Year 6 Blog
Year 6 - What's happening this half term (Spring 1st half term)?
15th January 2025 | Posted by Year 6
To all our Year 6 students and families: Welcome back! We hope you had a joyful, restful holiday break. As we embark on the Spring Term, we’re incredibly excited about the engaging learning experiences and activities we have planned.
Reading together, we’ll explore a wide range of captivating extracts, alongside a class novel: Letters from the Light house by Emma Carroll. Inference skills will be finely tuned when analysing texts, in order to prepare us for the future. There will be plenty of time for our ‘reading for pleasure’ slots too, where each child may read a book they have chosen to enjoy by themselves.
Writing sessions will be geared towards understanding our audience, and the purpose of each piece (what we are setting out to achieve e.g. to entertain, discuss or defend). With that in mind, each genre will have two new skills to practise, following their introduction in our G.P.S. (grammar, punctuation and spelling) lessons.
Make learning fun, at home
In this age of smartphones and overuse of technology, take some time away from screens to read a book with your child. This is the most valuable thing you can do to support your child’s education, and has so many wider benefits for both of you.
We will continue where we left off with decimals, then move on to the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages. Area and perimeter will be covered this term, as will a course on statistics. Our planning remains fluid, and will be adapted according to need; we will be sure to revisit any grey areas or gaps, in order for your child to become fluent, and develop confidence with problem solving.
Maths at home
Fluent times tables, out of sequence recall is intrinsic to your child’s success and confidence, as it speeds up the process in every topic we cover. Don’t forget, there are loads of great games on the internet (like Hit the Button and our own Times Tables Rockstars); however a good, old-fashioned song/ game on the bus, or in the car can always embed the knowledge whilst giving you all a few laughs.
Hands on investigations in biology and physics, this term, will enable your child to foster a deeper understanding of the natural world. We will continue with our topic on Evolution and Inheritance then move on to the properties of light, and how we see things.
Computing sessions will begin with a recap on internet safety and best practice followed by a sequence of lessons using Kodu (a coding program). In Design and Technology, we will be studying the properties and benefits of different fabrics, then learning manufacturing techniques to make a final fabric product for a specific purpose. Geography will cover city planning for greener energy. RE and PHSE will involve both study and discussion around the moral maze, including statues (why and how we commemorate things), attitudes towards illness and immunisation, and how we commemorate, celebrate and share family history. Our exploration of all things Spanish will continue, so make sure you ask your child to teach you something new. Hockey is our sport in P.E. this term. This will support the development of our teamwork skills.
Our PE days are as follows:
6F - Monday and Thursday
6H - Tuesday and Friday
6J - Tuesday and Wednesday
6P – Thursday and Friday
On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit. Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here.
Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:
Children do not wear their earrings on the day that they have a P.E. lesson. This is the safest option.
Children have plasters put on at home so that their earrings are already covered for their P.E lesson.
Send plasters in so that their earrings can be covered. Children will need to do this themselves, staff are not able to.
All classes are on X (formerly Twitter) so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.
The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below. You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.
Key Dates:
Maths Workshop – Tuesday 28th January
Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 11th February
RAF Cosford Museum trip – Wednesday 12th February (6P and 6J) / Friday 14th February (6H and 6F)
We look forward to a productive and enjoyable term ahead, enhanced by accelerated learning, development, but most importantly – fantastic memories of your child’s final year in primary school.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
The Y6 Team
Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)!
Don’t forget to follow our classes on X. Click a button below to find your child's class on X.
Class 6F - Autumn 2nd Half Term
19th December 2024 | Posted by Miss Fielding
This half term, I have been impressed with 6F’s resilience and determination while editing and redrafting their writing. They have written two excellent texts- a biography and an instruction text. After writing, they have taken the time to make improvements based on targets from me and Mrs Walker, as well as their peers. Choosing which parts to improve and which they are happy with has shown great decisiveness.
6F have also shown curiosity in our History lessons, as we have been learning about what the Census is and what Historians use it for. Many of the children had interesting questions to ask about the lives of ordinary people in the past.
In our Art topic, children were encouraged to show creativity while creating their own interpretations of different artists’ work. Enthusiasm was important in our P.E. lessons while completing circuit training! Hopefully children have learnt some tricks for looking after their bodies, by staying healthy and active. They also had to trust each other, as some more confident children were able to help the less confident.
