Year 3 Blog

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Autumn 1st half term)?

12th September 2024  |  Posted by Year 3

It is so lovely to see our pupils back after the 6 weeks holiday. We are really pleased to see you all! 

Year 3 is important for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills they will learn throughout Key Stage 2.  We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.   If you have any questions related to the reopening of school, please see the ‘Noticeboard’ area on the school website. 

This half term we will be learning about: 


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas: 

Reading records will be issued to each child over the coming weeks. Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. 


We will begin by looking at number and place value. We will be learning about: 

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too.  


Our first Science topic is Rocks, Fossils and Soils. We will be learning about: 

Foundation subjects


This term we will be learning about Digital safety. We will begin by completing computer safety agreements. Children will learn about posting online and the how to be responsible. They will become more familiar with when to talk to someone if you have a problem online. 

P.E./Sports: Team building and Gymnastics 

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too if necessary.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about sharing and being generous - linking it to Islam and Christianity. We will also be looking at the festival of Harvest.  

Learning at Home

All classes are on X (formerly Twitter) so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required. 

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

We also encourage the use of websites such as Times Table Rockstars. Times tables can be a bit of a stumbling block, and the only way forward is regular practice to improve speed and out-of-sequence recall.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 3 Team

Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on X.  Click a button below to find your child's class on X.

Class 3A - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Mr Arnold

What a fantastic year we have had in Year 3! You have shown resilience at all times. Your enthusiasm and determination will be missed and I hope you take these characteristics with you in Year 4.

In Maths, we have been looking at a range of different skills and getting even better at them. We have really enjoyed learning about money, time, shape and statistics. All in which are lifelong skills needed for the future! We have all tried really hard to learn our times tables as well.

This half term in English, we have been using all of our different skills to carry out a range of tasks. We have wrote narratives and instructions linked with our foundation topics. I was so impressed with the quality of writing and how much effort you have put in. We have also thoroughly enjoyed our class read of Stitch Head this term.

In Science, we have developed our working scientifically skills. We carried out a number of investigations, including: effects of exercise on our heart rate, testing different liquids to see which has the stronger magnetic force using paperclips and seeing how powerful and dangerous the sun is. We also researched different scientists which inspired us. Overall, we made sensible predictions, clear observations and interpreted our results.

In Foundation, we loved making a healthy wrap filled with delicious foods and taste testing to see which foods we wanted to add to our wraps. In Geography, we really enjoyed going on a local walk to see how land is used in Yardley and why. As always we have loved our Spanish lessons and been able to ask and talk about different colours. In PE we had so much fun during Sports Day and all the children showed great sportsmanship and were well supported. We have also done really well in football and rounders.

I have really enjoyed teaching all of you. I hope you all have a great summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you in Year 4.

Mr Arnold

Class 3C - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Mr Reid

The Summer holiday is here! The children have earned a well-deserved rest and make sure they don’t become too excited about being the bigger children in Year 4. Please remind them that their teachers always remember them and always appreciate hearing how they are progressing.

In English, as you always do, encourage your children to read as much as they can. Comics and magazines can be just as good texts as conventional books! We have written narratives and instructions linked with our foundation topics. The children have continued to become more confident with their writing and more confident at identifying the grammatical features they are using. We have also completed our class book, Stitch Head, this term.

In Science, we have focused on the skills which allow us to work scientifically. The children have also carried out a number of investigations. We have investigated and explored: effects of exercise on our heart rate, tested different liquids to see which has the stronger magnetic force, by using paperclips, and seen how powerful and dangerous the sun is. We researched the achievements of different scientists to inspire us. As well as all this, the children have made sensible predictions, recorded their observations and interpreted results.

In our core or foundation lessons, we have looked at settlements and the history of Yardley. It appears the triangle of roads surrounding school and the flats goes back over two hundred years! 3C have made healthy wraps filled with delicious foods and taste testing them too. We have loved our Spanish lessons and been able to ask and talk about different colours. Sports Day was greatly enjoyable and all the children showed great sportsmanship and were well supported. We were even lucky and had the cooler weather! The children have also continued to play football and rounders with Miss Ward and become even more skilful!

Time is always one of the most complicated concepts for children to understand as there are two slightly different digital ways to display it and the original analogue clockfaces to master. The children would appreciate looking at clocks at different times to help them. If you have a watch your child can borrow from you then this always encourages them to be “grown-up” like their adults.

Try and continue to encourage your child to use TT Rockstars too. Purple Mash can be very useful if the children ever run out of things to do. In Maths we have also looked at money and the addition and subtraction of different values.

I have had a very interesting 2024 with you all. I hope you all have a safe summer holiday and remember that however hot it gets that open water like rivers, lakes and canals are best avoided. I want to see everyone back safely in 2024.

Most important of all, have fun!

Mr Reid

Class 3D - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Trevis

Dear 3D,

I cannot believe I am writing this in your final week of Year 3! I have been so lucky to get to know each and every one of you over the past few months. It has been amazing teaching you all of the interesting topics in Year 3 and watching you grow into the wonderful people that you have become this year. It has been a slightly different year to normal with you starting the year off with Mrs Danks and ending the year with me, but as a class you have shown an incredible amount of resilience and perseverance to this change and for that I am so proud of you. 

Your skills in English, Maths and Reading have progressed leaps and bounds this year, particularly your handwriting where most of you are now writing tremendously well. We have had so much fun this year playing different games to help learn your times tables and your progress in this is definitely something to be proud of! I love how much your love for reading has continued to flourish and I hope this continues for all of you as you continue on your learning journey. Finally, we have had some real fun learning all about the different topics across the curriculum. It’s been wonderful to see all of your enthusiasm grow within the topics, especially in the Geography topic this term, after our fieldwork trip. 

I do not doubt that you are all going to love Year 4 and continue to thrive! I’m so excited to hear all about your achievements. Your futures are amazingly bright! Take every chance you get and continue to enjoy learning. 

Have a brilliant summer holiday and I will see you in September. 

Well done 3D!

Miss Trevis

Class 3T - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Thomas

Wow yet again, another half term is over. I can’t believe we’re ending our time together in year 3. 

 I would just like to say a big well done to all pupils in 3T for their continued hard work and motivation over the last few weeks, I am delighted with the progress you have made and I hope you have had as much fun with our topics as I have. I know you are all looking forward to your summer break and equally your return.  

We have been reading Stitch Head, which has a different genre than we are used to and because of that it has raised some very interesting conversations. We have continued to use a range of texts to inspire our writing. We have seen a huge development in punctuation, grammar and spelling. All pupils have continued to master their distinctive writing style and I couldn't be happier with the level of maturity within.  

We are continuing to work on the rapid recall of times tables, we will continue to record our scores every week to ensure that we are continually making steady progress ready for year 4. In Maths, we have also been continuing to strengthen our skills of the four operations alongside identifying 2D and 3D shapes and their properties and beginning to identify and represent data in bar charts.

 Geography this term has seen us go out into the local area to look at and observe the area we live in. We then compared it to an area in New Delhi. There were several comparisons that could be made, along with many differences. Our structural art day saw us combine areas of Maths; shapes, this helped us build sturdy stable structures using knowledge of 3D shapes.

 Science has continued to validate our scientific understanding with us experimenting in greater depth some of the observational exercises we had previously set up to study.    

 Our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE will continue next year. Please check out our Twitter for further information on what we have been getting up to. 

I would like to send you all a great big thank you for a fantastic year and for all of your support this year.

I would like to wish you all a wonderful, safe summer.  

Thank you again

Mrs Thomas

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Summer 2nd half term)?

4th June 2024  |  Posted by Year 3

We have now begun our final half term of Year 3. It is so lovely to see our pupils back after the break. We hope you had a lovely time.

We thank you for your continued support as Year 3 is a very important year for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills that they will learn throughout Key Stage 2.

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.

Any important messages and announcements will be emailed to you and can also be found on our school X (Twitter) page, so please ensure you are following the school account and the relevant class for your child. If you need any support, please let one of us know.

Over the next half term, we will be learning about: 


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas: 

We will be starting a brand-new class text Stitch Head. This is a fantastic text by Guy Bass and we are really excited about starting it. Asking your children questions about our class text helps a lot with their speaking, listening and retrieval skills, to see what they can remember as we read this text at school. 

Please continue to update your reading records regularly. Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. 


We will be exploring money! It is always useful to give the children a chance to add real coins as it speeds up their mental calculations: especially if you ‘accidentally’ give them incorrect change. 

We will also be covering work on time, shape and statistics. Time can be a particularly confusing concept for children, and the round analogue clock is often confusing. Minutes to the hour is often worth repeatedly showing them whenever possible. Mr Reid still remembers the face of the kitchen clock which helped him! 

We will also be learning about length and perimeter, fractions, mass and capacity. This will prepare us for our later topics about money, time, shape and statistics. 

Continue to encourage the children to get faster with the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Remind them that Times Table Rockstars is an excellent way to do this. We consolidate these first as if you know 7 x 4 = 28 then they will also know its inverse 4 x 7 = 28! 

Encourage the children to try mentally adding and subtracting two-digit and three-digit numbers. The trick is to use their knowledge of place value to partition the numbers into tens and ones. 34 + 37 might become 60 + 11 and then 70 + 1. When subtracting 37 – 18 might become 37 – 10 – 8 and then 27 – 8. 


Our next Science topic is 'Working Scientifically'. We will be learning to: 


Are all settlements the same? We will be learning to: 


This term we will be exploring game design using Microsoft PowerPoint and looking at presentations. We will be learning how to: 

We will also be looking at Digital Wellbeing helping the children to manage and enjoy their digital lives. 

P.E./Sports: Football/Rounders

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too if necessary.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be looking at Economic wellbeing in P.H.S.E. We will be able to: 

In RE, we will be learning about being courageous, confident, being hopeful and visionary - linking it to different religions. 

Learning at Home 

All classes are on X (Twitter) so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download this week using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

We also encourage the use of websites such as Times Table Rockstars.

Times tables can be a bit of a stumbling block, and the only way forward is regular practice to improve speed and out-of-sequence recall.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 3C - Summer 1st Half Term

23rd May 2024  |  Posted by Mr Reid

Is there only one half term left? The weather is starting to improve and both the children and adults are loving it!

The children have been growing even more independent, and taller, over the last half term. I am pleased to see they have become more confident and focused on how to improve their learning. We are still focusing on our school targets of being ready, respectful and safe. This quickly reminds the children what they need to do and also why.

We have read another book about cats! As the children know, this is my favourite type of pet! The children may have told you that Mr Reid’s cat used to come into the classroom when he was a child! This is the second book by SF Said and I’m sure you are all well aware of who Varjak Paw is and about his battle against the dreaded Sally Bones!

The children have continued to improve their rapid recall of times tables. In our Maths starters, we have continued to revisit a range of different methods and concepts. Time is always a tricky concept, so try and encourage the children to look at clocks: especially times which show how many minutes to the hour there are.

This term, in Science, we have looked at light and shadows. We have measured the length of shadows and explored why they move throughout the day too. We have carried out experiments and examined our results. We have presented our work in knowledge organisers to share what we have discovered with other children.

Please remember to remind the children to use TT Rocks Stars as knowing their times tables will really help them with their division facts as inverses.

We have carried on developing our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE. The sunny weather is making Outdoor Learning even more exciting than usual! We have really seen the plants spring into life.

Our class assembly will be taking place on the 12th June, which is a Wednesday, at 9:10. It will be about the Egyptians.

Enjoy the lovely weather and I will see you all in June!

Mr Reid

Class 3T - Summer 1st Half Term

22nd May 2024  |  Posted by Mrs Thomas

I would just like to say a big well done to all pupils in 3T for their continual hard work and motivation over these last few weeks, I am astounded with the progression you have made throughout this half term. I am looking forward to beginning our final half term of Year 3!

We have been reading our current book, Varjak Paw by S. F. Said. We are enthralled by each and every chapter. Throughout our writing, we have seen a huge development in punctuation, grammar and has been inspirational throughout our writing activities. All pupils are continually developing their own distinct style of writing and I couldn't be happier with their most recent piece. This has then been used, along-side our neatest handwriting before being added to our increasing published writing books.

We have continued to look at poetry extracts and non-fiction pieces that relate to our other curriculum subjects, which really helps our understanding of topics such as, light and historic time periods such as the Egyptians. 

We have seen a continued progress with improved rapid recall of times tables, which are continually monitored to ensure that we are progressing consistently. Maths lessons continue to consolidate our skills of the four operations and will continue during our starters every day alongside the current topic, which in 3T is length and perimeter. 

We have completed our history topic on Egyptians as such we will be beginning a new Geography topic about settlers, which will involve some fieldwork. Art has seen us make our own papyrus which we then modelled into a scroll.  

We have continued to progress with our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE. Please continue to check out our Twitter for further information on what we have been getting up to. 

Thank you again for another unbelievable half term and for all of your support along the way.

Have a lovely Whitsun week and I look forward to seeing you when we return.

Mrs Thomas.

Class 3A - Summer 1st Half Term

20th May 2024  |  Posted by Mr Arnold

The children have shown a lot of teamwork and resilience this term which I have been really impressed with.

In Maths, we have looked at fractions and length and perimeter. We have looked at unit and non-unit fractions and become more secure with answering reasoning questions. We have just started looking at length and perimeter and focusing on adding and subtracting in centimetres and millilitres.

In English we have finished reading The Outlaw of Varjak Paw, which we loved! We have based a lot of our writing and reading activities upon it. We have also looked at expanded noun phrases and conjunctions to add more detail to our work. Also, we have linked English with our History topic learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We all wrote a fantastic piece of writing on Egypt.

In PE, we have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Basketball and Cricket. The children have become better passers in Basketball and more aware of the rules. Whereas in Cricket, we have been able to learn new skills in fielding and batting and again learning more of the rules. We really enjoyed playing the games at the end of both topics and have shown lots of progress!

