getting ready for P.E. please keep practising at home.

We have had such a busy and exciting term, and I hope you have had as much fun as we have. You have grown so much and are really embracing life at Yardley Primary. Make sure you rest those brains over the Christmas break and have fun whatever you get up to. I am looking forward to welcoming you back in the New Year ready for another fun term.

Stay safe.

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RG - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Mrs Geary

Well done RG for completing your first term at Yardley Primary. You have all worked so hard and are making lots of progress :) Myself and Miss Lewis are very proud of you all! 

In Phonics, we are making great progress. We know all the sounds of the alphabet and are learning some digraphs now. We are practising using this knowledge to help us read and write. Next term we will be holding a workshop where you can come and see how we teach this in school – look out for the email.   

In Maths, we have been focusing on careful counting. We especially enjoy having a number party in class and finding numbers that are all around our classroom.

During our Autumn topic we explored all the different weather we have had. We enjoyed collecting leaves when outside and making leaf rubbing pictures. It has also been great fun starting our Forest school sessions. We have had so much fun exploring the outdoor area, getting muddy, making stickman and even having our own campfire.  

This half term we have had a lot of celebrations to learn about. We made Diva lights and Rangoli patterns for Diwali, looked how to stay safe at Bonfire night and explored lots of spooky language for Halloween. We have also been learning about Christmas and how it’s celebrated around the world. 

Have a lovely Christmas holiday RG. See you in the Spring term :)

Class RN - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Miss Nahar

The children have worked very hard to settle back into school and enjoy all the learning experiences that have been offered at school. 

We started our new term with Diwali, Bonfire and Halloween week. We made Diva lights and Rangoli patterns for Diwali, looked how to stay safe at Bonfire night and explored lots of spooky language for Halloween. In Maths, the children practised subitising (knowing an amount without counting), counting and comparing more and fewer up to 3. In Literacy they practised writing their names using a capital letter at the beginning and making sure the rest were lower case letters. They have been using their name cards to support them in independent class activities.  The children enjoyed learning about firework safety and took part in making fireworks Arts and Craft activities. 

Week 2- We decided to learn about dinosaurs. This was a very popular theme across the whole class. The children love their dinosaur theme reading area and use this space when reading for pleasure. The children were fascinated by the arrival of a mystery egg in class. They had so many ideas of what it could be. The most popular answer was ‘a dinosaur’. In Maths the children enjoyed learning about 2D shapes (circles and triangles). 

Week 3- We continued with our Dinosaur theme. The children made pictures using 2d shapes. They also practised compositions of numbers 1, 2 and 3. This is about making the number in different ways. The children also enjoyed learning to use positional language such as in front, behind, on top, under, between and next to. In Literacy the children continued to practise writing their names.

The children loved having parents in school for our Creative Nursey Rhyme Workshop. There were lots of creativity by children and parents!

Week 4- Healthy Eating theme. The children talked about eating healthily and making good food choices. In Literacy the children began to use their phonics knowledge to write CVC words. In maths they enjoyed counting to 4, subitising and comparing. They also talked about 4 sided shapes (squares and rectangles). 

Week 5 Christmas theme. The children continued to use their current phonics knowledge to write words related to Santa such as sack, bell, path and shed. We also wrote a letter to Santa telling him that we have been good and we would like to see him. In Maths, we practised counting to 5, subitising and sequencing daily events such as early morning and bedtime routine. 

Christmas fayre was a great opportunity for everyone to get together again. It was so lovely to see many of you enjoying yourselves. 

Week 6, the children enjoyed making Christmas cards and writing their card inserts for their family and friends. In Maths the children enjoyed learning 1 more and 1 less. They also practised the days of the week. It was lovely to see so many parents attend our Christmas performance. The children were amazing with their performance. As part of RE, the children were delighted to find out more about Christianity and the why Christians celebrate Christmas. 

Week 7 Creative Christmas, the children thoroughly enjoyed lots of Arts and Craft activities related to Christmas. They made reindeer food, cookies, snowflakes and angels. Santa came to visit us too!  

I have thoroughly enjoyed this term with you RN and I hope you have had as much fun as I have. I am amazed at how much you have learnt already since starting school. I have lots more to teach you so enjoy the Christmas break, whatever you do and I look forward to welcoming you all back in the new year. 

Stay safe and have lots of fun.