My Maths set have completed excellent work on Fractions, Unit of Measure and Decimals. Their positivity when facing new challenges and problems has really helped them and they have all made excellent progress.
Our ambassador theme of the week has been focused on Teamwork this half term. We have discussed how to be a considerate class member by thinking of others, not just our closest friends. While learning our Christmas song ‘Do they know it’s Christmas?’ children have thought about how other children around the country and the world may be living in challenging circumstances.
In R.E., children have learnt about different religions that are celebrated in our country, as well as having a Diwali celebration. More recently we have thought about how Christmas is celebrated both here and in European countries.
As you can see, we have had a very packed half term. The children have worked really hard and deserve a lovely break.
Take care and Happy New Year
Miss Fielding
Class 6H - Autumn 2nd Half Term
19th December 2024 | Posted by Mr Haigh
Aspire (resilience, determination, decisiveness, curiosity)
So, we’ve made it to the end of this term – the last Autumn term at Yardley Primary School. Although this has been another long half term, it has flown by and I can’t believe we’re almost into 2025. I would like to express how well the children have settled into Year 6 and the maturity, resilience and determination they have shown. In Science, we have been learning all about ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. The children have had shown lots of curiosity in this topic and we have had lots of interesting conversations about what we inherit, Charles Darwin and ‘The Theory of Evolution’, and animal adaptations. It has led us to question the features animals and plants have, and how and why these may have evolved.
Inspire (positivity, creativity, enthusiasm, trust)
Our Maths focus has been working with fractions including: equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions, calculating with fractions and converting mixed numbers and improper fractions. There have been many different methods and rules to remember, but the children have demonstrated positivity and enthusiasm throughout. They have also quickly realised how important it is to have sound understanding of times tables, factors and multiples. Please continue to encourage your child to practise their times tables at home.
Teamwork (community, respect, consideration, equality)
In English, we have been reading the fantastic book ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. The children have been enjoying this quirky text and we have used it as a stimulus for our writing, such as writing an instructional text. The children have had to show empathy with the main character and consideration of his feelings and emotions at different points of the story. Breakdancing has been one of units in P.E, where we have had to show great teamwork and respect for each other when putting together routines to perform in front of the rest of the class.
As you can see, we have had a very packed half term. The children have worked really hard, showing their commitment to our school values throughout. The Christmas break is thoroughly deserved.
Have a great Christmas everyone. See you in 2025.
Take care and stay safe.
Mr Haigh.
Class 6J - Autumn 2nd Half Term
19th December 2024 | Posted by Miss Jeynes
Aspire - resilience, determination, decisiveness, curiosity.
What a wonderful, but busy half term we’ve had. The children of 6J have demonstrated high levels of resilience and curiosity during Autumn 2. In our most recent History topic about Census, the children have shown decisiveness by coming to conclusions about how and why women in the early 1800’s did not want to be included on the families census. It was interesting to learn about children in the 1800’s and the different jobs children our age did, rather than going to school. This developed a strong curiosity in the class about what jobs we thought we might be good at, if we were a child then.
In Maths, 6J have demonstrated resilience and determination in fractions and decimals. It has been wonderful to see so many proud and happy faces at the end of every Maths lesson, this half term.
Inspire - Positivity, creativity, enthusiasm, trust
There has been lots of creativity this half term, within Art and D.T. The children were tasked with creating a piece of art based on the work of famous artists, to share a message that is important to them. We used many different techniques from different artists, I was very impressed with the high standard of work. In D.T., we demonstrated trust when making our crumbles, using our chosen fruit and safely using knives to cut the fruit.
In P.E., we pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones in breakdance and boxercise. We worked collaboratively in groups to create a breakdance routine. In boxercise, we have unpicked the different skills needed, especially the energy. We had lots of aching bodies, but lots of enthusiasm, positivity and motivation.
Teamwork – community, respect, consideration, equality.
In English, we have created different pieces of writing, it has been lovely to see respect between the children when reading work and supporting each other's editing process.
In R.E., we have been learning about the different religions around the world. We have been able to learn about the different community within out classroom and have shown respect for different beliefs and celebrations around the world. It was wonderful to see so many children enjoying themselves when learning about Diwali.