In Science, we have finished off our learning about light and shadows. We now know the difference between opaque, transparent and translucent. Also, we have looked at how dangerous the sun can be and what we need to protect us from it.

The children have really learnt lots about the Ancient Egyptians in our History topic. We have looked at mummification, pharaohs, gods and goddesses and even had Professor McGinty help us go back in time. We looked at objects that were used in these times such as foods, pictures and hieroglyphics.

I would also like to thank all the adults that came to our class assembly all about Antarctica. The children performed brilliantly and should be so proud of themselves for their singing voices and individual parts.

Have a brilliant week off! Don't forget to log onto TTRockstars and keep up the reading! Both of which will really help going into Summer 2.

Mr Arnold

Class 3D - Summer 1st Half Term

20th May 2024  |  Posted by Mrs Danks

There is only one more half term left of Year 3! I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone by. 

The last half term has been very interesting. It has been great to see the independence from each and every one of you grow over the weeks. I am extremely impressed with your mature and responsible attitude. 

We have read the next book in the series 'The Outlaw Varjak Paw' by SF Said and are absolutely loving it. We have used the text to create a range of writing genres, including a narrative, and are continuing to see a huge improvement in punctuation, grammar and spelling. We are continuing to fill our published writing books with fantastic pieces, ready for our Year 4 teachers to look at.

There has been an incredible improvement in the rapid recall of times tables and we are continuing to monitor our scores three times a week, to ensure that we are practising consistently. In Maths, we have continued to revisit a range of methods methods during our starters every day. We have also started to look at length, perimeter and fractions.

Our new Art topic, 'Ancient Egyptian Scrolls' has really supported our retrieval skills, by reviewing our knowledge of Ancient Egypt. We have spent time designing, sketching and experimenting with different medias. We have also been in the audience for a class assembly for parents and pupils based on our previous Geography topic, 'Antarctica'. 

Light has been our Science topic this term. So far, we have measured shadow changes throughout the day, observed different shadows using different objects and used our scientific minds to predict, observe, carry out investigations and present our results. 

We have continued to improve our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE. Please continue to check out our class X page for further information of what we have been getting up to. 

Thank you again for another incredible half term and for all of your support along the way.

Have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you all when we return.

Mrs Danks xxx

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Summer 1st half term)?

11th April 2024  |  Posted by Year 3

We have now begun the Summer term of Year 3. It is so lovely to see our pupils back after the break. We hope you had a lovely time. 

We thank you for your continued support as Year 3 is a very important year for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills, they will learn throughout Key Stage 2.    

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.  

Any important messages and announcements will be emailed to you and can also be found on our school X (Twitter), so please ensure you are following the school account and the relevant class for your child. If you need any support, please let one of us know. 

Over the next half term, we will be learning about: 


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas: 

We will be starting a brand new class text The Outlaw Varjak Paw. This is a follow up to the first book which we read during the Autumn term, Varjak Paw by SF Said. Asking your children questions about our class text helps a lot with their speaking, listening and retrieval skills, to see what they can remember from the first book. We are very much looking forward to finding out what happens to Varjak Paw in the next instalment. 

Please continue to update your reading records regularly. Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. 


We will be exploring measurement and pupils will learn how to:

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too.  


Our next Science topic is Light. We will be learning to: 


What was the greatest achievement of the Ancient Egyptians? We will be learning to: 


This term we will be exploring game design using 2DIY£D on Purple Mash. Our aim is to create a themed maze game with ‘treasure’ and ‘villains’ that will affect the player’s success. We will be designing a setting, animating characters, creating an information page to ensure players know the rules, constantly evaluating and debugging our game and also designing a box for our game.  

P.E./Sports: Basketball and Cricket 

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be looking at Citizenship in P.H.S.E. We will be able to: 

In RE, we will be learning about the unit Being Loyal and Steadfast. We will be using our previous knowledge to learn from experiences and learn about religious traditions and non-religious worldviews.  

Learning at Home 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack is available to download using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

We also encourage the use of websites such as Times Table Rockstars.

Times tables can be a bit of a stumbling block, and the only way forward is regular practice to improve speed and out-of-sequence recall.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 3A - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024 Posted by Mr Arnold

The children have shown a lot of resilience and determination this term which I have been really impressed with.

In English, we have been reading Hetty Feather which linked nicely with our History topic. We wrote a brilliant recount using first person. It was a real joy to see how much effort the children have put into their work as well as using conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and great amounts of detail to bring their work to life!

In Maths, the children have been looking more closely at multiplication and division and fractions. I have been again impressed by the children’s memory recognising the numerators, denominators and realising the smaller the denominator the bigger the fraction! We have also looked at unit fractions, non-unit fractions and equivalent fractions. We have also kept up our work on timetables and lots of the children are improving their scores and answering the questions quicker which is brilliant.

In Science, we have been looking at plants. We have learnt about seed dispersal and the requirements needed for a plant to survive. We looked at the functions of a plant and how water is transported from the roots to the rest of the plant.

We have just completed our Tennis lessons in PE and not long started our athletics lessons in preparation for Sports day. The children have developed forehand and backhand shots whilst trying to concentrate on control and the amount of power required. The children’s technique and contact with the tennis ball has really come on.

In Geography, we have loved learning about Antarctica! We have looked at different compass points (8 in total) learnt about a famous explorer called Ernest Shackleton, found out some amazing facts about Antarctica and looked at lines of latitude and longitude.

Have a brilliant week off! Don't forget to log onto TTRockstars and keep up the reading! Both of which will really help going into Summer 1.

Mr Arnold

Class 3C - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024 Posted by Mr Reid

Thank you to the children for another lovely half term. We are all looking forward to the lovely weather in the Summer term. It has been exciting to continue to get to know the children more and also watch them progress.

We are continuing to read Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson and find new and exciting vocabulary. It is amazing how language has changed and evolved over time. We have borrowed ideas from a range of different genres to help us discuss spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG). We are encouraging the children to develop their own writing style. This is supported by the books they are reading outside school too. We have recently completed a piece in our Published Writing Book.

Times tables and rapid addition and subtractions facts are something we will continue to focus on. Please continue to encourage them to read at home and use TT Rockstars. Don’t be afraid to show the children any methods you use to use at school as it always benefits them to have a tool kit of different methods. We know children can insist they can only do it one way!

In Design and Technology, our topic has been 2D-3D textile products. The children will be developing sewing skills and using them to manufacture a product intended for another Year 3 pupil.

We have learnt about the Antarctica in Geography and how it is both different and unique as an environment. We have agreed that you wouldn’t want to do your normal Summer holiday activities there!

Our Science topic has explored a range of plants. We have used our previous knowledge to build on our understanding from previous years. We now know which parents are keen on their gardening! The children have taken part in a range of different experiments. As a class, we have observed changes and tested the strength of different stems. We have discussed that some plants maybe poisonous and that it is always important to remember to wash their hands.

We have continued to improve our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE.

Thanks again for all your support. If you ever want a conversation about anything then feel free to ask me.

Mr Reid

Class 3D - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024 Posted by Mrs Danks

Another half term over and we are ready to begin our final term of Year 3!

I would like to say a huge well done to all pupils in 3D for their hard work and focus over the last few weeks, I am very proud of how far you have come and look forward to the Summer term with you.

We have continued to read Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson and we are still enjoying every chapter. We have used the text to create a range of writing genres and have seen a huge improvement in punctuation, grammar and spelling. All pupils are identifying their individual writing style and I couldn't be happier with their final pieces. We recently returned to a piece of writing from the end of Autumn term and edited our pieces. We then used our joined handwriting and added them to our ever-growing published writing books.

We have been looking at poetry extracts and non-fiction pieces relating to our other curriculum subjects, and that is really helping us in our understanding of topics such as, plants and notable individuals from past and present. 

We are continuing to see progress with the rapid recall of times tables and are continuing to monitor our scores every week to ensure that we are progressing consistently. In our Maths lessons, we have continued to consolidate our skills of the four operations and will continue to revisit these methods during our starters every day. 

We began the half term continuing our Geography topic of 'Antarctica' and have enjoyed studying this part of the world and in turn, improving our questioning skills. We also began our Design and Technology topic of 2D-3D textile products. We will be introducing sewing skills and using them to create an item intended for another Year 3 pupil.

Plants has been our Science topic this half term. We have explored a range of plants and used our prior knowledge to build on our understanding from previous years. We have taken part in a range of experiments including observing changes and testing the strength of different stems. 

We have continued to improve our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE. Please continue to check out our Twitter for further information on what we have been getting up to. 

Thank you again for another incredible half term and for all of your support along the way.

Have a lovely Easter break and I look forward to seeing you all when we return.

Mrs Danks xxx

Class 3T - Spring 2nd Half Term

20th March 2024 Posted by Mrs Thomas

As quick as flash and another half term is over. I can’t believe we’re going to begin our final term of Year 3!

I would just like to say a big well done to all pupils in 3T for their continued hard work and motivation over the last few weeks, I am delighted with the progress you have made and I look forward to the summer term with you.

We have been continuing with our class read Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson and we are enjoying every chapter. We have used the text to inspire a range of writing genres which has seen huge development in punctuation, grammar and spelling. All pupils are recognising their distinct writing style and I couldn't be happier with their latest piece. We recently revisited a piece of writing from the autumn term and modified them. We then used our best handwriting and added them to our increasing published writing books.

We have also looked at poetry extracts and non-fiction pieces linking to our other curriculum subjects, which is really helping us with our understanding of topics such as, plants and prominent individuals from past and present. 

We are continuing to see an improvement with the rapid recall of times tables, we will continue to observe our scores every week to ensure that we are continuing steadily. In our Maths lessons, we have continued to reinforce our skills of the four operations and this will be revisited during our starters every day.  

Our half term began with us continuing our Geography topic of 'Antarctica', which we have enjoyed studying. This has supported and improved our questioning skills. We also begun our Design and Technology topic of 2D-3D textile products. We will be familiarising ourselves with our sewing skills and then utilising them to create an item for another Year 3 pupil.

Science has seen us observing plants this half term. We have explored a range of plants, used our prior knowledge and built on our understanding from previous years. We have taken part in a range of experiments including observing changes and testing the strength of a range of plant stems. 

We will continue to expand our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE. Please check out our Twitter for further information on what we have been getting up to. 

A big thank you again for another unbelievable half term and for all of your support along the way.

I would like to wish you a happy Easter break and look forward to seeing you when we return.

Mrs Thomas.

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Spring 2nd half term)?

20th February 2024 Posted by Year 3

We are now halfway through Year 3! It is so lovely to see our pupils back after the break. We hope you had a lovely time. 

We thank you for your continued support as Year 3 is a very important year for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills, they will learn throughout Key Stage 2.    

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.  

Any important messages and announcements will be emailed to you and can also be found on our school X (Twitter), so please ensure you are following the school account and the relevant class for your child. If you need any support, please let one of us know. 

Over the next half term, we will be learning about: 


In our English lessons we will be continuing to work on the following areas: 

Please continue to update your reading records regularly. Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning.  

We will be continuing our class text Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson over the next half term. It is a fantastic text that we are thoroughly enjoying. 

Please try and ask your children questions about our class text, this helps a lot with their speaking, listening and retrieval skills. 


We will continue exploring multiplication and division:  

We will also be learning about length and perimeter, fractions, mass and capacity. 

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too.  


Our next Science topic is Plants. We will be learning to: 

Geography – Who lives in Antarctica? 

By the end of the topic, we will be able to: 

Design and Technology – 2D shape to 3D product

By the end of the topic, we will be able to: 


This term we will be exploring 2Sequence on Purple Mash. Pupils will design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems. They will solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts, use sequence, selection and repetition in programs. 

P.E./Sports - Tennis and Athletics 

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be looking at Safety and the Changing Body in P.H.S.E. We will be able to: 

In RE, we will be learning about the unit Remembering Roots. We will be using our previous knowledge to learn from experiences and learn about religious traditions and non-religious worldviews.  

Parents Evening

If you haven't booked an appointment already, we would like to invite you to attend our Parents Evenings, taking place on the following dates:

Click here for further information and to book.

Learning at Home 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack is available to download using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

We also encourage the use of websites such as Times Table Rockstars.

Times tables can be a bit of a stumbling block, and the only way forward is regular practice to improve speed and out-of-sequence recall.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team 

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 3A - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Mr Arnold

Spring 1 has just flown by and the children should be incredibly proud of their achievements this term.

In Maths, this term we have looked at multiplication and division. We have become more confident with both focusing specifically on the 3s, 4s and 8s which the children need to learn by the end of Year 3.

In English, we have focused on a new text called ‘Hetty Feather’. It is a very emotive text and we have based a lot of our writing and reading activities upon it. We have also looked at possessive apostrophes, conjunctions and prepositions.

In Foundation, we have started to look at Art and Design and History. We learnt the four golden rules of drawing and have carefully used different types of pencils and a viewfinder to focus in more detail on our drawings. In History, we had a fantastic trip to the Black Country Museum. We had so much fun learning all about the Black Country region and how they had a big impact on the world and bring Black Country folk back to life, from metalworkers and miners to nurses and school life. This is related to what we have been learning about in History which is how children’s lives have changed.

In Science, we learnt all about animals including humans. We have looked at the human body, vertebrates and invertebrates, why muscles are used and the three types of skeleton which are endoskeletons, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons. Did you know that a turtle is both an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton.

In PE, this term we have focused on handball and hockey. We have looked at different types of passes in handball and performing them effectively in a game situation. In Hockey, we have started to look dribbling, passing and turns. 

Have a brilliant week off! Don't forget to log onto TTRockstars and keep up the reading! Both of which will really help going into Spring 2.

Mr Arnold

Class 3C - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Mr Reid

A big thank you to all the children for a great start to 2024!