Miss Nahar

Reception - What's happening this half term (autumn second half term)?

7th November 2022 Posted by Reception

This half term Reception are learning about: Celebrations / Dinosaurs / Number

Read about what we will be learning in school and what you can do at home to support this.

C and L (Communication and Language)

In School:

At Home:

PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional development)

In School:

At Home:

PD (Physical Development)

In School/At Home


In School:

At Home:


In School:

At Home:

Understanding of the World

In School/At Home:

Expressive Art and Design

In School:

At Home:

Important Information:

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

We advise parents to take earrings out if possible as plasters need to be managed independently by the children – teacher‘s cannot put plasters on or take them off. We have found that Reception children are unable to do this independently.

Our P.E. days are:

P.E. Kit reminder

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils in Reception bring P.E. kit with them and change in school for the autumn term. 

Indoor and outdoor P.E. lessons (during warm weather):

Outdoor P.E. lessons (during cold weather):

The following items are not appropriate:


Forest school starts this term. Please ensure your child has a pair of wellies in school. Both boots should have your child’s name in.

Christmas Fayre

Yardley Fundraisers (our PTFA) are pleased to announce that our Christmas Fayre will return this year!  It will take place on Friday 2nd December 2022, 4.30pm-7.00pm.

Please visit our Christmas Fayre page here for full details of the event, including:

Details of what to expect at our fayre

Details of our ‘Bring a Donation’ non-uniform day

Raffle and tombola donations

Information for people interested in having a stall

Reception will be there with a stall, we hope to see you there too!

Thank you

Class RB - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Miss Barnett

Well RB we have finished our first half term at school and you have been amazing. I am so proud of how well all have you have settled into the school routine and begun your learning journey. It has been a very busy half term getting to know each other and exploring all the resources and activities that are provided each day. I think we all need a week to recharge our batteries ready for the next part of our learning adventure.

So far in school we have been learning all about each other. We have been asking questions and listening to everyone’s experiences and ideas. You have all painted an amazing self-portraits which we will display for everyone to see.

We have begun learning the sounds of the alphabet and I am so impressed with how eager you all are to learn the sounds and apply them to help you read words. RB you are all superstars! We are also learning how to write each letter. This is tricky, but I can see improvements in children’s writing already so don’t give up, continue to show me your enthusiasm and determination.

In Maths, the children have been practising to count orally every day and experience lots of hands on practical Maths. Please continue to practise counting, singing number songs and identify numerals in the environment. You could also go on a shape hunt and look for shapes in the environment. We are loving our number parties where we get to explore number and demonstrate our knowledge. During number parties we wear number hats, dance, sing and complete challenges, it is so much fun.

PE has proven to be a huge success. We have been playing lots of different games, next term we will be learning some ball skills.

Some children are still finding putting on their own coat tricky. Please practise this at home and help your child learn to do up their coat independently. This would save us a lot of time in class.

Next term we will begin our Forest school sessions, please remember to bring in a pair of wellies as it does get very muddy over there. We have waterproof suits that children wear to protect their clothing so a change of clothes is not required.

It was lovely to see many parents at our Harvest assembly. The children were amazing! Thank you for all your food donations too. It is nice that we can work as a team #TEAMWORK to support our families in our community.  

Have a restful half term RB. I can’t wait for more fun with you next term.

Class RG - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Mrs Geary

Wow! A great start to Reception in RG. 

I am very pleased with how you have all settled into school.  

The children have been learning to become independent in RG and I am so pleased to say that all of the children are now putting their coats on independently and doing their early morning jobs independently :) 

In Literacy, the children have been learning to identify their name and beginning to write their name. Continue to practise name writing at home.  

In phonics, the children have been learning their sounds and harder to read and spell words.  

Sounds are: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r (use these sounds to make words such as cat, mat and dad).

Words are: a, I, the, no, put, of, is, to, go, into  

Please help your child to find these sounds and words in their books.  

In Maths, the children have been practising to count orally every day and experience lots of hands on practical Maths. Please continue to practise counting, singing number songs and identify numerals in the environment.

It was lovely to see many parents at our Harvest assembly. The children were amazing! Thank you for all your food donations too. It is nice that we can work as a team #TEAMWORK to support our families in our community.  

After half term holiday, we will be starting Forest School. Please bring wellington boots -labelled with their name into school.  