The consideration for each other and myself is amazing in 6J. The support and motivation that they give each other is something to be proud of. I am overjoyed with the achievements and progress 6J have made this half term. I am looking forward to progressing through 2025 together.
As you can see, 6J have had a wonderful half term and I am very proud of their achievements.
Have a wonderful holiday, rest, sleep and have fun. I’ll see you in 2025.
Miss Jeynes
Class 6P - Autumn 2nd Half Term
19th December 2024 | Posted by Miss Potter
Aspire – resilience, determination, decisiveness, curiosity.
This half term has been another busy one and the pupils have continued to show resilience and determination in everything they do. I can’t believe that we are coming to the end of 6P’s last Autumn term at Yardley Primary School. In Maths, the children have demonstrated great resilience through their fractions topic – this hasn’t been easy, but I have noticed a huge improvement! It has also helped that so many pupils have been trying to learn their times tables. This really helps all our learning, so please continue to practise them at home. Remember, all pupils have an individual login for Times Tables Rockstars. We have enjoyed showing curiosity in our most recent history topic about the Census. We have been looking at local Census documents from as early as the 1800’s and asking questions about what we can learn from the data.
Inspire – Positivity, creativity, enthusiasm, trust
In P.E. this half term, we have been doing breakdance and boxercise. This has pushed some of our pupils out of their comfort zone, however all pupils demonstrated positivity and enthusiasm in all lessons. Even when we were tired, we continued to push ourselves as it’s important to keep fit and exercise to keep our bodies healthy.
We have also had lots of opportunities to demonstrate our creativity in Art, where we have been studying lots of different artists. We have experimented with different styles of art and finished out topic by creating our very own in the style of our favourite artists. I would love to see 6P continue to experiment with the new skills they have learnt.
Teamwork – community, respect, consideration, equality.
In our R.E. lessons, we have been learning about different religions in the UK. Through our discussions, we have been able to learn about our community and have shown respect for different beliefs and celebrations. We enjoyed learning about Diwali from pupils in our class and sharing in their celebrations.
6P continue to demonstrate consideration and respect for each other daily and I am so proud of how well they have come together as a class and continue to support each other. They have made a superb start to their final year, and I look forward to seeing how well they continue to do next year.
Have a lovely holiday, rest up and I’ll see you all in 2025!
Miss Potter
Year 6 - What's happening this half term (Autumn 2nd half term)?
7th November 2024 | Posted by Year 6
Welcome back to the second half of our Autumn term. We have another exciting term to look forward to, so please read on to find out what we will be getting up to in the run up to Christmas.
In English, we will be coming to the end of Point Blanc and moving on to our next class text, which is ‘Holes’ by Louis Sacher. We will be linking lots of our future writing with the story and will be completing speaking and listening activities to support our writing and embedding some of our newly learnt GPS skills.
In addition, our reading lessons will continue where we will analyse and engage with a variety of short texts and extracts to continue to develop our reading skills. We will continue to focus on retrieval and understanding of vocabulary.
In Maths, we will still be using our place value knowledge but linking it with the four operations and written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will be practising the long methods for multiplication and division and applying these to problems and worded questions. In addition to this, we will begin working through the fractions, decimals and percentages element of the Maths curriculum. To help with this, please continue to practise your times tables at home. Remember you can use Times Tables Rock Stars to help you.
In Science, our new topic will be Evolution and Inheritance, where we will study how animals and humans have evolved over time. We will be looking at inheritance and genes and how we inherit features from our family members. We will be studying Charles Darwin and the research he conducted into evolution.
As part of our foundation topics, we will have a special 'Artist in Residence' workshop to look forward to, as well as beginning a new D&T topic on designing and making a seasonal fruit crumble.
In P.E., our focus will be breakdancing and boxercise. We will be learning new moves and then working collaboratively to create routines in dance. In boxercise we will be focusing on cardio exercise, getting our bodies moving and hearts beating to keep fit. This will be lots of shorter, but more intense exercises.
On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit. Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here.
Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:
Children do not wear their earrings on the day that they have a P.E. lesson. This is the safest option.
Children have plasters put on at home so that their earrings are already covered for their P.E lesson.
Send plasters in so that their earrings can be covered. Children will need to do this themselves, staff are not able to.
