Year 1 Blog

Year 1 - What's happening this half term (Spring 1st half term)?

15th January 2025  |  Posted by Year 1

Welcome back! We have really missed you and can’t wait to get started with our new learning this half term.  

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the amazing learning we will be doing this half term… 



We will continue to have Phonics in our groups everyday which will follow the outlined plan from the ELS (Essential Letters and Sounds) programme. We will also have Phonics sessions in our classes and these will help us with the writing that we will be doing in class, the application of our phonic skills.  


We will be exploring a range of texts this half term including: Mixed, Foggy Gets Dressed and a Winter Information Text.  We will be sharing these stories as a class and using our Reciprocal Reading skills of Prediction, Questioning, Clarifying and Summarising to discuss them.  


We will continue to focus on the structure of a sentence; beginning with a capital letter, finger spaces between each word, using our sounds to write the words, ending with a full stop and then reading back our writing to check that it makes sense.  

When we write we think of our idea, we say it out loud, we repeat it again, we write it and then we say it again as we check each word.  

We will continue to work on our handwriting with a focus on the correct letter formation and size.  

Things to try at home

Please continue to hear your child read as often as you can and read to your child, discussing the books that you are sharing.  

When writing at home try to follow the process we use in school- think of our idea, we say it out loud, we repeat it again, we write it and then we say it again as we check each word. 



In our Maths lessons we will be working on the following areas: 

Things to try at home

Practise counting at home forwards and backwards, starting at different numbers as often as you can.  

If you have an analogue clock (the clock with hands) talk about the time and reading the clock.


In our science lessons we will be working on the following areas: 

Things to try at home

Go on a walk around your local area and look at the changes that are happening due to the change in season.  

Talk about the different animals you might spot. 

Foundation subjects

Our first foundation topic is Art and then we will move on to Geography. 

In Art we will be learning about colour mixing, we will do this through: 

In Geography we will be learning about the U.K and the weather changes, we will do this by: 


In Music, we will be exploring Tempo (the speed of a piece of music). We will listen to a range of different pieces of music and use our voices and bodies expressively, while exploring tempo. We will also use a range of musical instruments.


In Computing, we will continue to use the computers in our 'Media Suite'. We will develop our typing and mouse skills through a range of activities and lessons. We are becoming more confident to log in to the computers and now we are learning new skills.  


P.E./Sports: Cricket and Tennis  

In our cricket lessons we will be learning about throwing and catching the ball using the underarm and overarm techniques. We will learn how to hold the bat and then progress on to tapping the ball.  

During our tennis lessons we will learn how to move a beanbag around our body showing control and co-ordination. We will then move on to using a tennis ball to be able to throw, bounce and catch a ball using the cup technique.     

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit. Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so school sweatshirts/cardigans should be worn over P.E. t-shirts. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days: 


P.E. Kit reminder 

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils in Year 1 should come to school in their P.E. kit. 

Indoor and outdoor P.E. lessons (during warm weather): 

Outdoor P.E. lessons (during cold weather): 

The following items are not appropriate: 

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should wear their school jumper/cardigan over their P.E. kit. No additional hoodies, jumpers, sweatshirts or jackets should be worn. 

All P.E. kit must be labelled with your child's name and class. 


In our R.E. lessons, we will be linking these topics to common religious values as well as our Yardley school values. We will be looking at different religions, including Islam and Christianity.  


In our PHSE lessons we will be learning about safety and the changing body.  


Learning at Home

All classes are on X (formerly Twitter) so please follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.


Year 1 Phonics Workshop 

Tuesday 14th January 2025 (9.15am to 10.15am) 


Thank you 

 Year 1

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Don’t forget to follow our classes on X.  Click a button below to find your child's class on X.