I have really enjoyed getting to know the children and seeing what they are capable of. It has been exciting to appreciate their individual characters.

Our English, this half term, is based around the story of Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson. It is amazing how things have changed for children in just over 150 years! There are many twists and turns for the main character as she struggles to survive and thrive, while she discovers the mystery of where she came from. We will be discussing the plot of the story and using the text to develop both our prediction and summarising skills.

In our reading lessons, the children have been using their reading skills to access non-fiction, fiction and poetry extracts. We have read a range of different texts and revisited some ideas from our previous learning. 

In English, we have focused on improving cohesion, our sentence structure and choice of vocabulary.  The children have been steadily improving their knowledge of times tables too. 

In Maths, we have explored multiplication and division and reviewed our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We have also improved our fluency and our understanding of a range of skills, including, doubling, halving, partitioning, multiples and within these concepts. 

This term’s History topic is 'How Children’s' Lives have Changed?'. We have discussed how different children’s lives today are. Frighteningly, a lot of children would not have had what we would call a childhood! We have learnt that the law had to be changed so that children couldn’t work for more than ten hours a day! Most of us have been pleased that we live in the present day and not the past!

In Science we have focused on 'Animals Including Humans ‘this half term. In this topic, the children explored the human body and how it functions. This topic builds on previous learning and also helps to develop our investigation skills. We even had one of our class come in dressed as a skeleton!

In addition to this we have been developing our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE. The children have been teaching me (Mr Reid) about X (Twitter) and I will aim to include pictures of our interesting activities. 

Continue to encourage your child to read as much as possible and also to use TT-Rockstars. Don’t forget that there are prizes for the children who reach 50, 100, 150 and 200 nights of reading

If you ever need to discuss something with me then don’t be afraid to ask.

We are back to school on Monday 19th February. Have a well-deserved rest!

Mr Reid

Class 3D - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Mrs Danks

Half way through Year 3! I can't believe it!

We have had an incredible half term since returning in January and we are seeing progress being made every single day.

We have started a new novel this half term, Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson and we are hooked! This story is full of mystery, twists and turns and very complex vocabulary. We are spending a lot of time discussing the plot and the characters to improve our inference and summarising skills. 

We are continuing to focus on a range of reading skills using non-fiction, fiction and poetry extracts. We have looked at texts linked to our previous History topic of the Stone Age, our Science topic of Animals Including Humans and we have also revisited some texts read during Year 2 to help us build our retrieval skills. 

In English, we have focused on improving cohesion and our sentence structure. We have learnt, practised and reviewed a wide range of GPS and are continuing to embed this in our writing. Throughout this half term, we have written a recount in first person and a petition letter to the Foundling Hospital. I am extremely impressed by the writing we have seen over the last few weeks and am looking forward to seeing more over the next half term.  

There has been a huge improvement in the rapid recall of the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables and are continuing to improve every week. In Maths, we have explored multiplication and division and reviewed our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We have also looked in to fluency and our understanding of a range of skills, including, doubling, halving, partitioning, multiples and so much more. 

Our History topic this half term is 'How Children's' Lives have Changed?'. We have spent time looking at children growing up in different time periods and discussing the jobs that they did and how working conditions affected them. We also had a great time visiting The Black Country Museum. 

'Animals Including Humans' has been our Science topic this half term. We have explored the human body and how it works and also used our scientific skills to compare and investigate using our prior knowledge to build on our understanding from previous years.

We have also been improving our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE. Please continue to check out our Twitter for further information of what we have been getting up to. 

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Enjoy your week off and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 19th February.

Mrs Danks xxx

Class 3T - Spring 1st Half Term

8th February 2024 Posted by Mrs Thomas

What a great start to the new term. We have been seeing progress continuously made every day.

 Currently we are reading Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson. This is a story full of mystery and intrigue. There are a lot of discussions raised around the plot and in particular the characters within. This is having a substantial impact on our inference skills, alongside our summarising skills as we follow the twists and turns of Hetty’s complex childhood. 

  Throughout our reading lessons we continue to focus on our reading skills using non-fiction, fiction and poetry. We continue to look back through texts linked to our previous subjects. Looking at books previously linked to Science and the topic Animals including Humans and even texts from year 2 to support our retrieval skills. In English we have been concentrating on our sentence structure and cohesion. We have been continuing to practise and analyse a range of GPS which we are including in our writing.  Throughout this half term, we have written a recount in first person and a petition letter to the Foundling Hospital. I am captivated by some of the writing we have seen over the last few weeks and am looking forward to seeing more over the next half term.  

  There has been a vast improvement in the rapid recall of the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables, which continues to improve every week. In Maths, we have been working on multiplication and division, whilst reviewing our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We have also looked in to mathematical fluency and our understanding of skills, such as, doubling, halving, partitioning, multiples and so much more. 

During our History topic this half term we are looking at 'How Children’s' Lives have Changed’ We have spent time looking at children growing up in different time periods, just like at the Black Country Museum, including a discussion about the jobs that they did and how working conditions affected them.

'Animals Including Humans' has been our Science topic this half term. We have explored the human body and how it works. We have used our scientific skills to observe comparisons and investigate, using our prior knowledge in order to build on our understanding from previous years.

 We have also been refining our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE. Please continue to follow our Twitter for any further information around 3T. 

As always, thank you for your support.

Enjoy your week off and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 19th February.

Mrs Thomas

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Spring 1st half term)?

8th January 2024 Posted by Year 3

It is so lovely to see our pupils back after the Christmas break. We hope you had a lovely time. 

We thank you for your continued support as Year 3 is a very important year for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills they will learn throughout Key Stage 2.    

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.  

Any important messages and announcements will be emailed to you and can also be found on our school X (Twitter), so please ensure you are following the school account and the relevant class for your child. If you need any support, please let one of us know. 

Over the next half term, we will be learning about: 


In our English lessons we will be continuing to work on the following areas: 

Please continue to update your reading records regularly. Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning.  

Our class text over the next half term is Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson. It is a fantastic text that we are very excited to begin.  Hetty Feather is a young red-haired girl who was left by her mother at the Foundling Hospital as a baby and follows her story as she lives in a foster home before returning to the Foundling Hospital as a curious and bad-tempered five-year-old. Please try and ask your pupils questions about our class text, this helps a lot with their speaking, listening and retrieval skills. 


We will continue to revise number and place value and begin exploring multiplication and division:  

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too.  


Our next Science topic is Animals including Humans. We will be learning to: 

Art – Growing Artists  

History – How have children’s lives changed? 


This term we will be exploring Scratch software. Pupils create a car that travels round a roadway emitting smoke as it goes. Can the user keep the smoke trail on the roadway? Pupils will also create a sequence of instructions to take the car from start to finish. 

P.E./Sports - Hand Ball and Hockey

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



We will be looking at Health and Wellbeing in P.H.S.E. We will be: 

In RE, we will be learning about the unit being fair and just. We will be exposing pupils to the reality of prejudice, reading the Christian story of Jacob and Esau and exploring the story of The Black Stone. 

Learning at Home 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

We also encourage the use of websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Times tables can be a bit of a stumbling block, and the only way forward is regular practice to improve speed and out-of-sequence recall.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Thank you for your continued support,  

The Year 3 Team

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 3C - Autumn 2nd Half Term

20th December 2023 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

It has been an incredible first term with 3C. 

In English, the children have used the skills taught in Autumn and applied them to different genres of writing. The children have written a non-chronological about Russian Blue cats and learnt how to write a letter based on their class text for this term (Varjak). The children have thoroughly enjoyed the plot of the story and are really excited to read the second book in the Summer term. 

The children have focused on addition and subtraction as part of their maths topics. They have learnt how to use a number line and column method for these two operations. The children are also becoming confident with exchanging from different columns.

In Science, the children have been exploring Forces and Magnets. We have done a lot of comparative testing’s of magnets. The children have gone around the class to test out which objects are magnetic and non- magnetic. 

In our Foundation Subjects, the children have covered a Design and Technology topic (Levers and Linkages) and have started an Art topic (Growing Artists) which they will continue in Spring term. The children have learnt different mechanisms and applied them to their moving books which they created as a group. 

In PE, the children have learnt new skills in Tri Golf. The children learnt how to put a ball in a hole and how to chip the ball. We all also created a golf course for children to experience a golf game. The children also enjoyed their Dance topic where they danced along to Moves Like Jagger and Waka Waka. They learnt the important of number of steps required for their dance choreography. 

In Computing this term, the children have created their own algorithms and have learnt how to insert shapes and arrows to help with their steps for their algorithms. 

It has been such a wonderful term with 3C and I have absolutely loved getting to know all the children in the class. I will miss all of them so dearly and will definitely come back to see the class. 3C I wish you all the best for the rest of year 3 and your years at Yardley Primary School.

I hope you all have a lovely and well deserved break. Merry Christmas to all those celebrating and a Happy New Year. 

Goodbye 3C. X

Class 3A - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Mr Arnold

We have worked extremely really hard this term using our school values to try our best at all times.

In English, we have focused on a range of texts and predominantly looked at Varjak Paw. We have researched about Mesopotamia and wrote a non-chronological report about the Russian blue cat.  In our non-chronological reports, we included a main heading and subheadings about where they are from, their appearance and other facts. There were some brilliant pieces of writing which shows how hard we have worked in English.

During Maths, we have become more confident using a range of methods in addition and subtraction. We have looked at adding and subtracting tens and hundreds columns, 2 and 3 digit numbers and challenged ourselves on worded and missing number problems.

In Geography, our topic has been volcanoes and why people live there. We have enjoyed looked at different volcanoes around the world such as Mount Everest and Mount Etna. We had a lovely visit by Mr Giles who visited us in class to discuss his experience earlier this year to Mount Etna. Also, we have looked at earthquakes, tsunamis and the positives and negatives of living near a volcano.

Science has been fantastic and we've shown a good understanding of Forces and Magnets. We have planned and performed experiments, made predictions about what may happen using our knowledge and logic and even evaluated why such things happen. Also, we made a magnetic compass and designed our own game to consolidate our knowledge.

Design and Technology has been really exciting this term looking at linkages and levers. We have explored a range of books, then designed and made our own book which all look fantastic! Afterwards, we evaluated our designs about what we might do next time.

In PE, we have enjoyed learning about tri-golf. We have learnt how to perform the correct stance and holding the correct golf putts properly. Our accuracy has got better over the course of the topic because we have learnt that it is important to take our time during each shot. Also, we have really enjoyed doing dance and learning about different routines using team work to a specific song. There were some outstanding performances in both.

Have a brilliant few weeks off! Don't forget to log onto TTRockstars and keep up the reading! Both of which will really help going into Spring 1. Have a brilliant Christmas with your family and best wishes for the New Year!

Mr Arnold

Class 3D - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Mrs Danks

Christmas already, where has the time gone?

3D have had another excellent half term and I am already looking forward to seeing you all progress further during 2024. 

We have been reading Varjak Paw by SF Said throughout this half term. Varjak Paw is  a Mesopotamian Blue cat from a large family that live comfortably inside the Contessa's large, grand house. Yet, when the Gentleman arrives with his odd black cats, Varjak and his grandfather the Elder Paw believe that something strange is going on. This adventurous text has had us on the edge of our seats every day. 

During our reading lessons, we have been focusing on a range of reading skills using non-fiction, fiction and poetry extracts. We have looked at famous people through the ages based on our Science, History and Geography topics and learnt a lot of information while retrieving, summarising, predicting and clarifying. It has also been a great chance for us to learn new vocabulary that we can use in our writing.

In English, we have recapped spelling rules and look at a range of GPS tasks to support our writing. We have spent this half term exploring a range of writing genres, including letters, poetry and non-chronological reports. We looked at the structure and rhyme scheme of different poems and have built our speaking, listening, reading and writing skills to create some incredible writing pieces. The outcome of this task has been incredible. We have been blown away by the skills of retrieval and choice of effective vocab to create pieces that have been published into our writing books. 

Maths has had a huge focus on the four operations and being able to use these methods to solve reasoning and problem-solving tasks. We have continued to improve our rapid recall of times tables and are continuing to progress in this! Our fluency skills are improving each day and we will continue to test and recap on these skills when we begin multiplication and division in January.

Our Geography topic has been very interesting, and we have gained a range of skills. We looked at the positives and negatives of living near a volcano and how this could affect peoples' lives. 

Forces and Magnets has been our topic in Science this half term. We linked a lot of our new learning to prior knowledge in previous year groups and also our last topic of Rocks and Soils. We have planned and conducted a range of investigation to understand gravity, air resistance and friction. 

We have also been improving our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE. Please continue to check out our Twitter for further information about what we have been getting up to. 

Thank you for all of your support since we returned to school in September, it is very much appreciated.

I hope you have a lovely Christmas and look forward to welcoming you back in the new year.

Mrs Danks xxx

Class 3T - Autumn 2nd Half Term

18th December 2023 Posted by Mrs Thomas

Can you believe that it is nearly Christmas? Time really does fly! 

3t have had a tremendous half term and I am really looking forward to seeing you all continue your progress during 2024. 

We have been reading Varjak Paw by SF Said this half term. Varjak Paw is a story about a Mesopotamian Blue cat from a large comfortable family that live inside the Contessa's large, grand house. Until, everything changes with the arrival of a strange Gentleman who arrives with his feisty, black cats, Varjak and his grandfather believe that something strange is going on. This exciting text has had us wanting more drama every day. 

Our reading lessons, we have been us focussing on a range of reading skills by means of non-fiction, fiction and poetry extracts. We have looked at famous people throughout our topics, Science, History and Geography we have learnt a lot of information while retrieving, summarising, predicting and inferring. This has also given us a great chance for to learn new vocabulary that we can use in our writing.