Outdoor Learning will also be continuing this half term. As we now have waterproof trousers and coats, children are expected to still wear their school uniform, but will require a pair of wellies.
To support your child at home, please remember to read regularly, listening to your child where possible and enjoying a book together. It would also help if you could record in the planner and use this a tool for communication with the class teacher.
All classes are on X (formerly Twitter) so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.
The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below. You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.
We also encourage the use of websites such as Times Table Rockstars.
Yardley Fundraisers (our PTFA) will be holding a Winter Disco for Years 5 and 6 on the following date:
Monday 2nd December 2024 / 5.30pm to 6.45pm
Click here for further information and how to book.
Please remember we are also here at the end of the day if you wish to discuss anything with us.
Thank you for your support.
Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)!
Don’t forget to follow our classes on X. Click a button below to find your child's class on X.
Class 6F - Autumn 1st Half Term
25th October 2024 | Posted by Miss Fielding
What an excellent start to Year 6. 6F have settled in well and have produced some wonderful work.
In Maths, children are split into sets, and have been focused on Place Value and the Four Operations. This has included the skills of long multiplication and long division. We focus on Arithmetic skills at the start of each lesson, before moving on to new skills, reasoning and problem solving.
In English, our work has been based on Point Blanc. Children have produced some excellent pieces of writing, including a persuasive text and an informal message. We have really focused on the correct level of formality and considering the audience at all times. Our GPS sessions have focused on correct use of capital letters and full stops, passive and active voice, and semi colons.
We have read extracts from various texts in Reading, and have worked on different reading skills such as inference and summarising. We also use these texts to introduce and imbed new vocabulary.
In Geography, we have learnt about population , and what affects this, including climate change, migration and other factors. Children completed field work involving recording the number of vehicles which pass through the local area, and have produced a detailed report.
In Art, children learnt about a Mexican artist, and the technique of Chiaroscuro. They produced a beautiful piece of artwork based on something they feel strongly about.
An excellent start to Year 6!
Class 6H - Autumn 1st Half Term
25th October 2024 | Posted by Mr Haigh
We’ve finally reached the end of Autumn 1. A long half term, but we can now look forward to the break.
I just want to start saying how impressed I have been with the maturity and focus all the children have shown since our return, and how caring and supportive they have been of each other.
We’ve been working incredibly hard and the children have adapted well to the increasing level of pace and challenge as the term has progressed.
In our English lessons, we have been reading the excellent ‘Point Blanc’ by Anthony Horowitz (the follow up to ‘Stormbreaker’ which they enjoyed in Year 5). We have used the text as our stimulus for writing. We have also been focusing on extending our understanding of new vocabulary, as well as developing our comprehension retrieval and summarising skills.
In Maths we have been working on Place Value, as well as written methods for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. The children have remembered lots of the knowledge and understanding gained from previous year groups and have applied this well during lessons. However, times table fluency is a key target area for all children to focus on throughout the rest of this year.
We have been learning all about the human body in our Science lessons. We have learned about the functions of the heart, blood, water and the circulatory system - learning the names of different parts and the role each one plays. We have also considered living a healthy lifestyle, including the impact of diet, exercise, alcohol and drugs on our physical and mental health.
In Art, we have been ‘Making My Voice’ by using mixed media and a range of techniques to create powerful artwork with a message.
In Geography, we have been looking at populations around the world and the push and pull factors which encourage migration. We have also been looking at climate change and how we have impacted on it.
Have a well-deserved rest everyone.
Mr Haigh
Class 6J - Autumn 1st Half Term
25th October 2024 | Posted by Miss Jeynes
What a fantastic start to year 6 we’ve had.
We started off the half term getting to know each other and setting expectations to create a safe learning environment.
In English we have unpicked WAGOLLs, up levelled WABOLLs and developed our writing by adding expanded noun phrases, contractions, passive voice and parenthesis. We have created many different pieces of writing: informal text, persuasive text, comparing and contrasting poetry and a biography. It has been a real pleasure to witness the creative flow that has developed in the classroom.
In Maths, we have focused on place value and addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have developed an understanding on different methods to solve problems and which methods work best for us. The children showed great amounts of resilience and perseverance.