Class 1LW - Autumn 2nd Half Term

19th December 2024  |  Posted by Miss Wade


This term has been a fantastic term in our Phonics lessons. 1LW have shown lots of resilience when learning new sounds and remembering sounds that we have previously learnt. Everyone has been working hard to decode unfamiliar words, taking their time when blending sounds together. 1LW have also shown lots of determination in our Handwriting sessions. Each week we have been focusing on 2 letters and everybody has been working hard to form their letters correctly. This determination has paid off as we are seeing huge improvements in our writing during English and Phonics sessions. This has been noticed by lots of adults in school. Well done, 1LW.  



In our D.T. topic, 1LW have shown a huge amount of creativity when creating their own greetings cards. I have been very impressed with the range of imaginative and exciting ideas for greetings cards that the pupils have come up with. I cannot wait for pupils to take home their cards this week. I have been blown away by the enthusiasm shown by pupils in our P.E. lessons this half term. For the last few weeks, we have been focusing on Gymnastics. 1LW have learnt a variety of jumps, rolls and balances and have been so enthusiastic to share their work with other children in the class. Every child has performed their work with effort and flare, I was very impressed.  



During our Maths lessons, pupils have been working in pairs and as part of teams to complete activities. They have shown a real sense of community by communicating clearly with each other and taking turns. It has been lovely to hear children explain their ideas and answers to each other as well as listening carefully to other people’s ideas. All of the pupils in 1LW have taken part in Diwali and Christmas celebrations this half term. It has been lovely to see pupils learning about different cultures and being respectful of other people’s beliefs. We have all enjoyed the fun art activities and singing we have been able to do.  


We really enjoyed our trip to the theatre to watch The Wizard of Oz. We had the chance to sing along and join in with parts of the show.


I hope that everyone has a restful Winter break. I cannot wait to see you all in the new year. Happy New Year everyone!

Miss Wade

Class 1Q - Autumn 2nd Half Term

19th December 2024  |  Posted by Mrs Job and Mrs Joof


This half term we have been making cards with moving parts in Design and Technology. Pupils have shown resilience and determination to include a slider or a lever in their design. The design process from start to end was very exciting.  During this topic, pupils were very keen to share ideas and listen to their partner. During our outdoor learning sessions, we observed the changes in the weather, leaves and our surroundings. In Science we looked at what materials would be best to keep us warm in the chilly weather and we learnt all about hibernation. We have really impressed with the resilience that pupils showed when recapping phonics sounds from Reception and learning new sounds. We love reading in 1Q and enjoy sharing books together during Yardley Loves Reading. Please continue to read with your child at home and remember to bring their reading book and diary every day.  



In Maths, we have been learning about place value up to 10. We have learnt new skills, including how to write addition and subtraction number sentences. We have worked in pairs and used a range of practical apparatus to support our understanding. The practical equipment really helps to support our learning/ I have been really impressed with the enthusiasm that pupils have shown when learning their number bonds to 10. Listening to songs and using the tens frames with counters has really helped us to become more confident with our number bonds. We have had a particular focus on number bonds to 10, so please support your child at home by quizzing them on this. We showed lots of positivity when exploring our school grounds as part of our Geography topic.



In our R.E. lessons, we have been exploring how other people understand God on Earth; considering different representations of God. Finding out about different religions has helped us to learn more about our school community and has helped us to respect other views and beliefs. We also had a Diwali celebration with lots of dancing and crafts. In our P.S.H.E. lessons, we have been learning about our health and wellbeing. We enjoyed learning all about how to deal with emotions and how to relax and look after our own wellbeing. In P.E., we have been improving our hand-eye co-ordination skills through bowling. In gymnastics we have been balancing on different body parts to make different shapes individually and with a partner.


One of our most recent highlights was our wonderful trip to the theatre. We got to watch the Wizard of Oz! It was such a magical experience, and we all loved singing along and joining in with the characters.  


As you can see, we have had a very packed half term. All children have worked hard, showing their commitment to our school values. The upcoming break is thoroughly deserved. 