In English, we have reviewed certain spelling rules and looked at a range of GPS tasks to support our writing. We have been exploring a range of writing genres, including letters, poetry and non-chronological reports. We have looked at the structure and rhyme scheme of poems and have built on our speaking and listening skills, alongside our reading and writing skills. We have created some unbelievable writing pieces.  We have been blown away by the pieces of writing that have been published into our writing books. 

Maths has had continued to have a huge focus on the four operations and being able to use these to solve reasoning and problem-solving tasks. These skills will be continuous so we can improve our rapid recall of times tables. Our mathematical fluency is improving each day and we will continue to recap on these skills when we begin multiplication and division in January.                                                                                                                       Geography has been extremely interesting; we have gained a range of skills. We’ve looked at the positives and negatives of living near a volcano and how this could affect peoples' lives. 

Forces and Magnets has been our topic in Science this half term. Which has linked to our prior knowledge from previous year groups and also our last topic of Rocks and Soils. 

We have also been continuing to improve our skills in Music, Spanish, Outdoor Learning, RE and PE.  3T would like you to continue to check out our Twitter feed for further information of what we have been getting up to. 

Thank you all so much for your continued support. I wish you a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.

 Best Wishes Mrs H Thomas

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Autumn 2nd half term)?

9th November 2023 Posted by Year 3

It is so lovely to see our pupils back after the half term break. We hope you had a lovely time. 

We thank you for your continued support as Year 3 is a very important year for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills they will learn throughout Key Stage 2.    

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.  

Any important messages and announcements will be emailed to you and can also be found on our school X (Twitter), so please ensure you are following the school account and the relevant class for your child. If you need any support, please let one of us know. 

Over the next half term, we will be learning about: 


In our English lessons we will be continuing to work on the following areas: 

Reading records have now been given to all children. Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. 

Our class text over the next half term is Varjak Paw by SF Said. It is a very interesting text that we are very excited to begin. Varjak Paw is a Mesopotamian Blue cat from a large family that live comfortably inside the Contessa's large, grand house. Yet, when the Gentleman arrives with his odd black cats, Varjak and his grandfather the Elder Paw believe that something strange is going on. 

Please try and ask your children questions about our class text, this helps a lot with their speaking, listening and retrieval skills. 


We will continue to revise number and place value, in particular the four operations. We will be learning to: 

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too. Head to Times Table Rockstars for lots of challenges and battles!


Our next Science topic is Forces and Magnets. We will be learning to: 

Geography – Volcanoes 

Design and Technology – Levers and Linkages      


This term we will be learning about Algorithm Design. We will be looking at how algorithms can be developed further by learning to create a series of step-by-step instructions (linear algorithms) as well as algorithms that include a decision-making process (branching algorithms). 


P.E./Sports: Team building and Gymnastics 

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:



We will continue to look at family and relationships in P.H.S.E looking at who we trust and why and stereotypes with regards to age and gender.   

In RE, we will be learning about the unit creating unity and harmony. We will be exploring Jainism and Islam. These include what they believe in, their culture and the Five Pillar of Islam. Also, we will be looking at Christianity about what they believe in and why Christmas is such a big part of their religion. 

Learning at Home 

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

We also encourage the use of websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Times tables can be a bit of a stumbling block, and the only way forward is regular practice to improve speed and out-of-sequence recall.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Thank you for your continued support,  

The Year 3 Team

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 3A - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Mr Arnold

What a brilliant start to life in Year 3! Everyone has settled in so well and this is just only the beginning on our journey together.

This term in English has mainly focused around our class text Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have wrote a character description on one of three main characters from the book and wrote a setting description from Charlie’s point of view using the 5 senses. We are becoming a lot more confident using conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and verbs which have helped to bring our work to life!

In Maths, we have consolidated and then developed our place value knowledge. We've continued our learning from Year 2 looking at different representations in place value. We have started addition and subtraction which will continue after half term for a short period. Our Maths is coming on well becoming more confident using a range of methods such as number lines and column method to help work out the answers quicker.

In Art and Design, we have used cross-curricular links with the Stone Age. We have made our very own cave wall in class using internal and external hand prints. This is on display in class and something that we can refer to over the course of the year in which we can take great pride in. Also, we have made our own cave paintings using a range of different materials that Stone Age people would have made many years ago. 

Science has been fantastic and we've shown a good understanding of rocks and soils. Focusing on their properties and performing tests to assess their properties. We've conducted experiments and evaluated the results.

The children have worked hard in P.E. We started off with participating in a range of teambuilding activities which we thoroughly enjoyed and rose to the challenge. This has helped us to understand one of our main school values in teamwork. We have also completed our gymnastics topic - learning different balances, jumps and rolls. Definitely future gymnasts in the making!

The children should be immensely proud of themselves this term and are all a great asset to the school.

Have a brilliant week off! Don't forget to log into TTRockstars and keep up the reading! Both of which will really help going into Autumn 2!

Mr Arnold

Class 3C - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

It has been an incredible first half term to the academic year. 

In English, the children have focused on basic grammar skills to help with writing for Autumn 2. This term we have looked at adjectives and verbs/irregular verbs to support the children’s character and setting description based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (English class text). The children have also recapped on nouns and expanded noun phrases to aid them with their writing. In reading skills, the children have focused on retrieval skills to help them understand their text for each lesson.  

We have recapped skills based on place value. The children have been able to partition numbers to understand the value of each digit which has supported them in column addition and subtraction. The children have really enjoyed using base 10 and counters to help with their understanding of regrouping and exchanging. 

In Science, the children have been exploring Rocks and Soils. We have done a lot of comparative testing’s of rocks where the children looked at which rocks are permeable and impermeable. The children also investigated which soil would be best to use to grow vegetables. They did this via a filtration process.  

In our Foundation Subjects, the children have covered a History topic (Stone Age to Iron Age), an Art topic (Prehistoric paintings) and have started a Geography topic (Volcanoes). The children loved learning about humans lived in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age era. 

In PE, the children have learnt new skills in Gymnastics. The children learnt different rolls, jumps and balance and then used these skills to create a routine. The children have also worked on their teamwork skills during their Team Building topic.

In year 3, we started the term off with Digital Safety. The children have learnt how to stay safe online and who we can trust. We then moved onto learning new skills in Microsoft Word. The children can change the font size and style and insert a picture from the internet.  

Please continue to listen to your children read at home and help them to learn their times tables. Have a nice one week holiday 3C and I shall see you all on Tuesday 7th November 2023.

Just a reminder that Monday 6th November 2023 is a teacher training day.

Class 3D - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Mrs Danks

I cannot believe our first half term in Year 3 is over already! Where has the time gone?

3D have had an excellent half term and I am already looking forward to seeing them progress further during the year.

We have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by one of our favourite authors, Roald Dahl, throughout this half term. If you haven't already enjoyed this text, it features a young boy called Charlie Bucket and four other children, who find golden tickets inside Wonka chocolate bars. The tickets are invitations to tour Willy Wonka's famous chocolate factory. During the tour, the four other children reap the consequences of their negative traits and are removed from the tour one-by-one and forever changed. This adventurous text has had us on the edge of our seats every day. 

During our reading lessons, we have been focusing on a range of reading skills using non-fiction, fiction and poetry extracts. We have looked at famous people through the ages based on our Science and History topics and learnt a lot of information while clarifying, retrieving, summarising, predicting and inferring. It has also been a great chance for us to learn new vocabulary that we can use in our writing.

In English, we have recapped spelling rules and look at a range of GPS tasks to support our writing. We have spent this half term exploring setting and character descriptions, linked to our class text. I have been blown away by the skills of retrieval and choice of effective vocab to create a descriptive paragraph, that has been edited and improved over the last few weeks. 

Maths has had a huge focus on place value and being able to recap methods already learnt during Year 2. We have continued to improve our rapid recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and are beginning to introduce the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Our fluency skills are improving each day and we will continue to test and recap on these skills weekly.

Our History topic of British History (Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Bronze Age or Iron Age?) has has been very interesting, and we have gained a range of skills as historians. We  looked at a range of sources to determine their reliability and have also been able to understand the impact on life in Britain today. 

Rocks and Soil has been our topic in Science this half term. We linked a lot of our new learning to prior knowledge in previous year groups and we have planned and conducted a range of investigations. We were able to investigate the permeability of rocks and soils and we also made fossils in our Outdoor Learning session.

We have also been improving our skills in Music, Spanish, RE, PE and much more. Please continue to check out our Twitter for further information of what we have been getting up to. 

Thank you for all of your support since we returned to school in September, it is very much appreciated.

We hope you have a lovely break and look forward to welcoming you back in November.

Mrs Danks xxx

Class 3T - Autumn 1st Half Term

24th October 2023 Posted by Mrs Thomas

What a fantastic start to the year!

In English we have begun with a descriptive paragraph. We have been looking at Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, not only at the factory, but also at the characters within. We have been specifically looking at adjectives and how we can use them to successfully describe our characters. The children have worked amazingly hard on this and have produced some excellent writing.

At the beginning of this term we looked back at place value, how we represent numbers and what the value would be. Since completing that we have begun to work on addition and subtraction. With particular focus on the key methods.

In Science, we have been looking at rocks and soils. We have been looking at which rocks were permeable and which soils would be good for a farmer to use for soil.      

 The children have been focussing on prehistoric art during our Art topic this term. We have researched materials that would have been used prehistorically, (grass, berries, flowers, branches and rocks) to show how limited colour was. We then also made a cave painting ourselves by painting our hands with two colours, orange and green. This looks amazing. 

PE we have been learning about gymnastics, we have been practising balances, rolls and jumps and ensuring that they are done safely and confidently. Towards the end we also took some of those moves onto the equipment.  

In our Computing lessons, the children have worked on what digital safety is, what it looks like and who they can talk to regarding any concerns they may have. We then moved onto Word, the children have been practising changes fonts, including sizes and colours. We have also added images into our writing. 

This has been a great start to the year the children have been working extremely hard. I am proud of what we have achieved.

Enjoy your well-deserved break.

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Autumn 1st half term)?

15th September 2023 Posted by Year 3

It is so lovely to see our pupils back after the 6 weeks holiday. We are really pleased to see you all! 

Year 3 is important for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills they will learn throughout Key Stage 2.  We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.   If you have any questions related to the reopening of school, please see the ‘Noticeboard’ area on the school website. 

This half term we will be learning about: 


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas: 

Reading records will be issued to each child over the coming weeks. Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. 


We will begin by looking at number and place value. We will be learning about: 

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too.  


Our first Science topic is Rocks, Fossils and Soils. We will be learning about: 

Foundation subjects


This term we will be learning about Digital safety. We will begin by completing computer safety agreements. Children will learn about posting online and the how to be responsible. They will become more familiar with when to talk to someone if you have a problem online. 

P.E./Sports: Team building and Gymnastics 

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about sharing and being generous - linking it to Islam and Christianity. We will also be looking at the festival of Harvest.  

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Times tables can be a bit of a stumbling block, and the only way forward is regular practice to improve speed and out-of-sequence recall.

Please support your child by hearing them read and encouraging them to read independently as often as possible, they may also like to take a look at our Virtual Library

Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 3 Team

Follow us on Twitter!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on Twitter.  Click a button below to find your child's class on Twitter.

Class 3C - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

Where has this year gone? I am really proud of all the work and effort the children have put in this half term and this whole year.

At the start of the term, the children planned and wrote an informative about their school which they then presented as a leaflet. Following our class text this term of Beaver Towers, the children have had the opportunity to write a descriptive piece based on the kite from the story and a character description of the witch from the story. The children have worked really hard on all pieces of writing ensuring they include their writing targets and grammar features such as similes, metaphors and expanded noun phrases. 

At the start of this term, the children continued with their time topic in Maths before moving onto statistics. The children looked at how to draw and interpret pictograms and bar charts. Towards the end of the term, we revisited all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and reminded ourselves of the key methods. 

In Science, the children started a new topic of Light. They were able to explore shadows, how shadows are formed and what would happen when a light source is moved further away or closer to the object.

The children have really enjoyed their D and T topic in Foundation Curriculum where they were able to make their own purse/wallet. The children began the topic by learning how to thread a needle and tie a knot at the end of the thread. We then focused on two types of stitching: simple and blanket. The children used their designs to help them create their purse/wallet.

In PE, the children have learnt new skills in Football and Rounders. The children have learnt different passes in football and have learnt how to throw and hit a ball in rounders.  

In our Computing lessons, the children have been able to create their own game using the programme 2DIY3D. They were able to program their game whereby the coins equalled points once collected. They used their debugging skills to help them fix any issues they encountered in their game before allowing a friend to play it.  

Once again, the children have worked really hard this whole year and I am extremely proud of them. Have a well-deserved break.

Class 3A - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Mr Ahmed

What an incredible year we had in Year 3! It has been such a pleasure to have taught you this year. I am so proud of every single one of you and it is truly amazing to see how far you have all come. Your behaviour and positive attitude towards learning has really excelled this year and you have shown super resilience at all times. Your determination and enthusiasm will be missed and I hope you take these characteristics with you to your next class in year 4 as you will continue to flourish. 

In Maths, we have been looking at a range of different skills and getting even better at them. We learnt about time again and we learn to tell the time to 5 minutes past and to the hour.  We have really enjoyed developing our understanding of word problems and using our understanding of tally charts and pictograms. We have all tried really hard to learn our times tables and it has been so fun chanting different time tables as a whole class. 

This half term in English, we have been using all of our different skills to carry out a range of tasks. We enjoyed reading Beaver Towers and even worked extremely hard completing character descriptions of the witch Oyin. The writing this year has been so incredible and we have developed using expanded noun phrases, similes and even tried using personification in our writing. We also completed short narratives and I was so impressed with the quality of writing and how much effort you have put in. It was important we included a range of emotions and considered how the character might feel. 

In Science, we have developed our working scientifically skills. We carried out a number of investigations and enjoyed learning about light and how shadows are formed. 