Hope you all have a nice break :) 

Class RMB - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Miss Brown

Congratulations RMB you have had your first term at Yardley Primary, I am so impress with how well you have started your school life. You have settled in very well and made wonderful new friends.

This half term we have been focusing on independence, we have worked hard on putting on our coats by ourselves and we are starting to learn how to zip them up. Please encourage the children to be independent at home as this will give them the confidence to try in school.

We have started P.E. this half term, the children have been getting ready independently which we are so proud of. We have been practising throwing and catching beanbags and learning how to move our bodies in different ways.

In Literacy we have been learning how to write our own names. Using their name cards the children have been writing on paper, in sand and even painting their names during activity time. We are starting to extend the children’s learning by asking them to identify their own names.

In Phonics we have been learning new sounds and harder to read and spell words. So far we have learnt s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r. We are now using these sounds to read and write short words such as ‘sat’, ‘peg’ and ‘rock’. We have also learnt ten harder to read and spell words. These are words we can’t sound out, so we just have to remember them. These words are ‘a’, ‘I’, ‘the’, ‘no’, ‘put’, ‘of’, ‘is’, ‘to’, ‘go’, and ‘into’. I wonder if you can spot these words in any of your stories at home? 

We have learnt lots of new vocabulary this half term such as ‘positivity’ and ‘determination’ these also link to our school values. I see so much determination and positivity throughout the day, you are becoming great ambassadors for the school already!

In Maths, we have been practising counting orally every day and experienced lots of practical maths activities. We have been learning how to find pairs and how to sort objects. We love singing our number songs such as ‘5 little ducks’ and ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish’.

It was great fun preforming our Harvest Song in the assembly, we worked very hard on it and enjoyed learning all about Harvest time. Thank you for your kind denotations, these will support families in our community. 

It was also so lovely to finish the Half Term celebrating the children’s achievements in our Merit Assembly. You have worked so hard this half term.

Next half term we will be starting Forest School. Please bring in your wellington boots labelled with your child’s name.

Well done for a wonderful half term, have a great break and we will see you soon.

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RN - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Miss Nahar

Wow! A great start to Reception in RN. I am very pleased with how you have settled into school. Thank you for your support this half term. 

The children have been learning to become independent in RN and I am so pleased to say that all of the children are now putting their coats on independently and doing their early morning jobs independently. Please continue to encourage children to be as independent as possible at home and continue to allow them to practise doing buttons and zips. Allow your child to get dressed and undressed at home. This will help speed up changing time in class and we will have more time in the hall to do PE. 

In Literacy, the children have been learning to identify their name and beginning to write their name. The children are aware that they need a capital letter at the start and rest of the letters are lower case. Continue to practise name writing at home. 

In phonics, the children have been learning their sounds and harder to read and spell words. 

Sounds are: s, a, t, p, i, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r

Words are: a, I, the, no, put, of, is, to, go, into 

Please help your child to find these sounds and words in their books. 

Vocabulary words are related to our school values (Inspire/Aspire/Teamwork)

Determination: I can do it!

Positivity: I love learning!

In Maths, the children have been practising to count orally every day and experience lots of hands on practical Maths. Please continue to practise counting, singing number songs and identify numerals in the environment. You could also go on a shape hunt and look for shapes in the environment. 

It was lovely to see many parents at our Harvest assembly. The children were amazing! Thank you for all your food donations too. It is nice that we can work as a team #TEAMWORK to support our families in our community. 

After half term holiday, we will be starting Forest School which is located on site in our school field. Please bring wellington boots -labelled with their name into school. 

Hope you all have a nice break and I will see you soon. 

Miss Nahar

Reception - What's happening this half term (autumn first half term)?

16th September 2022 Posted by Reception

This half term our topics in Reception we will be ‘Starting school’, ‘All about me’ and ‘Autumn’.

Physical Development

In school we will be developing skills in holding and using a pencil, developing independence skills in self-care eg going to the toilet, putting on own coat. Our PE lessons will also begin this term, children will be developing their skills in changing into their P.E. kit and taking part in lots of team games.

Ways that you can help at home are: 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

We advise parents to take earrings out if possible as plasters need to be managed independently by the children – teacher‘s cannot put plasters on or take them off. We have found that Reception children are unable to do this independently.

Our P.E. days are:

Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to develop our attention by listening to stories, practising following simple instructions and sharing our own experiences with others.