Have a great Christmas everyone. See you in 2025.  

Mrs Joof and Mrs Job

Class 1S - Autumn 2nd Half Term

19th December 2024  |  Posted by Mr Shah


This half term has been very exciting because Year 1 have been making cards with a moving part in Design and Technology. Pupils have shown resilience and determination to include a slider or a lever. The design process from start to end was amazing! Pupils were also curious to learn about seasonal changes in Autumn. During our outdoor learning sessions and in Science, we observed the changes in the weather, leaves and our surroundings. We showed lots of curiosity when learning about hibernation. It was so fascinating! I was really impressed with the resilience that pupils showed when recapping sounds from reception and learning new sounds. We have been working hard to improve our handwriting too. Please continue to read with your child at home to develop their fluency and understanding.  



In Maths we have been learning about place value within 10. We have learnt new skills, including how to write addition and subtraction number sentences. We have worked in pairs during our Maths lessons to solve a range of problems using concrete apparatus. I have been really impressed with the enthusiasm that pupils have shown when learning their number bonds to 10. It has been tricky, however listening to songs and using the tens frames with counters has really helped. We have had a particular focus on number bonds to 10, so please support your child at home by quizzing them on this. 1S showed lots of positivity when exploring our school grounds as part of our Geography topic, ‘What is it like here?’ Your messy maps of the classrooms were awesome too.  



In our R.E. lessons, we have been exploring how other people understand God on Earth; considering different representations of God and understanding why this is challenging. We have been very respectful when learning about the beliefs of others. Finding out about different religions has helped us to learning more about our school community and helped us to respect other views and beliefs. We had a Diwali celebration with lots of dancing and crafts. In P.E., we have been improving our gymnastics skills and learning how to bowl.  This has improved our teamwork and our physical health! In our P.S.H.E. lessons, we have been learning about our health and wellbeing. We enjoyed learning all about how to deal with emotions, our own qualities and strengths, understanding how germs can be spread and know people can be allergic to certain things.  


Super-duper work and behaviour 1S! You have continued to impress me with your hard work, and I have enjoyed watching you all blossom. I hope you all have a great festive holiday, and I look forward to seeing you in January.  

Over and out, Mr Shah! 

Class 1W - Autumn 2nd Half Term

19th December 2024  |  Posted by Mrs Wilson


This half term has been productive as we have been making cards with moving parts in Design and Technology. Pupils have shown resilience and determination to include a slider or a lever throughout the design process from start to end with amazing outcomes. During our outdoor learning sessions, we observed the changes in the weather, leaves and our surroundings. These sessions are special when we can splash with our wellies on.  In Science we looked at what materials would be best to keep us warm in the chilly weather. During our Outdoor Learning sessions and in Science, we observed the changes across the seasons from Summer to Autumn and into Winter. Our curiosity led us to observe many changes within our school grounds to both plants and animals. We were excited to learn about animals that hibernate during the colder months. The pupils have shown an enormous amount of resilience when recapping sounds and learning new ones in their daily phonics lessons whilst applying these within their work. Please continue to read with your child at home to develop fluency and understanding. Please also ensure that their reading book and diary is brought to school every day. 



We have had a positive time in Maths as we have been learning about place value within 10. We have learnt new skills, including how to write addition and subtraction number sentences. We have worked in pairs during our Maths lessons to solve a range of problems using concrete apparatus. I have been really impressed with the enthusiasm that pupils have shown when learning their number bonds to 10. It has been tricky, however listening to songs including Farmer Pete and the Number Bus song has really helped. We have had a particular focus on number bonds to 10, so please continue support your child at home by recapping them. 1W showed lots of positivity when exploring our school grounds and Google Earth as part of our Geography topic, ‘What is it like here?’ The pupil’s creativity when designing their messy maps of the classrooms were fabulous!   