In our D&T lessons we have created bendy bags to store and protect our money. We have practised a blanket stitch, running stitch and a backstitch to complete our end product. As a class we evaluated our end product and included what went well and what could we improve? 

Finally, we made a healthy snack as part of our food topic. We had so much fun this year. 

Well done 3A! You have had a great year and I have enjoyed working with you all. I hope you all have a great summer holiday and I hope you continue to work hard and thrive in Year 4. 

Wishing you all the best,

Mr Ahmed

Class 3G - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Mr Gunter

What a year it has been and now it is over. This year has flown by so fast and now we are ready to step up to Year 4. I am so proud of all the achievements, progression and success stories this year. 

In English we have written descriptions, created narratives and written for different audiences. Reading has progressed well, with children being more fluent and aware of certain pronunciations of words. In writing, the use of different vocabulary has been very impressive. 

In Maths, we have worked ever so hard on looking at the different areas of measure, fractions, angles, shape and statistics. We have recapped on our arithmetic methods too, to make sure we are ready for Year 4.

In D&T, we have learnt different methods of sewing and even created a product to take home. We also completed a workshop which focused on making a healthy meal/sandwich.

In PSHE we have ascertained what dreams and goals we have, thinking about what we would like to achieve next year. 

In PE we enjoyed participating in Sports Day and everyone did a fantastic job. We also improved our football skills and rounders knowledge in the respective lessons.

Saying bye will be a tough one this year as it always is for me. I feel that we have formed a special bond as a class and I will look back fondly on our time.

All the best mi amigos,

Mr G.

Class 3M - Summer 2nd Half Term

21st July 2023 Posted by Miss McDougall

Summer 2 has happened so quickly! It has been a good one, with lots of laughs and enjoyment!

In Maths this term we have looked at statistics. We were able to interpret bar charts and pictograms as well as have a go at drawing our own. We enjoyed collecting data and displaying it.

In English we have read 'Beaver Towers', we have also used this to explore a wide variety of writing styles. 3M have worked hard on their GPS skills, especially when using punctuation such as capital letters, full stops and question marks.

In D&T, we were able to practise our sewing skills, using a simple stitch and a blanket stitch to create a small purse. 

In History, we have been looking at the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. We have identified how things have changed over time and we decided which era we would prefer to live in and why.

In Science we have recapped the year 3 curriculum by doing various experiments and creating knowledge organisers.

In PE this term we have focussed on Football and Rounders. 3M have worked hard on their skillset and this can be seen when they play matches. They have also been working on their team work skills.

It has been a pleasure to teach 3M this year. I will truly miss them. 

All the best in Year 4,

Miss Mac x

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Summer 2nd half term)?

9th June 2023 Posted by Year 3

Sadly we are so close to the end of the year but  thank you for all of your support this year. We appreciate any parental support and any contributions you have made to your child's education. This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:

Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. This can contribute towards the ’50 Nights of Reading’ challenge. Reading planners will be monitored carefully to ensure that they are being completed. 


We will begin by recapping our learning on number and place value.  We will then revise our skills taught this year.  We will be learning about:

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too. We will be focusing on the 3 times table this term. 


We will be focusing on working scientifically.  We will: 

Foundation subjects

Our Foundation topics this term are: Volcanoes and mountains, sewing and food.  We will be learning about:


This term we will be learning about Digital Creativity and Digital Wellbeing.  We will see how well someone is able to anticipate difficulties through using technology, understand how they will make them feel, and find ways to deal with it.

PE/Sports: Rounders and Football

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about being courageous, confident, being hopeful and visionary - linking it to different religions. We will also focus on changes that we may go through in life in our PSHE lessons. In our Citizenship lessons, we will focus on taking responsibility for our actions. 

Learning at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates.

The ‘Summer 2 Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 3 Team

Class 3A - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Mr Ahmed

I can’t believe we are nearly at the end of the year and your time in 3A! You have continued to amaze me with your brilliance, determination, and enthusiasm for your learning. I am proud of every single one of you. 

In Maths, we have started to revise our learning on areas we need to work on. We looked at division and multiplication again to secure our understanding of the Grid method and the Additive chunking method. We found it a challenge but never gave up. We even covered fractions, including: finding fractions of a number, adding and subtracting fractions and shading them. We enjoyed our learning on money too and used real coins to support our learning. Now, we are enjoying learning about time. 

In English, we have finished reading Varjak Paw and have started our new one text: Stitch Head. We really enjoyed basing some of our work on Varjak Paw and what a twist at the end of the book! We wrote some amazing pieces, including: a diary entry and a non-chronological report. 

In Science, we have been learning about all things light. We learnt lots of interesting facts about how we need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. We have carried out a number of investigations on: shadows, reflections and how we can protect our eyes from the sun using a range of materials. 

In Geography we learnt that the Earth is constructed in layers and pupils are able to describe the layers of the Earth. We also learnt about how mountains are formed and plotting them on a world map. Identifying patterns with plate boundaries and where mountains are found.

Keep up the hard work 3A! You have worked extremally hard and shown such dedication, resilience, and positivity. Enjoy your half term break and make sure you rest. I can’t believe we will be in our last term soon. 

Mr Ahmed

Class 3C - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

I cannot believe of how little time I have left with 3C. The children have worked extremely this half term.

In English, the children have explored more writing opportunities based on their class text called Varjak and Stitch Head. They have written an email, a letter and had the chance to plan a debate with their peers. We have looked at non-fiction texts in our reading skills session. The children have continued to develop their retrieval, inference and vocabulary skills. 

At the start of this term in maths, the children revisited fractions and learnt new skills in this topic. The children can add and subtract fractions when the denominators are the same and they are able to find fractions of amount. We then moved on to money. The children became familiar with coin recognition and how to find change from a certain amount. 

In Science, the children have continued with their plants topic. The children explore what would happen to a plant when a key factor is taken away from them. They have also looked at pollination and fertilisation.  

The children have really enjoyed their Art topic in Foundation Curriculum. The children had the opportunity to design and construct their own sculptures. They were then able to evaluate their own models. Towards the end of the topic, the children started their new Geography topic called Volcanoes. They have understood why a volcano erupts and how.  

In PE, the children have learnt new skills in Basketball and cricket. The children have learnt different passes in basketball and have learnt how to throw and hit a ball in cricket.  

The children have been focusing on how the skill debugging in Computing. The children are becoming confident at finding the problem and then fixing it. 

Please continue to listen to your children read at home and help them to learn their times tables.

Have a nice break 3C and I shall see you on Monday 5th June 2023.

Class 3G - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Mr Gunter

Summer 1 has flown by and we are nearing the end of the year! It has been jam packed with fun and we are looking forward to the final term.

In Maths this term we have looked at money and time whilst keeping our timetables learning going. We are all making improvements and trying to make as much progress as possible.

In English we have finished reading Varjak Paw, which we loved, and focused on a new text called ‘Stitch Head’. It is a different genre of book but does have some similarities. We have based a lot of our writing and reading activities upon it. In the final week we looked at a wordless book called Flotsam which really got our brains going!

In Geography we looked at mountains and volcanoes. This was really interesting as we learn how they were formed and more about our planet Earth We also completed a sculpture topic in art and made some impressive sculptures. Check them out on twitter!

In Science we have finished off our learning about light and shadows. We are going to begin looking at a range of experiments testing our abilities to work scientifically.

In PE this term we have focused on cricket. We have improved bowling technique, batting, fielding and an overall understanding of the game. We really enjoyed playing the games at the end of the topic and have shown tons of progress!

We are really looking forward to getting back and progressing our learning in the final term. There will only be a few weeks left but we need to enjoy them while we still have them!

Asta luego, take care,

Mr. G and 3G

Class 3M - Summer 1st Half Term

26th May 2023 Posted by Miss McDougall

I cannot believe how long we have left, 3M. Summer 1 has flown by in just a blink of an eye. 

In English we have finished reading Varjak Paw, which we loved, and focused on a new text called ‘Stitch Head’. We have focused a lot on different writing genres this term including an email and a letter. We have continued with enhancing our retrieval, inference and vocabulary skills in our reading skills sessions.  

In Maths this term we recapped on our fractions topics and learnt how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominators. In our money topic, we learnt about coin recognition, adding and subtracting money and finding change. 3M have also been learning how to tell the time to 5 minutes and the nearest minute. 

In Science we have finished off our plant topic and have started looking at light and shadow which will continue into Summer 2 before looking at a range of experiments testing our abilities to work scientifically. 

In our Foundation subject, 3M started the term off with art where they created a sculpture. In Geography we looked at mountains and volcanoes. This was really interesting as we learnt the different names of the volcanoes and the layers of the Earth.

In PE this term we have focused on basketball and cricket. We looked at passing techniques in basketball and we have improved our bowling technique, batting, fielding and an overall understanding of the game.

Have a well deserved break 3M and see you all after your one week break on Monday 5th June 2023. Please continue practising your timestables.

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Summer 1st half term)?

21st April 2023 Posted by Year 3

Thank you for your continued support this term. All of the extra work you do counts, so it is much appreciated.

Any important messages and announcements will be displayed on the ‘School noticeboard’ area on the school website here.

This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:

Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. This can contribute towards the ’50 Nights of Reading’ challenge. Reading planners will be monitored carefully to ensure that they are being completed. Please also visit our Virtual Library for books online. 


We will begin by recapping our learning on number and place value before focusing on statistics.  We will then revise our skills taught this year. 

We will be learning about:

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too. We will be focusing on the 3 times table this term. 


Our Science topic is Light. We will be learning about:


Our topic this term is sculptures and collage.


This term we will be learning about Computer Science using software called 2sequence.

PE/Sports: Basketball and Cricket

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about honesty, how to make good decisions, and how to set a positive example for others - linking it to different religions. 

In addition, we will be learning about the importance of Eid and other celebrations.  We will also focus on dreams and goals in our PSHE lessons. In our Citizenship lessons, we will focus on taking responsibility for our actions. 

Work at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates.

The ‘Summer 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Year 3 Team

Class 3A - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Mr Ahmed

Well done to 3A on all the hard work they’ve put into this term. 

In English, 3A have really been their class text ‘Varkaj Paw’. They have had the opportunity to write a narrative based on Varjak’s mission and have also written a newspaper report. 3A have continued with their inference and retrieval skills in their reading skills sessions.

The children have been learning about length and measure in their maths lessons. They are able to convert mm to cm to m. They have also been learning about fractions. A couple of things the children have studied so far are counting fractions on a number line and equivalent fractions.

The children have been studying about plants in their Science lessons. They have understood the functions of a root and stem and have also observed how water travels up a stem as part of their observation over time investigation. 

3A have now come to the end of their Egyptians topic for history and have learnt so many facts. They have understood the greatest achievements of the Egyptians through different lessons. 3A have been exploring a new artist (Derek Gores) in their art lessons.

This term, 3A have been learning new skills in their tennis and athletics lessons in PE. 

A big well done again to 3A. Have a well deserved break.

Class 3C - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

I can’t believe another term is over. 3C have worked extremely hard in all their subjects this half term.

3C have been reading a new class text called Varjak Paw. They have been enjoying the plot so far and have enjoyed the writing opportunities relating to this text. The children have written a narrative based on Varjaks mission in the outside world and a newspaper report on the vanishing cats. They have also been building on their retrieval and inference skills based on fiction and non-fiction texts.

In Maths this term, the children have been learning about length and measure and also fractions. The children can confidently measure objects in metres, centimetres and millimetres. In fractions, 3C have understood the difference between unit and non-unit fractions.

As part of our plants topic in Science, 3C have been understanding the functions of roots and stems. The children really enjoyed observing over time how water travels up a stem. We did this by placing a celery stick in some red dyed water. 

The children have now come to the end of their history topic of Egyptians. They have explored different topics to help understand the greatest achievements of the Egyptians. In our art topic, the children have been focusing on the work of an artist called Derek Gores.

This term in PE, 3C have been leaning new skills in tennis and athletics. The children know how to use a backhand to hit a ball (tennis) and can throw a javelin with accuracy (athletics).

3C have been using the Scratch program to help with their programming and debugging skills. 

Have a well deserved 2 week break 3C and I shall see you all Monday 17th April. Please continue to read and learning your Timestable at home.

Class 3G - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Mr Gunter

Spring 2 hasn't been that long but we have been ever so impressed with the pupil's efforts.

In English we have enjoyed reading Varjak Paw and thrust ourselves in to the world of cats. The pupils have covered many genres  including a short narrative and a biography. The children really enjoyed thinking deeper about the text to create our own short narrative. We will be continuing to read Varjak Paw after the holidays before moving on to another great book!

In Maths, the children have been looking more closely at fractions and measure. They have worked on equivalents, non and unit fractions and began looking at mass. We have also kept up our work on timetables and lots of the pupils have improved their scores which is just fantastic.

During our Plants topic, the children have learnt about seed dispersal and the requirements needed for a plant to survive. We looked at the functions of a plant and how water is transported from the roots to the rest of the plant.

We have just completed our Tennis lessons in PE and not long started our athletics lessons in preparation for Sports day. The children have developed forehand and backhand shops whilst trying to concentrate on control and the amount of power required,

As part of our Egyptian topics, the children have learnt how to write their names in hieroglyphics. We have also learnt about mummification and how the afterlife was so important to that civilization. In 3G, we have mummified a tomato and we will see what has happened to it at the end of the academic year. Not to forget Professor McGinty will be returning later in the year to wow the children with some more fantastic information about the Egyptians

Please enjoy your time off, whatever your doing! Don't forget to keep reading and working on those timetables.

Class 3M - Spring 2nd Half Term

30th March 2023 Posted by Miss McDougall

2 terms down, only 1 to go!

In Maths, we have been looking at fractions. We have focussed on equivalent fractions using bar models and number lines. We have also started looking at mass and capacity.