Ways that you can help at home are:  

Personal, Social and Emotional development

Our learning this term will be to say when we do or don’t need help, to form good relationships with adults and children in school. 

Ways that you can help at home are:  


This term our learning focus will be to give meaning to marks as we draw, write and paint. This will be extended so that children begin to form recognisable letters in order to write their name. We will be paying particular attention to the way that letters are formed so that children are able to form one correctly. Children who are already writing their names will be learning to write their surname, use capital letters and finger spaces correctly and keep the height and size of letters correct.

Ways that you can help at home are: 


In school we will be using number names and number language appropriately. We will also be developing children’s knowledge of shape and space by playing with shapes and making arrangements with objects. 

Ways that you can help at home are: 

Understanding of the World

Activities we will be doing in school that you can do at home:

Expressive Art and Design

In school we will be experimenting with colour, texture and resources. Expressing our feelings through song and dance. 

Ways that you can help at home are: 

Work at home

Reading at home: This half term each child will receive a reading diary, please ensure that it is used and brought to school every day in their book bag. Please do not bring rucksacks as these do not fit in drawers and damage our books. Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

The ‘Autumn 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon and you can also visit our Learning Hub.

Don’t forget to follow your child’s class on Twitter and read class blogs on the school website.

Other information

Please ensure that your child has a pair of wellies and a water bottle in school (don’t forget to label them).

In order to promote good oral hygiene, please ensure children only have water in their water bottles. We recommend that children carry bottles in their hands rather than their bags in case of spillages.

Please can you also make sure that all belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. 

Class RD - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Miss David

I can’t believe this is our final term together in RD!  You have all been such a joy to teach and I will miss each and every one of you.

As always, we have been super busy with our learning.

This term, we have been fascinated by our caterpillars that turned into beautiful butterflies!  It was such a joy to witness the life cycle of a Butterfly until we eventually set them free. 

Pirate dress-up day was fun too! The children’s costumes were brilliant and they were very willing to get into character and apply everything they had learnt about Pirates.

In our Literacy lessons, we have been writing sentences independently. We have had fun writing our own sentences about The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Pirates and of course, the butterflies. I have been so impressed with their attention to detail, as they have been remembering to use capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop.

In our Maths lessons, we enjoyed exploring capacity and had a lovely tea party to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We used mathematical language like; full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty and half full to describe the capacity of our tea cups. We also consolidated our learning of doubling facts and number bonds to 10.  We also listened to number stories to help us subtract numbers within 10.

During P.E. we prepared for Sports Day. We practised so that on the day you would be fabulous and you were. Sports Day was so much fun and the children showed great resilience and determination. What great team players you are!  Your parents were too! 

The final highlight of our term was Graduation. The children looked adorable and really did themselves proud. It was such a lovely way to celebrate the wonderful year they have all had.

RD, I am so proud of you all. You have worked incredibly hard this year and have taken everything in your stride. Mr Shah is so lucky to have you in Year 1 and I wish you all a successful future.

Take care and have a very happy summer holiday.

Miss David & Miss Lewis

Class RB - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Miss Barnett

So for our final term in Reception we have been learning all about pirates, summer and getting ready for Year 1. We had great fun dressing up as pirates and taking part in our own treasure hunt. Miss Barnett even made us walk the plank! We got creative by making telescopes and parrots. We even had a virtual visit from a real author, who shared her pirate story with us.

In maths we have been practising all we have learnt this year. We have been naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes, using numbers to 20 (and beyond) to solve problems by adding, subtracting, halving and doubling. We have even been learning and exploring number bonds to 10. Phew! What a busy term.

We recently enjoyed our sports day you were such great team players cheering everyone on. I was very impressed with everyone’s resilience and determination and a special well done to those parents who joined in with the races too.

Towards the end of our term we had some special visitors. The caterpillars came to stay! We studied them as they formed their chrysalis and watched as they turned into beautiful butterflies. You were so caring and inquisitive towards our caterpillars, it was quite sad when we had to say goodbye.

I can't believe that we are at the end of the school year RB. We have had so much fun over the past year and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to celebrate this in our graduation ceremony. I still remember your first day here at Yardley Primary when you astounded me with how well you came into school, it was as though you had been doing it for years. You have been a truly amazing class and I look forward to watching you grow as you progress through the school.