In our R.E. lessons, we have been exploring how other people understand God on Earth; considering different representations of God. We have been very respectful when learning about the beliefs of others. Finding out about different religions has helped us to learning more about our school community and helped us to respect other views and beliefs. We had a Diwali celebration with lots of dancing and crafts. In P.E., we have been improving our gymnastics skills and learning how to bowl.  This has improved our teamwork and our physical health!  


Amongst all of this we were still able to enjoy a trip to The Old Rep theatre in Birmingham to watch the Wizard of Oz. What an absolute treat for the end of term! We are now very much looking forward to Christmas and spending time with our families. 


We wish you all a wonderful Christmas break, whatever you do. Make sure you come back refreshed in the New Year as we have lots more exciting topics coming up in 2025! 


Mrs Wilson

Year 1 - What's happening this half term (Autumn 2nd half term)?

7th November 2024  |  Posted by Year 1

Welcome back! We hope you have had a relaxing half term break. We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills and hearing them read regularly. 

This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:


In our Maths lessons we will be working on the following areas:


In our science lessons we will be working on the following areas:

Foundation subjects

Our first foundation topic is Geography and then we will move on to D&T.

In Geography we will be learning about:

In D&T we will be learning about:


In Computing, we will continue to familiarize ourselves with the computers in our 'Media Suite'. We will develop our typing and mouse skills through a range of activities and lessons. This will be essential in order for us to confidently use the computers in the Spring Term and beyond

P.E./Sports: Football and Gymnastics

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here.  Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so school sweatshirts/cardigans should be worn over P.E. t-shirts. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:

P.E. Kit reminder

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils in Years 1 should come to school in their P.E. kit.

Indoor and outdoor P.E. lessons (during warm weather):

Outdoor P.E. lessons (during cold weather):

The following items are not appropriate:

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should wear their school jumper/cardigan over their P.E. kit. No additional hoodies, jumpers, sweatshirts or jackets should be worn.

All P.E. kit must be labelled with your child's name and class.


In our R.E. lessons, we will be linking these topics to common religious values as well as our Yardley school values. 

Learning at Home

All classes are on X (formerly Twitter) so please follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

Winter Disco

Yardley Fundraisers (our PTFA) will be holding a Winter Disco for Years 1 and 2 on the following date:

Click here for further information and how to book.

Thank you

Year 1

Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on X.  Click a button below to find your child's class on X.

Class 1LW - Autumn 1st Half Term

25th October 2024  |  Posted by Miss Wade

What a fantastic start to the year! It has been a pleasure to get to know 1LW this half term. We have had lots of fun getting used to the new Year 1 routines and lessons. 

In English we have been using our phonic knowledge to write lots of super sentences. We have had plenty of opportunities to share lots of stories this half term. We have particularly enjoyed the Large Family book series by Jill Murphy.

In Maths, we have been thinking about numbers within 10. We have used a range of practical resources to explore a range of concepts including more and less. We really counting backwards within 10 (especially since we launched our very own rocket). 

We have really enjoyed our Art topic this half term. We have been experimenting with different lines, shapes and media. The pupils have been incredibly sensible when using the different equipment and I look forward to our next topic in the Spring Term. 

Following this, we completed our first History unit which was all about our own history. I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the families who brought in photos of their children. This was incredibly useful in helping the pupils complete a timeline of their own lives up to now. We really enjoyed talking about the past and the present. I cannot wait to continue learning more about history soon.

I hope everyone has a fun and restful half term break. I am looking forward to having lots of fun when we come back.

Miss Wade

Class 1Q - Autumn 1st Half Term

25th October 2024  |  Posted by Mrs Quinn

Wow! What a fantastic start 1Q have made to the Year. We have had a busy, fun-packed half term of learning.

We have been working hard on Place Value to 10 in Maths, including use of new vocabulary such as greater than, less than and equal to. We can compare numbers and amounts and will use this valuable knowledge when we move onto manipulating larger amounts. A huge thank you to all the parents / carers who joined us for our Maths workshop. I hope that you gained a valuable insight into our Year 1 curriculum and how you can support your child at home.