In English, we have been reading Varjak Paw and we have also celebrated world poetry day. The children created their own version of a poem that was written by our own Mr Gunter. They were able to create their own stanzas using rhyming couplets.

In Science, we have been looking at plants and have been able to identify the functions of different parts of a plant. We have conducted investigations to find out more about how plants transport nutrients up the stem.

In History, we have continued learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We have explored the lives of Egyptian people and looked at the importance of their achievements such as the pyramids and their belief systems.

In PE, we have been practising tennis skills. The children have been able to demonstrate accurate grip and stances. They have enjoyed playing games and having competitions.

In Computing, we have been exploring programming skills for our scratch topic. The children have been able to animate a sprite, add a background and debug any errors.

Please continue to listen to your children read at home and encourage them to use TTRS when practising their times tables - also ask them what songs they have been learning to help encourage this. 

Also please check when forest school dates are and make sure children come in in appropriate clothing – these will be changing after Easter.

Have a lovely holiday over Easter!

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Spring 2nd half term)?

3rd March 2023 Posted by Year 3

We are really pleased to welcome back our pupils after the half-term holiday. We thank you for your continued support as Year 3 is a very important year for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills they will learn throughout Key Stage 2. 

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. 

Any important messages and announcements will be displayed on the ‘School noticeboard’ area on the school website here.

This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:

Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. Reading planners will be monitored carefully to ensure that they are being completed. 


We will begin by recapping our learning on number and place value before focusing fractions. We will be learning about:

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too. We will be focusing on the 3 times table this term. 


Our Science topic is Plants.  We will be learning about:

Foundation Curriculum

Our Foundation Curriculum topic this term is: History - Ancient Egyptians (continued) and Art - Gores.  We will be learning about:


This term we will be learning about:

P.E./Sports: Tennis and Athletics

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


The children will be focusing on equality and protection, pilgrimage to Amritsar, charity work (sewa) and Vaisakhi in Sikhism.


We will be learning about being healthy.

Work at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates.

The ‘Spring 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Parents Evening

If you haven't booked an appointment already, we would like to invite you to attend our Parents Evenings, taking place on the following dates:

Click here for further information and to book.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 3 Team

Class 3A - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Mr Ahmed

I can’t believe we are half way through the year 3A!  What a term it has been! I have been really impressed with how you have embedded our school values into your learning and this has shown in the progress you have made.  

In Maths, we revised three of our four operations before moving onto division. We looked at grouping, sharing, dividing using the number line. We found division quite challenging, but we showed super resilience and never gave up. We then moved onto length and perimeter and enjoyed learning about metres, centimetres, and millimetres.  

In English, we started our new class text: Hetty Feather. We have really enjoyed reading this narrative so far as it linked in with our Victorians topic. We have written some amazing pieces, including diary entries and recounts. In our Reading lessons, we have clarified challenging vocabulary, summarised what has happened and even predicted what might happen next. We have also focused on the skills of retrieval, vocabulary and inference.  

In Science, we have been learning about animals, including humans. We identified that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat. We also identified that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. 

For topic we completed our Art unit on William Morris and made our own wallpapers. We then moved onto our D&T focus, Levers and Linkages, and made our own lever mechanism in a book. We had so much fun as we got to design our book, experiment with the different types of levers and then create our final product. We are now looking at the Ancient Egyptians and we even looked at some artefacts, learnt about the Nile River and Rosetta Stone.  

I am so pleased with your effort and behaviour 3A! I am really excited to see what spring 2 brings. I hope you all have a well-deserved break.  

Over and out, Mr Ahmed.

Class 3C - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

Where has this term gone, I cannot believe a half a year has gone already with 3C. All children have worked really hard this term.

At the start of the term in English, the children focused their English writing on the class text called Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson. We looked at feelings of characters and used this to help write a character description and a diary entry. For the passed three week, we have been looking at poetry. The children have had the opportunity to write their own poems.

In Maths, the children continued working on Multiplication and Division skills. The children used the part whole model (partitioning) to help work out 2-digits multiplied by 1-digit and 2-digits divided by 1-digit. We have now moved on to our measurement (length and perimeter) topic, where the children have been measuring lengths in metres, centimetres and millimetres. 

As part of our Animals Including Humans topic in Science, the children have been understanding the diets of humans and animals and the skeletons of a human and different animals. The children enjoyed being paleontologists and working out which animals the skulls belonged to. They also looked at how the muscles in our upper arms work.

In our Foundation Curriculum topic, the children have been studying History in Ancient Egyptians. The children have understood the importance of the River Nile and the lifestyle of children and adults in the Egyptian period. We will be continuing with this topic in the next half term. It was great to see all the parents at our History workshop.

The children have been learning new skills on PowerPoint in our Computing lessons. The children can change the background, insert a hyperlink and insert an audio.

The two topics the children focused on P.E. this term are Handball and Hockey. 

Have a well deserved break 3C.

Class 3G - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Mr Gunter

Spring has just flown by and taken us to the half ways stage We have had been very fortunate to win so many certificates this term and even collected the attendance trophy for Autumn 2 which we were very happy about!

In Maths this term we have recapped on multiplication methods to make sure that we are secure and even progressed on to division and fractions. We have also focused our learning on length and perimeter which was most enjoyable.

In English we have focused on a new text called ‘Hetty Feather’. It is a very emotive text and we have based a lot of our writing and reading activities upon it. We have also looked at possessive apostrophes, conjunctions and prepositions too! Our reading is improving and many of the children in 3G are getting their 50 nights challenge reward.

In foundation we have started to look at the Egyptians, focusing on the civilisation and the importance's during that time, timelines and particular traditions. We are really looking forward to the visit from Professor McGinty!

In Science we have started to learn about animals including humans. We have looked at the human body and even created a human skeleton using Aiden and we even created moving skeletons using split pins.

In PE this term we have focused on hockey and handball. We have improved dribbling, passing and turns in hockey. We really enjoyed playing the games at the end of the topic especially in handball as 3G became very competitive

We are really looking forward to the next term even though it is shorter. 

Adios mi amigos, take care,

Mr. G

Class 3M - Spring 1st Half Term

16th February 2023 Posted by Miss McDougall

We're half way through Year 3!

In Maths, we have been looking at length and measuring, we have been able to convert between mm, cm and m! We have been also been practising our 3, 4 and 8 times table. The children love to play times table rock stars and use songs to help with their practising.

In English, we have been reading Hetty Feather by Jaqueline Wilson and we have looked at a couple of poems too. The children have written recounts and poems - these were brilliant. They have also made terrific progress with their handwriting and presentation.

In Science, we have been looking at 'animals including humans' where were learnt about animals diets and also our skeletons and muscles.

In History, we have discovered some fascinating facts about the Ancient Egyptians - we have learnt about their achievements and the Egyptian civilization that settled next to the River Nile..

In PE, we have been playing handball and hockey. As a class we have been playing team games and have encouraged each other to be more determined when working as a team.

In Computing, we have covered basic skills of creating a power point - we have been able to add hyperlinks and audio to make them more interesting.

Please continue to listen to your children read at home and encourage them to use TTRS when practising their times tables - also ask them what songs they have been learning to help encourage this. Also please check when forest school dates are and make sure children come in in appropriate clothing.

Rest up and enjoy the week!

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (Spring 1st half term)?

5th January 2023 Posted by Year 3

We hope you have had a wonderful festive holiday and are really pleased to welcome you back. As always, we thank you for your continued support. Year 3 is a very important year for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills they will learn throughout Key Stage 2.  

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.  

Any important messages and announcements will be displayed on the ‘School noticeboard’ area on the school website. 

This half term we will be learning about: 


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas: 

Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. Reading planners will be monitored carefully to ensure that they are being completed.  



We will begin by recapping our learning on number and place value, addition and subtraction before focusing more multiplication and division.  We will be learning about: 

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too. We will be focusing on the 3 times table this term.  



Our Science topic is Animals, including humans. We will be learning about: 


Foundation Curriculum

Our Foundation Curriculum topics this term are: William Morris - Art (continued from last term), Levers and Linkages – D&T and Egypt - History. We will be learning about: 



This term we will be learning about:

Children will learn how to use the basic functions of PowerPoint, including adding texts, pictures, backgrounds and word art. They will then add animations and sounds.  


PE/Sports: Handball and Hockey 

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about being fair, just, loyal and steadfast - linking it to Islam and Sikhism.  

In addition, we will be learning about the Chinese New Year and focus on dream and goals in our PSHE lessons. Our half termly UNICEF Article will be Article 4. We will be learning about the benefits of migration and focus on famous British people who migrated from other places. 


Work at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates.

The ‘Spring 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.


Thank you for your continued support.  

Year 3 Team 

Class 3A - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Mr Ahmed

What a remarkable end to the term 3A! You have worked extremely hard during this term and have shown such resilience and determination. You should all be proud of your achievements so far. 

The progress you have made during this Autumn term is wonderful to witness and you must keep it up now. You have received numerous stickers for our class sticker charter from other teachers, because you have been trying your best and working as a team.  

In Maths, we have been introduced to new methods, including column addition and subtraction and even the grid method. We have found these new methods a challenge at first, however we strived forward and had a go. We applied the method to word problems and even some reasoning questions. We recapped place value and will continue to look at multiplication and then move onto division.

In English, we started our new class text: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have really enjoyed reading this text so far and wrote some amazing pieces, including an evening bulletin, setting description and a diary entry.  We have applied a range of skills in our lessons and will continue to do so throughout the year.  

In Science, we have been learning about forces and magnets. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about the forces around us, including friction and gravity. We investigated magnetic attraction and repulsion and have worked scientifically to plan lots of fun investigations.  

For our history topic we have learnt all about the Victorians through secondary resources and actual artefacts from the past. 3A absolutely loved the trip to Black Country Museum and we learnt about how live was like during the Victoria era, we found out how schools have changed over time, compared the lives of rich and poor Victorians, and even found out interesting facts about inventions during that period.  

Outstanding work and behaviour 3A! You have continued to impress me with your hard work, and I have enjoyed watching you all blossom. I hope you all have a great festive holiday and 

I look forward to seeing you in January.  

Take care,  Mr Ahmed

Class 3C - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

I am really proud of how hard the children have worked this half term. 

In English, the children have continued with their writing pieces based on Charlie on the Chocolate Factory. They have written a diary entry and speech conversation between Grandpa Joe and Charlie. The children have even designed their own chocolate bar, they came up fantastic ideas. We have looked at non-fiction texts in our reading skills session still focusing on retrieval and vocabulary. 

The children have been focusing on multiplication and division this term. We have looked at 3, 4 and 8 times-tables. Each lesson has been broken down in steps in order for the children to access each skill more easily. The children have used counters and base 10 manipulatives to understand sharing and grouping.

In Science, the children have been exploring Forces and Magnet. We have done a lot of comparative testing’s of magnets where the children looked at which materials are magnetic and non-magnetic. The children also looked at which material friction worked best on. 

The children have really enjoyed their History topic in Foundation Curriculum. We have looked at the Victorians. The children learnt many facts about schooling, childhood, adulthood and the industrial revolution in the Victorian topic. The children really enjoyed their trip to the Black Country Museum and were able to relay their knowledge to the staff at the museum. 

In PE, the children have learnt new skills in Tri Golf and Dance. The children learnt how to hold a putter and chipper correctly and were able to hit the ball accurately. 

We have now completed our Word processing in Computing. The children have learnt many skills such as changing font size and colour, adding bullet points and copying and pasting a picture from google. 

Please continue to listen to your children read at home and help them to learn their times tables.

Have a nice Christmas 3C and I shall see you on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Class 3G - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Mr Gunter

Goodbye 2022 and welcome 2023! What a long term it has been!

We have firmly settled in to the groove in Year 3 and feel well at home. The children have made great starts to their journey through KS2 and are ready for more in 2023.

In English we have focused on a range of texts and predominantly looked at Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have used it to develop our reading skills, created diary entries, and developed our knowledge of direct speech, amongst other things too! We have really enjoyed reading this classic by Roald Dahl and it has made our English lessons so much more fun. 

During Maths we have begun to focus on using different methods to understand more complex problems. We have looked at methods for nearly all four operations and looked at them more in depth to broaden our knowledge surrounding the four operations. We have had a big push on our time tables and we are becoming better, faster and stronger!

In History we enjoyed learning about the Victorians and even had the chance to go to the Black Country Museum and even received a visit from a fully-fledged Quaker. We have looked at artefacts that dated from the Victorian era and surmised what they could have been used for, became detectives and looked at pictures from the past, compared life to our own and what life was like for the different classes. Finally to end our topic we moved on to art and learnt about the art developed by William Morris. We have even learnt how to create prints just like William Morris!

Science has been fantastic and we've shown a good understanding of magnets and forces. We have planned and performed experiments, made predictions about what may happen using our knowledge and logic and even evaluated why such things happen. In PE we really enjoyed doing dance and thoroughly enjoyed tri-golf with some outstanding performances.

Mr G and 3G wish a happy holidays and if you are celebrating, a Merry Xmas too! Make sure you take care whatever you are doing, have a nice beak and have a lovely time with your families over the holiday!

P.S. Don't forget that lots of reading and timetables work will really help!

Take care Mr G and 3G!

Class 3M - Autumn 2nd Half Term

15th December 2022 Posted by Miss McDougall

It has been a great end to the first term in 3M!

In Maths, we have focused on the four operations, especially multiplication. We have been learning our 3, 4 and 8 times table. The children love to play times table rock stars and are have made tremendous progress when practising.

In English, we have read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. The children have written diary entries and setting descriptions - these were fantastic. They have also focused on some key skills - handwriting, spelling and punctuation.

In Science, we have been experimenting with forces and magnets, the children are able to seek patterns and to observe experiments.

In History, we have covered the Victorians - which I have loved teaching them! They are very curious and ask lots of great questions to develop their enquiry skills. They have used a range of primary and secondary sources to compare life in Victorian Bournville to now.