Thank you for a fabulous year, enjoy the summer and I will see you soon,

Miss Barnett

Class RMB - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Miss Brown

Wow RMB what a busy final term we have had.

In Literacy we have been writing independent sentences, we have had so much fun writing about the Jubilee, Pirates and our butterflies. I have been so impress with your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces – Well Done!

At the start of the half term we explored capacity and had a lovely tea party! We used mathematical language like full, empty and half full. We have also recapped our doubling skills and remembered our number bonds.  We also worked hard to subtract numbers within 10.

During P.E. we prepared for Sports Day, you were such great team players cheering on for your sports team. I was very impressed with everyone’s resilience and determination, even the grown-ups in their races! 

We have been so lucky this half term as we were able to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee with a picnic! We learnt lots of facts about the Queen, what was your favourite Queen fact?

Next we set sail on our ‘Pirate Topic’, we dug for treasure, made pirate hats and had a pirate dress up day! 

Towards the end of our term we had some special visitors. The caterpillars came to stay! We studied them as they formed their chrysalis and watched as they turned into beautiful butterflies. You were so caring and inquisitive towards our caterpillars, we were very impressed.

We celebrated all our hard work this year with our grown-ups in our Graduation Assembly. You sang so beautifully and we were extremely proud of you.

As approach the end of the school year I was to congratulate you for all your hard work! You have grown up so much and I can’t wait to watch you continue your learning journey through Yardley Primary.

All the best, 

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RN - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Miss Nahar

It has been a long term in school and the children are ready for their Summer break. This term we have been focussing on so many wonderful new themes. These themes were selected carefully to meet the children’s needs and interests. 

We had a week about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It was so lovely to host a Tea Party for parents in school. We had a party in class too. For Literacy, the children wrote about the queen using their phonics knowledge. In Maths we used language to describe the capacity of our tea cups. We had a lovely tea party and used language such as full/half-full and empty. We also started to do Subtraction number problems using real objects. 

Then we did two weeks of Pirates and we went on a treasure hunt and found the hidden gems. We made telescopes to find treasures and look out for other pirate ships. We continued to consolidate our Subtraction skills in Maths and started to learn more about Number Bonds to 10.We made Father’s day cards for our loved ones at home.  We also had Caterpillars in class to look after. 

After two weeks of learning about Pirates, we started to talk about Transition to Year 1. The children were very excited to talk about the things they would like to do in Year 1. For Maths, we had a whole day about Money. The children loved counting pennies to buy real toys from the toy shop. They used real coins to purchase items. It was lovely to see them count how much they had left and check to see if they had enough for another toy. During that week, our caterpillars were in the 3rd stage of their lifecycle (Chrysalis). The children were very excited to see some butterflies emerge from their chrysalis. We had the pleasure of releasing them in their real habitat (outside).

During Transition week 2, the children consolidated their doubling skills in Maths. They enjoyed learning about UNICEF Article 2: The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background. 

The children also had the opportunity to go and visit their new Year 1 class teacher. They had a lot of fun meeting their new teachers.

We also had a Graduation Day ceremony. The children enjoyed singing for you all. Hope you enjoyed the ceremony. I think it was an emotional day for all of us!

Finally we had a week about holidays. We loved creating our own beach and enjoying the beach holiday in the playground. We loved the ice lollies too! 

I hope this blog has informed you about what the children have been learning and doing in school. Please use this information to help your child at home and consolidate these skills and concepts. Hope you all have a great summer holiday. Good luck in Year 1. I will miss you all very much. Do come and say hello to me. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. 

Have a very happy Summer holiday.

Miss Nahar

Reception - What's happening this half term (summer second half term)?

9th June 2022 Posted by Reception

Can you believe we are about to start our final term in Reception! Here is our planned learning for the Summer term in Reception.


Personal, Social and Emotional development 

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Physical Development 

In school / At home:


Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

Please come to school in appropriate sportswear on your PE days.


In school we will be learning to:

At home you can:



In school we will be learning to:

At home you can: 


Understanding of the World

In school/At home:


Expressive Art and Design

In school we will be learning to:

At home you can:


Work at home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

The ‘Summer 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon and you can also visit our Learning Hub.

Don’t forget to follow your child’s class on Twitter and read class blogs on the school website.

Class RN - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Miss Nahar

I can’t believe, how quickly we have come to the end of this half term. 