In English we have looked at a range of texts including What Makes Me a Me, The Large Family stories including Peace at Last and A Quiet Night In and Hello Autumn We have written sentences and focused on using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Our hand writing is looking great!

In Art we have looked at mark making, which was so much fun experimenting with a range of media to create different types of lines including broken lines, wavy and cross-hatched.  We finished the half term learning about Our History in History. We have been finding out how we make history using timelines, making our very own class memory box, and researching similarities and differences between our lives and of those who are older than us. In P.E. we have performed the Haka and honed our Activity Skills by developing our throwing and catching skills. We have also had some great, muddy, and wet outdoor fun in Outdoor Learning

Well done 1Q! Have a relaxing break and we cannot wait for next half term for more fun and learning! 

Class 1S - Autumn 1st Half Term

25th October 2024  |  Posted by Mr Shah

What a fantastic start to the year we have had in Year 1! I am so proud of every single one of you and it is truly amazing to see how far you have all come this half term. You have all settled into 1S really well and your behaviour and positive attitude has really shone.  

I have been really impressed with your listening skills as this is something we have really worked hard on during this term. It can be quite daunting starting a new year group with a new teacher but you have all coped really brilliantly. 

In Maths, we have been looking at developing our skills in place value. We have found it a challenge but we haven’t given up and have shown super resilience at all times. We can count to 10 and in any order too. We have looked at 1 more and 1 less and used the gator symbols to compare numbers. You have really enjoyed getting all the practical apparatus out to support our learning. We must continue to practise place value as it is a very important skill. We will be starting addition and subtraction next. 

This half term in English, we have read stories, including: A Piece of Cake, Hello Autumn, and A Quiet Night In. We described Mrs Large and used our knowledge of the five senses to write sentences about autumn. We enjoyed role play, drawing our favourite characters, matching words and then producing some AMAZING sentences. We are so impressed so far! 

In Science, we have been learning about seasonal changes and animals, including humans. We looked at the changes in autumn, including observing the changes to the trees and weather. We looked at the 5 senses and had loads of fun. We are so fascinated. 

In our Foundation curriculum, we looked at mark making in Art and our own history in History. In Art, we learnt the 6 types of lines and made observational drawings by the end of the unit. Super artwork! In History, we looked at our own timelines from the past to the present. We shared our favourite memories and photographs from different events. Mrs Sankey talked to us about her childhood. 

Well done 1S! You have had a great start to the year and I have enjoyed getting to know you all. I hope you all have a great half term holiday and I look forward to seeing you soon. 

Over and out, Mr Shah!

Class 1W - Autumn 1st Half Term

25th October 2024  |  Posted by Mrs Wilson

What a busy start to Year 1 for 1W. I am very proud of you and have enjoyed seeing all your enthusiasm and positive attitudes and resilience when settling in to a new year group with the new routines that it has bought.

In Maths, we have extremely busy sorting and counting objects, recognising numbers 0-10 and counting on and back from a given number within 10. We have also used concrete apparatus to help us find 1 more and 1 less than a given number. We have compared groups of objects and have begun to identify greater than, less than and equal to. Remember, to keep singing lots of number songs at home as it can really help with your counting both forwards and backwards! A huge thank you to all the parents / carers who joined us for our Maths workshop. I hope that you gained a valuable insight into our Year 1 curriculum and how you can support your child at home.

In English, we have read a large selection of stories including What Makes Me a Me, The Large Family stories including Peace at Last and A Quiet Night In and Hello Autumn. We have been focusing on writing sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Whilst in Phonics, we have been recapping Phase 2 and 3 sounds whilst securing our ability to segment words. 