In Reading, we have read a variety of different texts. Predicting what we think the text is about from a title, clarifying lots of new and unfamiliar vocabulary, answering many different styles of questions and summarising the key points of the text. We have made links to other areas of learning like poetry, Black History month and the wider curriculum.
In Science, we have developed an understanding of the circulatory system, focusing on the heart. We learnt about the function of the heart, the different chambers and the valves needed to transport blood around the body. This was then developed when we dissected a heart ourselves. We have investigated why our heart rate is higher after exercise. The children can confidently explain the different components of blood and what the job of each component is.
In PE, we worked together in team building and developed our knowledge in gymnastics.
In PSHE, the children have looked at stereotypes, the affect stereotypes have and how to resolve conflict.
In Computing, we started by furthering our understanding of digital safety and progressed into spreadsheets, where we challenged ourselves to use different formulas to gain answers.
In Geography, we have developed our understanding of population and how population can increase and decrease and the different things that effect the increases and decreases.
In Spanish, we recapped the vocabulary that we ended year 5 on and have learnt about the different types of weather. We enjoyed carrying out a listening task, where we had to select the correct weather – we were super!
In Art, we have looked at Ancient Maya and the different symbolic images they use in their culture. We have explored effects with tools, understanding and applying chiaroscuro, and creating symbolic and expressive drawings.
I am looking forward to the next half term, where we will develop our learning, understanding and knowledge further.
Class 6P - Autumn 1st Half Term
25th October 2024 | Posted by Miss Potter
What a great start to the year 6P have made! I have been really impressed with their resilience and maturity when tackling new challenges and meeting the new expectations of year 6.
In English, we have been revisiting all KS2 learning around Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, as well as learning some new skills, such as passive voice. The children have worked hard to include all of these skills when writing poetry, persuasive texts, character descriptions and a biography. In Reading, we are really enjoying Point Blanc, which is the sequel to the year 5 text, Stormbreaker. We are developing our predicting and summarising skills, as well as clarifying new and unfamiliar vocabulary.
In Maths, we have focused on place value and the four operations. We have revisited long multiplication and short division and finished the term off by learning the new skill of long division. We are getting the hang of this, but do need to remember to practise our times tables so that we are fluent!
In Science, we have studied the human body, looking in particular at the heart and the circulatory system. We are able to describe how the heart is made up and how it works. We really enjoyed investigating why the heart beats faster when we have exercised. In addition to this, we made ‘blood’ to help us learn the four main components and their jobs. We finished the topic off by dissecting a heart, which helped really secure our understanding. I was really impressed with the children’s curiosity and maturity.
In our foundation subjects, we have been looking at Art and Geography. I am really impressed with the children’s creativity when studying Mayan Art and using the skill of chiaroscuro. In Geography, we studied birth and death rate and how population can affect climate change. We saw this in action on our own local area walk, where we counted the number of cars that pass our school.
It has been a really busy term and I’m sure you are all looking forward to a well-deserved rest. Thank you 6P for your continued hard work and to parents for your support.
Have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing you all in Autumn 2.
Year 6 - What's happening this half term (Autumn 1st half term)?
12th September 2024 | Posted by Year 6
Welcome back to all our new, year 6 pupils. We hope you had a wonderful summer and a well-deserved break. We are very much looking forward to getting to know you this half term and working together over the next year. We have an exciting curriculum to teach this year and lots to look forward to. Please read on to find out what we are going to get up to this half term.
In English, we will be reading ‘Point Blanc’ by Anthony Horowitz. This follows on from the Year 5 text, ‘Stormbreaker’. We will analysing the text, the characters and comparing the story to similar texts. We will also use this text as a stimulus for writing and our writing will focus on narratives, report writing and descriptive writing. Alongside this, we will have daily GPS lessons, which will focus on grammar, punctuation and spelling needed for the writing.
In Maths, we will focus on place value and the four operations. Children will practise their basic skills and number knowledge to secure their understanding. There will also be a focus on fluency in arithmetic and times tables.
In Science, our new topic will be ‘Animals, including Humans’. This topic focuses on the human body, the heart and keeping healthy. There will be opportunities for investigative work and group work.
We have begun our Art topic 'Make My Voice Heard', looking at expressive drawing techniques. We have begun our topic by looking at Mayan art. There will be opportunities to practise the skills shown in this style of art and create our own in the same style.