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. We have also been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10. This is when we find all the number pairs to make the target number. We have also recapped on our odd and even numbers and subitising where the children have to identify the total number of objects without counting. Continue to practice these skills at home. 

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have been so impressed with the sentences you have written using your phonics and even adding some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in your work. 

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language. The children really enjoyed reading Farmer Duck, What the Ladybird Heard and The Little Sunflower story in our Reciprocal Reading lessons. . 

We have explored lots of different topics this half term. We really enjoyed learning all about Eid and I enjoyed hearing all the wonderful celebration some of our class had. The children thoroughly enjoyed talking about what they did for Eid and we talked about the similarities and differences between Eid and other festivals such as Christmas, Diwali and Easter. 

Now we are in spring we were interested in looking at all the signs of the season changing all around us. We have planted our own broad beans, we have looked after them so carefully and the children are excited to take them home. Don’t forget to water them and look after them. You can always show me how tall they have grown on Twitter and if you get any beans I would love to see that too!

Towards the end of the half term we have been learning all about life on the farm. We had the best time at Mount Pleasant Farm and the children enjoyed seeing farm animals in real life.

 In P.E. we have had a wonderful time learning new sports. As we are coming close to the Common Wealth Games, we have been doing some Olympics in P.E.

It has been another successful half term in RN and the children have continuously worked hard and made so much progress. 

Thank you for supporting them at home too. Continue to read, write and practice your Maths skills RN. I will see you all for the final term in RN. 

Class RMB - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Miss Brown

What a busy half term we have had RMB.

In Literacy we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have been so impressed with the sentences you have written using your phonics and even adding some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’ in your work. 

We have read lots of fantastic books this half term and learned lots of new language, which I have heard you use during conversations. I really enjoyed reading Farmer Duck, What the Ladybird Heard and The Little Sunflower. 

In Maths we have been working hard exploring how two numbers can be put together to make one number. It has been so much fun watching you use the LEGO, Numicon and bricks to explore making new numbers. You have also been using, very grown up resources, like a 10s frame. We have also been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10 and I enjoyed when we sang the Farmer Pete song.  We have also recapped on our odd and even numbers and Subitising.

We have explored lots of different topics this half term. We really enjoyed learning all about Eid and I enjoyed hearing all the wonderful celebrations some of our class had. 

Now we are in spring we were interested in looking at all the signs of the season changing all around us. We have planted our own seeds and watched them start to grow into a Sunflower, we have looked after them so carefully and I am excited to send them home so they can continue to grow. Don’t forget to water them!

Towards the end of the half term we have been learning all about life on the farm. We had the best time at Mount Pleasant Farm and I was so impressed with how you were all so sensible! 

In P.E. we have had a wonderful time learning new sports. We have done javelin and running races in preparation for Sports Day.

RMB you are continuously growing into brilliant little learners and I am excited to watch you grow during your last half term in Reception. Enjoy your half term break!

From Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc

Class RB - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Miss Barnett

Oh no, RB we only have one more term together before you move on to Year 1! We have had such an eventful and busy half term. Our learning has all been linked to the topic of farm animals. We were very lucky to have 5 duck eggs in our class that we cared for. 

Unfortunately we didn’t quite get to see any ducks hatch, but looking after the ducklings more than made up for that. We loved having the opportunity to hold them and watch them swim around in our water tray.

We had the most amazing time at the farm when we went to visit. The children’s behaviour was impeccable, I was very proud. We listened carefully to what we were told about the different animals and enjoyed the opportunity to feed them and stroke them. It was a very busy day and we were exhausted by the end of it, but it was worth it.

In Literacy this term, we have been working hard on our sentence writing. We have been trying hard to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in our writing. I have been so impressed with the sentences you have written using your phonics and some of our ‘Harder to Read and Spell Words’. 

In Maths we have been working hard exploring numbers. We have also been looking at number bonds to 5 and 10. Some of our lessons this term have involved the ducklings, they were particularly helpful when we were learning our number bonds to 5. 

We have done so much this term, starting off with our beans that we planted, I hope they are growing well at home. We really enjoyed learning all about Eid and I enjoyed hearing all the wonderful celebration some of our class had. 

RB you are all amazing and I can’t wait for all the fun we have planned next term. Enjoy your half term and I will see you all soon.

Miss Barnett

Class RD - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Miss David

This half-term has been such a busy, yet exciting one in RD!

The children have enjoyed learning about seasonal changes. 