In PE, we have been dancing our hearts out, learning some key skills of keeping to a beat and sharpening our moves as well as dancing in unison and performing in small groups.

In Computing, we have covered basic skills of word processing and began looking at algorithms and how they are used.

Please continue to listen to your children read at home and encourage them to use TTRS when practising their times tables. Also please check when forest school dates are and make sure children come in in appropriate clothing.

Have a great holiday and Merry Christmas!

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (autumn second half term)?

7th November 2022 Posted by Year 3

We are really pleased to welcome back our pupils after the half-term holiday. We thank you for your continued support as Year 3 is a very important year for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills they will learn throughout Key Stage 2. 

We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly. 

Any important messages and announcements will be displayed on the ‘School noticeboard’ area on the school website.

This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:

Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. Reading planners will be monitored carefully to ensure that they are being completed. 


We will begin by recapping our learning on addition and subtraction before moving onto multiplication and division. We will be learning about:


Our Science topic is Forces and Magnets. We will be learning about:

Foundation Curriculum

Our Foundation Curriculum topics this term are: Victorians and the artist William Morris. We will be learning about:


This term we will be learning about word processing and how to stay safe online.

PE/Sports: Tri Golf and Dance

On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit or clothing appropriate for P.E. instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so school sweatshirts/cardigans should be worn over P.E. t-shirts. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

1. Children do not wear their earrings on the day that they have a P.E. lesson. This is the safest option.

2. Children have plasters put on at home so that their earrings are already covered for their P.E lesson.

3. Send plasters in so that their earrings can be covered. Children will need to do this themselves, staff are not able to.

P.E. Kit reminder

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils in Years 1-6 should come to school in their P.E. kit.

Indoor and outdoor P.E. lessons (during warm weather):

Outdoor P.E. lessons (during cold weather):

The following items are not appropriate:



We will be learning about creating unity and harmony - linking it to Islam and Christianity. 

Work at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates.

The ‘Autumn 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Christmas Fayre

Yardley Fundraisers (our PTFA) are pleased to announce that our Christmas Fayre will return this year!  It will take place on Friday 2nd December 2022, 4.30pm-7.00pm.

Please visit our Christmas Fayre page here for full details of the event, including:

Details of what to expect at our fayre

Details of our ‘Bring a Donation’ non-uniform day

Raffle and tombola donations

Information for people interested in having a stall

Year 3 will be there with a stall, we hope to see you there too!

Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 3 Team

Class 3A - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Mr Ahmed

Can't believe the first term is already over! It's been a long term but we have had so much fun in 3A already.

It's been tough making the transition from Year 2 to Year 3 but we are all progressing very well. We’ve had weeks packed full of exciting, interesting and new lessons which have tested us mentally and developed our knowledge. Also we have recapped on basic skills to ensure we have the foundations to make the next steps in Year 3.

We've looked at a range of topics in English such as: sentence types, expanded noun phrases, word classes and comprehension amongst other things too. Some of the progress has been fantastic and we need to now continue to focus on our handwriting skills and read as much as possible. 

During Maths we have consolidated and then developed our place value knowledge. We've continued our learning from Year 2 while using new methods for addition and looked at different representations in place value. We've used concrete apparatus, pictorial methods and represented numbers in different ways. We have even moved on to three-digit numbers which 3A aced.

In Art we enjoyed learning about art and in particular portraits, where we looked at different styles and created our own abstract art! We then moved on to our second topic which is ‘Our local area’. We have begun to look at maps and make comparisons based on different periods of time, and even took a trip around Yardley looking at human and physical features. Children enjoyed visiting their local area. 

Science has been fantastic and we've shown a good understanding of rocks and soils. Focusing on their properties and performing tests to assess their properties. We've conducted experiments, evaluated the results and thought about scientific problems using a scientific approach.

We all can't wait to get back after the holiday and produce some more fantastic work! We all wish everyone a safe holiday and...

P.S. Don't forget that lots of reading and time tables work will really help!

Take care and rest Mr Ahmed and 3A!

Class 3C - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

It has been an incredible first half term to the academic year. 

In English, the children have focused on basic grammar skills to help with writing for Autumn 2. This term we have looked at verbs and imperative verbs to support our writing of instructions. The children have also recapped on nouns and expanded noun phrases to aid them in writing a setting description. In reading skills, the children have started to read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which will continue after the holidays. 

We have recapped skills based on place value. The children have been able to partition numbers to understand the value of each digit which has supported them in column addition and subtraction. The children have really enjoyed using base 10 and counters to help with their understanding of regrouping and exchanging. 

In Science, the children have been exploring Rocks and Soils. We have done a lot of comparative testing’s of rocks where the children looked at which rocks are permeable and impermeable. The children also looked at how to separate soils and see the layers. 

The children have really enjoyed their Geography topic in Foundation Curriculum. We have looked at features of Our Local Area. The children picked out human and physical features of the area and used maps and atlases to explore the oceans and continents. The children took a walk down Church Road to look at how land has been used over time. 

In PE, the children have learnt new skills in Gymnastics. The children learnt different rolls, jumps and balance and then used these skills to create a routine. 

We have now completed our Digital Safety topic in Computing. The children have learnt how to stay safe online and who we can trust. 

Please continue to listen to your children read at home and help them to learn their times tables.

Have a nice one week holiday 3C and I shall see you on Monday 31st October.

Class 3G - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Mr Gunter

What a great start to the year it has been! It's definitely flown by!

It's been a great transition so far from Year 2 to Year 3.. We’ve had weeks packed full of exciting, interesting and new lessons which have tested us mentally and developed our knowledge. 

We've looked at a range of topics in English such as: word classes, expanded noun phrases, determiners and conjunctions amongst other things too. 3G are earning many presentation stickers  and the effort is clear to be seen.

During Maths we have consolidated and then developed our place value knowledge. We've continued our learning from Year 2 while using new methods for addition and looked at different representations in place value. We've used concrete apparatus, pictorial methods and represented numbers in different ways. We have deepened our thinking with a range of questions to support our learning.

In Art we enjoyed learning about portraits, where we looked at different styles and created our own abstract art! We then moved on to our second topic which is ‘Our local area’. We have begun to look at maps and make comparisons based on different periods of time, and even took a trip around Yardley looking at human and physical features.

Science has been fantastic and we've shown a good understanding of rocks and soils. Focusing on their properties and performing tests to assess their properties. We've conducted experiments, evaluated the results and thought about scientific problems using a scientific approach.

It has been a great start and long may it continue!

 P.S. Don't forget that lots of reading and time tables work will really help!

Take care Mr G.

Class 3M - Autumn 1st Half Term

20th October 2022 Posted by Miss McDougall

It's been a great start to the year in 3M, everyone has settled in so well. 

In Maths, we have been focusing on place value. The children have made a fantastic start with this topic and have demonstrated a great understanding of what has been covered. We have also started looking at addition and subtraction.

In English, we have been reading 'HodgeHeg' and we have just started 'Charlie and the Chocolate factory'. The children have worked hard on their sentences and have created some fantastic setting descriptions.

In Science, we have been learning about sound and how we hear. They have shown great interest in finding out more about how sound waves are made.

In Art, we were able to create self portraits in the style of Picasso. And in Geography, we have been looking at 'Our Local Area' and we have been comparing the geographical and environmental issues. 

The children have worked hard in P.E., first we worked on our teambuilding skills - this helped us understand one of the schools main values #teamwork. We have also completed our gymnastics topic - learning different balances, jumps and rolls.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store!

All the best!

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (autumn first half term)?

16th September 2022 Posted by Year 3

We are really pleased to welcome back our pupils after the 6 weeks holiday. Year 3 is important for children as it provides the foundation for many of the skills they will learn throughout Key Stage 2.   We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.   If you have any questions related to the reopening of school, please see the ‘Noticeboard’ area on the school website.

This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:

Reading planners will have been issued to each child. Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning.


We will begin by looking at number and place value. We will be learning about:

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too. 


Our first Science topic is Rocks, fossils and soils. We will be learning about:


Geography - Our local area

Art - Portraits


This term we will be learning about Digital safety. We will begin by completing computer safety agreements. Children will learn about posting online and the how to be responsible. They will become more familiar with when to talk to someone if you have a problem online.

P.E./Sports: Team building and Gymnastics

On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit instead of their school uniform. Children should wear black/grey shorts (or leggings if required) with a plain, white t-shirt. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so school sweatshirts/cardigans should be worn over P.E. t-shirts. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about sharing and being generous - linking it to Islam and Christianity. We will also be looking at the festival of Harvest. 

Work at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates.

The ‘Autumn 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 3 Team

Class 3C - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

I cannot believe it is the end of academic year already. It has been an amazing year with 3C. I am so proud of all the achievements, progression and success stories this year. It has been wonderful to get back to teaching a class for a whole year and I am glad I have got the opportunity to spend that time with 3C.

In English we have written in different styles, creating narratives, diary entries and even play-scripts. Some of the sentences and vocabulary used has been wonderful to see. In reading we have focused a lot on improving our inference skills and using evidence from the text to support our answers. The children have really enjoyed reading Beaver Towers as part of our class text and Diary of a Wimpy Kid as part of our Yardley Loves Reading time.  

In Maths we have worked ever so hard on looking at the different areas of measure, fractions, angles, money and statistics. We have learned more complex methods of arithmetic too. I have been so impressed with how 3C has improved their knowledge of timetables. The children have work really hard on reading the time. They have looked at telling the time to 5 minute intervals and even 1 minute intervals. 

In Art we have had lots of fun learning about an artist called Derek Gores and we had a go at creating our very own piece of art based upon animals. Some of the work created was mind blowing! We really got involved and created our own versions of a range of animals. We finally moved on to our D&T topic about pneumatics. In this topic we have investigated pneumatics, recreated them and made some of our own functional products with a working mechanism. The children also learnt how to cut fruit and vegetables correctly and made a cheese salad wraps in Food Technology. 

In PE, the children worked really well on the teamwork skills for their teambuilding and rounders topic. For rounders, the children learnt how to throw and catch a ball and also learnt to make contact with a ball using a rounders bat. 

3C have been a real pleasure to teach and I am going to miss them very much. I wish them all the luck for Year 4 and I shall see you on the playground during tuck. 

Have a well-deserved holiday and keep safe.

Take care.

Class 3G - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Mr Gunter

How has the year gone so fast? It has been a whirlwind of a year but every moment spent together has been fantastic. I am so proud of all the achievements, progression and success stories this year. It has been wonderful to get back to teaching a class for a whole year and I am glad I have got the opportunity to spend that time with 3G.

In English we have written in different styles, creating narratives, diary entries and even play-scripts. Some of the sentences and vocabulary used has been wonderful to see. In reading we have focused a lot on improving our reading skills, not only our recognition of words but diving deeper and answering questions too. 

In Maths we have worked ever so hard on looking at the different areas of measure, fractions, angles, money and statistics. We have learned more complex methods of arithmetic too. I have been so impressed with how 3G has improved their knowledge of timetables. Finally we also really enjoyed Money day this year.

In Art we have had lots of fun learning about an artist called Derek Gores and we had a go at creating our very own piece of art based upon animals. Some of the work created was mind blowing! We really got involved and created our own versions of a range of animals. We finally moved on to our D&T topic about pneumatics. In this topic we have investigated pneumatics, recreated them and made some of our own functional products with a working mechanism.

In PSHE we have ascertained what dreams and goals we have, thinking about what we would like to achieve next year. In PE with learning about rounders and athletics. I have been super impressed over the last few terms at the application of techniques within PE lessons.

As every year is, it will be really hard for me to see you move on as I have enjoyed every moment with you all. I look forward to seeing you move on to Year 4 and flourishing as you have already done this year.

With a heavy heart, all the best,

Mr G.

Class 3O - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Miss O'Driscoll

What a year we have had! I feel so privileged to have had the opportunity to get to know and teach each of the children in 3O this year.

We have covered a range of areas in maths this half term such as angles, money and statistics. It has been great to see the children applying their previous knowledge to some tougher questions and consolidating their arithmetic skills. I have been impressed with the children’s knowledge of statistics and analysing data from graphs. They have shown determination this half term to improve their times table knowledge.

In English we have learnt and used a range of different writing styles including, diary entries, play scripts and narratives. I have seen the children explore different vocabulary and use different sentence types to engage the reader. The children should be very proud of the fantasy stories they have created, they worked incredibly hard on them. We have read books such as Stitch Head and Beaver Towers this half term which the children have enjoyed. They have shown their competency in reading this half term by developing their retrieval and inference skills even further. 

We have been very busy in PE this half term, learning the skills needed to play rounders as well as working on our team building skills to work together. The children have shown great respect during PSHE lessons where we have discussed our dreams and goals for the future. 

There have been some fun topics this half term. 

In D&T we learnt what pneumatics are and even created some of our own monsters that used the pneumatics we had learnt about. The children put a lot of time into designing their product and used their teamwork skills to build their monsters with a partner. In Art we have been looking at the work of Derek Gores. It was great to see the children get creative when recreating his work with animals of their choice. 

I am so immensely proud of each and every member of 3O. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you all. It is always hard to leave a class but I know you will all be amazing next year. 

Wishing you all the very best, 

Miss O.

Class 3S - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2022 Posted by Mr Shah

What a fantastic year we have had in Year 3! I am so proud of every single one of you and it is truly amazing to see how far you have all come. Your behaviour and positive attitude has really shone this year and you have shown super resilience at all times. Your determination and enthusiasm will be missed and I hope you take these characteristics with you to your next class as you will continue to flourish. 

In Maths, we have been looking at a range of different skills and getting even better at them. We have really enjoyed developing our understanding of word problems and using our understanding of the 4 operations to solve them. We have all tried really hard to learn our times tables and can’t wait to impress Miss Fielding.