During Science this half term, we have been looking at seasonal change from Summer to Autumn and have observed the changes around us. We have noticed that the leaves are changing colour and falling from the trees, that the weather is becoming colder and the mornings and evenings are much darker. We picked a very wet week to monitor the rain fall as the exceptionally wet weather continued to pass through Yardley. We have also been looking at animals, including humans and have learnt a lot about our bodies and how wonderful our senses really are! The children have also been busy exploring each of their five senses through a range of listening activities, using the blindfolds to see how we would adapt should our eyesight be impaired and using our noses to identify a range of smells. The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their knowledge with all the parents / carers in our class assembly.

In art we have had great fun experimenting with a range of media to create different lines including wavy, cross-hatch, and diagonal. We found out how to over-lap shapes to create a geometric piece of artwork in the style of Wassily Kandinsky. Our science senses work was put to the test when completing our observational drawings using continuous lines. We were able to really appreciate how our sense of sight is so important when completing observational drawings. 

In History, we have been finding out how we make history using timelines, making our very own class memory box, and researching similarities and differences between our lives and of those who are older than us. A huge thank you to Mrs Sankey who shared her childhood memories with us of her how her Mum made her clothes, how she would celebrate her birthdays, what her school was like and games that she would play.

Well done 1W! You have had a busy start to the academic year and I have enjoyed getting to know you all. I wish you all a wonderful break and make sure you come back refreshed as we have lots more exciting topics coming up next half term.

Year 1 - What's happening this half term (Autumn 1st half term)?

12th September 2024  |  Posted by Year 1

Welcome back to Yardley Primary School! It has been wonderful to introduce pupils and their families to Year One and we look forward to getting to know you all.

Parental support is something we value and truly appreciate, especially at this crucial stage in your child’s learning and development.  This overview will give you an insight into what your child is learning at school and will tell you how you can support your child to reach their full potential. 

This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:

Reading planners and books have be issued to each child, very soon. Pupils are heard read at least once a week, by the class teacher, on a 1:1 basis. They also have ample opportunities to read throughout the school day.  We expect you to hear your child read every day, as this is essential for their progress. 


We will begin by looking at Place Value (within 10). We will be:

We also appreciate your support at home here, too. Maths is often best taught at home incidentally when applied to real-world situations. Putting number songs on often can also help. 


Our first Science topic is all about Our Bodies. We will be learning about:

Seasonal Change. We will be learning about:

Foundation Subjects

Our Foundation subjects cover; History, Geography, Art, and Design and Technology. 

This term we will be learning about; Drawing – make your mark and History.

The children will be able to: 


This term we will be learning about Digital Safety, Texts and Graphics, and publishing.


This half-term, pupils will be dancing the Haka and playing a range of team games to build their communication and teamwork skills. 

On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here.  Where possible, we will be conducting P.E. lessons outside so school sweatshirts/cardigans should be worn over P.E. t-shirts. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too. 

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


This half term we will be focussing on the families and relationships. The children will be able to: 

Learning at Home

All classes are on X (formerly Twitter) so please follow us for updates - use the buttons below.

The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)!

Don’t forget to follow our classes on X.  Click a button below to find your child's class on X.

Class 1LW - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Miss Wade

What a lovely end to a fantastic year!

In English this half term, 1LW have amazed everyone with their super writing skills. We thoroughly enjoyed recounting our trip to the Cannock Chase Toy Museum. Everyone received a special sticker from Mr Giles for all of their hard work. Following this, we wrote a letter to our new Year 2 teacher, Miss Ashmore. Miss Ashmore was very impressed with the fantastic handwriting and grammar in 1LW.

In Maths, we have been learning about time and money. 1LW have a fabulous knowledge of the different coins that we use in the U.K. and were even able to use their counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s knowledge to count out different values of money. 1LW have shown lots of resilience whist learning to tell the time. We can now tell the time to the hour and the half hour. I am sure that this is a skill 1LW will be keen to show off at home. 