Now that we are in Spring, the children have been observing and noticing the beautiful seasonal changes. We were inspired by the flowers and new leaves we noticed in our outdoor area, so decided to grow some Sunflowers of our own. The children have been taking great care of them. Watering them every day and making sure they were placed in the sunlight. The children took the Sunflowers home to continue looking after them. Feel free to post some pictures of your sunflower, on Twitter, so I can see how tall they are getting.  

In our Literacy lessons, the children have really impressed me with their writing. The children have become so much more independent and confident at writing sentences that they have been doing so, during their play.  They have even been remembering to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops too! Well done RD! The children are really enjoying our phonics lessons too and it shows because they are using and applying their phonic knowledge when writing and reading. 

In Maths, we have been learning about number bonds and composition of number to 10. We have been fascinated to learn that bigger numbers are made up of lots of smaller numbers! We have been using cubes, counters, Numicon and tens frames to help us with our learning.

We have explored lots of different topics this half term. We especially enjoyed learning about Eid and I enjoyed hearing about all the wonderful things you experienced with your family.

The farm trip, was the highlight of our term. We had the best time at Mount Pleasant Farm and I was so impressed how sensible and well-behaved the children were. The children were so excited to meet and feed the animals, and to eat their lunch somewhere different! 

In P.E. we have had a great time learning new sports and preparing for Sports Day events. The children have particularly enjoyed running races and chasing games like, dodge ball.

Thank you for another great term RD, and keep up the good work.

Enjoy the holidays!

Miss David & Miss Lewis 

Reception - What's happening this half term (summer first half term)?

29th April 2022 Posted by Reception

This half term Reception are learning about Spring, animals and their habitats

Communication and Language

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Personal, Social and Emotional development

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 

Physical Development

In school / At home:


Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

Please come to school in appropriate sportswear on your PE days. 



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can:



In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Understanding of the World

In school / At home:


Expressive Art and Design 

In school we will be learning to: 

At home you can: 


Remember …

Work at home

Please read with your children every day and write it in their reading diary.

The ‘Summer 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon and you can also visit our Learning Hub.

Don’t forget to follow your child’s class on Twitter and read class blogs on the school website.

Class RD - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Miss David

We have had such an exciting term in RD!

It all began, with World Book Day. The children came to school dressed as their favourite character from a story and they were super excited! It was so lovely to see them expressing their love of reading, through role play and stories.

Next, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday aka Pancake Day! We shared a story called Mr Wolf’s Pancakes and the children enjoyed the shocking twist, at the end! We incorporated this story into our Literacy lessons by writing some simple sentences about it.  We then decided to make some delicious pancakes of our own. The children enjoyed watching them being flipped up in the air! We topped our pancakes with the traditional lemon and sugar topping. The children told me they were delicious. 

We have also recapped our healthy eating topic, this term. We explored what it means to have good oral hygiene, and discussed the importance of visiting the dentist. In our Literacy and Maths lessons, we used this topic to help us create some simple sentences to write, and opportunities to count, notice and explore number. By the end of the topic, the children were able to talk about ways to keep their mouth healthy, and they were able to apply their knowledge by making healthy choices, independently. 

Our Superhero topic was a very popular one! We focused on the Supertato Story. The children were able to use their knowledge of phonics to generate sentences and successfully write them down in their books. As it was an exciting topic, the children were very enthusiastic about applying their phonic knowledge when reading and writing. The children were choosing to read my special superhero phonic books, independently which was really lovely to see. Our Superhero dress up day was so much fun too! The children were role-playing a lot, that day! 

We have also celebrated Easter! The children showcased their Easter Bonnets and one lucky child received a prize for their efforts. We made cards and shared some Easter stories too!

During our Literacy lessons, the children have been reminded to use capital letters, finger spaces and a full stops, when writing a simple sentence. The children have been using all the digraphs and trigraphs that we have learnt so far, really well in their writing. Well done RD!

In Maths we have been counting, recognising numbers, doubling, sharing and halving. We have been so busy, but it have been a wonderful term with you all.

Have a lovely Easter break RD! 

Keep up the good work and I will see you soon! Parents, thank you for your continued support.

Miss David and Miss Lewis

Class RMB - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Miss Brown

Wow RMB, what a busy and exciting term we have had!