P.E. this half term is team building and street dance. On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit. Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too if necessary.
Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:
Children do not wear their earrings on the day that they have a P.E. lesson. This is the safest option.
Children have plasters put on at home so that their earrings are already covered for their P.E lesson.
Send plasters in so that their earrings can be covered. Children will need to do this themselves, staff are not able to.
Outdoor Learning will also be continuing this year.
Pupils do not need to wear different clothing for Outdoor Learning sessions. They must come to school in normal uniform (or P.E. kit if they have P.E. that day).
All pupils are provided with outdoor learning clothing to cover their own clothing. This is put on in school before the session starts and removed after the session ends.
Please, as soon as possible, send in a pair of wellies which will be kept in school. Please label each boot with your child’s name.
To support your child at home, please remember to read regularly, listening to your child where possible and enjoying a book together. It would also help if you could record in the planner and use this a tool for communication with the class teacher.
All classes are on X (formerly Twitter) so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.
The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download soon using the button below. You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.
We also encourage the use of websites such as Times Table Rockstars.
Please remember we are also here at the end of the day if you wish to discuss anything with us.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you.
Year 6 Team
Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)!
Don’t forget to follow our classes on X. Click a button below to find your child's class on X.
Class 6H - Summer 2nd Half Term
18th July 2024 | Posted by Mr Haigh
So, here we are, the end of Year 6 and the children’s time at Yardley Primary School. I can’t believe how fast the year has gone.
It’s always an emotional time for the children with mixed feelings of both sadness and excitement. However, I am fully confident that each one of them is ready and prepared to start secondary school.
Summer 2 is always a fun term where, as well as continuing with regular lessons, we focus on making happy memories and the transition to secondary school. The children have enjoyed extra play, a trip to the local park, a picnic on the school field, a graduation ceremony, a leavers’ disco and of course our end of year performance. The children worked incredibly hard putting the show together. They have made me so proud with their motivation, confidence and enthusiasm.
It is with sadness that I say goodbye to this class. They have been an absolute pleasure to teach. They are fun, hardworking, kind, caring and supportive of each other. They have all grown in maturity and have made great progress. They have coped well with the pressures of SATs and all their hard work has been reflected in the great results achieved this year. I am so proud of all them and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them all.
I would also like to say thank you to all the parents and carers for their support and understanding throughout the year. It makes such a difference and I am always grateful.
Good luck in September 6H – not that you will need it. I will miss you all.
Have a great Summer break everyone!
Class 6L - Summer 2nd Half Term
18th July 2024 | Posted by Mr Lloyd
What a great year we’ve had together in 6L!
We have made many memories throughout the year that I hope you will remember for years to come.
Together with 6H, we have thrown ourselves into rehearsing our end of year production ‘I’m An 11-Year-Old, Get Me Out Of Here. Mr Haigh and I have been very impressed with the hard work and dedication many of you have shown towards learning and delivering your lines.
We have also enjoyed a fantastic residential at the Frank Chapman Centre, taking part in activities such as abseiling, high-ropes and team building. We have rounded off our year with a trip to Oaklands Park, a Leavers’ Disco and our graduation ceremony.
I hope you will remember your time at Yardley Primary School, and the year we have spent together as fondly as I will.
I would like to wish all of our Year 6 pupils the very best of luck as they begin their next chapter and start secondary school in September.
It has been a pleasure to teach 6L this year and I hope many of you will come back and let me know how you’re doing in the future.
Have a wonderful summer!
Mr Lloyd
Class 6P - Summer 2nd Half Term
18th July 2024 | Posted by Miss Potter
I can’t believe we are at the end of your final year of Yardley Primary School. What a busy and exciting year it has been. We finished the year off this half term with a fun residential, photography in Art and several epic performances of I’m an 11-year old get me out of here. The children worked hard to develop their singing skills and acting talents and I know that everyone who watched it thoroughly enjoyed it.
I was blown away in our Art lessons by the skills demonstrated when taking photographs and editing them. The children enjoyed exploring Macro photography and took some beautiful photographs around the garden area.
I would just to like to end by saying how proud I am of you and how sad I am to see you go. What a year it has been! You have been incredible and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you. You have worked incredibly hard and I know you will all continue to achieve even more in the future. Thank you for being hardworking, funny, resilient, and so much more - you are all truly wonderful. I can’t wait to hear all about your next adventure at secondary school; they are lucky to have you. Have a well-deserved summer break and please come back and see us!