We have had lots of fun with our wider curriculum topics this half term. In History, we learnt all about toys from the past. We put our knowledge to the test during our fantastic trip to Cannock Chase Museum. 1LW impressed the staff with their sensible behaviour and incredible facts about toys. In Art, we completed a unit called ‘Woven Wonders’. We learned how to tie a knot, weave and how to plait. These are all important life skills! I am sure lots of 1LW are eager to put these skills to the test by tying their own shoe laces at home.

It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you all this year. I hope everyone has a safe and restful break. I hope that you all get to spend plenty of time with your families. I can’t wait to see you all in the playground at the end of the day. 

Have a super Summer,

Miss Wade and Miss Marshall

Class 1Q - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Mrs Quinn

We have had a brilliant last half term as 1Q. There have been a lot of fun activities such as Sports Day and our trip to Cannock Chase Toy Museum.

In Maths we have looked at division, shape, money and time as well as learning to count in 2’s 5’s and 10’s, practising our number bonds and learning about odd and even numbers.

In English we have focused on writing a letter to our new class teacher as well as consolidating our learning on sentence writing using capital letters, full stops and conjunctions.

In Science we have carried out a range of investigations, including a really fun experiment on materials that an egg can land on safely, unfortunately we broke a few on the harder surfaces!  We have also consolidated our learning across the topics covered so far this year. 

In History we have completed our module on Toys, Mrs Sankey even answered a lot of questions about toys from her childhood and of course our Toy Museum Trip. This has been great fun. We have also studied Woven Wonders in Art and created some beautiful pieces of work using plaiting and weaving skills.

In Music we have been looking at underwater music and In PE we have worked on our basketball skills and completed some team games activities.

I am sure 1Q will have a fantastic year next year with their new teacher and I look forward to seeing them progress even more.

Class 1S - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Mr Shah

What a fantastic year we have had in Year 1! I am so proud of every single one of you and it is truly amazing to see how far you have all come. Your behaviour and positive attitude has really shone this year. You have shown super resilience at all times and your determination and enthusiasm will be missed. I hope you take these characteristics with you to your next class as you will continue to flourish.

In Maths, we have been looking at a range of different skills and getting even better at them. We have really enjoyed developing our understanding of place value, time and money. We have tried really hard to count in steps of 2, 5 and 10. We recognised the value of different coins and notes. We used lots of songs to help us remember the days of the week and months of the year. 

This half term in English, we have been using all of our different skills to carry out a range of tasks. Our favourite was when we wrote our own narrative in the style of Kipper’s Toybox. They were very exciting to read. We wrote a very exciting letter to our new year 2 teacher. For our last piece of writing, we wrote our own narrative. Your phonics skills this term and your reading fluency have been amazing too. 

In Science, we have been learning even more about summer. We revised past topics and developed our working scientifically skills. We planned some mini investigations and developed our predictions. We carried out investigations, including testing different materials on floating and sinking. We tested which material was the best at keeping Humpty Dumpty safe from a fall. 

In History, we looked at how toys have changed over the past. We looked at toys from over 100 years ago and how they are different or similar in the present. Mrs Brennan bought in her own childhood teddy and even her nans from 80 years ago. We even had Mrs Sankey talk about her favourite childhood toys. We brought in toys from home to share and looked at different timelines. We really enjoyed our trip to Cannock Toy Museum. 

In Art, we started our new topic called Woven Wonders. We learnt how art can be represented in different ways. We learnt how to weave and other new techniques. 

Well done 1S! You have had a great year and I have enjoyed working with you all. I hope you all have a great summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you in Year 2. Keep up the amazing and hard work and as I always say – SMASH IT!

Over and out, Mr Shah!

Class 1W - Summer 2nd Half Term

18th July 2024  |  Posted by Mrs Wilson

What a fantastic year we have had in Year 1! I am so proud of every single one of you and it is truly amazing to see how far you have all come. Your behaviour and positive attitude have really shone this year. You have always shown super resilience and your determination and enthusiasm will be missed. I hope you take these characteristics with you to your next class as you will continue to flourish.

