Wellbeing & Safeguarding
Yardley School is a safe place for you and your families.
Families are telling us about the many challenges they have and continue to face, and school works in partnership with Birmingham Children’s Trust, as well as other services and agencies to support families who want help.
We believe at Yardley that it is important for you to know that there are services available that could help you and your family.
If you feel your child and/or family need someone to talk to or need any help, please either speak to your class teacher or a member of SLT. There is also a Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL) on site at Yardley Primary School and can be contacted via the school office Monday to Friday
Useful Services
Childline are here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you. Childline is free, confidential and available any time, day or night.
The NSPCC support everything to protect children today and prevents abuse tomorrow, to transform society for every childhood.
The Waiting Room is your one stop directory for health and wellbeing services across Birmingham and Solihull.
Birmingham Children’s Trust exists to make a positive difference for children, young people and families in the city of Birmingham.
Birmingham City Council provide a range of services to support families in the city of Birmingham.
We’ve all been through a tough time with Covid-19 and lockdown. Organisations from across Birmingham have partnered to provide services and support, which might make life a little bit easier.
Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS)
The Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS) provides a single point of contact for members of the public who want to seek support or raise concerns about a child.
To contact CASS call 0121 303 1888. The telephone opening hours are:
Monday to Thursday: 8.45am to 5.15pm
Friday: 8.45am to 4.15pm
Outside of these hours contact the emergency out-of-hours number: 0121 675 4806
Stay Safe Online
At Yardley Primary School, we take digital safety extremely seriously. We believe that it is the right of all children to feel safe and secure when using technology.
For information and useful resources about staying safe online, visit the Stay Safe Online ↗ area of our website.
It is full of advice, tips, guides and videos for both parents and pupils, all designed to help keep your children digitally safe.
Early Help
Early Help means taking action to support a child, young person or their family early in the life of a problem, as soon as it emerges. It can be required at any stage in a child’s life from pre-birth to adulthood, and applies to any problem or need that the family cannot deal with or meet on their own. It also applies to all children and young people, with any form of need.
Early Help requires that agencies should work together as soon as a problem emerges or a need is identified to ensure the child gets the right response, and the right services, from the right people at the right time. Our aim is to meet need early and avoid a problem escalating or the need increasing.
Early Help is provided to prevent or reduce the need for specialist interventions unless they are absolutely the correct response to meet the need and resolve the problem.
Please speak to school if you feel your family would benefit from ‘Early Help’.
Bereavement Support
The NHS in Birmingham is also offering confidential bereavement support to help children, young people and families who may be grieving the death of a friend or loved one. At the moment, many people are cut off from their usual support networks. If you and/or your family need help then please contact this service.
Local bereavement experts are available to offer support due to all types of loss and to people of all ages.
Simply call 0121 687 8010 for instant support. The telephone opening hours are:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 9.00am - 8.00pm
Saturday and Sunday: 12.00pm - 5.00pm
Assistance can also be accessed via email at: support@crusebirmingham.co.uk
Operation Encompass
With effect from September 2021, Yardley Primary School is part of a joint operation involving Birmingham Children’s Trust, Birmingham City Council, and West Midlands Police. Operation Encompass helps schools to provide in-school support to children who have been present at, exposed to or involved in any domestic abuse incident.
We know that children can be significantly harmed, physically and/or emotionally, during these situations, and that it also negatively affects their learning and behaviour in class. Therefore, as part of the Operation Encompass procedure, and to help mitigate the resulting negative impact, the school will now receive a confidential phone call or email from West Midlands Police before 9am the morning after a child or young person has been witness to, or involved in, any reported domestic abuse incident.
Here at Yardley Primary School we have a dedicated and child-focussed Safeguarding Team. They are specially trained to effectively use the information the Police share, in confidence, and enable the school to provide the right support to any child and their family.
We always endeavour to offer the best support possible to our pupils and believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.
More information can be found at www.operationencompass.org ↗
Family Connect
Some families need support from more than one professional. We connect and work together to support families, continuing to build relationships and supporting a range of needs of all family members.
You can come into school and a DSL will support you to complete a referral, or as a parent you can complete the Family Connect form ↗ for self-referral.
Wellbeing Resources
Wellbeing Services & Websites
Young Minds is an organisation that aims to see a world where every young person who is struggling feels able to reach out, and has people and services around them who can really help.
Pause can help with anything relating to emotional wellbeing! They also provide support for parents and carers who are concerned about their child or young person’s wellbeing.
The Children's Society provide specialist support that empowers young people to make positive changes and rediscover their hope.
GoNoodle engages children to channel their boundless energy, getting them up, moving and becoming more mindful. Relax, think positive, and flow with these mindfulness exercises.
Cosmic Kids Yoga is yoga for kids like you've never seen before. Jaime's aim is to bring yoga and mindfulness to children through stories.
My Happy Mind helps Primary Schools, Nurseries, and families to create a positive mental wellbeing culture in which children build resilience, self-esteem, and character.