This half term in English, we have been using all of our different skills to carry out a range of tasks. Our favourite was when we watched a short animation clip called ‘Something Fishy’. We were challenged to write a narrative based on the clip and they were brilliant to read. I was so impressed with the quality of writing and how much effort you have put in. It was important we included a range of emotions and considered how the character might feel. 

In Science, we have developed our working scientifically skills. We carried out a number of investigations, including: testing for cohesion and surface tension and effects of exercise on our heart rate. We made sensible predictions, clear observations and interpreted our results. 

In our Foundation curriculum, we made our Moving Monsters using pneumatics. We were able to design, make and then evaluate our products. Finally, we made a healthy snack as part of our food topic. We had so much fun this year. 

Well done 3S! You have had a great year and I have enjoyed working with you all. I hope you all have a great summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you in Year 4. Keep up the amazing and hard work and as I always say – SMASH IT!

Over and out, Mr Shah!

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (summer second half term)?

9th June 2022 Posted by Year 3

The Year 3 staff would like to say a massive thank you for your continued support. We are nearly at the end of the year and we really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.  

Any important messages and announcements will be displayed on the ‘School noticeboard’ area here on the school website.

This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:

Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. This can contribute towards the ’50 Nights of Reading’ challenge. Reading planners will be monitored carefully to ensure that they are being completed. 


We will begin by recapping our learning on number and place value.  We will then revise our skills taught this year. 

We will be learning about:


We will be focusing on working scientifically.  We will: 


Our YPC topics this term are: Pneumatics and Food. 

We will be learning about:


This term we will be learning about Digital Creativity and Digital Wellbeing. 

PE/Sports: Rounders and Team building 

On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit or clothing appropriate for P.E. instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so a hoodie/jacket and joggers are recommended. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about being courageous, confident, being hopeful and visionary - linking it to different religions. We will also focus on changes that we may go through in life in our PSHE lessons. In our Citizenship lessons, we will focus on taking responsibility for our actions. 


Work at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates.

The ‘Summer 2 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 3 Team

Class 3C - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

A short half term, but it has been incredible half term.  

In English, the children finished reading Varjak Paw. They absolutely loved the plot and different writing genres that went along with this text such as writing a newspaper. We have started reading Stitch Head by Guy Bass and have focused on retrieval based questions from this text. 

We have recapped skills based on multiplication (grid method) and division (additive chunking). The children have focused on their 3, 4 and 8 times table to help with recalling multiplication facts. The children have also focused on fractions. We have looked at: adding and subtracting fractions, fractions of a number and equivalent fractions.

In Science, the children explored Light. The children used torches to see how light creates a shadow from an object. They looked at different sizes and shapes of an object. They also used a mirror to understand reflection. 

The children have really enjoyed their history topic in YPC. We explored Oceans, Rivers and Plastic. The children took a walk down to River Cole to look at the depth, width and speed of the river and they also got the chance to look at the pollution in and around the river. 

In PE, the children have learnt new skills in Cricket and Athletics. The children learnt how to hold a bat correctly, throw and catch a ball and fielding. In Athletics, they have learnt how to use javelin, discus and shot put. 

We have now completed our Scratch topic in Computing. The children have learnt how to add motions and controls for their sprite. 

Please continue to listen to your children read at home and help them to learn their times tables.

Have a nice one week holiday 3C and I shall see you on Monday 6th June for our last term together.

Class 3G - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Mr Gunter

Summer 1 has, unbelievably, been and gone and we are fast approaching the end of the year! There was a short amount of time that Mr G was away but we worked hard and continued to do so when he was back!

In Maths this term we have recapped on arithmetic methods to make sure that we are secure and even progressed on to money and fractions. We have extended our learning based around the methods and become more efficient using them. 

In English we have finished reading Varjak Paw, which we loved, and focused on a new text called ‘Stitch Head’. It is a different genre of book but does have some similarities. We have based a lot of our writing and reading activities upon it. We have also looked at perfect present tenses, conjunctions and word classes too! In addition we have continued our phonic learning. It is helping us become better readers and spellers already.

In YPC we have to look at the Rivers, and even made a trip down to the River Cole to study its properties and features. We have now moved on to an artist study looking at the work of Derek Gores and when we get back from the holiday we shall create our very own images.

In Science we have finished off our learning about light and shadows. We are going to begin looking at a range of experiments testing our abilities to work scientifically.

In PE this term we have focused on cricket. We have improved bowling technique, batting, fielding and an overall understanding of the game. We really enjoyed playing the games at the end of the topic and have shown tons of progress!

We are really looking forward to getting back and progressing our learning in the final term. There will only be a few weeks left but we need to enjoy them while we still have them!

Adios, take care,

Mr. G and 3G

Class 3O - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Miss O'Driscoll

What a wonderful half term 3O have had!

We have recapped our knowledge of the four operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children worked incredibly hard during their assessments. We used formal methods such as Column addition and subtraction, as well as additive chunking. Additionally, we have worked on our knowledge and understanding of fractions. The children have shown great positivity this half term.

In English, we finished off Varjak Paw and the children were so engaged and enjoyed the plot twist in the book. Recently we have started to read a new class text, Stitch Head, which the children are enjoying. We have created some fantastic newspaper reports about ‘the vanishings’ and the children really got into the role of reporters. We have focused on inference and retrieval skills during our reading lessons. 

We have enjoyed our science investigations around our topic, Light. It has been great to see the children getting involved and showing enthusiasm for science. They have investigated things such as properties of an object (transparent, translucent and opaque), shadows and reflections. 

In YPC we have been learning about Rivers Oceans and Plastics, seeing the importance of rivers across the world and comparing rivers in the UK. We learnt many things on our trip to the River Cole, including the effect of pollution on rivers. Children noted the amount of litter there is in our environment and thought of their own solutions to problems such as this. 

In PE we have learnt how to hold a bat correctly as well as the importance of fielders and the wicket keeper in Cricket. The children have shown great determination in Athletics, improving their throwing skills in javelin and shot put. The children are excited to continue Athletics after the half term. 

Have a great break. Look forward to seeing you for the final half term. 


Miss O!

Class 3S - Summer 1st Half Term

27th May 2022 Posted by Mr Shah

I can’t believe we are nearly at the end of the year and your time in 3S! You have continued to amaze me with your brilliance, determination and enthusiasm for your learning. I am really proud of every single one of you. We have earned some more rewards on you chart and we are nearly at 100. 

In Maths, we have started to revise our learning on areas we need to work on. We looked at division and multiplication again to secure our understanding of the Grid method and the Additive chunking method. We found it a challenge but never gave up. We even covered fractions, including: finding fractions of a number, adding and subtracting fractions and shading them. We enjoyed our learning on money too and used real coins to support our learning. 

In English, we have finished reading Varjak Paw and have started our new one text: Stitch Head. We really enjoyed basing some of our work on Varjak Paw and what a twist at the end of the book! We wrote some amazing pieces, including: a diary entry, postcard and a non-chronological report. We have also applied a range of skills in our lessons, including varying our sentence types and editing our writing to check for cohesion.

In Science, we have been learning about all things light. We learnt lots of interesting facts about how we need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. We have carried out a number of investigations on: shadows, reflections and how we can protect our eyes from the sun using a range of materials. 

In Y.P.C, we finished our learning on our topic: Rivers, Oceans and Plastics. We investigated the Water Cycle and how we get our water. We then identified features of a river. We used a range of resources: maps, atlases, satellite images to compare different rivers in the U.K. We had a brilliant afternoon on our fieldwork study based on the River Cole. We got into the river and carried out a range of tasks. 

Super-duper work and positive behaviour 3S! You have continued to impress me with your hard work and I have enjoyed watching you all blossom. I hope you all have a well-deserved break and I look forward to seeing you soon. I can’t believe we will be in the final term. 

Over and out, Mr Shah!

Year 3 - What's happening this half term (summer first half term)?

29th April 2022 Posted by Year 3

The Year 3 staff would like to say a massive thank you for your continued support. We have approached the summer term in Year 3 and we really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills (times tables, counting and number bonds) and hearing them read regularly.  

Any important messages and announcements will be displayed on the ‘School noticeboard’ area on the school website.

This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:

Children should be undertaking regular reading practise at home; even as little as a regular five minutes a day can make a huge impact on their learning. This can contribute towards the ’50 Nights of Reading’ challenge. Reading planners will be monitored carefully to ensure that they are being completed. Please also visit our Virtual Library for books online. 


We will begin by recapping our learning on number and place value before focusing on statistics.  We will then revise our skills taught this year. 

We will be learning about:

Children are expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3 and should already be fluent in their 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2. We would be extremely grateful for any practise that can be done at home too. We will be focusing on the 3 times table this term. 


Our Science topic is Light. We will be learning about:


Our YPC topic this term is Rivers, Oceans and Plastics. We will be learning about:


This term we will be learning about Computer Science using software called Scratch.

PE/Sports: Cricket and Athletics

On the days of P.E. lessons or Sports Clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit or clothing appropriate for P.E. instead of their school uniform. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so a hoodie/jacket and joggers are recommended. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


We will be learning about honesty, how to make good decisions, and how to set a positive example for others - linking it to different religions. 

In addition, we will be learning about the importance of Eid and other celebrations.  We will also focus on dreams and goals in our PSHE lessons. In our Citizenship lessons, we will focus on taking responsibility for our actions. 


Work at Home

All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates. 

The ‘Summer 1 Work At Home’ pack will be available to download here soon.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.

We also encourage the use of our Learning Hub as well as websites such as MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Year 3 Team

Class 3G - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Mr Gunter

I am really impressed with all the hard work 3G has put in this half term. 

3G have really enjoyed reading Hetty Feather and Varjak Paw in our English lessons. They have covered many genres for both texts including a short narrative and a biography. The children really enjoyed learning facts about the circus that related to their balanced argument for Hetty Feather. We will be continuing to read Varjak Paw after the holidays and continuing more writing pieces around this text. 

In Maths, the children have been looking more closely at time. They have worked on reading and writing time to the nearest 5 minutes and 1 minute. They are able to read analogue time correctly using the right vocabulary such as past and to the hour. Towards the end of this half term, the children have been interpreting data from range of different charts such as bar charts and pictograms.

During our Plants topic, the children have learnt about seed dispersal and the requirements needed for a plant to survive. As a class, we investigated whether taking away a variable (soil, sunlight, water, air and space) would make a different to the way a plant grew. The children were surprised by some results.

We have just completed our Basketball and Football lessons in PE. The children have learnt different passing skills to help when taking part in a game.

As part of our Egyptian topics, the children have learnt how to write their names in hieroglyphics. We have also learnt about mummification and how mummification would happen. In 3G, we have mummified a tomato and we will see what has happened to it at the end of the academic year. 

Have a well-deserved break 3G and I shall see you all on Monday 25th April 2022. 

Class 3O - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Miss O'Driscoll

I am so impressed with how hard 3O have worked this term. 

We have begun reading a new class text, Varjak Paw, in English. The book has inspired some great debates in class, including whether cats should be kept indoors. As ever, I am filled with pride to see how much the children enjoy listening to stories, reading and creating their own. I have been particularly impressed with the short narrative the children created based on our class text. We have been working hard on our inference skills during our reading lessons and the children have enjoyed inferring from a picture as well as beginning to infer from different texts. 

In Maths, we investigated perimeter and used a ruler to measure different lengths. We also used different units of measure to look at the weight of different objects. Additionally, we have been learning to tell time to the nearest minute. This is something we have struggled with but the children have shown incredible determination. 

Our Science topic has been all about plants. We have enjoyed our science investigations and learnt that investigations don’t always go the way we think they will. It has been great to see our sunflower seeds growing and develop our understanding of what plants need to grow and survive. 

In YPC we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians and Pyramids. It has been intriguing to learn the importance of the river Nile to the growth and survival of people in Ancient Egypt. 

P.E has been just as exciting this term. The children have developed their dribbling and shooting skills for Football and Basketball. 

I hope you all take this break to have a good rest. Don’t forget to keep up with your reading and learning your times tables. I’m looking forward to seeing you very soon. 

Hasta luego,

Miss O!

Class 3C - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Mrs Chaudary

It has been another amazing term! Can’t believe there is only one more term to go. 

In English this term, the children have enjoyed both class texts: Hetty Feather and Varkaj Paw. They have really showed enthusiasm whilst the book is being read to them and this has enhanced on their predicting and summarising skills. From both texts, the children have had the opportunities to plan and deliver a balanced argument about animals. 

The children have worked really hard on reading understanding time. We’ve looked at 5 minute and 1 minutes intervals along with past and to the hour. We have also looked at interpreting data from tables, tally’s, pictograms and bar charts. The children used many different practical equipment to help measure weight and mass.

In Science, the children explored investigated the requirements needed for a plant to grow in our Plants topic. The children were very surprised to see their sunflower growing in tissue paper. They also looked each part of a flowering plant and understood seed dispersal. 

In YPC, the children have been studying about Ancient Egypt. The have learnt many facts about the different Pharaohs and have had the opportunity to research facts about the River Nile. The children learnt about how and why mummification happens and as a class we have tried to mummify a tomato. The children will seen the results at the end of the next half term. 

In PE, the children have learnt new football and basketball skills. They have understood the importance of control and eye coordination as well as teamwork skills.

The children have really enjoyed their programming and debugging topic called 2DIY3D. The children have understand how to debug a game it is not working properly. They can continue with this topic at home via Purple Mash. 

In Forest School, the children have learnt how to make rafts for the River Nile and understood how materials were transported around Egypt.

In Spanish, the children have been introduced to colours and this will continue next term. 

Please continue to listen to your child read and help learn their times tables over the holidays. 

Have a good Easter break 3C and see you back on Monday 25th April 2022.

Class 3S - Spring 2

8th April 2022 Posted by Mr Shah