
All pupils must attend school every day and arrive for 8:55am.

Attendance information

Yardley Primary School bases its Attendance Policy on guidelines set out by Birmingham City Council Local Authority. Whilst the legal responsibility for regular school attendance rests with parents/carers; Yardley Primary School Governors and staff share with them and the Local Authority, the responsibility for encouraging good attendance and improving poor attendance.

Going to school regularly is important for your child’s future. Parents are responsible for making sure their children receive full-time education. Talking to your child and their teachers could help solve any problems if your child does not want to go to school.

Pupils should be at school, on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. Permitting absence without a good reason is an offence by the parent/carer.

Pupils may sometimes be reluctant to attend school. Any problems with regular attendance can be sorted out quickly between the school, parents/carers and the pupil. If a pupil is reluctant to attend, please notify the school immediately. Please do not keep them off school, as attending school every day is important and a legal requirement.

Yardley Primary School aims to:

 Yardley Primary School is required by law to maintain records and publish specified information on the attendance of pupils.

 Classes from Reception to Year 6 are provided with regular feedback on their attendance. Weekly awards will reward attendance and punctuality to the classes whom are doing the best and this will be announced to parents/carers via email, school celebration assemblies (where possible) and social media.

How to prevent your child from missing school

You can help prevent your child missing school by:

To avoid disrupting your child’s education, you should arrange appointments and outings:

You should not expect Yardley Primary School to agree to your child going on holiday during term time.

Please note that where parents fail to ensure their child attends school regularly or take unauthorised leave in term time, legal action, including penalty notices, may be considered.

Reasons for Absence

Every half day absence from school has to be classified by the school (not by the parents/carers) as either AUTHORISED or UNAUTHORISED. This is why information about the cause of each absence is always required.

The authority has listed the following as authorised absence:

 No other reasons are considered proper and a pupil should attend school if these conditions are not met.

 It is the responsibility of the parents/carers to contact school on the first day of absence to provide the reason for absence and on each subsequent day of absence. When school has not been made aware of a reason for a pupil’s absence, a first day call will be made to establish the reason.

Holidays during term time

Term time holidays and leave of absence are not allowed. Parents/carers are strongly discouraged from arranging holidays, here or abroad, or visits to their country of family origin, during term time.

The Local Authority reserves the right, in line with the Birmingham Code of Conduct, to consider issuing Penalty Notices when parents/carers remove their pupils from school during term time without the authorisation of the Headteacher. 

The issuing of a Penalty Notice is considered. Parents will receive a separate Penalty Notice for each child.  

Parents can still make requests for leave of absence during term time for exceptional circumstances only; for pupils in Reception to Year 6. These requests must be made in writing to the school office as soon as possible. However, permission will only ever be granted for exceptional circumstances if deemed appropriate.

Unexpected absence

If a parent/carer fails to provide a reason for absence on the third day, a call will be made to update the situation. If there is no response. the Pastoral Manager, will contact home stating that unless the parent provides a reason for the absence they will be expected to make an appointment to discuss the absence prior to the pupil returning to the school. 

Any pupils that do not return to school after a 5-day period, or that have not returned on the expected date following extended holidays (if there has been no contact / information received from parents/carers), a referral will be made to the Children Missing in Education Team.

If a pupil’s absence raises a significant concern with regards to safeguarding issues, there is involvement with other agencies and/or the pupil has significant needs; the school will conduct a home visit and information will be shared with all appropriate agencies.

FastTrack attendance programme

This is an initiative designed to raise individual and whole school attendance by the use of legal action and it challenges any notion that unauthorised absence is acceptable.

It raises parents/carers’, pupils’ and community awareness of the importance of school attendance, the negative impact of absence, and demonstrates that the Local Authority uses statutory powers to bring about change.

It utilises section 444 of the Education Act 1996 and the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2007.

It aims to use legal action to ensure parents / carers fulfil their legal responsibilities.

Support with school attendance

A child’s school attendance can be affected if there are problems with:

If your child starts missing school, you might not know there is a problem.  If there is a problem, please approach their teacher or the Pastoral Manager.

The Pastoral Manager

The Pastoral Manager, is here to help. Please do not hesitate to contact them for advice or to raise a concern about your child’s absence.

By working closely with parents/carers, it enables all our pupils to remain safe and happy, giving them the best learning opportunity possible.

Please contact the Pastoral Manager through the school office via email on or via telephone on 0121 464 3235 (Monday-Thursday 8.00am-4.30pm, Friday 8.00am-4.00pm).

Inclusive Attendance School

Yardley Primary School is proudly recognised as an Inclusive Attendance school. Our unwavering commitment to attendance centres around child-centric actions, evidence-informed practices, and a shared understanding of everyone's roles and collective responsibilities to promote exceptional attendance.

Yardley Primary School use a three-tiered approach to support pupils and families to ensure attendance is a priority for all and reduce pupils who are at risk of persistent absence. Persistent absence means that your child has not attended school for 10 days or more.

School can support pupils and families with interventions such as, Early Help support and may involve other external agencies – including the Local Authority.  This approach aligns with the Department for Education's (DFE) "Working Together to Improve School Attendance" guidelines. 

Tier 1 - Universal Approach: Establishing a baseline universal attendance approach that benefits all children. 

Tier 2 - Individualised Strategies and Early Help Support: Tailoring strategies to individual needs and providing early help support for persistent attendance challenges.

Tier 3 - Higher Needs Strategies Support: Using specialised support for children, young people, and families with complex attendance needs, including access to external agency support when necessary.

Recognition-Based Approach

Our attendance philosophy is rooted in a recognition-based approach that recognises both personal and collective achievements. This approach serves to stop isolation, prevent victimisation, create positive environments, nurture relationships, foster inclusivity, and ensure that pupils are motivated and engage whilst at school. 

Attendance is part of the school values – ‘Aspire, Inspire and Teamwork’.

Good attendance is recognised and celebrated each half term. The class with the best or most improved attendance for that half term will receive the attendance trophy. 

The Importance of School Attendance

School attendance is not just a legal requirement but an important to secure a good education. Good attendance promotes academic success and personal growth, which will enhance better future prospects, making it an important aspect of any educational system. 

Further guidance

Birmingham City Council provides online information and guidance to parents on school attendance which you can access here.