From Miss Potter
Class 6W - Summer 2nd Half Term
18th July 2024 | Posted by Mrs Wainwright
It is the end of Year 6 already and it has sped past. Pupils have worked incredibly hard and should be very proud of themselves.
During History, we have looked many different sources of information to learn about how World War 2 changed the lives of the people of Britain: from the children who were evacuated to the women who changed their roles in society.
Our Art topic has also been an interesting topic, looking at photography and the use of digital images. We have tried macro photography, by taking pictures very close up to objects and enlarging them. We have used digital images effectively to create our own album covers. We also have had a go at recreating a famous painting, combining our photography and painting skills.
Pupils have had the opportunity to visit their secondary schools and discuss changes to their school days. During PSHE, we have considered changes to their bodies as well as thinking about the different responsibilities we may have at secondary school and future career plans.
Everyone worked extremely hard on the Leavers’ production, learning their lines and songs as well as polishing some acting skills. Some of the tunes are going to stay with me for quite a while! They are also looking forward to other special events such as the Leavers’ disco and park visit.
I wish 6W lots of success as they move onto their secondary schools and hope we get some sunshine to enjoy the rest of the summer.
Year 6 - What's happening this half term (Summer 2nd half term)?
4th June 2024 | Posted by Year 6
We hope you have had a wonderful break and a well-deserved rest. What a fantastic and hardworking year we’ve had so far. We cannot wait to see what our final half term will bring.
We are beginning preparations for our end of year performance, holding auditions at the end of last half term. We look forward to perfecting our performances in Summer 2 and welcoming parents and carers to come and watch towards the end of the term. We shall spend lots of time rehearsing and we ask you kindly to help your children learn their lines and the song lyrics whilst at home.
The pupils have learnt so many brilliant grammar, punctuation and spelling skills this year, in which we look forward to seeing displayed confidently in their written work. The pupils have made us proud with their fantastic knowledge pre-SATs, which we’re sure will be shown in their imaginative writing going forward.
In Maths, we’re going to continue consolidating the children’s knowledge and skills in preparation for Year 7.
Our next class text will be ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare and we will be having many discussions based upon this brilliant text. The pupils will also continue to engage with a wide-range of other texts, such as poems and non-fiction texts.
In Science, we will be continuing our work on ‘Living things and their habitats’. We will be learning about animals and plants and how they survive in their environments.
In addition to the above, we will be starting a new History topic – World War 2. We will be learning about the impact of the war on Britain, as well as learning about key people and events. We also be visiting RAF Cosford for our school trip.
In PE, we will focus on Football and Basketball. The pupils will focus primarily on playing as part of a team and working together effectively. The pupils already know lots of the rules for these topics, so we’re looking forward to seeing many confident players in competitive games!
On the days of P.E. lessons or after school sports clubs, pupils should come to school in their P.E. kit. Details of kit required for P.E. can be found here. Please ensure that they still have a warm, waterproof coat for lunch and play times on these days too if necessary.
Please remember, if your child wears earrings, there are three options on P.E. days:
Children do not wear their earrings on the day that they have a P.E. lesson. This is the safest option.
Children have plasters put on at home so that their earrings are already covered for their P.E lesson.
Send plasters in so that their earrings can be covered. Children will need to do this themselves, staff are not able to.
In Computing, we shall be making websites on ‘Sway’. During the latter part of the previous half term, the pupils were able to explore Sway and have already showcased their fantastic understanding. We look forward to seeing their further progress during our last half term with the current Y6. We are sure their hobbies and interests will be portrayed during the design process!
To support your child at home, please remember to read regularly, listening to your child where possible and enjoying a book together. It would also help if you could record in the planner and use this a tool for communication with the class teacher.
All classes are on Twitter so please do follow us for updates - use the buttons below.
The latest 'Learning At Home’ pack will be available to download this week using the button below. You can also visit our Learning Hub using the button below.
We also encourage the use of websites such as Times Table Rockstars.
Please remember that in warmer weather, ensure children put sun cream on before school, have a water bottle with them every day and a sun hat if possible.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 6 Team.
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