In Maths we have been deepening and developing a range of mathematical skills. We have been focussing mainly on place value, time and money. We have also been working on the early stages of fractions by finding a quarter and a half of both shapes and quantities.  We have also learned lots of songs and rhymes to help us remember the days of the week and the months of the year. 

In English, we were phonic superstars and put all our phonics knowledge to great use during the Phonics Screening week. Well done to everyone for all you hard work. We have enjoyed finding out who was responsible for Kipper’s nibbled toybox in the story Kipper’s Toybox by Mick Inkpen. We were authors and used our creativity to write an alternative ending to the story. We have also completed a recount of all the wonderful activities of our recent visit to Cannock Toy Museum. The children certainly had a lot of fun!

Our D&T topic saw us explore different ways to prepare a range of fruit and vegetables including cutting, grating and peeling. We were able to tingle our taste buds by designing and making our very own fruit kebab. There were so many delicious fruit combinations. What would you have on yours? 

In History we learnt about the evolution of toys within living memory comparing them to toys we play with now. We have been busy making comparisons between new toys and those form the last 100 years and can describe how toys have changed over time. We also had the pleasure of visiting Cannock Toy Museum and experiencing a very funny Punch and Judy show! 

In Science, we have worked on lots of different scientific investigations including keeping Humpty Dumpty safe using different materials, waterproof materials and exploring the different parts of plants. The warmer weather helped us to observe seasonal changes that take place during the summer and we were able to compare all four seasons. 

1W, you have been AMAZING this year! You were an absolute pleasure to teach and I wish you all the best in Year 2. Continue to strive to be the best that you can be, and you will succeed! Miss Hanif is so lucky to have you in her class next year.

Enjoy the summer holidays with your wonderful family! Stay safe and take care.

Love from, Mrs Wilson 

Year 1 - What's happening this half term (Summer 2nd half term)?

4th June 2024  |  Posted by Year 1

Welcome back to our final term in Year 1. We have 7 more weeks together and so many exciting things left to learn and do. We hope you’ve had a lovely holiday. We really appreciate any parental support that can be given at home through helping your child with basic number skills, Phonics practise and hearing them read regularly. 

This half term we will be learning about:


In our English lessons we will be working on the following areas:


In our Maths lessons we will be working on the following areas:


In our Science lessons we will be working on the following areas:


In our History lessons we will be looking at how toys have changed. We will be discussing our favourite toys using language related to the past. We will make comparisons between toys in the past and present and sequence artefacts from different periods of time. We will identify changes between teddy bears today and those from 100 years ago and be able to describe how toys have changed over time.


In Art we will be exploring Woven Wonders. We will be sharing experiences of making something creative and to creative interests of others. We will select materials of different lengths, colours and thickness to work in the style of Cecilia Vicuna by creating weaves incorporating patterns. We will be discussing choices and what we like about our finished work.


In computing we will be finding out about and understanding algorithms before creating our own algorithm and identifying how to debug it. We will also be learning how to change the font and the size of the font, add clipart into a word document and copy and paste a picture using safe search form the internet into a word document.


This terms topics will be Basketball and Team Building. We also have a sports day to look forward to!

On the days of P.E. lessons, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit.  Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here.  Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too.  ALL P.E. KIT MUST BE LABELLED WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME AND CLASS.

Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:


In P.S.H.E we will continue to be looking at Citizenship and why rules are important, the different needs of a range of pets and the needs of babies and young children. In R.E we will descry and describing reasons why people choose to care for people other than it being their job and recognising ways of caring  that take more effort and receive less thanks.

Learning at Home

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The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download this week using the button below.  Please let us know if a paper copy is required.  

You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.

What a lot we still have left to get through! Let’s hope the sun is shining all the way to the end of the year.

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