We have started the half term with World Book Day. It was so lovely to see all the characters from our favourite stories come alive in RMB. Books are appreciated and loved in Reception. Please continue to support your child to read every day. Reading every day will embed an excitement and love for reading. When children see adults excited about reading, they want to replicate the enthusiasm. So, let’s work as a team to get your children reading and writing. If you need any support, please just ask a member of staff

We also started the term off with a yummy celebration, Shrove Tuesday or ‘Pancake Day’! Mrs Erdinc’s Pancake Café filled the classroom with a lovely smell as we tucked into delicious pancakes. We enjoyed the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes and started off by writing simple sentences. 

We recapped our Healthy Eating Topic and explored the importance of Oral Health. The children are making healthier choices which is great to see. The children can talk about why they need to look after their teeth and why they should be making sensible food choices.

We also enjoyed our Superhero topic! We focused on the Supertato Story and watched out for the Evil Pea to make sure he wasn’t up to any more mischief. I loved all your Superhero costumes!

To finish the Term we have focused on a Monster’s and Alien’s topic we found the Alien’s Love Underpants story hilarious and enjoyed learning through play making aliens out of different materials. 

In Literacy we have been writing more than one sentence remembering capital letters, full stops and finger spaces! We are also trying our best to do this independently using our Digraphs and Trigraphs. We have also been working hard with our reading and now we know so many sounds we are able to enjoy lots of different stories. 

In Maths we have been looking at Positional Language, 1 more and 1 less, comparing quantities, doubling and halving. The children worked so hard and have used their new Maths knowledge in our continuous provision throughout activity time. 

In PE we have become dancing Queens and Kings, learning different routines and movements. We carried these routines out showing different emotions and styles of dance. I really enjoyed doing the ‘Hockey Cockey’ like rock stars!

We have also enjoyed Forest School, planting, painting and our favourite Easter egg hunt!

In PHSE we have been learning about keeping our bodies and brains healthy, RMB were so kind when they explained I couldn’t have sandwich with chocolate spread, biscuit filled with a sprinkle of sweets and ice cream!

To finish the half term the children enjoyed learning about Easter and took part in an Easter Bonnet competition, this was so much fun. 

As always thank you for all your support this half term. Enjoy the Easter Break- make sure you rest those brains! I will see you all soon. Can’t believe we are coming to the end of the academic year soon. 

Miss Brown and Mrs Erdinc :) 

Class RB - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Miss Barnett

Wow I can’t believe that we have completed another term in Reception already. This year is flying by. We have had so much fun this term and I can see the children are using and applying all that they have learnt so far this year. 

We started the term off with World Book Day. It was amazing to see all the characters from various stories come alive in our class. We love listening to and talking about stories which is fantastic. A love of reading is so important to our learning and development and RB certainly enjoy sharing books. It has been wonderful watching how well the children apply their knowledge of sound to read words and sentences independently. 

As we were in school for Shrove Tuesday, we of course had to make pancakes. It was very exciting watching Miss Erdinc toss them up in the air. She did very well and didn’t drop any! We read the story Mr Wolf’s pancakes and tried to predict what would happen at the end. None of us thought that Mr Wolf would eat up all of his neighbours.

After eating all those pancakes with their sugary toppings we had to talk about oral health and the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day. RB are very knowledgeable about this now and many children have also shared their own experiences of going to the dentist. We are able to make and talk about healthy choices.

Next, we started our Superhero topic. This is always great fun and the children got to hear lots of stories from the ‘Supertato’ collection. These books really captured our imaginations and we even had the ‘Evil Pea’ hiding in our classroom! Luckily, RB are fantastic at finding any intruders in our class and were able to find him each morning before he could cause any mischief. 

In maths we have explored number and are now very good at talking about more, less and doubling. We have practised recognising number patterns so that we don’t have to count how many are in a group and will continue to work on this next term. 

Our new phonics scheme has proved very successful, we enjoy our writing challenge every day when we need to beat the timer. RB are so much more confident in writing words and sentences using our phonic knowledge and we will continue working on this for the rest of the school year. 

Throughout the term, the children have enjoyed PE, Forest School, Music, RE and dancing in RB. 

To finish the half term the children enjoyed learning about Easter and took part in an Easter Bonnet competition. 

Thank you for all your support this half term. Enjoy the break and I will see you all soon. Can’t believe we are coming to the end of the academic year soon. 

Take care, Miss Barnett 😊